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Gun Law Blocked
Contributors to this thread:
Glunt@work 08-Aug-23
samman 08-Aug-23
TRnCO 08-Aug-23
From: Glunt@work
Preliminary injunction granted on raising the age limit to 21 for rifles and shotguns.

Would be nice to gain some ground back in CO buy I'll take a little win. We'll see.

From: samman
Maybe it will be ruled unconstitutional & they will revoke the age limit on pistols as well. We already have a law preventing the purchase of pistols for those under 21, so why did we need another law for rifles & shotguns? Wasn't the reasoning behind it was that the younger kids were buying them to commit suicide? How many buy a rifle to kill themselves?

From: TRnCO
I think the law makers thought that they could prevent those under 21 from buying the dreaded AR15 with this new law. They just used the "prevent suicide" as an excuse to pass the law.

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