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Contributors to this thread:
be still 28-Jan-23
crestedbutte 28-Jan-23
crestedbutte 28-Jan-23
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sitO 28-Jan-23
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Westksbowhunter 28-Jan-23
cherney12 28-Jan-23
ksq232 28-Jan-23
crestedbutte 28-Jan-23
Kansasclipper 28-Jan-23
be still 28-Jan-23
ksq232 28-Jan-23
sitO 29-Jan-23
ksq232 29-Jan-23
Kansasclipper 29-Jan-23
crestedbutte 30-Jan-23
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ksq232 31-Jan-23
kscowboy 31-Jan-23
kscowboy 31-Jan-23
ksq232 31-Jan-23
ksq232 31-Jan-23
Westksbowhunter 31-Jan-23
be still 31-Jan-23
ksq232 31-Jan-23
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ksq232 31-Jan-23
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Westksbowhunter 01-Feb-23
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sitO 01-Feb-23
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ksq232 01-Feb-23
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ksq232 01-Feb-23
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ksq232 01-Feb-23
sitO 04-Feb-23
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ksq232 04-Feb-23
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KB 04-Feb-23
t-roy 04-Feb-23
ksq232 04-Feb-23
sitO 04-Feb-23
Westksbowhunter 05-Feb-23
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cherney12 05-Feb-23
cherney12 05-Feb-23
cherney12 05-Feb-23
ksq232 05-Feb-23
Durk 05-Feb-23
ksq232 05-Feb-23
Westksbowhunter 05-Feb-23
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sitO 05-Feb-23
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t-roy 06-Feb-23
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sitO 06-Feb-23
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ksq232 06-Feb-23
ksq232 06-Feb-23
crestedbutte 07-Feb-23
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ksq232 07-Feb-23
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One Arrow 07-Feb-23
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One Arrow 08-Feb-23
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ksq232 08-Feb-23
ksq232 08-Feb-23
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One Arrow 08-Feb-23
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cherney12 08-Feb-23
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be still 08-Feb-23
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sitO 09-Feb-23
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ksq232 11-Feb-23
Westksbowhunter 11-Feb-23
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Quailhunter 14-Feb-23
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Catscratch 17-Feb-23
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Kansasclipper 18-Feb-23
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Two dogs mobile 21-Feb-23
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ksq232 21-Feb-23
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crestedbutte 28-Feb-23
sitO 28-Feb-23
crestedbutte 28-Feb-23
sitO 28-Feb-23
sitO 28-Feb-23
ksq232 28-Feb-23
be still 01-Mar-23
KSNimrod 01-Mar-23
KB 01-Mar-23
ksq232 01-Mar-23
crestedbutte 01-Mar-23
sitO 01-Mar-23
Catscratch 01-Mar-23
KB 01-Mar-23
sitO 01-Mar-23
be still 01-Mar-23
ksq232 01-Mar-23
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ksq232 01-Mar-23
kscowboy 01-Mar-23
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sitO 01-Mar-23
ksq232 01-Mar-23
sitO 01-Mar-23
sitO 01-Mar-23
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ksq232 01-Mar-23
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ksq232 02-Mar-23
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ksq232 02-Mar-23
be still 02-Mar-23
ksq232 02-Mar-23
be still 02-Mar-23
crestedbutte 03-Mar-23
cherney12 03-Mar-23
sitO 03-Mar-23
ksq232 03-Mar-23
ksq232 04-Mar-23
ksq232 04-Mar-23
ksq232 04-Mar-23
ksq232 04-Mar-23
be still 04-Mar-23
Catscratch 05-Mar-23
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ksq232 05-Mar-23
ksq232 05-Mar-23
ksq232 05-Mar-23
be still 05-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 05-Mar-23
crestedbutte 06-Mar-23
be still 06-Mar-23
sitO 06-Mar-23
sitO 06-Mar-23
ksq232 06-Mar-23
crestedbutte 06-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
sitO 07-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 07-Mar-23
sitO 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
sitO 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
sitO 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
sitO 07-Mar-23
ksq232 07-Mar-23
EmbryOklahoma 08-Mar-23
ksq232 08-Mar-23
sitO 09-Mar-23
KB 09-Mar-23
kscowboy 09-Mar-23
sitO 09-Mar-23
ksq232 09-Mar-23
crestedbutte 09-Mar-23
crestedbutte 09-Mar-23
cherney12 09-Mar-23
be still 09-Mar-23
sitO 09-Mar-23
crestedbutte 10-Mar-23
kscowboy 10-Mar-23
ksq232 10-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 10-Mar-23
ksq232 10-Mar-23
ksq232 10-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 10-Mar-23
ksq232 11-Mar-23
cherney12 11-Mar-23
ksq232 12-Mar-23
be still 31-Mar-23
Dale06 31-Mar-23
sitO 31-Mar-23
ksq232 31-Mar-23
Kansasclipper 31-Mar-23
be still 31-Mar-23
sitO 31-Mar-23
be still 31-Mar-23
t-roy 01-Apr-23
Kansasclipper 01-Apr-23
cherney12 01-Apr-23
Kansasclipper 02-Apr-23
cherney12 02-Apr-23
cherney12 02-Apr-23
Kansasclipper 02-Apr-23
crestedbutte 02-Apr-23
cherney12 02-Apr-23
ksq232 02-Apr-23
sitO 02-Apr-23
ksq232 02-Apr-23
sitO 02-Apr-23
sitO 02-Apr-23
crestedbutte 02-Apr-23
sitO 02-Apr-23
ksq232 02-Apr-23
crestedbutte 02-Apr-23
sitO 02-Apr-23
be still 02-Apr-23
ksq232 02-Apr-23
Catscratch 02-Apr-23
One Arrow 02-Apr-23
Kansasclipper 02-Apr-23
cherney12 03-Apr-23
sitO 05-Apr-23
cherney12 05-Apr-23
ksq232 05-Apr-23
Kansasclipper 05-Apr-23
crestedbutte 05-Apr-23
cherney12 10-Apr-23
sitO 15-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
sitO 19-Apr-23
sitO 19-Apr-23
crestedbutte 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
cherney12 19-Apr-23
cherney12 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
sitO 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
sitO 19-Apr-23
cherney12 19-Apr-23
cherney12 19-Apr-23
ksq232 19-Apr-23
cherney12 20-Apr-23
cherney12 20-Apr-23
ksq232 20-Apr-23
cherney12 20-Apr-23
sitO 20-Apr-23
ksq232 20-Apr-23
sitO 03-May-23
kscowboy 04-May-23
Westksbowhunter 04-May-23
crestedbutte 12-May-23
ksq232 15-May-23
sitO 15-May-23
Westksbowhunter 16-May-23
ksq232 16-May-23
sitO 16-May-23
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ksq232 16-May-23
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Two dogs mobile 30-May-23
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ksq232 30-May-23
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be still 13-Jun-23
sitO 13-Jun-23
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crestedbutte 15-Jun-23
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ksq232 15-Jun-23
sitO 15-Jun-23
Catscratch 17-Jun-23
sitO 17-Jun-23
ksq232 17-Jun-23
ksq232 04-Jul-23
KB 04-Jul-23
be still 04-Jul-23
ksq232 04-Jul-23
be still 04-Jul-23
crestedbutte 04-Jul-23
ksq232 06-Jul-23
crestedbutte 07-Jul-23
sitO 07-Jul-23
ksq232 07-Jul-23
ksq232 07-Jul-23
crestedbutte 07-Jul-23
sitO 09-Jul-23
be still 09-Jul-23
sitO 09-Jul-23
be still 09-Jul-23
ksq232 09-Jul-23
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ksq232 09-Jul-23
sitO 09-Jul-23
ksq232 09-Jul-23
Catscratch 09-Jul-23
be still 09-Jul-23
ksq232 09-Jul-23
be still 09-Jul-23
ksq232 10-Jul-23
Catscratch 10-Jul-23
sitO 10-Jul-23
Bwhnt 10-Jul-23
ksq232 10-Jul-23
sitO 25-Jul-23
ksq232 26-Jul-23
Dale06 26-Jul-23
Ksgobbler 26-Jul-23
KB 26-Jul-23
Ksgobbler 26-Jul-23
Ksgobbler 27-Jul-23
Ksgobbler 04-Aug-23
ksq232 12-Aug-23
Westksbowhunter 13-Aug-23
ksq232 13-Aug-23
Westksbowhunter 13-Aug-23
be still 13-Aug-23
Westksbowhunter 13-Aug-23
be still 13-Aug-23
Westksbowhunter 14-Aug-23
crestedbutte 14-Aug-23
sitO 16-Sep-23
ksq232 16-Sep-23
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ksq232 11-Oct-23
ksq232 11-Oct-23
cherney12 11-Oct-23
Ksgobbler 11-Oct-23
ksq232 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
Ksgobbler 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
ksq232 11-Oct-23
cherney12 11-Oct-23
ksq232 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
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be still 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
Ksgobbler 11-Oct-23
ksq232 11-Oct-23
sitO 11-Oct-23
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cherney12 12-Oct-23
cherney12 12-Oct-23
cherney12 12-Oct-23
ksq232 12-Oct-23
sitO 12-Oct-23
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Kansasclipper 12-Oct-23
sitO 16-Oct-23
be still 17-Oct-23
Ksgobbler 29-Oct-23
sitO 29-Oct-23
sitO 29-Oct-23
sitO 30-Oct-23
sitO 07-Nov-23
be still 22-Nov-23
Kansasclipper 22-Nov-23
sitO 06-Jan-24
Kansasclipper 06-Jan-24
ksq232 06-Jan-24
sitO 06-Jan-24
From: be still
The Cats looking really good so far at the half. I think the coach is doing a better job than Drew.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
The King said to…so OU did so….by halftime!
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
The King said to…so OU did so….by halftime!
I’ll just move this over here then. Yep….had to kick the big dog off the porch!

From: crestedbutte

From: be still
Nice defense and switch JW.

How about when a team holds the other team to half a hundred though…for the whole game.

I’m still a Baylor fan by the way. Just saying I like how the Cats are playing now.

I got to give to ya though…the Sooners represented well today.

From: sitO
lol finally won a game.

Will it be KU or UK now...who can cheat harder?

From: be still
Usually he’s cheating when his face is red and it’s already there.

