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Contributors to this thread:
Hoot 15-Jan-24
Live2Hunt 15-Jan-24
Drop Tine 15-Jan-24
Missouribreaks 15-Jan-24
Pete-pec 15-Jan-24
Drop Tine 15-Jan-24
xtroutx 15-Jan-24
grape 15-Jan-24
xtroutx 15-Jan-24
Nocturnal II 15-Jan-24
Hoot 15-Jan-24
retro 15-Jan-24
WI Shedhead 15-Jan-24
casekiska 15-Jan-24
Missouribreaks 16-Jan-24
BigEight 16-Jan-24
oldhunter 16-Jan-24
>>>--arrow1--> 16-Jan-24
Trickle rut 16-Jan-24
oldhunter 16-Jan-24
RutnStrut 17-Jan-24
>>>--arrow1--> 17-Jan-24
Groundhunter 17-Jan-24
Live2Hunt 17-Jan-24
Pete-pec 17-Jan-24
Missouribreaks 17-Jan-24
Missouribreaks 17-Jan-24
oldhunter 17-Jan-24
Drop Tine 17-Jan-24
CaptMike 17-Jan-24
>>>--arrow1--> 17-Jan-24
>>>--arrow1--> 17-Jan-24
sagittarius 17-Jan-24
CaptMike 17-Jan-24
>>>--arrow1--> 17-Jan-24
Pete-pec 17-Jan-24
grape 17-Jan-24
CaptMike 17-Jan-24
grape 17-Jan-24
Deets 17-Jan-24
Nocturnal II 17-Jan-24
Deets 17-Jan-24
Drop Tine 17-Jan-24
Nocturnal II 17-Jan-24
Nocturnal II 17-Jan-24
Drop Tine 17-Jan-24
From: Hoot
Whats happened to Ruger? I haven't seen a post from him lately. I hope he's OK.

From: Live2Hunt
Not sure, he got pissed about a couple comments and said he was gone. But, also mentioned family issues. I had PM’d him, but no response.

From: Drop Tine
As of yesterday he’s fine Hoot. Know nothing of family issues but the way a few members here conduct themselves towards others and him, he had enough.

I did not notice any poor conduct directed personally at him. Must have missed it.

From: Pete-pec
I really don't think anything was meant by the comment to show pictures of the coyotes he shot. I honestly believe they just wanted to see the dead yotes, and I believe he thought they were calling him a liar? As far as the way others speak to others, it's pretty harmless in comparison to how the village idiot would speak, and especially to me and my dead mother, but I never left nor ever reported him. Name calling typically stems from a disagreement, and when you're winning, they result to name calling. You need thicker skin, or else the tables turn, and the opposition gains leverage by resorting to those childlike tactics, which ultimately makes the winner a bigger loser lol. I'm surprised he left now? This forum has too many good people in it, to throw in the towel, and quite honestly it's at its best without the barrage of fake people spouting off. I'm sure xxxxx is still here, but Pat made it clear, that he will do what it takes to bounce him. Will, tell Glen we want him back, and show us those pictures! Lol

From: Drop Tine
Pete, at one time when I first came here this page, this was like going after your masters degree with the quality of bow hunters that frequented WI. Bowsite page. I would study what they posted and marveled at the animals they would lay down. There is one or two now that I would say that they’re those guys equivalent. I’m sure Ruger checks in now and then.

From: xtroutx
I PM'ed with him right before xmas. Right after the holidays he said he was going to see his daughter in Arizona for a couple weeks. He has his plate full right now. Not my place to say any more.

From: grape
It appears a number of us pmed him. My hope is he will return. If he does not, we have lost another one of the contributors that make the Wisconsin site worth the read. Although, Arizona looks like the place to be for a couple more days!!

From: xtroutx
I agree. I always enjoyed him on here.

From: Nocturnal II
Yeah, he left because I said, "must not have found him. " He followed up with how long he's been on bowsite and how he's tired of the negativity. I didn't see anything negative about my post towards him. My assumption of not finding the coyote was because he didn't post for over a day after saying he would look in the morning

From: Hoot
Thanks guys for your responses.

