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Whitetail Buck Photos
Contributors to this thread:
Whitney 15-Sep-22
Whitney 15-Sep-22
ultimag 06-Nov-22
From: Whitney

Whitney's embedded Photo
Whitney's embedded Photo
I took these photos north of town yesterday. It would lead someone to believe that the whitetails are doing well, but that is not the case. There were 6 bucks and a doe and a pair of fawns in these fields. I've been checking 4 other farms that I hunt and haven't seen a deer on any of them...not one! In these area in the past there were Muleys everywhere and a very strong population of whitetails. Driving at dusk or after dark I would constantly be dodging deer. In the 17 mile drive home at dusk I never saw a deer... Something is going on..Drought? EHD? Hunting pressure? Probably a combination of all 3. Yet, the F&G saw it fit to increase the antlerless whitetail tags in this area to 4 per person this year.. Money hungry bureaucrats!!!

From: Whitney

Whitney's embedded Photo
Whitney's embedded Photo

From: ultimag
you forgot. habitat loss and predators as far as the increase in tags at least they held it to 4 at one time you could get 7 per hunter Montana fish & wild life is gonna do what Greg &Hank say or they will suddenly find them selves out of a job has already happened to several fwp employees because they disagreed with Hank , Greg and moga

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