Moultrie Mobile
Sandhills food plot
Contributors to this thread:
Bearhunt1 03-Mar-21
Elkfun12 09-Mar-21
Beav 24-Apr-22
Shawn 27-Apr-22
From: Bearhunt1
Just bought some acres over by Valentine. Got Sandy country with good cover but would like to put in some food plots. Some land above canyon in the flats some down in flat by river. Wanting to grow a good fall attractant (duh) but also something that keeps herd healthy spring and summer also. Any input

From: Elkfun12
Oh man I'm looking at buying some land soon to just hang by on. I've been looking at Arizona and looking at what I could plant there that might work with little to no rain. I'll give you my best plants that I've found so far that might work in your area depending on the rain. Perennial I would say chicory, sainfoin and ladlak alfalfa work great for dryland farming so those would work for you. Annuals you would have better choices. In arizona they have a bean called the tapary bean which they say is the most drought tolerant plant they know of. It will grow in any weather after it sprouts even zero moisture. Then you could do rye grain. That stuff will grow on concrete. Some brassicas are good after they get established. Ground hog radish comes to mind. I could be wrong.

From: Beav
Rye may be an option. It grows about anywhere and will pull deer in. Also in the spring turkeys love it. I always have a plot or two planted with rye.

From: Shawn
Rye ecsp in the bottom, plant late like early sept, maybe a bit earlier. Winter wheat may grow too. Shawn

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