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'23 WY G&F Commissioner's License Raffle
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BowhuntersOfWyoming's embedded Photo
BowhuntersOfWyoming's embedded Photo
BowhuntersOfWyoming's embedded Photo
BowhuntersOfWyoming's embedded Photo

BowhuntersOfWyoming's Link
Here is the information for the BOW Commissioner's License Raffle. This year we have increased the available tickets from 400 to 600 in order to maximize the biggest bang for the buck for wildlife. Every single dime that we receive from this raffle goes straight to projects. All of the costs of the raffle are paid for by BOW. The reason we went to more tickets instead of increasing the price is so that the little guy still has a chance. It is still a good deal for whoever wins it, $50 for the area of your choice in Wonderful Wyoming. Almost all the winners if not all have picked an elk tag instead of a deer or antelope tag, but the choice is yours. First off, BOW would like to Thank Mark Jolovich, Wyo G&F Commissioner, for the license. We also Thank all the individuals in the past that have purchased tickets to help us fund projects for wildlife in Wyoming. Also, Thanks to all of you who are going to buy a ticket this year and GOOD LUCK!!!

Purchase your tickets on our website: https://www.bowhuntersofwyoming.org/Shop

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