Moultrie Mobile
Some recent great news:
Contributors to this thread:
keepemsharp 07-Jan-24
Dale06 07-Jan-24
Kansan 08-Jan-24
keepemsharp 08-Jan-24
Slate 08-Jan-24
keepemsharp 08-Jan-24
Fulldraw 09-Jan-24
From: keepemsharp
LaPierrie has resigned from the NRA. For years many of us life members have been replying to get rid of the LaPierrie family and we will again support the NRA, maybe it has worked.

From: Dale06
Many of us “lifers” in the NRA have closed our wallets since the corruption and waste of member contributions was reported. I’m very glad he’s gone. However, more of the leadership needs to go. The board is corrupted and allowed the mismanagement to occur for a long time, and they didn’t take action.

From: Kansan
Corrupt Wayne had to go. I was done with buying him new suits. It is a great start, but the corruption at the NRA runs deep, and more heads need to roll to right the ship.

I’m a member of the Gun Owners of America, these days.

From: keepemsharp
The Second Amendment Foundation is doing some great things in court. Too bad it took a lawyer from New York to spark this.

From: Slate
Dave this is Bowsite. Go post that on

From: keepemsharp
Slate: go back to the east coast and kiss off. We are all hunters whatever we use.

From: Fulldraw
What a DICK. That right there is why most people leave this site.

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