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Camp Hale Nat'l Monument?
Contributors to this thread:
azelkhntr 27-Aug-22
PECO2 28-Aug-22
Paul@thefort 29-Aug-22
Glunt@work 29-Aug-22
>>>---WW----> 29-Aug-22
JohnMC 29-Aug-22
azelkhntr 29-Aug-22
Quinn @work 29-Aug-22
Paul@thefort 29-Aug-22
azelkhntr 29-Aug-22
PECO2 30-Aug-22
azelkhntr 30-Aug-22
PECO2 30-Aug-22
PECO2 30-Aug-22
Quinn @work 30-Aug-22
Paul@thefort 01-Sep-22
azelkhntr 01-Sep-22
RT 18-Oct-22
Sofia 22-Jun-23
Sofia 22-Jun-23
From: azelkhntr
How about just a nice information kiosk along side the road? How much land do the Vail elites need? Pure land grab, for them.

From: PECO2
What's going on there?

From: Paul@thefort
I was able to find this. Looks like good protection for Camp Hale, Story follows.

State and U.S. government officials visited Camp Hale last Tuesday, Aug. 16 and heard from supporters of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation & Economy (CORE) Act, who are seeking for the site to be protected federally.

The site is the last publicly accessible World War II post where 10th Mountain Division soldiers trained. Today it attracts tourists with educational and recreational opportunities like camping, snowmobiling and backcountry skiing.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary John Vilsack toured the area on an invitation from Sen. Michael Bennet. The two were joined by Sen. John Hickenlooper, Colorado Representative Joe Neguse and Gov. Jared Polis, who stuck around the area after the event for a meet-and-greet at Lake County Elementary School.

The CORE Act, introduced in the Senate by Bennet in February of last year, aims to protect more than 400,000 acres of public land in Colorado. It would recognize Camp Hale as a historic national landscape and establish permanent protections for nearly 100,000 acres of wilderness, recreation and conservation areas in the White River National Forest along Colorado’s Continental Divide, among other measures.

Since the bill is stalled in the Senate, CORE supporters are suggesting that President Joe Biden use executive powers and recognize the site as a national monument instead. Whether it’s by the legislative or executive route, the goal is increased protections and funding.

If Camp Hale were named a designated monument, the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) could more easily receive federal funding, which could go toward improving historic educational signs and interpretation around the site, said 10th Mountain Division Foundation President Nancy Kramer.

The foundation works with USFS and the National Forest Foundation to maintain the site and fund these educational signs and infrastructure like tables, said Kramer.

David Boyd, public information officer with the White River National Forest, said USFS hopes to see the site protected while also finding a balance between ecological and historic preservation.

One goal is to restore Eagle River to its natural meandering state while also retaining the ditching created during World War II. “There’s differences of opinion, obviously, on that,” said Kramer.

Some people are more willing than others to consider the river’s ecological needs and compromise, and it’s hard to figure out where to draw the line between environmental and historical priorities. But, she said, there are still those willing to try and satisfy both needs.

Kramer is hoping that a completed historical designation through the CORE Act or national monument declaration would reignite these efforts and bring stakeholders together to craft a robust management plan.

Government officials left the event with a renewed sense of vigor toward preserving the site. Secretary Vilsack said he’d talk with the president about protecting lands mentioned in the CORE Act as soon as possible.

Though the CORE Act is stalled, Bennet wants to keep pushing it through, especially after more than a decade of effort toward it.

“Years ago, veterans of the 10th Mountain Division came to see me to discuss protecting Camp Hale, which led to us drafting a National Historic Landscape proposal under the CORE Act,” Bennet wrote in a statement to the Herald.

“The story of Camp Hale and the soldiers who trained there as military climbers and skiers and later came back to Colorado to help start the outdoor recreation economy embodies the spirit of our state,” he continued. “I was grateful for the opportunity to visit Camp Hale again last week, and I’ll continue to do everything I can to protect this special place and its history.”

From: Glunt@work
Protect it from what? Went many CBA Jamborees there.

