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Contributors to this thread:
slade 06-Aug-12
Bluetick 06-Aug-12
joshuaf 06-Aug-12
tonyo6302 06-Aug-12
Owl 06-Aug-12
HA2/KS 06-Aug-12
TD 06-Aug-12
gflight 06-Aug-12
slade 06-Aug-12
Coyote 65 06-Aug-12
Owl 06-Aug-12
Bluetick 06-Aug-12
sundowner 06-Aug-12
Kathi 07-Aug-12
fulldraw lt 07-Aug-12
Owl 07-Aug-12
jack b (MI) 07-Aug-12
Elkhuntr 07-Aug-12
Elkhuntr 07-Aug-12
gflight 07-Aug-12
Shuteye 08-Aug-12
NvaGvUp 08-Aug-12
Elkhuntr 08-Aug-12
Jim Moore 08-Aug-12
Owl 08-Aug-12
From: slade

slade's Link
Birds of a feather.

Condi, Huckabee and McCain to Headline GOP Convention.

"Romney wants to play it right down the middle, which may anger some Republicans, but it is where he is most comfortable and feels he has the best chance to win. And no strong partisans means a rather boring convention -- even more boring than usual."

Read more:

From: Bluetick
Each of the aforementioned have a dichotomous political nature. Not all bad. Not all good. Condi is smart and oozes class. And she's an expert on Russia. Too bad she doesn't know squat about the middle east. And her SOS performance showed it. Then there's McCain. A genuine hero in an age where the word is way over used. But his voting record has been largely liberal pestering of the business world. Lastly, there's Huck. Unfaltering in his decency, possessed of great moral clarity, and truly conservative. Most of the time. That's the line-up. Three fence sitters that you can criticize but not write off entirely. And isn't that Romney, as well?

From: joshuaf
but it is where he is most comfortable

And the sun rises in the east. So what else is new.

From: tonyo6302
It is no wonder that we have RINOs, when even the most outspoken Bowsite CF Conservatives believe in the practice of silencing those who disagree with them via deleting posts.

We are doomed as a Republic unless our nation gets back to the place where the majority love the constitution as delineated by the Founding Fathers and the Federalist Papers.

( P.S. The Subject line was "Rinothon", therefore my post is germane. Delete it if you must )


From: Owl
Team Mittens is trying to set the tone and provide favorable context. That is to be expected. What is missed is that these events really do reflect the direction of the party.

And, with respects to his remarkable military record, McCain's only role is to remind the faithful that Mitt ain't as bad as they've ever had on the ballot.

From: HA2/KS
"Three fence sitters that you can criticize but not write off entirely. And isn't that Romney, as well? "

True words, I think.

From: TD
Yeah, I'm kinda disappointed they didn't open with Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.......

From: gflight
Should be rising stars instead of has beens....

From: slade
"Should be rising stars instead of has beens.... "


From: Coyote 65
Starts with those three and ends with ???? Starts with the old guard and ends with the ??? The rising stars I hope.


From: Owl
"Should be rising stars instead of has beens...."

-Unfortunately, the 'rising stars' are all acting like republicans, not Republicans. That doesn't play well with those booking speakers for the GOP.

From: Bluetick
"W" was once a rising star. He even got my vote the first time. But that was the last time.

From: sundowner
Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz and S.C. Rep. Trey Gowdy.

That is who I would like to see. Won't happen though, for the reasons stated by Owl.

From: Kathi
"Birds of a feather.

Condi, Huckabee and McCain to Headline GOP Convention."

We are so screwed

From: fulldraw lt
Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, and Jeb Bush announced this morning.

- Vic

From: Owl
When is Rand speaking? 3 AM? lol

From: jack b (MI)
Via Ulsterman Report:

Romney Gives Libertarians Spot At GOP Convention

by Ulsterman on August 7, 2012 with 37 Comments in News

In what is clearly a nod toward the libertarian-leaning Senator and his longtime fiscal conservative Congressman father and former GOP candidate Ron Paul, the Romney campaign has just confirmed Rand Paul will be among a select group of primetime speakers at the upcoming GOP convention this month.

Inside-the-campaign reports have long suggested both Ron Paul and Mitt Romney were on friendlier terms than other was the case between other Republican candidates during an often bitter fight for the nomination. This good nature is now being extended to Ron Paul’s son and rising star within the Republican Party – Rand Paul. There remain whispers that the popular Kentucky Senator was being considered for the VP slot – though such considerations never reached beyond mere campaign speculation.

Romney is also extending another prime time speaking slot to Rick Santorum, possibly his fiercest rival during the Republican primary race. Both men have since mended fences (at least publicly), and Santorum has publicly declared his intent to help make Barack Obama a one and done president.

From: Elkhuntr
i just read the updated agenda for the RINO convention, and listed as a speaker was John Huntsman. it went on to say he will deliver his speach in mandarin.

From: Elkhuntr
speach = speech

From: gflight
Cruz is speaking as well....

From: Shuteye
I'll be willing to bet Sarah will be there if she wants to be there. She too is determined to make Obama a one term president and will be a big help electing senators and representatives. She still draws bigger crowds than Romney or Obama.

From: NvaGvUp

I didn't delete joshuaf's posts because he disagreed with me. I love bantering back and forth with people with whom I disagree. I deleted his posts for going waaaaay over the line re. decency and honesty and respectable human behavior. Just look what he wrote about me in the thread re. censorship, to include even threatening me.

Disagreeing with me had nothing to do with why I deleted those two posts.

From: Elkhuntr
"We are doomed as a Republic unless our nation gets back to the place where the majority love the constitution as delineated by the Founding Fathers and the Federalist Papers." ~Tonyo

I agree completely. However, there are many among us, even here on the CF, who do not realize that you cannot fix a problem with the same logic that was used to create it. The post by Spike Bull nailed it. SOS.

Here we go again under the guise of he is the most electable. Which really means he appeals to those who do not agree with Tonyo. - there's the logic.

From: Jim Moore

"Why any of you believe that ORomney will be any different is beyond me. Certainly his choice of speakers illuminates that."

"It means we have more of the same to look forward to, just going over the cliff a little slower........."

.....and may be able to survive the crash at that speed.

Spike, one of the reasons I will vote for him, if nothing else, is to add my foot to the overtaxed and overwwhelmed braking system.

B-Ho is trying to avoid the guard rails altogether as is evidenced in just the last few months of executive powers he has thrown out. Scary stuff. As a lameduck, even scarier. As a picker of Supremes....nightmare land for any conservative way of life out there.

At least with Romney, he is going to be more accountable his first term. He won't be my fave (too moderate), but with a strong Senate and Conress, his feet could be held to the least I'm hoping.

From: Owl
Giving Rand time is just a matter of effective herding tactics. Co-opting is GOP SOP.

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