From: retro
So we have a new Bowsite rule...No questions!!!!! Any questions?

From: WI Shedhead
The sad thing is most of the guys that sling the crap here wouldn’t have the guts to say that to the persons face. Keyboard cowboys are usually suffering from little man’s syndrome

From: casekiska
I learned a long time ago that when you hear someone in a argument resorting to name calling or spouting vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity this is a clear sign they have exhausted their intellectual arsenal of reasoned responses and logic,, and are pretty much defeated. They just don't realize it and want to appear to still be in the discussion. IMO they are wrong. I'd think this would be part of what Shedhead calls little man's syndrome.

Personal attacks and vulgarities have no place on a forum. Part of the " Bubba " syndrome.

From: BigEight
I'm just mad he didn't invite me to Arizona. The frozen tundra has been a little over the top the last few days.

From: oldhunter
Any moderators on this forum are apparently non existent. If there are by chance some moderators, they have not read their own code of conduct rules.

Oldhunter,, You should be the last one to point fingers . Wasn't to long ago you accused a poster on here of using a xgun because you couldn't see the VERTICLE BOW in the picture. And the proof was visible in the picture. LOL,,, All you wanted to do was stir the pot. I'm sure I know why you would attack someone like that.

From: Trickle rut
I fathom Ruger tired of the negative. He also saw a lot of good hunters leave. Trying to figure out why he left or speaking for him is close to patronizing his presence or lack there of. Giddit?

From: oldhunter
Arrow - I was not accusing anybody of anything. I was merely referring to previous posters on here stating that anybody that shoots a deer with a crossbow is ashamed to have the crossbow in the picture. They were and are the pot stirrers, and you know who they are.

From: RutnStrut
Over zealous moderation is one of the reasons a lot of great guys aren't on here anymore.

Well Oldhunter you are a Liar!!! Here's your quote from 10-29-23 "Must have been shot with a crossbow, no weapon in the picture." Another one of your famous phrases when your back in the corner,, You must be on the bottle again. You better look in the mirror before you point fingers. Better yet point your finger while looking in the mirror. And to think your in the woods with a weapon. WOW

From: Groundhunter
Glenn's a good egg, fun guy to be around.

From: Live2Hunt
Hopefully he comes back on. We have been on here since close to the beginning of bowsite. Yes, a lot of old posters have left for different reasons but there are still some good ones here. We have to remember, text on a computer has no personality to it and can be read wrong. Thicker skin, and not coming to a wrong conclusion is required on these sites.

From: Pete-pec
Arrow, Old Hunter was intending to be facetious in that comment, because there are people like Missouri who have stated many many times, that if there isn't a weapon in the picture, it must have been shot with a crossbow because of embarrassment. I'm not here as a pro or con to the weapon, but there's plenty of pot stirring by those who disagree. Sometimes it is intentional, and sometimes sensitive people don't know when arguing is futile, because the person you are arguing with isn't budging, and lack the capacity to reason.

Back to Ruger though. There was nothing said with any intention to hurt feelings. The fact that this forum is argumentative, is what makes it good. There is deep concern over the natural resources this state has, once had, and should have. I still love it here, but there is much to bitch about, especially our neighbors to the north.

Pete, I am going to call you out on that one. I do not believe I ever stated anything about if a weapon is not in the picture it must be a crossbow kill. I have however read that many times on this forum .

I do however believe that to be generally true, but do not believe I initiated such inferences.

From: oldhunter
Arrow - Your follow up post from Oct 29.

Old hunter,, you must be a dumb ass LOOK AT THE PICTURE you can see the bow. Idiot! jealousy.

Maybe if you posed another eight feet behind the elk, your bow would have looked bigger too.

Pete-pec gets it.

From: Drop Tine

Drop Tine's embedded Photo
Drop Tine's embedded Photo
This is hilarious.

