Mathews Inc.
Contributors to this thread:
Paul@thefort 23-Jul-23
? 23-Jul-23
Paul@thefort 23-Jul-23
Jaquomo 23-Jul-23
Treeline 24-Jul-23
squirrel 24-Jul-23
TRnCO 24-Jul-23
Paul@thefort 24-Jul-23
Glunt@work 24-Jul-23
Orion 24-Jul-23
Paul@thefort 24-Jul-23
Buglmin 28-Jul-23
KsRancher 28-Jul-23
Paul@thefort 28-Jul-23
Jaquomo 30-Jul-23
Glunt@work 31-Jul-23
Matte 08-Aug-23
Nock 09-Aug-23
Bent arrow 11-Aug-23
Paul@thefort 11-Aug-23
Cootswatter 11-Aug-23
From: Paul@thefort
SAD DAY IN COLORADO, yesterday when I attended the statewide CPW Regional Caucus/Roundtable meeting in Breckenridge CO. representing the NE CPW Region.

The CPW was presenting the results of the state wide effort and results of the Public involvement meetings covering Big Game Licenses Allocations and the next Big Game Season Structure What was so striking was the actual number of statewide participants who actually attended these meetings in person and from home per Engage CPW website and answered the questions. The CPW staff held at least three meeting per CPW Region.

TOTAL statewide "hunters" who participate in person and on line=========640

Yea, only 640 hunters out of thousands of rifle hunters and thousands of bow hunters, took the time to be involved with what will be the future of the next 5-yr, Big Game Season Structure.

640 out of thousands of Colorado hunters. Sad day when Colorado hunters do not care or take the time to participate in their future.

The NE Region only had 135 total participants. Thank you that did attend and participate.

My best, Paul

From: ?
Sportsmen as a rule dont show up unless threatened,... Anti's do.

You reap what to sow.

From: Paul@thefort
Correct. But bow hunter in Colorado are being threatened. Threatened how?

The total lost of OTC Elk licenses

The continued lost of OTC units going limited draw . The good chance that ALL archery elk licenses will go all limited.

That Nonresident archery elk hunters out number resident bow hunters.

That resident participation is lowering and non residents are purchasing more OTC than residents.

From: Jaquomo
I'm surprised that 640 attended. I know and talk to a good number of resident bowhunters about what is happening. Almost every one is resigned to the idea that CPW favors NRs over residents, they love that revenue, they don't like bowhunters in general, and no matter what we say or do, CPW is going to do what's best for CPW, not resident bowhunters. The phenomenon of bowhunters being blamed for early season movement of large numbers of elk (very true in some OTC units) isn't helping our cause, either.

Also, with the mess that OTC archery hunting has become with the NR flood, limiting licenses would presumably limit NR participation, which in turn would improve the quality of the hunt. For years I have been suggesting either a cap on NR OTC licenses, or a flat out limited draw for all NRs while keeping OTC for residents. I feel like my input is akin to shaking my fist and yelling at the clouds.

From: Treeline
Based on my experiences with CPw, it makes no difference. They will do whatever they want and bowhunting opportunities will continue to erode.

From: squirrel
Got talked into going to a meeting by my friend and there was 100% opposition from the public (maybe 25 people). 4-5 CPW people talked explains how incredible they were at their jobs. At the end of the meeting Lyle stood up and thanked us for attending and said they were proceeding and he hoped we would come around to supporting their amazing idea. Why waste your time?

From: TRnCO
it's much like going to the state capitol to protest against magazine bans. You can yell all you want and they say they are listening, but in the end the bureaucrats do what they plan to do. Like Lou said, might as well yell at the clouds and shake my fist. Same out come.

From: Paul@thefort
So when the CBA BGSS Committee, of which I am part of, meets with CPW staff on August 2, at the CPW Hdq in Denver, to discuss the BGSS, OTC license and limited draw licenses and give the Bowhunters side of the issues,: IT IS JUST A WASTE OF OUR TIME????????????????????????

From: Glunt@work
I deeply appreciate those who attend and advocate for bowhunting. But, bowhunters aren't the ones creating policy and changes that aren't good for bowhunting. Yes, speaking out and showing up is a good idea.

That said, when a kid gets his lunch money taken by a big bully, sticking up for himself is a good idea but he's not to blame for his lunch money being stolen when he decides its not worth a black eye today. Especially when the result is usually a black eye and no lunch money.