Good first half for the Jayhawks. I like the line up with Rice and Udeh. Both are athletes. He tried playing to little point guards again early, and it failed miserably. I don't understand why Bill wants to double up on the teams weakness, which is point guard. It may look good in practice against walk-ons but it won't be successful in the Big 12 or good non conference teams. Hope he gives Udeh and Rice plenty of minutes in the second half.

From: cherney12
Gutsy performance. Nice job by Self whether they win or not.

From: ksq232
Big 12 kicked tail today

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
Final standing of series.

Good win. Udeh getting minutes will pay dividends in the second half of the season. He's athletic with length.

From: be still
Yep that was fun but now it’s back to beating each other up. I would love to be able to attend Tuesdays game up there.

From: ksq232
I agree completely Clip and West.

From: sitO
You realize those are the same guy right James ;?)

From: ksq232
Lol, what??? I very rarely look at names behind the curtain…. :-)

Depends if I'm logged in under bowsite or the leatherwall. Happened to Shawn as well. One day I couldn't log into the leatherwall and had to create a new profile.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
Final record of each Big 12 team during the 10 yr. Big12/SEC series. Bears, Sooners, Cowboys, Red Raiders way to pull your weight. Rest of ya…well ;?)

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Cowboy, any word about injuries? I saw TCU will be playing tonight. Without Miles, I’m guessing they will fall apart from here on out. He’s that good.

From: kscowboy
Miles is out for a couple of weeks. Eddie Lampkin has a torn Achilles. That’s a lot of production from those two, especially with Miles being a likely 1st rounder. Jamie Dixon put together a heck of a squad for this year but the loss of these two will be tough and felt.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
TCU got a tough draw next year!

From: ksq232
Too many fouls!!! This is gonna be a 3 hour game — let the kids play. Yuck!

Too many fouls would be the fault of the players not the officials. If they don't call them you will have a melee like 2020. Good win by KU, but Kstate looked unmotivated. Not much hustle by the Cats. Still wish Bill Self would not have called that timeout at Manhattan. I think it probably cost KU the game, and the losses following.

From: be still
Being aggressive is usually a sign of motivation. The refs early on clearly let everyone know that they wasn’t going to let the Cats play. I’m not one that usually whines about the refs but it was a joke early in the game.

After that though the Cats had their chances but didn’t play well. I’m not impressed at all by that win.

From: ksq232
Didn’t think you would be Calhoun……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Not as impressive as an overtime win I guess. Jalen Wilson has scored 133 in the last five games. KU bench contributed big time — that has been a detriment all season. Every KU player that saw the floor scored. But none of that is impressive I guess. Oh one more thing, State scored 31 from the free throw line and attempted more free throws than KU.

From: be still
Should’ve scored 51 from the line. It’s alright though cause everybody knows who the real team is in Kansas now. When people out of state think basketball in Kansas they’re automatically going to think K-State.

From: ksq232
Whatever you say Calhoun……………..…… I can see how you might be confused though being from Texas, Coach Tang sure is. He said something in the post game about how K-State had always dominated KU and won more championships before 1988. Lol!! He’s been listening to his new fanbase too long now.

From: be still
Basketball is slipping away from the Jayhawks but it’ll be alright James. You might have a little hope in football in the future…maybe

Ksq your wasting your time with him.

From: ksq232
Yeah, I’m guilty of feeding the trolls sometimes. No more…

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Finally figured out what the student section was chanting at the end.

Neither team looked like a top 10 program last night. We missed a LOT of opportunities.

From: be still
Oh wow that is so bad and shameful for that university.

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo
We know what you would rather hear chanted Kyle….

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's Link
Travis Kelce hitting The Wheel after the game. Warning, some profanities.

From: ksq232
Yeah, he spoke to the team after the game. I’m betting his speech had some profanities too.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's Link
Here's the article on him addressing the team in the Wichita Eagle. I'm assuming Kyle is no longer a Kelce fan?

From: be still
Now hold on…I didn’t think KU fans used cuss words.

From: ksq232
Ha! The mystery of the chant comes to light. “Little brother!” Love it!! Thanks for the article cowboy, I was trying to figure out what they were chanting last night.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
So...let me guess...IA State is now "the best team in the league" lol

From: ksq232
Can’t come out flat and win at Hilton. KSU needs to sweep Texas to keep them from running away with the regular season. I’d say Texas leads the pack with TCU getting devastated by injuries. But yes, Iowa State is pretty salty, aren’t they 1-0 against the Kittens?

From: ksq232
Cats looking good, hope they keep it up. They need to win this one.

From: be still
Well I guess that does keep Texas in first.

Baylor finally got Tchatchoua back. For people that don’t remember he was the high energy big man back that helped win it all 2 years ago. Hurt em bad when he went down last year with that bad knee injury.

Played some minutes today but not sure if he’s 100 percent or if he will be the same. If he could play like he used too that would sure help them. They have been missing some inside play.

From: KB
I don’t think they were ever in danger of looking good. Got a flurry of 3’s from some guys that don’t normally take them and built a little lead while Texas played its worst half of the season probably. Cats have to lead the nation in giving up five-on-one offensive rebounds. Wish Tang would’ve called one of his pile of TO’s before Nowell drove and turned it over down 1. Oh well, Texas deserved that one. Hopefully the Cats are a little more fired up for TCU than last time.

From: t-roy

t-roy's embedded Photo
Hilton Magic!!!
t-roy's embedded Photo
Hilton Magic!!!
Clones owned the jaysquawks from the opening tip, today. Should have beaten them at Phog Allen, too.

From: ksq232
Bummer, needed Texas to lose. If today’s KU shows up Monday, Texas will beat them by 40. At least it’s at home, not that it helped the cats any.

From: sitO
Can't believe we gave up a 14pt lead, but I have to believe it. Embarrassing

You got to have a point guard, and good guard play. Harris had help last year with Ochi, but they don't have a 2 this year to make up for his short comings. He is being exposed.

From: be still

be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
Was that point guard there earlier this year:?)

From: cherney12

From: cherney12
I thought they were better than they are after watching one game a couple months ago as well

From: cherney12
I thought they were better than they are after watching one game a couple months ago as well

From: ksq232
I do think KU will be an entirely different bunch come tourney time. They are thin and pretty much exhausted right now. The amount of minutes Harris and Wilson are playing is borderline ridiculous. The week between conference tourney and real tourney will be very beneficial. Of course Self has had 4 or 5 seed teams flame out in the second round, and that could very well happen again this year, I guess we’ll see. I highly doubt they miss the tourney like Duke and Kentucky did shortly after winning national championships though.

From: Durk
A little more even playing field when everyone can pay their players.

From: ksq232
You’re right about that durk, Duke and Kentucky have been paying big bucks for years. It’s nice finally see someone on here besides me acknowledge that!

Harris played well early, so they looked really good. If he was playing well now, they still would look really good.

From: be still
Yeah Jeff I didn’t really watch them in the early games to see how he was playing. You’re right though here lately he seems to be the weak link in some of the games.

He plays timid to me like he’s afraid of contact.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
I liked him better on Star Trek

From: crestedbutte
Did "they's" parents have any other children that lived ;?)

From: ksq232
I have several State fan friends cheering for the Hawks tonight. What about state fans on here?

From: t-roy
As much as it pains me to admit, I AM rooting for KU tonight. Clones will be leading the standings if Texas loses. That counts as a “State” fan, correct??

From: cherney12
Naw I’d rather Texas win even tho they won’t. Think K-State can win the league with 5 conference losses so I’d rather see KU get their 5th out of the way now.

From: ksq232
If Texas wins in Lawrence, after winning in Manhattan, they will run away with the regular season I’m guessing. They only have one more tough away game, Baylor in the last game of the regular season. Oops, my phone didn’t pull up the full schedule…They finish with the Hawks at home.

From: sitO
No right minded person could ever choose KU

From: ksq232
I say the same about Mizzou, I’d never say that about State though. But I’m not obsessed like you Kyle. Mizzou and Duke are the only teams I hate cheer for.

From: cherney12
Wonder if KU has a slush fund for the refs

From: ksq232
I wa thinking the same about Texas, how much did they pay these refs? How was that not a foul on McCullers’ dunk attempt?!!

From: ksq232
Just got a text from one of my State friends. He’s cheering hard for the Hawks tonight.

From: ksq232
Man, Carr is good….

From: ksq232
Never would have thought KU would win going away with Wilson scoring 2 points. Solid team effort, and great game by the bench! Harris looked very good as well.

From: crestedbutte
James....that's a real nice conversation you're having with yourself ;?)

From: sitO
Do you like lasagna, allllllright

From: ksq232
Kinda funny, this place is hopping when the KU loses, but when they win I’m talking to myself. Cracks me up!!

From: be still
Well I guess here lately you haven’t been talking to yourself too much.

From: One Arrow
I’m guessing because there aren’t many liberals on here, just a hunch

From: ksq232
So the obsessed “conservatives” just show up to rub it in when KU loses? Gotcha, keep running with that One. Lol

State playing pretty well against a very depleted TCU team.

From: sitO
We don't need the "between the wickets", or so many attempts at 3's early on...we ain't the Harlem Globtrotters! The foul on Nowell was indeed a flagrant at end of first half, but he redeemed himself and we actually played ball after the 25min mark.

Slice me off a hunk of that there prime rib James

From: be still
When you have an honest school that preaches integrity and honor above all else it feels good. Even better when they start winning. It feels like a fresh breath of air to have a school like that to represent the state of Kansas…way to go Cats.

From: ksq232
Thought you would enjoy this Calhoun and One Arrow, since neither of you can seem to keep the subject on basketball.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
Let’s try to at again…

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo
Just in case you don’t care to click the link One Arrow…

From: be still

be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
James I just know when I go hunt up there I run into 2 types of men up there. I’m not good with words so maybe this pic will get my point across better.

Hopefully you see now what I’m saying. I can’t help what I see up there…it is what it is:?)

Now I know not all Jayhawk fans are like this but for some reason I guess my luck is not that good cause this is the perception I get.

From: ksq232
That has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. A for effort though I guess.

From: One Arrow
Wow… inclusiveness? That’s a pretty lame argument that K-State is as liberal as KU.

Dig deeper dude.

The world is constantly moving left of center… colleges like KU and many MANY others are leading the way.

