Sitka Gear
Contributors to this thread:
PECO2 03-Oct-23
Stix 03-Oct-23
Jaquomo 03-Oct-23
Stix 03-Oct-23
Stix 03-Oct-23
Bow Bullet 03-Oct-23
Glunt@work 03-Oct-23
Stix 03-Oct-23
Jaquomo 03-Oct-23
Orion 04-Oct-23
standswittaknife 04-Oct-23
PECO2 05-Oct-23
TRnCO 05-Oct-23
Surfbow 05-Oct-23
PECO2 05-Oct-23
itpauhayspot1987 01-Nov-23
Jaquomo 01-Nov-23
Orion 01-Nov-23
Bowaddict 01-Nov-23
Stix 03-Nov-23
Glunt@work 04-Nov-23
yooper89 07-Nov-23
Glunt@work 07-Nov-23
cnelk 08-Nov-23
Orion 08-Nov-23
PECO2 08-Nov-23
Ziek 08-Nov-23
JDM 08-Nov-23
Ziek 08-Nov-23
cnelk 08-Nov-23
Orion 08-Nov-23
Jaquomo 11-Nov-23
Ziek 12-Nov-23
Orion 12-Nov-23
Grasshopper 12-Nov-23
From: PECO2
What do you all think about proposition HH? Lower property taxes, at the expense of TABOR refunds.

From: Stix
The D's have been trying to gut TABOR since it's inception. HH eliminates TABOR refund on income tax refund after 10 years, after which property taxed return to normal. Bad idea.

From: Jaquomo
It's another Dem lie to take our money. Instead of adjusting property taxes and reducing spending, this would simply pay the increased property taxes with our own money that would otherwise be refunded. It's a shell game, and they are counting on Dem voters in this state being too stupid to understand the doublespeak.

From: Stix

Stix's embedded Photo
Stix's embedded Photo

From: Stix

Stix's embedded Photo
Stix's embedded Photo
All this from my county assessors office

From: Bow Bullet
It's nice to see at least one county admit HH is a bait and switch. What little I understand about the property tax increase is it's because of the skyrocketing values of real estate but more so, a lot of voters thought the initiative that passed a year or two ago to shift the burden away from commercial and to residential was a good idea. I'm wondering what those supporters think of their choice now.

From: Glunt@work
Terrible idea. Which means it has a decent shot at passing here.

From: Stix
It was a result of voters repealing the Gallagher amendment, which lowered the tax burden of residential properties in the event of a rise in property values. They put a tv commercial on tv which showed first responders supporting it's repeal so they could get more funding. The voters fell for it.

It was fraudulent, much like the mt lion hun ban, calling it "trophy hunting"

The electorate in Colorado is ignorant on issues, they believe whatever is told to them by folks pursuing these issues, on tv commercials, internet etc. They dont search for the truth.

If you're not sure exactly what the issue is you are voting on, not sure if it's good or bad, A NO VOTE IS ALWAYS SAFE.

From: Jaquomo
The photo of the cute orphaned bobcat kittens in the CATS promo ads will win the election for them. That's all they need to sway urban Front Range voters.

An interesting side note - this referendum bans hunting of "lynx", which are already protected.

This one is done. The bigger question is, what low hanging fruit will the sick Democrats go after with the next referendum?

From: Orion
We should never get rid of TABOR. Lou is right our cat hunting is gone. I bet they go for fall bears next.

As a tax accountant, I have read it and honestly this is a long term money grab by the dems moving money that should have been refunding to the constituents due to tabor into the hands of the general (democratic) fund. Just like the "Inflation Reduction Act" it has nothing to do with it's title. The D's are just trying to keep your money in the state coughers instead of refunding it to you and/or your county. Its a disguise. Not playing politics. The entire blue book this year is dedicated to it. Inevitably, your communities and you personally will lose money in the long run for sure and put that money back into the general fund for socialistic type programs... read it...

From: PECO2
Hopefully I can get through to my neighbors. They can't get past the "lower property taxes."

From: TRnCO
Shouldn't be hard to get your neighbors to understand, if the Dems are for it, everyone should be against it. The Dems. are ALWAYS looking for ways to get more of our money out of our pockets. They NEVER reduce taxes and NEVER look for ways to keep money in your pockets. NEVER...

From: Surfbow
I've always been pretty libertarian and not one to get real fired up on a personal level over local politics, but the "liberal" activists and democrats in Colorado have become way too drunk on their own power, they are absolutely out of control. They are ruining/have ruined our state, HH is just another garbage proposition that will negatively affect literally EVERYONE, whether you own a home or rent. If you vote for HH or Colorado democrats you're a moron, just straight up ignorant, shame on you.

