Moultrie Mobile
HB 1112 Crossbows
South Dakota
Contributors to this thread:
Driver 28-Jan-22
grizzly63 28-Jan-22
Out-there 02-Feb-22
grizzly63 02-Feb-22
SteveD 10-Feb-22
grizzly63 11-Feb-22
grizzly63 12-Feb-22
Driver 13-Feb-22
DR 14-Feb-22
grizzly63 15-Feb-22
grizzly63 16-Feb-22
DR 22-Feb-22
grizzly63 23-Feb-22
DR 23-Feb-22
grizzly63 24-Feb-22
DR 24-Feb-22
From: Driver
The crossbow crowd is at it again in our current legislative session. This well financed group is trying to sneak crossguns into the general season by allowing 65 and older to use this handicap weapon. If they want to use these weapons they can get a free form from gfp and have their dr sign it. We've already allowed these things in rifle season and lowered the minimum # to 30# Please contact your representatives and let them know we don't need to make more concessions to the AMO who are only interested in money and don't care about the negative affects it will have to our state. Ps I'm over 65 and will never use a crossbow as long as I have the use of both arms.

From: grizzly63
I don't think I have shared this with you folks but after seeing too many pictures of hunters in South Dakota with their crossbow kill pics, I questioned the GFP on why crossbows dont have to follow the same legal equipment requirements of archery. The answer I got was basically, well, they can use that stuff in rifle season with a crossbow so we figured it would be OK in archery season as well. Would that be admitting they are more like rifles? Please send your thoughts to your legislators. I have sent many and have only received two responses. I brought it up at our local club and one of the shooters replied ' I have some information from John Mills I'm supposed to share with you guys. Mills was the sponsor last year and his name is on it again this year. I told the member that he doesn't understand what is going to happen but I seem to get this "oh well" attitude. Wonder what he will think in ten years? If memory serves me well, Pete Shepley of PSE archery lamented one time that selling crossbows hurts his business. People buy a crossbow, sight it in and hunt with it. Put it away til next year cause you dont have to practice. No need to buy a replacement very often. In my opinion more archers will become "crossgun" hunters and not need to buy archery equipment. States like Wisconsin are proving this. Running wildlife departments by elected officials versus trained wildlife biologist is not very wise.

From: Out-there
I don't like the idea at all, but can't think of a good opposing point to tell my elected officials. Any ideas ? I don't want to make it sound like I'm against Senior Hunters.

From: grizzly63
1.Anyone who truly cant shoot a regular bow can already get a crossbow permit regardless of their age. Visit their doctor and see the GFP. 2. They are not bows 3. This is just the foot in the door to full inclusion. It will be harder to draw already hard to draw elk tags. It will turn archery licenses into quota draw tags. I saw an add today for a double barreled pneumatic arrow gun. Is that a bow? It shoots an arrow and is more efficient providing a better rate of success. Lets keep the line where it is. Over half the existing archers will switch to crossbows after a few years if full inclusion occurs.

From: SteveD
Good luck keeping that shoulder fired device out of the bowhunting season. Seniors my aching you know what.Just another whine to get it legal, age should never be a factor. Toughen up people, respect the sport and yourself if you can comprehend that.

From: grizzly63
The sponsor of the bill indicated to me that their are 1000 permits out there now and in a round about way indicated that a lot of people are lying about it and this will keep them from doing that. I suggested the TIPS program was for that. Unfortunately, I get this attitude of acceptance because its going to come anyway? Those same people will cry later.

From: grizzly63
It would be interesting if someone that testifies asks the legislator that shot two mountable bucks last year with his new crossbow if he did the same thing again this year and if so, what will that do our archery seasons? I cannot remember which person it was.

From: Driver
The prime sponcer of this bill states he has been using a crossbow for the last 3 seasons because of an alleged shoulder injury and has only been able to harvest 1 deer in that time. I guess even with an unfair advantage he's not much of a hunter. He also calls people against his bill greedy slobs. People in his district need to primary him out.

From: DR
Grizzly63, That was Tim Goodwin. He's actually my legislator and I've been working on him. He says he's voting against it this year for all the reasons I gave him. For anyone in this thread that is NOT a member of SDBI, PLEASE JOIN! We are the primary ones fighting this and other technology incursion to our archery seasons. The Committee will be voting on it tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday the 15th) I'll be there and so will a few other SDBI members in opposition. Many others have already sent in their comments and will be calling/zooming in to testify against tomorrow. This is totally unnecessary legislation.

From: grizzly63
It appears to have been passed off to the 41st day which is usually the death knell but I think they did that last year and then revived it later. Hope that doesn't happen this year. We can all be assured it will be back next year. Were going to have to keep fighting it every year.

From: grizzly63
Just listened to the testimony, good job guys, very powerful.

From: DR
Grizzly63, It was a different scenario last year. It was voted on but 2 legislators were not in attendance so neither side had the requisite 7 votes to kill or pass. It was voted on again the following week. Lots of intrigue to last year.

This year it was 7-6 to kill. Another very close vote and tough fight. Killed/passed to 41st day with 40 days of legislative session 9-3. Glad you listened to the testimony. I've told everyone without a heart condition to take an hour, sit down with a beverage and listen. We need to keep working, some just want them no matter the implication.

From: grizzly63
I have asked the GFP law enforcement man how to petition the commission to make the definition of a crossbow used in archery season to more closely resemble the archery equipment regulations. Waiting on a response. I personally do not care what they use for crossbows in firearms season but when in archery seasons, there should be a few more limitations. No scopes or no magnification scopes. No built in electronic range finders etc. I do not have problems with people who legitimately need to use a crossbow in archery seasons, just the equipment they are using. Should designated shooters for blind people be able to use fully automatics weapons for a better sensory experience ? Hunters with disabilities in Muzzy season be able to use center-fire rifles? Ok, I'm done for now.

From: DR
Grizzly, Not sure name with this handle. Are you an SDBI member? We just had our convention Saturday in SF. During the general membership meeting. The general subject was talked about and members motioned, discussed, voted and passed that we will be working on a petition or possibly to get someone to sponsor legislation (depending on applicability) to adjust the definition of crossbow and where they are allowed. Many have brought up the disparity with having scopes on crossbows and allowing them in archery season, even with handicap permit. I spoke to one member who also asked CO about scopes in archery. Was told something to the effect that well, that's how they sell them and they are legal during rifle season. Lots of disparity there.

From: grizzly63
Yes, I am a member of SDBI. I sent GFP an email asking for how to petition for changes to crossbow equipment regulations on crossbows used during "archery" seasons. I sent this email on the 17th. I saw the email of the meeting minutes when it arrived so I will patiently wait for the outcome of SDBI petition before working at it any further. I do not expect a return email from the GFP anytime soon. I do respect them and they have a very tough job. They have to navigate people that have deep convictions of the way things should be. They work long hours and are not compensated at a level they should be.

From: DR
Awesome, glad you are a member! I'm the one who sends out all the e-mails so if you ever get an answer or have any further thoughts, send them to the [email protected] address. We are having the GFP SDBI hospitality night next Thursday evening at the Governor's Inn in Pierre. If you are close and can make that it would be awesome. I'll be there and try and discuss that line of questioning with some staff/commissioners and see what they say is the best/legal course of action for that administrative rule or law to change.

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