From: ksq232
K-State is top ten in the nation, including the top college in the state of Kansas for LGBQT studies. Ummm, what exactly do you label as liberal social agenda — destruction of the nuclear family? Perhaps you and I differ greatly when it comes to that, and you are much more progressive than me. Maybe you’re just a fiscal conservative, which in my mind is not being conservative at all. I believe parents should be a part of “deciding what gender” their children are. I believe men should go to men’s bathrooms and the same for women. I believe biological males should never compete in women’s sports. I would bet this week’s paycheck that isn’t what’s being taught in K-State’s LGBQT classes. Otherwise they would not be recognized as the number 7 college in the nation in brainwashing their students with this crap. I believe this movement is a part of what will ultimately destroy this nation in the long run. Does KU do this too, I’m sure they do, but they aren’t being celebrated for it like the almighty beacon for truth and justice college, K-State University. Understand, this is why I roll my eyes and chuckle every time you post some drivel about conservatives cheering for KU.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
Just so you don’t stick your foot in your mouth about this not being about classes, ALL public universities are required to be inclusive now, this isn’t about inclusiveness. The link has quite a list of interesting classes available to get your 15 credit hour minor in queer studies.

From: be still
Alright James I’ll say something back so you won’t be talking to yourself.

I really wasn’t sure what them initials meant up above so I asked Erica just earlier. It’s a shame what the colleges are doing now a days but trust me…I don’t see any of these kind of people up there in North Central. They grow em right and they’re the salt of the earth up that ways.

James it’s not an opinion or a question. If no babies are being born we will disappear. The almighty made a human brain in a way to problem solve and figure things out whereas animals are built with great senses and awareness that we never feel. It’s sad though that somehow we have forgotten along the way what makes babies…sure glad the wildlife still remembers how.

Now let’s get back to basketball. I think with the addition of the big man coming back Baylor just might end up doing something. Got Oklahoma tonight…whatcha think?

From: ksq232
Not sure Calhoun, Oklahoma is a conundrum. And I haven’t paid much attention to Baylor in a while. This time next week us KU fans will begin thinking about them though.

From: ksq232
The Cyclones better wake up, or that grip on first place isn’t gonna last too long.

From: crestedbutte
Hmmmm…thought Texas currently leads the Big 12?

From: be still
Well they’re tied with the number of losses.

Why I’m at it here. I’m already sorry for you for the loss ya boys going to take here in a bit Jason.

From: One Arrow

From: sitO
and now WV is the best team in the league!

From: ksq232
That’s gonna help the West Virginia resume! So, who from the big 12 is NOT going to make the tourney? It will be banner year for sure, hopefully some of them make it to the second weekend.

From: cherney12
Conference has won back to back titles. Doubt they have a team good enough to make it 3 straight but could happen if Baylor gets hot.

From: cherney12
Oh and OU and Texas Tech likely won’t make the tourney

From: ksq232
I agree cherney, some really good teams in the big 12, but no dominant team without a weakness or two. I haven’t paid much attention to Baylor, but they’re being discussed quite a bit on KU boards with the return of their big man. On the note of a truly dominant team, is there really one in any conference right now? Purdue???

From: be still
Well they definitely ain’t there yet and got a little lucky to win tonight. The guards are super talented offensively but the difference from these guards compared to 2 years ago is these don’t play defense. Still too much one on one. Oklahoma was getting better looks at the basket tonight and that’s troubling. Coach better do something to get it right.

From: crestedbutte
That was way, way closer than final score. Admit it, OU gave you some pucker factor tonight!

From: sitO
Save it for those "pucker's" on Saturday JW ;?)

From: be still
Yeah it was a close game.

From: ksq232

Porter just doesn't seem to have chemistry with his players like he did at Loyola. Should have brought sister Jean with him. I thought he was an excellent x's and o's coach there but they just don't seem to have shooters or athletes or something. Going to have to improve recruiting to compete with the top teams. Harris is playing better and with the development of Udeh, KU is on the right track. Harris will determine the success of KU in March.

From: crestedbutte
A conundrum is the correct description.

From: be still
Red Raiders said Noper Roper…not in our house.

From: ksq232

The Pokes might say the same tonight, or something similar anyway…

From: Quailhunter
Go Pokes!

From: ksq232
Rock Chalk!

Where ya at crested??

From: be still
Good win for them.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
Yep…atleast one Okie team stepped up last night! I do love it when Kansas A&M wears their “periwinkle” colored uniforms as they usually play to that standard when wearing them?

So, yesterday Crusty was out near Liberal, KS and rolled up on this fabulous place. Must of been an Omen for things to come? Nice convincing win that was very much needed. Gotta keep up the fight so we don’t end up 10th in the league and Conf. Tourney seeding that comes with it.

From: ksq232
I think that poor fella just doesn’t know his north from south, maybe east or west too Crested???

I’ve met a lot of confused boomer fans over the years though….lol

From: sitO
Not season related, but Frankamp was next to me on my flight to DFW today...and Scotty Pippen was on my flight to LAX, pretty cool

From: crestedbutte
Assuming it was about 9am, was Frankamp already drunk?

While waiting court side to see and briefly visit with my brother in Chicago well after a game between Bulls vs Grizzlies had ended and the arena was about empty except for the cleaning crew…..I was able to get Pippin, Kerr and Kukoc’s autographs on a b-ball. While waiting on my brother, me and my wife had unknowingly sat ourselves down between the players locker room and where they parked their cars and they had to walk across the court right by us to get to the exit. Phil Jackson also eventually came by with his Stogey in hand and chatted with us for a few minutes but declined to autograph the ball. Put his arm around me and said “Sorry son, coaches don’t give autographs.” Nice man but after that encounter his image was a little tarnished in my view.

Unfortunately, Jordan and Rodman never came our way. So, the signed ball in my mind is woefully incomplete.

From: be still
I’m just impressed that Kyle gets to fly first class. It’s always just a little embarrassing for me when my friends come to pick me up at the airport and they have to come to the baggage claim to get me. It’s actually a little fun to ride on that conveyer belt but I get tired of that big rubber piece that hits me in the head going through.

Now Crested that was the days when Jordan was playing. When I was a teenager and still living at home and not having a TV I would look in the paper to see when the Bulls were playing. If I didn’t have much going on and they were on TV I would drive myself into Waco and there was a couple different pizza joints that I would eat and watch Jordan. There’s never been another player like him and the NBA hasn’t been the same since.

You sure Phil wasn’t just being modest? You know maybe like not taking any credit for success so to speak.

From: Catscratch
Impressive! I had no idea Frankamp, Pippin, Phil, Kukoc, and Kerr had such close encounters with greatness!

The wife and I met Clide Drexler while skiing. He stood out pretty bad in the lift line. Shoock his hand and it was like being wrapped up by blanket. We were in CO to watch Jordan play. It was with the Wizards but still cool stuff!

From: be still
Good morning James!!!

Here’s wishing you a good day but going to throw in a tip to make it better. Around 3:00 or so I would go enjoy something outdoors and not be watching the screen at that time.

Later this evening when you find out it will sting a little but focus on all the good things you have going for you. Tomorrow you will feel better.

From: crestedbutte
Going way out on a limb with that pre-game trash talk…aren’t ya Be Still. I obviously don’t have a dog in this tussle but just a little reminder that Baylor has won at Allen only TWICE in the last 20 yrs.

From: be still
Well….that wasn’t good.

From: Catscratch

From: be still
I just got home but I seen where it was a 13pt lead at halftime and they lost by 16. I mean that’s more than a butt whooping when you get out scored by 29 in one half.

I don’t even know what you call that. Maybe the Bears can do something in the NIT.

From: crestedbutte
“It will sting a little but focus on all the good things you have going for you. Tomorrow you will feel better?”

From: ksq232
Listened to the game on the way home from buying a new-to-us Tundra. KU has a way of spotting teams double digit leads, they’ve been doing this for years, this year the results have been spotty at best. On the side of consistency though, I heard on the radio postgame that when Harris scores in double figures KU is undefeated the last two years, 20-0. I guess West is right about Harris, he might be the most important player in the team. Big game coming up against TCU next I believe. They must have Miles going again, they whooped Okie State today. Too bad OU didn’t finish the job against Texas.

First half, Harris had zero points and really did nothing. Second half he dominated. He is just so inconsistent. But in all my years of coaching basketball, I have learned that winning always goes hand in hand with guard play. Baylor is a final four team with those guards. So if TCU with Miles playing. And so is KU if Harris shows up.

From: be still
Yes Jason I feel better this morning. I do wish since I didn’t watch any of the second half that somebody on here would tell me how they got beat by 29. Does Baylor suck that bad or did Kansas just play lights out or what. Without looking I’m going to put a little blame on Drew.

With that kind of talent you should be playing better. They haven’t been playing no defense but then again that goes back to the coach.

What are they saying that Tundra gets on gas mileage James? I heard the new ones get better.

From: sitO
I'm waiting for Westksbowhunter's opinion on the game before I draw any conclusions

From: Catscratch
^^^ Once again this forum has gotten a solid chuckle out of me!

From: ksq232
It has the 5.7 Calhoun, so mileage will be pitiful. I averaged 14 on the way home from KC, driving around 70 most of the way.

As for Baylor, the defensive prowess that, in part, won them a Natty, seems to have left with Coach Tang. Although K-state wins with offense, not defense, so who knows? The KU radio announcers, biased of course, said Baylor guards shot the lights out of the ball, covered or not in the first half; but didn’t guard well most of the game.

Be still, I watched the game on TV and was trying to figure out how that big of a turn around happened. I looked at the box score and KU only had 4 turnovers. Is that an indicator of weakness in Baylors defense? It could be. In the first half Baylor was getting good looks at Threes, and they hit them. In the second half it appeared that KU made a change in defense that made the three point shot difficult to get, and when they got the shot unlike the first half they often missed. Rebounding was a big issue. In the first half, Baylor got almost every rebound. In the second half KU got them. I think the bottom line is for the first 15 minutes Baylor played with the most energy. It switched to KU for the last 25 minutes. For sure in the second half. If your three guards play like they did in the first half, they will be hard to beat.

From: cherney12
Momentum is huge in that haunted barn. If a team can keep KU from going on their crazy runs they usually have at least a slim chance to win there. Usually what happens is that KU goes on a run at some point and starts feeling good about themselves no matter how poorly the game may have started for them. Baylor came out flat and KU came out with tons of energy and got some good looks and made shots and got rebounds. Baylor missed some easy ones and then some free throws and next thing you know they blew a 13 point lead...a couple minutes later they are down big and the game might as well have been over...

