Sitka Gear
Good Bye!
Yukon Territories
Contributors to this thread:
Annony Mouse 30-May-20
Rupe 31-May-20
Woods Walker 31-May-20
Rupe 01-Jun-20
Mike the Carpenter 01-Jun-20
Shaft2Long 25-Dec-20
From: Annony Mouse
The underground CF will no longer use this forum. We have our own site and no longer will use this space.

It's been fun to have continued a CF lite here, but it's time to go to a space where we can discuss politics, enjoy humor and share our ideas and solutions to non-hunting problems. We now have our own virtual campfire where friends can come and go without erratic censorship.

As Doug Adams once wrote in the H2G2 series: So long and thanks for the fish...

From: Rupe
Registering tomorrow.

From: Woods Walker
Farewell to you all, and I wish you all the best. As much I enjoyed the old CF and the continued contact we've maintained here and via email, I'm not paying for it. Good luck and good hunting!

From: Rupe
I’ll still lurk here. Sad to see how things have become.

See you there.

From: Shaft2Long
What are you missing?

  • Sitka Gear