Bucks' Status
Contributors to this thread:
Bandicooter 11-Oct-20
fishfry 15-Oct-20
Stringdoc 19-Oct-20
Dobyns 24-Oct-20
Stickbndr 29-Oct-20
Dobyns 03-Nov-20
From: Bandicooter
Saw two bucks chasing a doe on Friday evening and one harassing a doe this evening in my back yard. Seems a little early for that.

From: fishfry
Seeing the same in Bath

From: Stringdoc
Been in stand a few times this year....haven't seen a dagum thing in stand but my trail cams still showing bucks together in bachelor groups. However, if you subscribe to Charlie Altsheimer research on rut activity and moon phases it says that the rut will happen a little earlier this year, so perhaps the chasing phase is already on! Good luck guys!

From: Dobyns
I checked my cameras and definitely had a small rack buck chasing does October 7, but not since. The bucks are moving singly, and I've found some scrapes, and this is in Patrick County, not far out of Mount Airy, NC.

From: Stickbndr
Had a buck bumping a doe on the 16th in Bath and then one on the 26th & 27th in Surry and Charles City. Scrapes pretty much everywhere I've been

From: Dobyns
I'm seeing more and different bucks on my cameras, and not just at night.

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