What happened was that KU turned up the heat on defense and kept Baylor of the offensive glass. Turnovers lead to easy baskets. Most of the time those are 4 or 5 point swings. Doesn't take many turnovers to erase a double digit margin. KU contested every shot and the law of averages took over for Baylor. Unless your Nova coached by Rollie Massimino shooting the ball at the clip which Baylor did in the first half will tail off.

From: be still
Lee I didn’t you were a basketball fan but I have to admit your breakdown of the game seems reasonable. Rebounds and energy is very important.

Though I’ve never been there in person but I’ve heard like Patrick says here that’s a tough place to pick up a win.

Yes Jeff these guards are talented but the games I have watched this year they seem not have that get after work mentality. They seem to think they’re better than they are. But the last few games leading up to Kansas they seemed to be sharing the ball a little better and getting better shots off. Like James said losing the assistant coach probably hurt a little as well. They need to get their act together quick.

From: sitO
TCU by 24

From: cherney12
KU playing well again. Would be likely to repeat if they had a good big man…

From: ksq232
3rd straight road win….Rock Chalk!

Tremendous defense and Harris played really good.

From: ksq232
Kevin McCullers the player of the game. He’s still not 100% either — talk about a gritty performance for the whole team! Jalen Wilson’s worst game of the year; a month ago KU would have lost by 40 with him playing like that.

From: sitO
It was so bad after a scoreless first 5min, I switched over to leave it to Beaver re-runs

Kyle, nothing wrong with Leave It To Beaver reruns. I'm so old I already saw all the shows when they were on prime time. I thought June Cleaver was hot.

Be Still, I watch a lot of basketball. I haven't been to game Lawrence. I have over the years been to Manhattan a few times when a friend invited me when they had an extra ticket. I will be routing for Baylor when they play Texas. I believe KU, Baylor, and Texas are capable of beating anybody this year. They are probably capable also, of being beat by about any one in the NCAA tournament.

From: be still
Yeah anybody can beat them that’s for sure. Look at what Oklahoma did to Alabama.

Well we hate to do it to the Cats and sure wish we were playing someone else tonight but Baylor needs a win.

From: sitO
DOOM...was State down by 15 in the first half? Guess I didn't see that part. Stars are playing like stars again finally

From: ksq232
Good win for the cats

From: be still
I watched this one and I can see why they lost so big the other day.

I think Drew might be in the early stages of dementia. You can’t win consistently if you can’t penetrate to the rim. Too many outside shots and very weak defense. They were playing this way earlier in the year and I was hoping they would correct it.

Some of the wins they have had probably been a little lucky.

From: ksq232
What’s happened to Iowa State???

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
They met…

From: crestedbutte
ESPN Tournament Challenge...again this year????

From: sitO
Of course

From: crestedbutte
Who won it last year and what was the prize?

From: sitO
It was James

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Kyle sent me a very nice turkey 3d target that Marvin in turn won at our preseason big buck contest dinner. Small world!! :-)

From: be still
James I watched your team last night. They looked pretty wobbly and was very fortunate to win that one. Now I think the win before that one was also a very close one at home as well to another unranked team. I didn’t watched that one but are they starting to go downhill some or what’s happening?

From: KSNimrod
I'm a Cats fan but just saw a pretty amazing stat regarding Coach Self. In his 20 years at KU he's won 17 conference championships. In the same 20 years he's only lost 17 games at home. That's pretty wild!

From: KB
I tuned in for a bit Saturday thinking Huggy had a decent chance to pull off an upset and help leave the door open for the Cats to squeak out a share of the conference title. It was obvious in the first 10 minutes the refs weren’t going to let WV build a significant lead. Shut it off and picked back up for the last 5. Same story. Bill’s a hell of a coach and their achievements speak for themselves. Just wish someday to see games played in that barn on a level playing field. They lose Saturday if that game is played anywhere else in the country, and from the reports of last night things were about the same.

Hopefully we get the best of three rematch next weekend. Go State.

From: ksq232
Same old same old on here… KB check your foul count at Allen Field House west and get back to me. I believe what you’ll find is every home team USUALLY has a foul count advantage, UNLESS the fans don’t show up. If you think fallible refs aren’t influenced by high readings on the decibel meter, than you’re not well informed when it comes to collegiate sports, or any sports for that matter. KU just happens to have the best home court fans in the conference day in and day out when it comes to men’s basketball, and it’s not really even close.

The Big 12 is primed to do quite well in the dance, lots of solid teams. Does that mean the conference will make it 3 years in a row? Probably not, but it’s the betting favorite right now I’m guessing.

From: crestedbutte
Allen Field House west…..LOL!

From: sitO
Everyone sees it Kaleb, you aren't wrong. I've already been in 20+ states this year and when I mention I'm from KS I have to say "not the KU part of KS".

It's not just me who despises the cheaters, it's across the nation.

Ku is a house of cards, and yes I mean about to fold...but also a card up your sleeve, trick deck, 53 card pile to cheat with.

Self's only legacy will be that of cheating the system, paying under the table, taking bribes, and tarnishing what some saw as a "top tier" fundamentally strong program. They'd have been nothing without the money to buy 4-5 star players...everyone knows that.

The first half last night was one of, if not the worst first halves of BBall played this season in the Big 12.

My money's on Bucknell

From: Catscratch
Lol, I've been waiting this whole thread for someone to bring up Bucknell! Should have known it would be Sito!

Nice knife btw!

From: KB
James, the foul count Saturday in Allen was actually pretty even. Which is telling because West Virginia outplayed/hustled KU and worked them over on the offensive glass. In a normal building that usually equates to drawing more fouls. Huggy wins by 10 if KU doesn’t shoot 17% over their season average from three. My issue wasn’t the fouls called, but the ones that weren’t. KU was allowed to hand check, hip check, set moving screens and go over the back at will. Those are called on the opponent in Allen and anywhere else in the country, no matter who the home team is.

It’s fun to win however it happens. I find it pretty amusing to read all the Bengals, Eagles, Bills fans whining about calls the Chiefs get, so I kind of get it. But there’s nowhere else in the country with as consistently lopsided officiating as Allen.

Hopefully the Cats wake up here soon.

From: sitO
That was some NBA stuff at the end of the half

From: be still
Didn’t know they were playing until you said something.

They still doing crazy stuff. This is wild hoopen right here.

From: ksq232
KU gets calls because their fans show up and are loud, simple as that. There’s a reason Jay Bilas says Allen Field House the best venue in college basketball. And Kyle, Coach Self will be known as the best basketball coach of the modern era before he’s done. Keep hoping for the downfall of KU hoops though, that’s about all you got during March Madness year in and year out. The NCAA isn’t gonna do jack to KU or Self. Oh yeah, it was a rebuilding year for that KU team that “sucks”, that team just won another conference championship. Good times!

Nice win over the Sooners…

From: sitO
We all see your, and others, delusion's sad really because I do believe you are a good person.

Let's try this...answer a question yes or no.

Did KU pay players before it was legal?

From: ksq232
Yes Kyle, they paid and I don’t care. Did K-State pay do the same before it was legal? Yes, yes they did. Paging Michael Beasley, Michael Beasley you’re wanted on line one. And don’t say he was just an isolated case, I can say the same about Desousa’s guardian. You do realize that AAU coaches received gifts from universities illegally for years, right? The coaches that “guided” kids to your team as well as others. It’s quite hilarious how naive you are to the world of competitive collegiate sports.

You bring up delusional Kyle, ironically on this subject. My question is, when Self receives a slap on the wrist, if that, and the university suffers no real punishment for all of the “drastic wrongs” that no other college is guilty of, will you quit watching collegiate sports? Will you give it all up? Kyle, I’m not the one who’s delusional on this subject.

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's embedded Photo
kscowboy's embedded Photo

From: sitO
So now you're not only condoning, but applauding?

We'll just see what happens in the long run, having a conscience should matter...but maybe not to everyone.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

sitO's Link
There's nothing in the AAU scandal about State, but plenty about the hack's(see link).

As far as Beasley, here are his words, and the minute he found out his mom was getting payments from the AAU guy he fired him. None of which had anything to do with State.

KU cheats, and it seems to have rubbed off on their fans.

From: ksq232
Having a conscience? Seriously???? Dude, it’s college basketball; if you get worked up about this, how can you function day to day? I save my heartfelt objections for something that really matters. Good grief Kyle!!!

From: sitO

sitO's Link
"Self is a proven cheater"

From: sitO

sitO's Link
and again

From: sitO

sitO's Link
"Just cheat baby"

From: ksq232
String him up! Throw him in jail! Capital punishment is too good for him, he MUST be tortured!!! Lol

From: ksq232
I just looked at the dates and the authors of your articles, Illini? Wolken? KSconfidential?Now that’s funny! All of their dreams haven’t seem to come true according to the dates on those articles. Wonder if they’ll give up on college sports too??? Lol

From: ksq232
Kyle, more excited about Self than his team getting a win, that’s funny too! Talk about living in your head rent free. Lol

From: sitO
Everyone want to win James, but most with integrity.

From: ksq232
Sure Kyle, sure….

From: be still
I was taught at an early age not to judge people but it sure seems by Kyles’ links here that Bill Self didn’t win the right way. Pretty sad when you put winning and money over morals. Especially at a college level where your job is to teach young kids to be adults and to guide and show them the right way to do things.

Makes it worse when the coach has the ability to get the whole university, town, and even fans on his side. Now you got a whole community of people telling and showing young kids it’s okay to cheat. Dang this is so depressing to me. Don’t know if I’ve ever been through Lawrence and probably will detour around it if I happen to be in the area.

If you really think about it he hasn’t done much anyway. Not too long ago Big 12 as a whole wasn’t that good so those 17 titles or whatever he has is not comparable to the other coaches in more competitive conferences. Does he only have one National Title before 2022? Dang that’s not all that impressive and then you throw in cheating all that is nothing anyway.

If these links are true I would rather eat a sandwich while repairing a septic line than to wash my hands in Lawrence to eat a steak at one of their local restaurants.

From: ksq232
Calhoun, you’re a trip. Tell me, since Baylor consistently gets high level recruits, they’ve had more four stars than Kansas the last ten years — Drew has been pretty good the last decade at doing less with more, but that’s a different subject. How are they getting them?? It’s definitely not with doofus Drew’s winning personality. He’s a tool. Dig deep and you’ll see your wonderful university cheats with the best of em! And I don’t care, do you?

