Sitka Gear
Possible Wolf Mix?
Contributors to this thread:
be still 06-Feb-24
be still 06-Feb-24
sitO 06-Feb-24
KsRancher 06-Feb-24
crestedbutte 07-Feb-24
Thornton 07-Feb-24
Dale06 07-Feb-24
KB 07-Feb-24
be still 10-Feb-24
From: be still

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be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
be still's embedded Photo
Me and Utah went hunting again right next to the 4 sixes ranch again just for a couple days last December.

Back earlier a different landowner we sometimes hunt on we’re talking about the declining deer numbers on his place. Talk got around to mountain lions and he said something about seeing some tracks. Before I go any further this rancher was raised out there and this family place traces back I think he told me nearly back to the Indian days. He’s not much of a big talker so I pretty much believes what he tells me.

Anyways he told me awhile back he seen 2 Mexican Gray Wolfs. Said they were tall and bigger than any German Sheppard dog he had ever seen. Didn’t think a whole lot of it but after doing some research there ain’t supposed to be any wolves anywhere near that area. Still believed what he told me he saw though but thinking maybe wolf mixed with coyote or something.

Well forward to December after I left Utah at his spot I went found me an area and sat down next to a mesquite tree. A little after daylight I spotted way out there in this field what I thought at first was a cow. It was a long ways off and I nearly didn’t even put my zoom glasses on it. Thought maybe it could be a deer so I did and when I did I couldn’t hardly believe my eyes. With what that man had said awhile back I immediately thought wolf.

If it wasn’t at least part wolf it’s the biggest looking dang coyote I’ve ever seen. Now I will admit in some of that country the open fields mixed in with that mesquite brush will play tricks on you as far as distance goes. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened here and he wasn’t as far out as he originally looked but it was still huge.

After awhile it started trotting and angling towards me. Took some shots through the glass with my phone but most was too blurry to tell. I got 2 halfway decent shots…one when he was originally standing there and one when he was trotting closer. After he disappeared in a low dip I turned around better but he never appeared again.

His snout looks pointy like a coyote but that could be just the pic. What y’all think?

From: be still
And before you answer remember this in the middle of big ranches. 6666 I think is around 100,000 acres. The guy that told me about seeing the wolves borders the Triangle ranch which I think is around 90,000. The Pitchfork Ranch borders the 6666 on the west fence which if I’m not mistaken still do cattle work with horses and Chuck wagon with I think it’s around 80,000 something. The Tongue River ranch lies on the north fence of the Pitchfork and I’m not sure how many acres it has but it’s plenty. The Y ranch is huge and it’s east of the 6666 and I think ties into the Triangle.

What I’m saying is I’m thinking there might be stuff in there that nobody knows about with the acreage being so big and wild.

From: sitO
Head sure looks like a coyote, but a seriously fat one.

From: KsRancher
I have never seen a wolf in the wild. Like Kyle said, head looks like a yote. But wow is that dude fat.

From: crestedbutte
Yep…what you got there looks like it could be what some call a “devil dog.” Which is a black color phased COYOTE. Pretty cool and somewhat rare. They make absolutely beautiful mounts!!!

From: Thornton
I was about to pull the trigger on what I thought was a wolf out in Colorado some years back, then it jumped straight up in the air and came down on a mouse and I realized it was a gray, wolf-colored coyote.

From: Dale06
Coyote all the way, in my opinion.

From: KB

KB's embedded Photo
KB's embedded Photo
I’m gonna say hybrid just to be different. :)

That’s big enough country it sure wouldn’t surprise me. Probably pockets of those ranches that don’t see humans for years at a time.

From: be still

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be still's embedded Photo
KB is the only one here that thinks outside the box…rest of y’all are just boring:?) I must say “Devil Dog” sounds a little exciting though.

Yep KB that is some big country and it’s good to know there’s a few places left like that down here. I say down here cause I’ve never been to Alaska.

Well looky here. Supposedly this was shot awhile back just west of here within 10 miles or so as the crow flies. The owner of the ranch the kid shot his hog on sent me this pic. Word is it was shot not far from his place headed back this direction. Remember that area I took Cat and his boys snake hunting last year where that cave went way back in there. Puts it in the vicinity of that place….could this cat possibly ever used it?

KB will say it’s darn possible…rest of y’all will say probably not. Oh yeah….couple days ago a friend of mine told me a lady walking her dogs claimed to see one at the end of the road here. Possible cause there’s a river down there but I don’t know about that one. If it’s the same pretty young lady I see walking her dogs down this street that sighting is highly questionable.

P.S. this pic here was sent to me by him taking a snapshot of it off of another phone so I’m not totally sold on this one either.

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