Mathews Inc.
Held Hostage
New York
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8point 03-Nov-22
From: 8point
I wonder if any of you suffered the fate I did last Thursday. The day started slow, but by 8:30 deer started moving. My target 8 point followed some does into an acre sized patch of goldenrod. The does left, and a 5 point, and 7 point showed up. The 7 point was clearly ready for the rut and with a swelled neck, and ears laid back, he set the 8 point back on his heals. The three danced around the goldenrod for a bit, but soon started toward my stand. The 8 point came head on to within 24 yds without offering a shot. To my chagrin, the 3 of them bedded down. I couldn't see the 7 point which was 35 yds out, and the 5 point bedded in the open at 30 yds. I could vaguely see the 8 point and he took about every sleeping position possible. This went on for 6 hours during which time I stood, sat, and even sneezed once. Finally, a couple of does came by which caused the 3 buck to get up and go to investigate them. I didn't want to do anything to tip them off to my location while they were bedded, and I never had a shot. Maddening

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