Good grief, how do you fellas get out of bed in the morning? You get this “upset” about NCAA basketball (it’s not just KU), how do you make it through a day without prescription meds?? Both of your schools would take Coach Self in a heartbeat, and that’s the truth. Then you couldn’t cheer for them anymore. Lol

Done with this conversation for now, I don’t want Calhoun’s clinical depression to rub off on me. On to the next!!

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
One last link….

From: be still
Now I’m glad you threw in the link cause up above you was just judging Drew cause you think since whatever Self does every coach must do the same thing.

On the football rape thing I think they did the football coach wrong. I think there was something there and they blamed him to try and clear somebody’s else’s wrong doing. That’s just my opinion though. Back then I would have felt alright with my daughter being around coach Briles but I would have not trusted my daughter back then being a part of Baylor.

Of all those claims of sex abuse only about a tenth of that was related to sports and only 1 or 2 was convicted. Sounds a little fishy to me.

Another thing don’t make sense if there was all that rape why wasn’t Waco police involved. I think most Dads and I know for sure if my daughter was sexually abused I wouldn’t be letting the Baylor campus/bike security take care of it. There was probably something deeper there going on.

But supposedly at least something was done to try and make things better and move on. I’m not going to stand here and say since Baylor allowed rape and since they did then everybody does so that must make it right.

If there is some wrong doing then you take the punishment and take steps moving forward to try and be a better person. Sounds like Kansas is not doing that. Trying to buy lawyers to pay their way out so they continue to cheat is not the right thing to do.

James most people think Baylor won the title 2 years ago fair and square. For the most part I think they did but to this day I wished the coach would have offered to play Gonzaga a week later when everybody was fresh. I think Gonzaga was wore down from the game before. Still think we had the better team but the score might have been closer.

Nope just because a lot of people find ways to cheat doesn’t mean you cave in and start promoting it. Come on now James I’ve never met you but there’s something telling me you’re better than that.

From: ksq232
Wow, little defensive there Calhoun. Lol You cheer for Baylor in the rape and murder years of Dave Bliss too?

From: be still
Nope I don’t condone any wrongdoing. Along with that shooting they found some improper payments to players. Baylor received a really harsh penalty for that which was fairly deserved. They did their time and now hopefully doing better.

I guess you on the other hand thinks I should condone that and wished nothing would’ve ever happened to Baylor. I’m glad they received the penalty…makes people wake up and realize there’s a right and wrong way to do things.

Trust me James you will feel much better when the NCAA strips both of their tainted titles, ban Bill Self from coaching, place KU on probation for a few years with limited recruits. Then in about 6 years or so if they can make a clean comeback you will feel like a new man. Your conscience will be free and you won’t be that man that points your finger at other universities to try and justify the wrongs at your own.

From: ksq232
Not gonna happen, keep dreaming tho. I can see why you were ashamed of your program, rape and murder getting covered up by the athletic department is something WORTH getting upset about. Paying players (one instance at KU that amounted to less than $1500), which is now legal and was done by the vast majority of universities is not. Did UCLA ever get stripped of all those titles?? What about SMU where a booster gave a Trans Am to Eric Dickerson, who now laughs about it, along with all the other athletes that were compensated? That’s what I thought. But keep dreaming Calhoun and Kyle, keep dreaming…… All those athletes are laughing at you!

From: be still
Well when a man replies to his own question it tells you the conversation is useless to continue. Don’t know how many times Erica has told me the exact words. When she gets upset she’ll ask a question and before I get to answer it’s that…”That’s what I Thought”.

I always thought that was a woman thing but I guess not:?)

From: crestedbutte
I hear the Big 12 is making a play to add Arizona, Arizona St., Utah and Colorado into the Big 12 which should implode the PAC-12 for good. Not sure if that play really moves the needle much in terms of interest and or better competition. Should give current Big 12 members atleast 3 easy wins in both football and basketball.

Probably won’t actually happen but if it does it will probably be a handful of years before those PAC schools formally enter the league.

In the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn’t really matter much since the Big 12 will soon become a feeder system into both the BIG and SEC.

From: cherney12
I think Arizona and Utah have solid athletic programs. Arizona State is usually as good as the average Big 12 team in football and basketball. Colorado is on the rise with Deion. Would be a fine pickup if they maintain their current levels.

From: sitO
Deion's got some recruits lined up! Rumor has it that BS offered to pay his players too...but he'd have to also wear a toupee...he said no

From: ksq232
Interesting news, hope it’s not too little too late for the Big 12.

From: ksq232
That win might seal the deal for ISU thankfully. Hard to believe how far they’ve fallen the last few weeks.

From: ksq232
What is going on with OU/TCU? 20-4 Boomers????

From: ksq232
Boomer! Where you at crested??

From: ksq232
Hate losing to the Horns! :-/

From: be still
Didn’t get to watch much today. So how big 12 teams you think are making it James?

From: Catscratch
Top ranked Big 12 teams sucked yesterday.

From: ksq232
In a national tournament scenario, every team in the big 12 is dangerous this year. Without looking at records, quad 1 wins etc, I’d say every team but tech and OSU will make it. And whoever doesn’t make it will definitely get an NIT invite. If I were a coach, I wouldn’t want to play ANY Big 12 team the first weekend.

From: be still

be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
I think everybody should get in except Tech and the Sooners. Like you said both of them could easily get a couple wins in the big Tournament. Oklahoma had some big wins and close calls on others with Tech being scrappy in some.

Sure hope OSU and the Mountaineers get in.

Look how I cropped this pic Kyle. Erica showed me how and gosh dang it worked. Better watch out now cause I’m going to be a cropping fool.

Lunardi has the the Big 10 with 10, SEC with 8, and the Big 12 with 7. KU with the overall number 1. I think maybe Purdue and Baylor play for the Championship. If KU is hitting the 3, they might make it to the championship game. There is a lot of good teams this year.

From: ksq232
Big 10 getting 10 and Big 12 getting seven would be a joke.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
I’ll use this link as evidence, look at the quad 1 wins represented by the Big 12 and compare it to the Big 10…

ALL Big 12 teams rank in the top 25 except Tech and they rank 29th. The Big 12 is the best this year and it’s not even remotely close. Put any B12 team in the Big 10 this year and they would have 20+ wins.

From: ksq232
Same goes for SEC potentially getting more teams than B12.

From: be still
Not familiar with the big 10 but I can’t see any conference any better than the Big 12 especially the SEC. I mean our bottom feeder, Oklahoma, just spanked Alabama’s …

Jeff you must see something in Baylor I ain’t seeing.

I like Baylor. Baylor shoots the 3 pretty well, and they take a lot of them. If they get hot, I don't know if anyone can beat them. Scott Drew knows how to win a national title. TCU just doesn't shoot the 3 well enough, but they do defend and get up and down the court better than anyone. Experience is a problem for them. KU needs to shoot the 3 better. They are well coached and can defend but the 3 ball hasn't been dropping. Just a wide open tourney really. Don't sleep on Duke, they are getting hot at the right time. We all know Alabama and Houston are good.

From: crestedbutte
Hey Mike….at 5-13 this year in Big 12 play OU ain’t the only “bottom feeder.” We do have company in Taco Tech atleast!

From: be still
I know it took you awhile to figure that out from the pic above and we really appreciate the time you spent on that. You’re such a big help.

From: sitO
I don't even know what we're talking about anymore

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
It’s ok Kyle, we’re talking about success in the big dance, we realize you’re not a fan who knows much about that.

Maybe that changes some this year??? I guess we’ll see…

From: crestedbutte
Tied for 3rd place in Big 12 has done gone to your head. We’ll see if your boys can keep from dropping 2 games in a row and to the Cyclones no less? Now that there would be downright embarrassing!

Lunardi has OK State on the bubble and West Virginia in as a 9 seed. I have to agree.

From: ksq232
Some teams are going to face some low seeded Big 12 teams and wonder what the heck happened as they hobble off the court.

From: sitO
The Big 12 doesn't usually fair well in the NCAA tourney.

Since 97' only 11 Final Four appearances(six from the cheaters), and three National Championships(two from the cheaters). How quickly we forget.

If it weren't for the cheaters the Big 12 wouldn't be much better than the American.

From: sitO
I'd be fine with that, honesty is always best

From: ksq232
State gonna have to have a conference of one, the HKC — The Honest Kitten Conference. Maybe then they could actually win something!! Lol

Don’t worry Kyle, one day I highly doubt KU and State will be in the same conference, then you’ll have to find some other team to troll. Maybe State of OK? They cheat too ya know, but you’re not obsessed with them. Go figure.

The Zags look good. Drew Timme will play great in the tourney and they are well coached.

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo
Good place for this???

From: sitO
Five level 1 infractions...good place for this?

They are who we thought they were.

From: ksq232
Sure is keeping those recruits away like you said, and EVERYBODY is paying them now, even the kittens. I love your trolling Kyle, it’s highly entertaining.

From: sitO
Trolling, who am I trolling? I haven't waivered in 30yrs James, they cheat and have by condoning, their fans are no better.

If it makes you feel good to somehow justify cheating by saying that "everyone does it now" that's your prerogative. Doesn't change the fact that they cheat.

From: ksq232
Don’t care Kyle, don’t give a flying rat’s butt. Regulations that are selectively enforced are no regulations at all. It will forever be humorous watching you whine though. Lol

From: sitO
We know you don't care, that's not a reflection on me bud

From: ksq232
I need a way to roll my eyes on here…. Lol


EmbryOklahoma's embedded Photo
EmbryOklahoma's embedded Photo
Copy image and reuse, James. :)

From: ksq232
Thank you! I’m kinda a MCU nerd too. :)

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Told ya...too much cheese dip

From: KB
Guessing he went shot for shot with Huggs last night and it didn’t end well.

From: kscowboy
Dude, I’ve always respected you, Kyle. But making these kinds of comments is pretty classless while the man is suffering life threatening issue in the hospital. You’re better than that.

From: sitO
All the reports I read said the long term outlook was good. As much as I hate what he's done, I wish no harm to the man for the record.

From: ksq232
Speculation out there like crazy, everyone on the KU boards has an “inside source”. We’ll hear more details soon I’m guessing. If it is serious, I hope he sits out the rest of the season. If truly serious, I hope he walks away. Life is much bigger than basketball.

