Moultrie Mobile
2019-20 Hunting Season
Contributors to this thread:
Swampbuck 24-Jan-20
kent 26-Jan-20
KleinVictor 15-Feb-20
JL 16-Feb-20
Swampbuck 04-Jul-20
Swampbuck 04-Jul-20
Swampbuck 04-Jul-20
Swampbuck 04-Jul-20
EMB 07-Jul-20
Up-A-Tree 11-Jul-20
itshot 11-Jul-20
JL 11-Jul-20
Lawdog 13-Jul-20
From: Swampbuck
Well, how did everyone do this past season? This forum has been really quiet except for those damn spam threads.

I had a decent season. Took several hogs (there’s no shortage of those things in my neck of the woods). Also got lucky enough to take one of our best deer that we had on camera this year. There’s definitely something to be said about letting them go and grow. Had him on camera last season but he needed at least 1 or 2 years. Well this was the year.

My best friend got a shot at him early in the season. He hit him high, but thought maybe he got at least 1 lung. He looked for the next several days, even chasing after circling buzzards. No luck, he was pretty sick about it. 2 weeks later after pulling cards from the cameras and going through them, there he was! He was ecstatic, called me up and said, “When are you getting up here? He’s still alive!” Needless to say I was there 2 days later. Now we have pictures of him at 2 different stands, but mostly at 1. I hate over hunting a spot but my buddy kept pressuring me to stick it out. He wasn’t really hunting that deer anymore because he ended up taking another really nice 8pt. Although I know he would have tried if he walked in by him.

So, after hunting the same stand 5 sits, I said to him,” I think I’m gonna sit the other stand where we got him on camera.” His response right away was,” Just hunt that stand, I’m telling you he’s going to come in there, he was in there the day before you got here.” I was a little leery about blowing him out of there, but the does we’re showing up every sit, so against my better judgment I sat there again for the afternoon hunt. After getting in there and settled in, about a hour goes by and the does come in with a few smaller bucks showing off. I had about 1 1/2 hours left before dark and started thinking I should have sat in the other stand.

No sooner than finishing that thought the does stare in the direction they came from and the young bucks trotted off. I could see a big bodied deer coming in on the trail, but couldn’t see the rack. While the does were distracted I stood up grabbed my bow and got ready just in case.

It was him!! Holy Sh!t!! I might actually get a shot at this guy I thought as the fever started up. Walking in he’s licking the wind looking for a date. My knees were shaking, heck my whole body was. I closed my eyes, took some deep breaths and calmed down some what. He walked by at 15yrd turned and I stopped him at 20 quartering away. When the arrow hit him he dropped in his tracks. I use Vortex’s for deer hunting so I figured I spined him, hit the artery and top of the lungs. There was a lot of blood pouring out. I sat down to regain my composure, when he started trying to get up. I lowered my bow down, climbed down and finish him with another arrow as quickly as possible. I’m happy I did listen to my friend after all.

Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully y’all had a great season too. Thanks for letting me share this long winded story. J

From: kent
Great hunt Swamp thanks for sharing the story. I'm finally settled in to our hose in Florida Bay county and have been fortunate enough to get on a brand new lease this spring. They have given us permission to set up feeders and cameras so we are working towards that. Seems we have a lot of bear activity but some good deer as well. Almost all the set up chores at the house are complete so I can spend some time in the woods----Yes this site is slow as I come from CT. If you go there is a lot of nonsense--- Anyway Thanks for sharing the story !!!!!---Kent

From: KleinVictor
I traveled to Florida specially for this. But I wasn't lucky, to be honest, just got a few hogs, but there were apparently more than enough of them in the area I hit, so I can't be too proud of my feat.

From: JL
Aside from the one my bud got below, my nephew got a smaller buck. I'm currently working on trying to get a hog on the local WMA.

From: Swampbuck

Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Swampbuck's embedded Photo
It’s been awfully quiet on FLs site, thought I would share my mount of the buck I got last October

From: Swampbuck

Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Swampbuck's embedded Photo

From: Swampbuck

Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Swampbuck's embedded Photo

From: Swampbuck

Swampbuck's embedded Photo
Swampbuck's embedded Photo

From: EMB
This forum has been quiet, and it shouldn't be. I took a nice pig last year but no deer. I saw a lot of deer, but I either passed or didn't have a shot. On to next year.

I've drawn a few hunts including a couple of places I've never been-Lower Suwannee and St. Marks. I ordered and received the topo maps for Suwannee. I'm waiting on maps for St. Marks. I plan on scouting each one once I review the maps and find a place to start. Should be fun. Anyone hunt there?

From: Up-A-Tree

Up-A-Tree's Link

From: itshot
great deer swampbuck!

emb, scout south end, off gate 10....all the way to gulf, plan on couple days, if gate closed plan on extra day, good luck...plenty of game, lower suwannee that is

From: JL
Nice deer! I was trying to get a hog in Tiger Bay and no luck.

From: Lawdog
Thanks itshot. I'm pouring over the topos now. I'd planned on that part of Lower Suwannee but thought about going from around Gate 10 (or at a point northeast from there) north to the river. Still a lot of territory to cover, and I like to get way out of the way. Thanks again.

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