Mathews Inc.
Deer numbers
Contributors to this thread:
Pat C. 11-Mar-24
JusPassin 22-Mar-24
Boatman71 22-Mar-24
NEIAbowhunter 22-Mar-24
gobble50 23-Mar-24
From: Pat C.
Just wondering what yall are thinking about the number of deer your seeing this year ? we are in southern Allamakee co. and the deer numbers we've are way down. Now it was a different year weather wise. That might have had something to do with it just didnt see hardly and deer in the timbers. Whats your thoughts ?

From: JusPassin
Northeastern Clayton county here and deer sightings are extremely low. I've also found two dead in the last two months from unknown causes. Healthy looking, just dead.

From: Boatman71
EHD hit very hard last fall in places. Buck numbers were down where I hunt as well. Mahaska county.

Northern Fayette county I didn't feel was too bad this year. Seems the does are way lower than usual but the buck numbers seem to be fairly average for the last 5 years. Still nothing compared to 20 years ago when I started hunting.

From: gobble50
Southern Warren County - deer numbers are way way down maybe just 5-10% of what they were five years ago.

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