From: PECO2
Tim, my neighbors are faithful CNN, MSNBC watchers.

Proposition HH certainly raises important questions about property taxes and TABOR refunds. On the one hand, lower property taxes can provide immediate relief to homeowners, which is undoubtedly appealing. To make an informed decision, it might be wise to consult with experienced white collar defense lawyers who specialize in handling complex financial matters. They can provide valuable insights into the financial implications of Proposition HH and help you navigate the potential legal complexities involved. These lawyers have the expertise to assess the situation from a legal and financial standpoint.

From: Jaquomo
"On the one hand, lower property taxes can provide immediate relief to homeowners, which is undoubtedly appealing."

On the other hand, that Tabor refund check, which will eventually go away if HH passes, provides immediate relief to EVERY TAXPAYER, regardless of whether they are homeowners or renters.

Run along, Dem troll.

From: Orion
Anyone who wants to get rid of Tabor should not be allowed to reside here

From: Bowaddict
Soccer will vote for it, then bitch again about not being able to afford a home in Colorado. Need common sense to connect the dots.

From: Stix
I like how they say it lowers property taxes. It actually lowers the increase from 40% avg to a 29% avg. But the money deducted fron your tabor refund is more than the 11% reduction in the property tax increase.

Anyone who votes for this is STUPID.

From: Glunt@work
We have plenty of voters who will vote against the best interest of themselves and their neighbors. Some unknowingly, some misguided but unfortunately quite a few knowingly.

From: yooper89
HH fails. Great news

From: Glunt@work
I saw only "No on HH" ads. I don't watch much TV but never saw anything for the "Yes" side.

From: cnelk

cnelk's embedded Photo
cnelk's embedded Photo
Denver & Builder got kicked in the nuts [finally] on Prop HH

From: Orion
Thank God there is still enough smart people left in this state. Like I said earlier if you want to get rid of TABOR you should not be allowed to reside here. I'm sure soccermom and ziek were part of the green though.

From: PECO2
YES!!!!!! Down with HH! The dems are crying that it failed because of false ads from the far right. Pfffft, whatever. I read the blue book, and then read it again. Doesn't take much to understand the shell game of HH.

From: Ziek
Hold on now. According to Colorado GOP Chairman, Dave Williams, "There are no fair elections in Colorado..." So according to him, HH really passed, just like Trump really won.

But actually, what it really shows is that Democrats are FAR more willing to vote on merits than strict party affiliation, like MAGA Republicans. And like always, Orion, and others need to get their heads out of their asses, when they're so sure of something.

From: JDM
What I can't wrap my head around is the fact that over a half million Colorado voters voted for it! Didn't know there were that many mindless idiots in the state.

From: Ziek
JDM, There are almost 6 million people in CO. Half fall below average intelligence. Just simple math.

From: cnelk
Dems are always trying to get their hands on that TABOR money. And always will.

From: Orion
Ziek you must be one since you continue to vote for polis and then defend it.

From: Jaquomo
"Half fall below average intelligence. Just simple math."

In this now-blue state, that means a small proportion of Democrats are barely above average intelligence. The Governor's butt-buddy is obsessed with wildlife and animal rights and is his 'wife's" expert on CPW Commission appointees, yet can't tell the difference between a Bighorn sheep, our state animal, and a mountain goat. Reassuring....

From: Ziek
Along the same vein, the big game brochure has a big game identification section to help hunters avoid shooting the wrong animal, and caution posters all over road access points and trail heads explaining the difference in appearance between moose and elk. So I guess most hunters aren't very intelligent either.

From: Orion
Honestly ziek just go away you and your voting habits are no friends or help to hunters. I find it funny it post pictures of your wife's mountain lion and then vote for the exact people who are getting rid of it. I'm not sure I've ever seen a bigger hypocrite in my life

From: Grasshopper
"Along the same vein, the big game brochure has a big game identification section to help hunters avoid shooting the wrong animal, and caution posters all over road access points and trail heads explaining the difference in appearance between moose and elk. So I guess most hunters aren't very intelligent either."

My guess is those instructions are for the unlimited number of nonresident hunters we allow. I can't recall hearing about a resident who shot a moose thinking it was an elk. I suppose it can happen, but I have my doubts.

Democrat Colorado voters making wise voting choices, I suppose it can happen but I have my doubts. I would believe HH failed due to independents, horribly confusing language and lack of trust in what democrats put out there.

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