Moultrie Mobile
That guy with that question we all hate
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Shaft2Long 31-Aug-21
From: Shaft2Long
I live in NM and am needing to start branching out for my hunting addiction due to NM tag stinginess and bias against solo hunters.

Anyways, if we’re looking at say, Packsaddle or Black Kettle for a whitetail bow hunt and the off chance shot at a hog, what would be the preference? Some other place? I’m all ears. If you’d like to PM all info will be strictly confidential. I’m of course willing to swap info for elk or anything else.

I’ll be hunting solo, camping out of the truck. For what I’ve read I can do that pretty much unrestricted on WMA’s.

Looking at 1st week of Oct. I know that’s not even close to prime time but it’s what works for me time wise.

I know these questions always cause people to roll their eyes, I do it too. But, it’s worth a shot and I’ll still working on info, game warden calls and OnX to try and narrow things down.

Thank you.

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