Sitka Gear
Border Units
New Mexico
Contributors to this thread:
Oryx35 09-Jan-22
HDE 09-Jan-22
mrelite 10-Jan-22
Oryx35 10-Jan-22
smarba 11-Jan-22
Oryx35 11-Jan-22
BillL 11-Jan-22
smarba 12-Jan-22
Oryx35 12-Jan-22
Shaft2Long 12-Jan-22
mrelite 12-Jan-22
Beendare 26-Jan-22
BBB 27-Jan-22
mrelite 27-Jan-22
Beendare 27-Jan-22
frito 14-Feb-22
From: Oryx35
I'm not sure what caused this sub-forum to die, but I'm sitting at home bored so I'll throw out a question. Has anyone hunted the border units recently? Have you seen a significant change in illegal activity and/or border patrol activity over the last 5 years?

Between deer and javelina, I hunted unit 26 yearly from 2014 to 2018. In that time, we saw all kinds of border patrol activity: helicopters, atvs, trucks, sensing units, etc. We saw signs of illegal activity, but never actually encountered anyone. I always carried, but felt perfectly safe. In the last couple of weeks I've heard about some tense situations, including an armed standoff, during the unit 27 deer hunts. Anyone have any recent experience?

I've got a javelina tag, and was planning to take my 4 year old son down for the archery hunt. He's gotten pretty good at sitting quite and still in the backpack while I shoot. That's currently on hold since my hunting partner has covid, and my one year old is sick (also likely covid), but we're still hoping to make it out before the end of the month.

From: HDE
The closest I've come to border unit hunting recently is off range last March.

Didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but that was before the "surge" at the border.

From: mrelite
I hadn't heard of anything but I would definitely like to hear a few more details about that encounter.

From: Oryx35
It's second hand information, but relayed through a reliable source. My hunting partner's buddies spent a week in the Pelloncillos for a Couse hunt. They claimed to have only seen one border patrol agent, and 70-90 illegals, some of which were clearly traffickers. I don't have any details on the standoff.

Their experience is a big departure from anything I've personally seen, but it's in line with stories I've heard out of southern Arizona for at least a decade. Plus my experience predates the recent surge. Hence the curiosity in what others are seeing.

From: smarba
A friend gave up on 27 a couple of years ago because he said he didn't feel safe down there, but I don't know details or where he actually was hunting. Probably 15 years ago I hunted a border unit in AZ and glassed illegals every day and guys in lines carrying backpacks. Friends hunting nearby saw guys carrying big bales, had cell service and called Border Patrol and choppers swooped in for drug bust, burned big pile of bales of pot. I can't imagine how bad it must be now.

But first hand in southern NM, no idea. Very cools you can hunt with your son, that's great! I have taken my daughter afield since she was 11-months old starting with turkey hunting. She'll be graduating from high school this year and has matured into an avid, successful huntress. Savor the time with your son and enjoy the challenge of hunting with a kiddo in tow!

From: Oryx35
Carl, thanks for the input. It's hard to believe your daughter will be graduating high school this year. I remember some of the stories and pictures of her in the early years with her stuffed animal. You all had some good times. That's for sure.

From: BillL
Haven't been down there for a few years. I got worried about my truck getting stolen and could never wrangle my wife into playing taxi driver.

From: smarba
No kidding Oryx35! Time flies indeed, savor every day with your kids and family.

From: Oryx35
I'm certainly trying to savor it all!

From: Shaft2Long
I quit hunting south if I-10 5 or 6 years ago. Last trip was stopped by border patrol twice. 1st stop, 2 other units were called in and I was thoroughly vetted. Second time guy was dragging a road to make it easier to spot new tracks. Agent was pretty shocked I would be there by myself with no firearm back up. Was also very surprised my truck was still functional when I returned to it. He strongly suggested I stay north as far as hwy 9. However there were major pickup points and stash spots all over that entire area all the way to the road that goes behind the Dairy Queen at Gage.

That same trip somebody cranked off shots right out side my tent DEEP down in there around 2 in the morning. I’ll admit, I was completely terrified. They had to have been on foot. No way somebody could’ve have driven in without me hearing. Two track was way too nasty.

Lack of agents is not surprising now that we’ve got massive concentrations of “climate refugees” and asylum seekers closer to points of entry that need to be processed and given bus and airline itinerary. It’s all hands on deck in those areas. People out side of that, crossing illegally, trying to be undetected, I would assume to be the more dangerous and less desirable. Whatever happens, I would not trust law enforcement, under this regime, to be on your side in regards to any act of self defense related to this future crop of social safety net recipients and leftist voting block.

From: mrelite
Well, I will soon see the situation first hand, I'll just pretend I am in grizzly country!

From: Beendare
I'm hunting a ranch thats in Az in the SE corner just a little north of the border. We talked to a buddy of the rancher John Ladd and if you google him there was a recent article on Zero Hedge about his ordeals. Its ugly. He started putting cell phone cams on his ranch and treated up with the county sheriff and they have apprehended something like 30 really bad news Cartel guys.

He was saying the cartel controls the coyotes. Someone comes to them and pays $2000 to go across and they get the high traffic routes. They bring their drugs and the high dollar guys through stealthier routes like these ranches.

Is a friggin mess that this president isn't doing anything.....

From: BBB
WOW! This president should be in a nursing home and I feel terrible that his family is allowing him to go through his term in office. If Biden is the frying pan, Kamala is the fire.

From: mrelite
It's just like you might see in a movie about drug trafficking, I saw 7 dudes with packs and I saw some of the armed spotters with radios. Talked to a BP agent and he said it is crazy down here, constant flow and fight, he said there were cartel spotters all over the place which makes it really hard for a handful of agents to catch them.

Deer hunt was sad in deer sightings, I did find some in one area but it was too late in the game.

From: Beendare
Its a shit show down there. Report a couple months ago in Texas they confiscated something like 3000 pounds of fentanyl, enough to kill everyone in the United States.

The current administration looks at these immigrants as potential Democratic voters so they do nothing.

The border wall panels are sitting there all bought and paid for. Biden refuses to put them in so the state of Texas was going to put them in on their own dime but then Biden blocked them.

It seems to me this administration is about as anti-American as it gets.

From: frito
i hunted there in 27 and 26 for almost 11 years in a row up to 2020 for javelina mostly south of lordsburg if you want give me a call at 1 505 565 5165 in the evening if possible

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