From: CaptMike
Oldie, you are not a bow hunter, you are a crossbow hunter. Why do you continually stir the pot? I too would have to guess jealousy. You could still contribute to other topics yet you are always involved in pushing the crossbow agenda. Many of us see this.

Old Hunter,,,, Well again the VERTICAL BOW is in plain view. But you choose to trash someone for their success. To bad for you that you don't approve of the picture. If you knew anything about posing for pictures you would realize its all about the scenery, the animal - rack and the hunter. If you can "see" take a good look at the picture and where I'm sitting and how I'm holding the rack to get the full features of the rack ( a 300+ 5 pt ), the animal and scenery. Again just Jealous.... I did get a picture of you and a kill from another person on my phone,,,,,, I'll post it. Soooo Oldhunter your a xgun user that explains a lot. I realize now why your so jealous of someone killing an elk in Colorado. You can't use your xgun in Colorado less handicapped or in the gun seasons. Your mental or visual handicapped won't work.


>>>--arrow1-->'s embedded Photo
>>>--arrow1-->'s embedded Photo
OldHunter !!!!!LOL Must of used your Buddies bow for the picture. We know you use a xgun.

From: sagittarius

sagittarius's Link
AB934 Relating to: combining the archer and crossbow hunting licenses.

From: CaptMike
Sag, thanks for the heads up.

Well Pete bottom line,,,, Old hunter lied when he said "Arrow - I was not accusing anybody of anything." That was not true,,,,,, he accused me on 10-29-23 "Must have been shot with a crossbow, no weapon in the picture." clearly there is a vertical bow in the picture. If there is or isn't a vertical bow in the picture what gives him the right to judge anyone ? I'll be the first to admit when I see a picture w/o a vertical bow it makes me wonder. But I will ask,,,, NOT ACCUSE. Then when caught in the lie oldhunter is trying to shade the lie by making negative refences to the picture. LOL Then he want the Mods to police the site. He's part of the problem. His own words shows he's a liar. And now I find out he himself is a xgun user. Don't that beat all. Look up the definition of " Must " it is like shall. ie,, if your drivers license is expired you (must) renew your DL if you want to drive. ,,,,,,There is also 2 other bills One on the legal use of airguns to hunt deer and the other to allow dogs to train for bear May 1

From: Pete-pec
All good.

From: grape
And we wonder why Ruger left???

From: CaptMike
Grape, it is winter and many are not doing nearly as many things as they might be in warmer months so they spend a bit more time on the internet. The beauty of the internet is no one is forced to read or check up on conversations they have no interest in. Yet, I digress. This thread was created to ask about Ruger and it morphed, as it usually does, to something else. Really no harm in this one.

From: grape
Well Mike you are right. It doesn’t take much to “ morph” these threads! If nothing else, there is always the entertainment value. All My Children.

From: Deets
Many have left and it keeps growing, this site has been tanking for a long time.

From: Nocturnal II
Who was the last one to leave that made this site better than what it is? People come and go. Thats life

Not to mention. It appears WI forum still rains as the most active state forum. Nothing tanking about it.

From: Deets
The site was much more active a few years back than today, either way not the end of the world and life goes on just making a comment.

From: Drop Tine
Noc, the site might be active but the content is not even close to what it once was. I’ll take quality over quantity any day of the week.

From: Nocturnal II
Your point is valid but this site lost more of the good ones a few years ago. When moderating stopped. It is nice that Pat is making a point with the one with many names.

From: Nocturnal II
Drop tine, I've been on here for over a decade now. No where near some, but not much has changed. Some here just hold more respect and that's because they actually pursue game, post photos, and adventures. Then you have some who post the same photo as if it's a new adventure. Nothing has really changed besides the topics, and that's because WI has gone through alot of negative changes regarding hunting. We lost alot of bigwoods hunters on here and they were the real deal. Now the only ones remaining, including myself, are riding the struggle bus.

From: Drop Tine
Spot on Noc.

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