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paranormal possibilities
Contributors to this thread:
Big Dog 31-Mar-24
Brian M. 31-Mar-24
Big Dog 31-Mar-24
Will 01-Apr-24
Big Dog 01-Apr-24
Big Dog 01-Apr-24
ARLOW 02-Apr-24
Proline 02-Apr-24
Big Dog 02-Apr-24
Will 02-Apr-24
Big Dog 02-Apr-24
hickstick 04-Apr-24
B&M Baked 04-Apr-24
From: Big Dog
Can an online hunting forum be haunted ? Among the lurkers could be Fred Bear, Myles Keller(bowhunters).....Gene Hill , Robert Ruark (outdoor writers).....Hemingway, Jim Harrison, Corey Ford, Havilah Babcock, et al. I know you're out there; just give me a sign.

From: Brian M.
No. They would think we're assholes spending so much time on our gadgets. They would be doing it and writing books, under a 'ghost ' name of course.

From: Big Dog
Brian..... It's a little known fact .apparitions bow hunt and have perfect scent control programs. You might say they're always "dead down wind"

From: Will
Nah. If such beings exist, surely they have learned there are much more important things to do ;)

From: Big Dog

From: Big Dog
I'm certain this thread will never come up on this forum again to the relief of all....LMAO


From: Proline
I agree Brian ! K.I.S.S. As my middle school teacher always said.

From: Big Dog
I'm having so much fun . Al Einstein said " imagination is more important than knowledge". While that may not be entirely true , it sure can be fun. ( It's an honor to be boo'd by Arlow, lol).

From: Will
Big Dog - I ran your question through my ChatGPT AI account and here is what it says:

The concept of an online forum being haunted is more metaphorical or imaginative rather than literal. In a literal sense, hauntings typically refer to supernatural phenomena associated with physical locations. However, metaphorically speaking, people might use the term "haunted" to describe a website or forum that has a history of strange or unsettling occurrences, such as persistent glitches, spam attacks, or contentious debates that seem to linger.

In the case of an online hunting forum, it's highly unlikely to be haunted in the traditional sense. However, if the forum has a history of controversial discussions, trolling, or other negative behaviors, users might jokingly refer to it as "haunted" due to the lingering effects of those interactions.

Ultimately, whether an online forum feels "haunted" would depend on the experiences and perceptions of its users rather than any actual supernatural presence.

From: Big Dog
Will, I think the damn thing agrees with me !!! Many thanks for posting. My wife always says my intelligence seems artificial.......You're the best .

From: hickstick
paranormal??!? I prefer.....Abby....


From: B&M Baked
You will have better seeing BIGFOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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