From: crestedbutte
I'd say something is certainly wrong with him....cause he doesn't seem to realize he is wearing a purple shirt? Anyway, I'll speculate that he has had a cold lately (like everyone has) but due to his lifestyle it has hung on and hung on and become worse to the point he had to go the hospital where they realized he was also dehydrated. Thus, he is getting an IV...which he could have gotten from the training staff...or maybe had a blood clot issue or something? Hopefully, it is something minor like that and not heart related like alot of these coaches deal with.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
This just in….Iowa St. has petitioned the NCAA to allow Baylor into their region of the upcoming NCAA tournament….claiming a “for sure” win since they OWN them. ISU beat Baylor even after they recently kicked their starting point off the team. Be careful when considering how far Baylor will go in your tourney bracket? A “paper tiger” for sure!

From: cherney12
"If they get hot idk if anyone can beat them"...........apparently they weren't hot cuz a mediocre iowa state team has beat them in back to back outings.

From: be still
Pretty true words spoken there Crested and I don’t really have a reply back. I do like how a man can still have fun with basketball even when his team doesn’t make the big dance. Oh yeah too…I would rather lose in this one instead of the one around the corner. Now you keep your eyes on them.

From: sitO
I reckon TCU owed us one, hope they can play like that the rest of the way!

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
LOL…this came into my inbox today….what the heck?

From: kscowboy

kscowboy's Link
That's hilarious, CB.

I got a lot of go-to-hell looks last night at Deano's in Wichita last night while wearing my TCU quarter-zip from the KSU fans. It was glorious.

I've never been a fan of Fort Worth Star Telegram writer Mac Engel but he hit the nail on the head here with NIL and the recent departure of Eddie Lampkin. ISU and TCU might've had addition by subtraction with these recent, mid-season departures.

From: ksq232
Interesting read cowboy, I wondered what happened. I enjoyed watching him at times, other times he was just annoying. Too bad for him. I’m glad Miles is looking like his old self again. He’s a favorite of mine when it comes to non-KU players. Hope he lights it up again in the dance.

This is a physical game. Iowa States defense is phenomenal. Great atmosphere.

From: ksq232
I’m not sure I want KU to win this one…

From: ksq232
ISU is playing well, they will be dangerous next week.

Game was closer than the score indicated. KU is no slouch on defense. If they win tomorrow, they have a great case for the overall number 1.

From: ksq232
Wish they would have lost yesterday, no chance of the overall #1 seed now, a loss yesterday wouldn’t have hurt them anymore than a loss today. Oh well….

From: cherney12

From: ksq232
Wildcats gonna beat the Wildcats again?? Go State!!!

From: be still
Heard little something about Coach Snyder’s son going to KU. I guess when that apple fell it hit a slope and rolled down away from the tree aways:?)

From: Dale06
Mis guided kid.

From: sitO
The Taco Bell is closer to the dorms there

From: ksq232
To be honest, KU’s improvement has happened in every phase but special teams, Sean is supposed to be a wizard there, so……good hire??? Feels weird to say that for sure. Lol

These women can flat out play. This has been better basketball than the mens tournament.

From: be still
Going for Iowa here but it’s going to be tough if they can’t keep them off of the boards inside.

From: sitO
IA vs SC was a great game, not sure I'd say it was better than the men's games but fun to watch. Had no idea Rick James was still coaching?

From: be still
Simply incredible…

From: t-roy
^^^ @ sitO……Super Freaky ;-)

Clark is the most exciting college basketball player to watch this year, hands down.

I don't think that Iowa missed a freethrow in that game. KU would might still be playing had they made theirs. And SC missed very few. The offense runs so effecient in the womens game. The rules follow the NBA and I like the 4 quarters much better than 2 halfs. The flow to the game is better without a media timeout every 4 minutes. Clarks skill level is unmatched by any player, man or woman.

From: cherney12
KU shot 72% from the line in the game they lost……….

If I remember right, KU missed the front end of 3 one in one attempts in the second half. If Iowa would have shot 72% they would have lost. Arkansas was 80% from the line. And KU lost by one. Clutch FT shooting in the second half would have made a major difference in the game.

From: cherney12
If KSU woulda rebounded better they would have won the national championship

From: cherney12
They shot their season average… it comes down to they didn’t play well enough to win. UConn beat the team they lost to by over 20 anyway. What kinda “ifs” you got for that matchup?

Unfortunately for KU, you have to elevate your game in the tournament. What you did in the regular season isn't good enough in an elimination game. Your right, they didn't play well enough to win, especially at the free throw line. Kstate has only played for one national title, in 1951.

From: crestedbutte
…..and with 4 Final Fours 1948, 1951, 1958 and 1964. Long DAMN time ago.

From: cherney12
Yeah well we don’t cheat so it makes it harder

From: ksq232
Lol Patrick, you do know every team has been paying legally for 2 years now, right? KU won a natty LAST year with not ONE big time recruit. Your pouting is funny. But now that State is paying players ABOVE the table (calling Huggy Bear to the courtesy table), maybe they’ll get to a Final 4, I doubt it though.

From: sitO
You'd be hard pressed getting people who support cheating to find anything wrong with cheaters Patrick

From: ksq232
Name one member of last year’s team that received impermissible benefits fellas. Where are the 5 stars??? Good grief you guys are laughable.

From: sitO
So now we're basing the conversation on one year? Five Level 1 infractions James, FIVE.

From: sitO
OU has had seven or more as well.

Dirty programs, with despicable coaches

From: crestedbutte
Kelvin Sampson….dirty!

From: sitO
Sampson wasn't there when they got the infractions, do I need to spell this all out for you? Maybe flashcards?

From: ksq232
Oh whatever, college basketball fans are riveted I tell you, RIVETED! Lol

From: crestedbutte
Yeah old Kelvin just couldn’t help himself when it came to recruiting phone calls. Hey….he was social media before social media was a thang!

From: sitO
You're right James, nobody cares...except those with ethics and get to choose your path

From: be still
Clark is dang good but LSU, Mulky, and Morris was better today.

From: ksq232
Yep, they had a great run tho!!

From: Catscratch
Couldn't miss from outside in the first half, and Iowa got into fould trouble which hamstrung their defense. Didn't quite agree with a few of the calls against Iowa. Would like to see these 2 teams play a best out of 5. Friday's games were awfully good!

From: One Arrow
Clark got screwed on the technical… and at a pivotal moment in the game. That was a huge penalty, and the timing was perfect to take the wind out of Iowa State during a comeback.

I hate saying refs can cost a game, and I can’t really say that here, but there were other calls/no calls that I believe were major factors in keeping LSU ahead in that second half.

LSU was damn good. The officials were pathetic on both sides. They called nothing on 2 elbows and then a technical when a players says nothing.

From: cherney12
Don’t mean to brag but y’all should watch more basketball… jk this is the least ball I’ve watched in my life and craziest tourney ever maybe? Beautiful sport

From: sitO
Bought a mansion in FL two days ago, and a "big" press conference at 11am today...the end of a cheating era?

From: cherney12
Sad way to see it end. I don't like that he cheated some but he is a great coach.

From: ksq232
I’d be very sad to see him go; but if he feels it’s time, then good for him. He’d be next to impossible to replace.

He ain't going anywhere!!!!!

From: crestedbutte
A quadruple by-pass and 50 stents later :?) he is currently the healthiest version of himself that he has ever been. Now with clear arteries...who knows how long he will be at "it"...whether that is coaching, cheat'in, you name it!

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo
For those that say we’ve never won a national title. Back to back!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Let’s try that again…

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
I guess I’ll put this right here.

From: ksq232
Good for Tang, never said he couldn’t recruit — the NIL coffers must be filling up,; do you still consider paying the players cheating? Might have a little bit a of a rivalry again, if State can keep him, meaning the coach, not the recruit. KU football might make the other side of the campus a rivalry soon as well.

From: sitO
Never heard of him or Towson, he'll have a hard time beating Dick

The Men's team in KS, on the other hand, signed a 5 star kid yesterday...the best High School guard in OK

From: sitO

sitO's Link

From: crestedbutte
Hmmmm....."committed" ain’t "signed." Looks to be a good one and since he is an Okie, he will no doubt turn out to be an upstanding, dependable young man whose word should be good. Therefore, I don't see any reason to believe that he won't eventually "sign" with the Periwinkles ;?)

From: ksq232
Maybe you’ll hear of him next year…. Good for Tang, he can recruit for sure and the coffers must be filling up to pay those players. You don’t still consider that cheating, do you?? Be nice to have a little rivalry in the State again, it’s been a while. Speaking of rivalry, look out for that Leipold guy…..

From: cherney12
It’s not against the rules now so it’s not cheating… that’s how cheating works… you understand that right? Leipold is a phony and will soon wish he’d bounced out of Lawrence

From: cherney12
It’s not against the rules now so it’s not cheating… that’s how cheating works… you understand that right? Leipold is a phony and will soon wish he’d bounced out of Lawrence

From: ksq232
Yeah, but Kyle says KU still cheats??? Just trying to get into the strange mind of his and understand. Impossible, I know.

From: ksq232
Leipold is a phony?? Now you sound like Kyle. Lol

From: sitO
They've always cheated, why would they stop now?

From: ksq232
There ya go, that’s my man!!! What are you gonna say when KU reigns victorious on the gridiron? They cheat over there too??? Love it!!

From: sitO
lol don't hold your breath. You keep supporting the wrong side of sports, and I'll support the opposite.

Don't expect this "towny" kid to fill the hole Dick left in BS

From: cherney12
Making 5 million… which I believe is a Top 25 salary. And he’s 8-17 at Ku. I know it’s not his fault he’s drastically overpaid but KU has a history of getting excited about bad coaches and forcing themselves into perpetual losing with bad football coaching contracts. This feels like another one to me.

From: cherney12
He’s 45-50 at the FBS level… yawn

From: ksq232
Lol, yeah you have absolutely nothing to worry about, oh fan of a program that thinks it’s good, but has never won anything meaningful. I just love State fans like you and Kyle, highly entertaining!!

From: cherney12
Never won anything meaningful then why do y’all brag every time you win the big 12 and make t-shirts about winning 13 straight? Didn’t realize the fiesta bowl is less meaningful than the orange bowl? Also y’all are the most highly entertaining. Literally the worst power conference football team in the country the last 10 years but still getting on online forums and gloating… what gall you clowns have

From: cherney12
Never won anything meaningful then why do y’all brag every time you win the big 12 and make t-shirts about winning 13 straight? Didn’t realize the fiesta bowl is less meaningful than the orange bowl? Also y’all are the most highly entertaining. Literally the worst power conference football team in the country the last 10 years but still getting on online forums and gloating… what gall you clowns have

From: ksq232
When have you EVER seen me brag on here about a big 12 championship in basketball? Gloating is now defined as optimism? Check! Are you so deluded in your fandom of State to think that me hoping KU to be more of a rival in football to a team that is mildly successful as gloating??? Now that’s gold Jerry GOLD!!!

