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2021 Not Looking Good - Drought?
Contributors to this thread:
JMG 04-Jun-21
Pop-r 04-Jun-21
JMG 15-Jun-21
sbschindler 17-Jun-21
sbschindler 02-Jul-21
Missouribreaks 07-Jul-21
sbschindler 23-Jul-21
SmokedTrout 24-Jul-21
Zombie Killer 26-Jul-21
Rickm 26-Jul-21
JMG 27-Jul-21
Zombie Killer 27-Jul-21
SmokedTrout 29-Jul-21
hoyt-6190 29-Jul-21
Zombie Killer 01-Aug-21
SmokedTrout 02-Aug-21
hoyt-6190 02-Aug-21
sbschindler 02-Aug-21
SmokedTrout 02-Aug-21
Papa John 03-Aug-21
From: JMG
Can you believe it, June 3rd and already approaching 100 degrees in many areas of Montana. Sorry to say, but it's not looking good for the upcoming hunting season(s). May have to start thinking of hunting whatever water holes may be available in September/October. I hope I'm wrong ... but wow!

From: Pop-r
Ya it's bad! About 2.5" behind for the year so far I believe. The guys who make money on fires are smacking their jaws!

From: JMG
At least two wild fire going now ... south of Red Lodge and one east of Townsend (Deep Creek area). Today in Billings is predicted to be 107, yesterday was 104. Wow ... that is hot this early in the Summer. We typically don't get these temps, until late July or August. I really pray we get some much need precipitation. A good slow rain, none of these thunderstorms dropping a whole lot of rain in a very short time (and no hail).

From: sbschindler
2 fires on the CMR just east of hiway 191 east of Fred Robinson

From: sbschindler
Drought is persistent and very hard core here in eastern Mt, there are a few oasis and some green in a few spots but over all its not only bad but real bad

The drought and grasshoppers should make it easier for the American Prairie Reserve(APR) to expand their real estate holdings. Pretty tough on the ranchers and farmers. This will allow more area for the buffalo to roam, and the eastern expansion of wolves and Griz into the new wilderness areas.

From: sbschindler
Big Fire on south side of Breaks HD 700 near Devils Creek

From: SmokedTrout
An engine crew was badly burned in that fire. Hoping for the best for those folks.

This summer sucks.

It hit 121 degrees in British Columbia a few weeks ago and 114 in Portland, OR. Siberian forest is on fire just like ours.

From: Rickm
I hope you get some rain soon. We are under water in Ohio and PA. Wish I could send some. I was hoping to be In Landusky this fall but the draw gods had different plans.

Good luck this season!

From: JMG
Conditions being what they are ... sure makes you think if State Officials will delay opening of archery season until things improve.

For you "out-of-staters"; you might start thinking about planning your archery hunt later into the archery season, because of the potential to delay (potentially cancel) opening of archery season. The State of Montana did delay the season opener several years ago. Conditions now are worse than that year IMO.

There is the possibility that public lands will not even be open for recreation including hunting. That has happened and this is by far the worst fire season at this point on the calendar that has ever happened.

From: SmokedTrout
I agree, I am worried bow season will be delayed or public lands will be closed. Everything in the western part of the state is already in Stage II restrictions, they really don't want any more human caused fires. The next step is closing public lands.

From: hoyt-6190
I would have a hard time seeing them delay the season. Wouldn't that have to go through the commission? People are just going to have to be careful and camp with no campfires and watch where those ATV's, vehicles and motorcycles are parked.

The most likely scenario is the National Forests exclude recreation. Maybe BLM too? I can't remember if BLM did it too back when this happened last time. Unfortunately, this fire season is worse all around the norther hemisphere.

From: SmokedTrout
Stimson has closed all of their lands, effective today.

From: hoyt-6190
What is Stimson?

From: sbschindler
Stimson is a big lumber Co.

From: SmokedTrout
They own a lot of timbered or partially timbered land in western MT, some of which is pretty good hunting. They used to be Plum Creek, and before that Champion. Their lands are generally open to the public for recreation.

Getting pretty good rain here right now! Hope the lightning stays away.

From: Papa John
Fires, fires, fires........... more land closures in N.W. Has happened before and they managed to reopen before season, but who knows. https://hungryhorsenews.com/news/2021/jul/30/stoltze-others-close-lands-public-use/?fbclid=IwAR3GLEAC77hD4vkRX3EiRij13gfA-POWlvM4lA2ei_iPlPJgUDA1aFXIYS8

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