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Oklahoma Big Game Slam?
Contributors to this thread:
Lost Arra 14-May-20
Wan2bMountainman 14-May-20
Lost Arra 15-May-20
Wan2bMountainman 16-May-20
MichaelArnette 14-Jun-20
From: Lost Arra
Did anyone see the article about the guy who killed a bull elk, mule deer buck, whitetail buck, pronghorn buck and bear with a bow in one season in Oklahoma? The logistics of that season had to be tough. I watched his video and while it was a bit long it had some beautiful video of the state. Also, I never felt he was trying to sell me anything except the great state of Oklahoma.

Do u have a link to the video? I would like to see it!

From: Lost Arra

Lost Arra's Link
I hope this works.

Thanks! I enjoyed that.

Pretty cool! All but whitetail and maybe bear realistically require good access to private land. Good for him!

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