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Reflections of old 50 years ago
Contributors to this thread:
Rambo 16-Nov-23
Rambo 16-Nov-23
keepemsharp 16-Nov-23
crestedbutte 16-Nov-23
Quinn @work 17-Nov-23
From: Rambo
My name is Jim ostrich 1972 with her for deer whoever wanted to get one it was.. I remember and I teach 73. I counted in November probably dear I seen I had about every day because that’s the way I am I love hunting and my mentor was that you were Jima marine Who taught me up at Bowhunter. As I recall livers only five of us, Bowhunter’s and Nemaha County at that time but I kept count in the web 1973 how many deer I seen it at the end of the month sitting on stand or walk in room whenever I have to I came home that day and I marked on the calendar how many deer I seen so in November 1973 I had 534 deer sightings this year. I’ve hunted a half of November in Nemaha in County. I don’t think I’ve seen 20 infection almost positive I haven’t seen 20 where is in 1973 I seen 20 that would go over 180. I’m 76 this might be my last few years I’ll take I share a recurve that my son made for Cleland Stickbows. I start out with a 60 pound bow by bear was the first boy I bought I traded for 45 pound bear grizzly that I killed my first deer with , a Colorado Mile shot all a big game species with a Chastain 76 pound recurve I lost my sight in my shoot my in 2002, so I have to start shooting left handed as a bother me too much but I don’t have very good parallax, so I missed quite often I read I Kansas brothers sisters threads I don’t see a whole lot, but the whole thing is nothing not even close to what it used to be it pales in compare to 51 years ago I hope and pray somehow the legislature will understand that the deer resources are not unlimited And they can’t just give license after license out like I have been but for instants this week, I have friends that come here and hunt from all over the United States . I don’t want to upset with anyone but I moved from Colorado where the dollar set the road to the destruction of bowhunting that I loved there.

From: Rambo
Can not see the keyboard so I talk into the I phone . I have no skills on this phone so hopefully y’all will get the message I tried to convey ! Bowhunted in Colorado from 73–2008 Kansas the rest of my life. I was the 39th person to take the big 8 species.

From: keepemsharp
Jim: I started bowhunting West of you in Marshall county 54 seasons ago. You are right it really isn't the same and I miss it, too much on big money and scoring antlers has really hurt the sport.

From: crestedbutte
Jim...thanks for sharing your memories and thoughts. Agree with you and Dave 100%. Take care and keep on hunting!

From: Quinn @work
Keep after it Jim! It’s good for the mind and soul.

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