The amount of time and energy you have given is off the charts Paul. I understand the frustration and the desire to motivate more action.

From: Orion
Paul you should know by now that CPW is going to do whatever they want regardless of what you or the CBA says. Get ready for another bunch of draw archery units next fall that used to be OTC.

From: Paul@thefort
"do what they want". Well, not until it is all final and approved by the Commission.

From: Buglmin
lol, It's funny to see the sudden worry over what the CPW is doing to your hunting area, but not too concerned about what is going on in the sw part of the state. And as much as I try to support the CBA, their fighting with the CPW actually hurts the resident hunter, not helping them.

The whole "5 year plan" is total bs!! The CPW does whatever they want, when they want to. They have no interest in what the resident hunters do. Their only concern in the outfitters that donate monies to them and the non resident hunters. Don't believe me? Look at the tag alottment for 80/81 and 77/78, where non resident hunters are drawing over 73% of the elk draw tags.

From: KsRancher
I shouldn't even respond. But I just can't help myself. The tag allotment for residents in those units in 65%. The only reason residents didn't get 65% of the tags is because not enough of them put it as their 1st choice. CPW tried to give them the 65% and they chose not to take it.

I would like to add that I am all for the new 75/25 or 80/20 and even residents getting to keep OTC. But if residents want the tags. They need to apply for them and do it as 1st choice

From: Paul@thefort
Buglmin, You state, "their fighting with the CPW". Your words not the CBA's. The BGSS CBA committee will be meeting with and working with CPW leadership team and discuss the BGSS. THE CBA will presenting data to encourage those in power, to favor residents in the OTC units and not allow all elk archery tag to go all limited and give valid reasons. You state, "actually hurts the resident hunter, not helping them". Oh really!, What proof do you have to back up this statement? My best, Paul

From: Jaquomo
KsRancher, you are correct, but conversely, burning a bunch of points for a "new" zero point unit is a tough pill for residents to swallow after their lifelong OTC unit suddenly goes limited.

When my deer unit went draw, I sucked it up and burned 8 PPs because I had a great place to hunt. Then learned I probably could have drawn as second choice.

From: Glunt@work
When you live here, OTC is a big plus. It allows easy planning and the ability to bounce around different parts of the State, share camps with a couple different groups/family without the drawbacks of having to apply as a group and maybe no one gets a tag or one group hunts 150 miles away from the other.

One of the things on my quickly shrinking list of reasons to live here.

From: Matte
It is such a simple fix. Take a barrel of fresh apples they cost the most ( First Choice ) Take a barrel of week old apples and they get discounted ( second choice) but they still need to cost you something.

OTC are the oldest and should be free.

80/20 split down through the choices but all choices cost you something. OTC for residents in the Units that can handle it but 80% tag cap. Nr Draw for 20% of tags any surplus goes to open purchase.

From: Nock
I have to say it appears that CPW is just going through the motions for input as they often have already decided what they are going to do. CPW announced last year they were considering making the OTC archery unit I hunt draw only, based on crowding. Interesting as I have been hunting the unit for 30 years with no major issues with crowding. They had 2 meetings for input. One was during archery season (did not attend). Several friends attended the other meeting virtually. We also sent many emails on the issue. Then low and behold, the 2023 Big Game regs came out and my unit was listed as draw. They didn’t even wait for the next 5 year season structure update. And you wonder why attendance is low at these meetings?

From: Bent arrow
After reading the entries here I c a common theme. Everyone has their own opinion as to what should b done and who should do it. People. We as hunters have to stop the bitchin and pull together or lose all. Weather u live in the s part of state or north does not matter. Someday we'll say. Should of gone and voiced my opinion. Stand up and fight.

From: Paul@thefort
Nock, The CPW Regional managers have the ability to make changes on a yearly basis concerning OTC and Limited Draw license, and outside of the 5 year Big Game Season structure. They did the same in units 12, 23, 24, and 33 two years ago, ie, taking away 300 limited elk archery licenses under the heading of "crowding". Their after season survey indicated that only 9% (unit 12) and 14% ( units 23,24, 33) indicated extreme crowding, the majority indicated moderate to no crowding.

Do not give up, contact the Commission and express your concerns. Paul

From: Cootswatter
I gave up on Colorado when they let Trapping get killed. This state is still worth hunting, some, but as far as I can see it is a lost cause to the liberal morons. I hunt out of state 5 times more then in state, because of all the idiots.

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