Does anyone use the Hawke Crawler
New York
Contributors to this thread:
Mert 17-Dec-23
erict 17-Dec-23
Mert 18-Dec-23
From: Mert
Has any one used the Hawke Crawler Deer cart?

From: erict
I have. I'll go out on a limb and assume you meant to include more to your question.

I have used one many times in Montana to haul out deer in open terrain. It travels very well and will even cruise over sagebrush pretty easy. It is well designed and I don't feel like you spend too much time "fighting" it. The four wheels help when going over uneven terrain but the angle of your load is controlled by how high or low you hold the handles. It is pretty easy for two people to grab on when the going gets tough. Even going up or down hills I am surprised at how well it holds a complete deer carcass without sliding off. The cart is not mine, but if it was, the first and only thing I would do is add a bunch of heavy bungees or more likely a small cargo net to hold things in place. One may also want to figure out how to tow it with an ATV/UTV.

From: Mert
Thank you. Real good info.

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