Moultrie Mobile
Mega Acorn Crop in 9X
New York
Contributors to this thread:
CAMP DAVID 05-Oct-23
CAMP DAVID 05-Oct-23
Shawlerbrook 05-Oct-23
kakiatkids 08-Oct-23
scentman 08-Oct-23
In my 30+ years of owning a deer camp in Little Genesee I’ve never seen acorns like this before. Every Oak tree on my property ( and I have a lot) is raining down acorns. My food plots are entirely inactive as a result. There are so many….the deer will on them well into Winter. Thankfully I have many stands inside the woods. I can tell this season will be challenging…but as always…fun.

In my 30+ years of owning a deer camp in Little Genesee I’ve never seen acorns like this before. Every Oak tree on my property ( and I have a lot) is raining down acorns. My food plots are entirely inactive as a result. There are so many….the deer will on them well into Winter. Thankfully I have many stands inside the woods. I can tell this season will be challenging…but as always…fun.

Good mast crop here in my part of 7M. I was wondering why the apples weren’t getting hit as hard as usual even though they are spotty.

From: kakiatkids
Same in 3M, it is raining acorns. They are in my plots (which are my best ever thanks to mother nature) but not nearly like past years. Here is to a good, safe, year all.

From: scentman
Not many acurns in my area of WNY... now apples, that's another subject.

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