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Game cam UFOs!
Contributors to this thread:
Narlyhorn 04-Apr-14
Narlyhorn 04-Apr-14
LeeBuzz 04-Apr-14
Norseman 04-Apr-14
Shuteye 04-Apr-14
JD 06-Apr-14
Norseman 06-Apr-14
From: Narlyhorn

Based on recent comments by Godzilla (Hillary) and Willie Jeff, they may have been visited too. LOL

Ever heard the story from Jackie Gleason where Nixon invites him to a south Florida air base (forgot which one) to show him alien bodies? Gleason's widow swears the story is true. Nixon supposedly drove Gleason there in a personal vehicle w/o secret service or any other protection and showed him the corpses. Gleason's widow claims Jackie was never the same after that experience.

I'm a believer in extraterrestrial life forms. Not convinced we're being visited. I lean toward the drone and secret aircraft theories myself.

From: Narlyhorn

From: LeeBuzz

LeeBuzz's embedded Photo
LeeBuzz's embedded Photo
Not a big UFO believer myself either. Drones or research air craft are more likely to blame for a lot of sightings. Rather than believing aliens utilize accelerated time travel to peek in on us earthlings.

the picture above is one that I took back in 2009 during an elk hunt in Flagstaff near San Francisco peaks, snow bowl ski area and is enlarged but undoctored.

The object appeared to be a white ball of light and moved in a serpentine pattern. It stopped over the main road near camp approximately 170' above the tree tops and without emitting any sound... there was an Air Force base near by.

From: Norseman
4 wheeler or truck lights behind the camera. the lights you see above the deer are the deer's eyes being projected back up off the lens.

you get the same effect when you shoot a bright light at the water surface at night, you will get a light up in the air above it.

From: Shuteye
I once had a trail cam picture of a meteor. It must have set off the camera because there was no deer in the picture. The meteor had a bright trail behind it.

From: JD
The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

From: Norseman
4 wheeler lights shined from another location. Circled around the property to see more deer

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