Didn't the CBA abandon the Camp Hale jamboree site because of supposed Un exploded ordinance in the area? Or was that just a farce? I'd sure as heck father camp in the trees at Camp Hale than out on the sagebrush flats where they presently hold the jamboree !

From: JohnMC
WW you can do either at current location. In the tree or on the flats. Both are an option.

From: azelkhntr

From: Quinn @work
^^^ Wow asshntr......putting down Americans who served our country because of their battle history? You really are a piece of $%^& and confirm it most every time you post.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Blll, you state "Just a farce!" Many organizations like the CBA used Camp Hale for jamborees, etc. Long after a few live ordinances were found and the north area was restricted from use, the remaining part of Camp Hale was still used for many years. When the pine bark beetle killed so many trees, there was a fire danger and from falling trees, the USFS placed Camp Hale off limits for all camping use.

The CBA held its Jamboree just down the road for two years and then searched for a better spot. The USFS was hard to work with and demanded many regulations and permits and $$$$. Thus the search for a possible private location, thus the one they now have near Twin Lakes. One can camp out in the open or in the trees as one wishes. Bill, you should give it a try again.

From: azelkhntr
From: Quinn @work29-Aug-22 ^^^ Wow asshntr......putting down Americans who served our country because of their battle history? You really are a piece of $%^& and confirm it most every time you post.<<< Yeah that was bad. I apologize to all who unfortunately read it and to the 10th. Mtn. Div. and their memory.

From: PECO2
So what does Vail have to do with this?

From: azelkhntr
^^^^ They want to create a nat'l monument between hiways 24 and I-70. NM's come with a lot of access and activity restrictions. Its a huge land grab.

From: PECO2
"They" being Vail? I don't see anywhere where Vail has anything to do with this or how they will benefit.

From: PECO2
I know the area well, I lived in Leadville while working on Vail ski resort for 3 years, drove by Camp Hale twice a day, 4 days a week. It was a beautiful drive, but gets old after a few years.

From: Quinn @work

Is this your first asshntr thread? He's always posting BS, but this time added in insulting American's who served our country.

From: Paul@thefort

2018 Vail news paper. More on the history of Camp Hale and Vail

Everybody thinks they know the story of Camp Hale – Colorado’s World War II era high-altitude army training camp located between Red Cliff and Leadville – and the illustrious 10th Mountain Division soldiers that trained there. The tale, as it’s usually told, goes something like this: In 1942, the sounds of war echoed at the headwaters of the Eagle River, and the U.S. Army needed to train troops for combat in mountainous, and possibly snowy terrain. So the government appropriated 2.4 square miles of scrubland between Minturn and Leadville from ranchers, built a small city of barracks, a shooting range, and even a gymnasium, as would be needed for a peak population of 10,000 elite soldiers (including Vail founder Pete Seibert) that would end up training in the area between 1942 and 1945.

Now here’s the bit that’s lost on most people: Two summers later, after 10th Mountain Division troops had been shipped out – and went on to play important roles in combat in Italy’s Apennine Mountains, giving name to several future Vail ski runs in the process (Riva Ridge, Avanti) – the dismantling of Camp Hale began. Long after the barracks were razed to their foundations, after undetonated munitions were located and carefully carted away, one major environmental legacy of the war-era site endured. The Eagle River, which once meandered lazily through the valley’s wetlands, had been yoked into a straight-as-an-arrow ditch to accommodate the city streets of Camp Hale. Nearly eight decades later, it yearns to flow free.

If advocates have their say, the river likely won’t stay in its aquatic straight-jacket forever. A stakeholder process convened several years ago has coalesced around a vision of a wetlands restoration project along the Eagle River with recognition of the historical legacy of Camp Hale. Existing recreational uses are to be maintained. The U.S. Forest Service, which was deeded the property by the Department of Defense in 1966, launched an environmental review of the plans in 2015. However, nothing on the ground is likely to happen until 2018.