From: cherney12
gloat - contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure… English is hard

From: sitO
James, maybe y'all can cheat a storm outta them there clouds...try harder

From: ksq232
I’m so glad all State fans aren’t like you two, they’re all boring. Lol! Been fun fellas, until next time.

From: sitO

sitO's Link

From: kscowboy
KSU enjoys two days of glory and then Bill Self flexes today with one of the biggest recruiting hauls in recent history…

Hunter Dickinson to KU. I would imagine that someone who started last year may not start this year.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's Link
Who gonna get him? KU & Periwinkle in the mix too. Guess we'll find out in 6-8 mos.

From: ksq232
I was very disappointed to see Udeh enter the portal, he’s a talent; now I see he’s visiting K-State. That would be an interesting destination to say the least. Of course, Kyle and Patrick would hate to see a cheater come to State, I’m sure. Lol

From: sitO
He was just a freshman James, I don't think BS touched him too much...or had enough time to groom him

Haven't seen a big man progress into a top NBA talent at KU since Danny Manning left.

From: ksq232
Kyle don’t be a hypocrite now. All kids who come to KU are cheaters. They are paid illegally to be there, don’t you know? It’s ALWAYS been this way, with EVERY player, once a cheater always a cheater. Actually, I knew you were all talk, you and everybody else would take Self in a heartbeat if he decided to coach at State.

Personally West, I could care less if Self develops big men into NBA all stars, the NBA bores me. I’ll take a DMac leading them to a championship every day of the week. He was the true MOP of the tourney in ‘22.

From: sitO
The kids aren't cheaters James, but BS and the university's proven

From: ksq232
Lol, whatever it takes to make you feel good about your kittens Kyle.

KU picked up a big commit from the portal on the gridiron side, DE from Auburn. Needed him desperately after the departure of Phelps. Is it September yet???

From: sitO
Elite 8 and a Big 12 Championship, I'd say we're feeling pretty good James.

McCormack had 2 good games in 4 years. He just happened to have them at the right time. Overall, he was a huge disappointment, even being benched his senior year. The NBA is so good right now. Far from boring.

From: ksq232
I’ll stick with college, thanks west….

From: ksq232

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
Is it football season yet???

From: sitO
Ummmm..."At the moment, Kamara does not have a rating from 247Sports and is not ranked".

But they only rank the top 2307 players

From: be still
Nah James since you ain’t sniffling and behind the couch trying to peek around at the TV through your fingers in front of your face I reckon Football hasn’t gotten here yet.

From: ksq232
So why was State recruiting him Kyle, was he just gonna be a practice player? I guess we’ll never know….. Lol!!!

From: sitO
Yea, no idea, it's not news

From: ksq232
I understand Kyle, you’re gonna have to begin getting used to losing recruiting battles to KU, that’s gotta be a tough pill to swallow. Especially since it’s football and your go-to “cheaters” excuse won’t work. :-)

From: sitO
We weren't actively recruiting him James, nobody was really. Hell, he had to pay for his own trip to cheat-ville. Congrats on discovering a nothing burger.

From: ksq232
Cheatville….. just couldn’t resist. Got a lot of preseason all big 12 athletes on that team of yours! You don’t need to recruit with talent like that! Lol

West: Embid is a pretty good pro I hear. I don't watch the NBA so I have to take others word for it.

From: ksq232
Yeah Embiid isn’t too bad I guess…. Not “top NBA talent” though….. lol!! Nice catch Lee.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Meanwhile in Man-happiness...

Name's Kyle so of course he's a decent guy, 50# heavier than me so he's a good eater, and oh...he's ranked

Embiid didn't even play one full season. I am talking about guys like the Morris twins, Greg Ostertag and Jeff Withey that stayed with the program for 3 or 4 years and developed under Manning. KU did nothing to develop Embiid. He was a one and done.

From: ksq232
He’d hardly ever played basketball before KU, and he was a lottery pick, I believe coaching had a little something to do with that. His footwork improved incredibly that year.

Oh and Kyle, Kamara will be a 3 star soon, so hang onto that “not ranked” jab as long as you can.

That is not true. He played H.S. basketball. He had a mentor to develop him before ever moved to the U.S. He even went to a private high school specifically for basketball. He may not have played AAU ball at 5 or 6, but that means nothing anyway. He was a freak athlete 7 foot tall. He could have went to Fort Hays his freshman year and had the same result in the NBA. He success had nothing at all to do with 4 months of basketball at KU with a broken back. Besides this is not relevant anyway, we are talking about players who have stayed for 4 years and improved every year developing into an all league player. Hasn't really happened since Withey. Unless you call Lightfoot a success.

From: ksq232
Those players will never stay in the program 4 years anymore. And if you didn’t see improvement in Embiid that year, I honestly don’t know what to say, hard to believe a coach would say that. His improvement was incredibly obvious. Btw, when was Withey or either Morris twin an All Star?? I am mildly amused with the NBA, not entertained by it at all, so maybe I missed those fellas’ highlights. Doke has had as much success in the NBA as Withey.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
It was a big weekend for KU football. Added another linebacker, a future center, and a corner. More commits to come in this week I’m guessing.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
Is it fall yet???

From: be still

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Meanwhile at the men's school in KS

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
That’s cute Kyle, good for you!!

Meanwhile, the beat goes on….

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo

From: crestedbutte
With all this "commitment" talk, it must be TALKING SEASON??? Just remember, it's a long time between now and "Signing Period." Kind of like waiting for deer season to start-up again...but longer!

From: ksq232
Umm, I think I’ve made it clear I cannot wait for the start of college football. And trust me I know as a KU fan they aren’t locked in for a while; but there’s a reason college football talk revolves around recruiting this time of year, AND have you watched the Royals lately???? Btw Crested, I saw the REAL Sooner team won another championship, congrats!!! Group of classy gals right there!

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Fake news

From: ksq232
It’s ‘24 recruits. Get with the program there Kyle, or can you not read anything with Jayhawks in the pic?The sickness runs deep! Lol The ‘23 class is already on campus.

From: sitO
Oh, well you oughta see our year 3000 recruits

From: Catscratch
Huggy Bear resigns...

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
I hope the poor fella gets some help.

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
And the beat goes on…..

Just gotta hold on to these kids, KU HAS to compete on the field again this season to keep this rolling.

From: KB
Pretty nice class for sure considering where they’ve been. Definitely won’t finish 40 spots behind the Cats this year if they hold it together. Still not much momentum for the in state kids though. Cats have three of the top five and at least a shot at the Junction City kid.

Hawks have to have the toughest schedule in the conference this year. I’d be very impressed if they make a bowl.

From: be still
James Texas gets some of the best ones year after year and just look at how they’ve done over the last 12 years or so.

From: ksq232
Are you saying Texas kids can’t play football Calhoun? Interesting take….

From: be still

be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
Out of high school they can but they get to that school and they mess em all up. Now quite a few though ain’t even from Texas…for example this little pumpkin.

You see Texas is Already grooming him…literally look at his nice little hair…to show off and try to look good instead of playing football. Look at the poor kid trying to flex his muscles for the camera…looks like he’s going to pull his hamstring before the season even gets here. You see he’s supposed to be the the quarterback…the so called leader for the team and they got him doing this.

From: crestedbutte
In the background….busted up columns and hoodlums looking on from above. Are they working out at Huntsville C-block? What has UT been doing with all that money that OU brought to each member of the Big 12 the last 21 yrs. by making it to all those BCS bowl games, Natty Games and CFP games?

Hell, OU’s sustained success has either funded or partially funded just about every Big 12 universities recent stadium upgrades. That is exactly why the stadium in Manhattan is called the “Bill Snyder Family Stadium-that OU Built.”

From: ksq232

ksq232's Link
How long has it been since KU wasn’t the preseason pick to finish last in the Big 12??? Progress!! Lol

From: crestedbutte
Pre-Season rankings...what a joke! If it wasn't for new Big 12 members, KU would be picked 3rd from last. Therefore, not really much of an improvement to warrant screaming from the mountaintops about.....Progress?

From: sitO
Ok, this was funny “Bill Snyder Family Stadium-that OU Built.”

And hey, we're ranked higher too!

From: ksq232
Uhh, Crested, KU has been picked last for over a decade now, so yes that’s improvement. It means KU is no longer an afterthought. I listen to quite a bit of sports radio out of Tulsa and OKC, if you don’t think KU is beginning to turn a few heads, you’re wrong. Of course, I’m not even sure why I’m responding to a lower end, middle of the pack, SEC fan. Btw, where is OU on that preseason polling??? Behind State? Oh yeah, I forgot about OU’s POST season ranking last year. Didn’t they have the same big 12 record as the lowly Hawks???

Better stick with your flagship program, women’s softball.

From: ksq232
Oh crested, it’s gonna be so fun watching you Boomer fans walk off into the sunset with your collective tail between your legs. KU has long way to go, but the journey will be fun. Remember, I don’t have the same expectations as the high and mighty OU fans, in football season anyway…. I will say this, good thing for those talented gals of yours; otherwise, how long has it been since a national title???

From: crestedbutte
LOL, OU will be just fine. I know why you're responding...because you just can't help yourself. You're right POST season is all that matters....kind of like "signed letters of intent" vs. "commitments." Will be interesting to re-visit this pre-season ranking in December...especially for the bottom tier of the league that includes the majority of the new members mostly picked to finish near the bottom along with KU. I for one, hope these 4 new members shake things up a bit.

Really looking forward to attending the game in Lawrence on 10/28. I have fond memories from attending that game in Lawrence 2 yrs. ago (and just 20 rows directly below me) as Caleb WIlliams stuck a dagger in the heart of KU nation by stripping the RB of the ball and lunging for that critical first down to then run the clock out for yet another OU victory vs. KU....the 17th straight at that point.

