Moultrie Mobile

Hunting on an oak/mast ridge. Saw this guy dogging does in the woods when he eventually broke off a bit closer to me. I grunted when he started to walk off. He stopped, but wouldn't come in. I snort wheezed and he started making a nasty scrape. He eventually circled around trying to wind me. At one point it looked like he would booger....but slow he walked in to my shooting lane broad side. Got the whole thing on video.

Details about Tony Felich 's hunt

Hunt Details

Date Killed - 11/08/2017
State - Mo
County - Davies
Time of Day - Morning
Sex - M
Whitetail Deer

Equipment Details

Bow Make/Model - Hoyt Nitrum 30
Broadhead - Killzone
Arrow - Carbon/Graphite

Recovery Details

Recovery Details

  • Sitka Gear