Lee Rimel helped forge the vision. A former real estate agent in Vail, he owns two backcountry cabins above Camp Hale, both located on the 10th Mountain Division Trail between Vail and Aspen. As an avid outdoorsman, he wanted to protect recreational uses around the Camp Hale area, while also was restoring the site’s condition to the natural environment known by both homsteaders to the area and Native Americans before them. “History happened long before 1942, when the U.S. government acquired Camp Hale, and that needs to be respected,” he says, adding that those wetlands will benefit both people and wildlife, and this process “presents a unique opportunity to accomplish that.”

Much dirt must be moved before that goal can be met, including land around the rifle range, and then there’s still the issue of possible remaining ordnance on the land – although the Army Corps of Engineers has worked previously to find long-lost explosives. Along with relocating the land and clearing forgotten artillery, there’s other more logistical hurdles that need to be cleared, such as funding. The U.S. Forest Service and the non-profit National Forest Foundation, which convened the stakeholder process, have committed to $5 million altogether, but the project will take at least $10 million, says Marcus Selig, of the National Forest Foundation. Another potential revenue stream could be sale of credits created by the wetlands restoration to offset impacts to wetlands elsewhere, possibly at the nearby Climax Mine.

The plan calls for maintaining existing uses, as the area already sees a hefty amount of visitors vying to recreate and work on the Camp Hale surrounds. From a private parcel, Vail Valley based Nova Guides leads snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle excursions into the surrounding mountains. Backcountry skiers use the valley for access to several mountain-top huts linked by the 10th Mountain Trail. And for decades, Sam and Cheri Robinson have grazed sheep, starting in June and working their way up the mountain as melting snow gives way to succulent grasses.

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, a Democrat from Colorado, envisions congressional designation of Camp Hale and surrounding lands as the nation’s first National Historic Landscape. The vision is much the same as that of the stakeholder group of which Rimel is a part, one that honors the area’s war-time history with interpretative and educational elements, while maintaining recreational use. The idea—not yet introduced as legislation—would also broaden the area’s environmental protections by precluding future mining and large-scale timber-harvesting operations on surrounding slopes. The proposed designation might also make access to federal funding easier for river restoration and other projects, and could be seen as a catalyst for new wilderness designations in Colorado.

Among those interested in the proposed Camp Hale designation and restoration project is Vail’s Kerry Donovan — a former town councilwoman and now a Colorado state senator — who’s acutely aware of the natural and historical significance of the area. Her grandfather, William Bird Mounsey, was a young man from Minnesota when the war broke out, “He knew how to ski, and the Army was looking for anyone who could ski and instruct in winter survival,” she says.

The first skiing soldiers were sent to Camp Lewis, at the foot of Mount Rainier, near Seattle, until Colorado was chosen for Camp Hale, and Donovan’s mother, then a baby, and her grandmother moved to Glenwood Springs to be relatively close. Despite his skiing expertise, Donovan’s grandfather was sent to fight in the South Pacific, and although he rarely talked about combat when he returned home, he used his skills as an outdoorsman — partly due to his time at Camp Hale — to found a wilderness education school. His love of the outdoors was passed on to his daughter, Diane, Kerry’s mother, who had a discernible environmental bent as an elected official in Vail. That’s the way Kerry was reared, too, “My childhood experience was getting kicked out of the door in the morning and not allowed back in until late in the afternoon,” she says.

With locals like Donovan on its side, Camp Hale and its surrounds might once again be home to a unique national site that’s the first of its kind — a designation that permanently remembers the area’s historical background, while looking ahead to its environmental future.

From: azelkhntr
This once great nation is in the grips of an inflationary fueled recession and on the verge of a full-on long-term depression and this is what politicians in CO are focused on? But hey, we gotta get o'biden a win somewhere. Insane.

From: RT
I just called and verified that any outdoor recreation prior to NM designation is still in effect.

From: Sofia
I study at the University of Colorado, and I often use services: which help me to finish successfully my exams.

From: Sofia
I study at the University of Colorado, and I often use services: which help me to finish successfully my exams.

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