onX Maps
WMA Schneewind (Waconia)
Contributors to this thread:
MN_Bow_Hunter_1980 23-Sep-20
Mnhunter1980 23-Sep-20
MN_Bow_Hunter_1980 23-Sep-20
Djl 25-Sep-20
MN_Bow_Hunter_1980 27-Sep-20
I am not going to hold my breath on the MN thread but has anyone tried bowhunting at the WMA Schneewind just south of Waconia? If so are the conditions rather wet out there?

From: Mnhunter1980
Waiting....... :) I’ve never hunted anywhere close to there. But I do know you can get light weight hip boots on amazon for cheap ;)

Thanks Jeff (I think you're Jeff). I didn't expect the flood gates to open with responses. I just moved out to Waconia and thought I would "lob an arrow" :) and see if anyone was in range.

From: Djl
My guess is it is dry. I have land west 1/2 hr from there and it is so dry I can't even duck hunt the lake my land is on.

I heard ducking hunting was pretty good this weekend for MN hunters. I usually go to Bowstring but didn't this year. Went Grouse hunting up by Cook. The grouse cooperated for the most part.

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