Now don't you be getting distracted by "pre-season" football rankings. Remember this is KU....wouldn't want you to get your hopes up and then being disappointed again and again and again. You surely don't need yet another disappointment in your life.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Nowell is who we thought he was...meanwhile Dick=limp

From: be still
^^^yep with the big boys Dick doesn’t have the length to hit the spot from the outside and he gets too soft to penetrate to the hole.

From: sitO
Gotta watch Nowell's highlight reel, he's in an NBA state of mind

From: be still
Going to miss watching him at K-State. If he keeps this up I might just start watching a little NBA again.

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo
You guys are really talking about NBA summer league??? Well okay, this is a real NBA player scrapping in summer league. Oh, and btw, Christian Braun will be STARTING for the defending NBA champs next season. Keep cheering for the little guy though, with a little luck, he might make an NBA roster.

From: be still
What we were talking about James is players that are inspirational and are worth taking the time to watch.

From: ksq232
What I’m talking about is homegrown local kids who have already made it on the big stage. I could care less about some little fella from NYC.

From: sitO
It's "couldn't"

From: ksq232
Lol, thanks Sito. I leave it so people do wonder what you’re talking about,,,,, I mean don’t. ;-)

From: Catscratch
It's "I'll".


From: be still
James I feel for you right now but that was kind of funny. To get corrected on your attempt of a correction just struck my funny bone.

I better just shut the hell up before them two start in on me:?)

From: ksq232
Actually, it makes perfect sense in the present and not future tense. :-)

From: be still
Ha at least you corrected the “ I’m mean” to “ I mean “.

I even spotted that one. I bet Cat spotted that one too he just didn’t have the heart to point out that you had 2 wrongs.

From: ksq232
Yeah, that one can be blamed on a phone keyboard and apple spell check. Dumb piece of technology even put commas instead of periods. Good grief…

From: Catscratch
Lol, I was just goofing. Thought it was too funny to let slide. Lord knows I make plenty of errors myself!

From: sitO
I made an error once too, 1994 ;?)

From: Bwhnt
I am never wrong. I thought I was once....but I was mistaken.

From: ksq232

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Five level 1 infractions, one level five far

From: ksq232
Kid needs some help, he’s a loon. 3rd string center, just “blew up” when he realized he was never gonna play. I know, I know…sorry! ;-)

From: Dale06
Thanks for posting SitO.

From: Ksgobbler
"Everybody get out, Im fixing to blow this bathroom up".

From: KB
Nothing new from an institution that gave us basketball players sniping students with pellet guns from dorm windows, basketball and football teams brawling over a chick, porn stars invited to sit on the sidelines by the AD, Snoop Dogg and his strippers, and a basketball player rubbing his junk on a school employee in an elevator. Pretty typical.

From: Ksgobbler
Looks like Colorado is coming home. Wonder if any other Pac schools follow?

From: Ksgobbler
Colorado officially back in. Oregon and Washington meeting with the Big 12 tonight. AZ held an emergency meeting. Going to be real interesting the next few days.

From: Ksgobbler
AZ, AZ St, and Utah coming to the Big 12. I feel bad for Oregon St. I would've liked for them to get invited. New facilities, good in football and baseball.

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo

KU looked pretty good in Puerto Rico, and Johnny Furphy wasn't there. Someone else will have to red shirt along with Clemence with him coming on board.

From: ksq232
That’s an interesting thought West, I didn’t think about that second redshirt this year. Clemence is a given, correct?

Yep and one more will have to now.

From: be still
Y’all just made me swipe all the way down here for this crap…it’s football season boys!

I don't follow college football. Until they have a playoff system like D2, I will watch something else.

From: be still
Jeff you keep talking about not deer hunting no more as well. One of these crisp late October or November days I’m going to stop by your house and you’re going to jump in the truck with me.

We’re gonna go hunt and later after dark we’re going to watch a college football game while having a beer and you’re going to enjoy it:?)

I haven't had a beer in 30 years. But bourbon is a different story. And we can watch some UFC.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
What in the Wide, Wide, World of Sports is going on? I’ve been off the grid since Fri July 21 (except for 1 bump in early August prior to the KBA Summer Rendezvous post) and I come back to civilization and the following has happened:

1. We all knew “Neon” Deion was using the transfer portal to field his first team at Colorado. However, “Neon” Deion got the entire Univ. of Colorado to enter the transfer portal to the Big 12. Impressive work, LOL!

2. Then I see that UW and UO go to the Big 10.

3. Then I see that AU, ASU and Utah recently joined the Big 12 to round off 4 new PAC-12 members to the Big 12 of which could be the ultimate death blow to the PAC-12 as we all have known it.

Let’s not forget this 2011 statement (see pic.) from then PAC-12 Commissioner Larry Scott when the PAC-12 was looking into adding OU, OSU. Tex. and TTech. That “snooty” decision didn’t age very well for them, LOL!

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Carrying on the KU traditions...

From: ksq232
Glad he’s gone, very talented, but a creep and likely a criminal to boot. Never should have taken him on.

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Here it comes, hope they stick it to the filthy cheaters.

From: ksq232
The real question is, who will be more disappointed? You or Mizzou fraud Pat Ford?

From: ksq232
Much ado about NOTHING lol

From: ksq232
Now Morris on the other hand….a creep! I’m still ticked at Self for taking a flyer on him. As a father of two teenage girls, I hope he ROTS in prison.

From: cherney12
just gotta get some real guys

From: Ksgobbler
No other penalties

From: ksq232
Fun stuff! I guess Kyle can’t watch college basketball anymore. Just food for thought Kyle, the NCAA WAY, WAY overreached on this. As a result they look very foolish. Did KU speed a little bit? Yessir they did, 60 in a 55 will not get you a ticket though. You could even argue that isn’t really a law, since everyone does it. You do realize that this is all about DeSousa, right? His guardian was paid less than $2500. And he was suspended for a full season as a result. Like I said, 60 in a 55 and the fine was paid. Enjoy your Juco ball this year, since you can’t watch real basketball anymore. Lol!!

From: sitO
Weak. Just like the Coach, and University.

Everyone knows they cheated, and have for years. Those without conscience will still support.

From: Ksgobbler
Living rent free in the kitties head.

From: sitO
Not my opinion Matt, it's the nation's opinion.

From: ksq232
Lol Kyle! Your opinion isn’t even the opinion of most of the guys on goemaw….. you’re in the minority bud. Nothing wrong with that tho, stay proud!!

From: cherney12
Reminds me of Trump supporters

From: ksq232
I guess you’re not alone Kyle, I forgot about poor cherney. Don’t do anything stupid tonight fellas. Lol

From: sitO

From: ksq232
Don’t be a child Kyle, tantrums don’t look good on you. Lol

Wow, been a bad week for some kitten fans. Maybe Howard will only throw 2 interceptions this weekend and you’ll have something to celebrate???

From: sitO
Who's the reigning Big 12 Champ, and who made it further in the NCAA Tourney...


From: ksq232
Funny, I don’t remember telling you KU was the defending NATIONAL champions last year, maybe I did??? Some things don’t need to be stated. But if you wanna keep bragging about the kittens’ “monumental” accomplishments go right on ahead. We’re riveted!!

And one more thing about that ‘22 Natty, to quote my favorite line from Tombstone, “This time it’s legal!”

From: be still
Seems kind of funny that the group IARP doing the investigation a good while back was done away with cause they wasn’t doing a good job…said after this that group is no longer.

Doesn’t matter anyhow cause Kansas ain’t no good. I’ll say it again…Kansas gets all the top players and most of the time still can’t do nothing. Like sitting beside a feeder in a High Fence place and still can’t shoot a deer….

From: sitO
KU fans are even worse Mike, they don't have the wherewithal to put out their own failure piles...weak²


From: Ksgobbler
When was Kstate's last natty in football or basketball? Oh you have never accomplished that? Hell you couldnt even win a BCS bowl game but the Jayhawks got you there too with an Orange bowl win. Living rent free in your head.

From: ksq232
Alive and well in your heads. Love it!!!!

With the rise of KU football, State will begin the decline. Too bad Snyder is coming to KU games now, he won’t save you again. Lol

Calhoun, I can’t figure out if you’re trying to pull a Brian Kelly or what? But State fans don’t talk like that… Your use of the double negative actually makes the claim Kansas “does something” and they “are good”. So thank you for complimenting the Hawks, appreciate it!

From: sitO
KU has no wins w/o an *


From: be still
Yep you know how I use double negatives James but your smarter than that. That’s why deep down I know you know what’s right. A team like Kansas that does negative things just to try and win is not a positive thing…

From: ksq232
You fellas are absolutely clueless (since you’re relatively new to this discussion Calhoun, I’ll give you a pass) and it provides a tremendous amount of entertainment. So I guess I should be thanking you. So, thank you, keep up the good work! I just wish KU got to face Baylor this year on the football field too! And Calhoun, you lost me on the double negatives; so that’s an attempt at humor?

From: cherney12

cherney12's Link

From: cherney12

cherney12's embedded Photo
cherney12's embedded Photo

From: cherney12
Still proud tho I’m sure

From: ksq232

2018 never happened??? I can erase that season from my mind? Do I care? No, no, and no

By the way, your link isn’t accurate. Your posted pic is though, so good for you.

From: sitO
Some people have to cheat to win, certainly not something you'd teach your kids...or expect from your mother or Father. Then other lowlife's will condone, and even celebrate the cheating.

KU has been proven to cheat, they've now vacated wins, and are on probation. Don't be like KU.


From: be still
You do get lost pretty easy and sometimes I’m not sure if you know if you’re coming or going but it’s alright. I mean just last year you thought it might have been a good thing if Kansas would just lose in basketball.

We’ll talk football on the other thread James.


Kansasclipper's embedded Photo
Kansasclipper's embedded Photo
James you should stick to your expertise!!!!!!!!

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Can't hide anymore

From: be still
Man that is just terrible they would let a man go to prison for them and pretend they didn’t have anything to do with it.

From: Ksgobbler

Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Ksgobbler's embedded Photo

From: sitO
Yea, we're fighters...not rapist like at cheatU

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

sitO's Link

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Embrace the SUCK

From: sitO

sitO's Link
Cheating does pay, good lesson for the youth of today

From: be still
Something came across my news feed about the cheaters getting spanked again. Also something about a Kansas started mouthing and the coach not behaving. You would think after getting lucky and getting off the hook they would at least could fake some good behavior…I guess not.

Harris got embarrassed. He looked terrible.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

Dickinson is a flopper. Hardly any contact.

From: ksq232
Rock Chalk!

From: sitO

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