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Walker Punches back at Obama
Contributors to this thread:
Mint 12-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 12-Mar-15
70lbdraw 12-Mar-15
gflight 12-Mar-15
HA/KS 12-Mar-15
sundowner 12-Mar-15
Shuteye 12-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 12-Mar-15
sundowner 12-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 12-Mar-15
Woods Walker 12-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 12-Mar-15
Mint 13-Mar-15
gadan 13-Mar-15
gflight 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
gflight 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
Owl 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 13-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 14-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 14-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 15-Mar-15
HA/KS 16-Mar-15
NvaGvUp 16-Mar-15
HA/KS 16-Mar-15
gflight 16-Mar-15
HA/KS 17-Mar-15
From: Mint

Mint's Link
Finally someone with some guts.

From: NvaGvUp
"Scott Walker Punches Back Twice As Hard as Obama


Principles: If Republicans want to know how to respond to President Obama's barbs and attacks, they should pay close attention to what Gov. Scott Walker said after Obama smacked him for signing a right-to-work bill.

Obama, who believes that he should comment on anything and everything under the sun, issued a written statement condemning the law.

"I'm deeply disappointed," he said, "that a new anti-worker law in Wisconsin will weaken, rather than strengthen, workers in the new economy."

Obama then claimed that Walker's action was part of an "inexcusable assault on unions, led by powerful interests and their allies in government."

Clearly Obama needs to take a civics refresher course. After all, the bill that landed on Walker's desk was the result of the state's duly elected representatives' 62-35 vote in favor of it — and that after 20 hours of debate. In other words, democracy at work.

But what's really interesting is how Walker responded to Obama's tantrum. Rather than meekly taking Obama's blows, as most Republicans seem wont to do, Walker punched back — hard.

"On the heels of vetoing Keystone pipeline legislation, which would have paved the way to create thousands of quality, middle-class jobs, the president should be looking to states, like Wisconsin, as an example for how to grow our economy," Walker told National Review Online.

"Despite a stagnant national economy and a lack of leadership in Washington, since we took office, Wisconsin's unemployment rate is down to 5%, and more than 100,000 jobs and 30,000 businesses have been created."

Bam! In just two sentences, Walker shoved Obama's phony concern for workers back at him and pointed out that Wisconsin is growing its economy despite the flat recovery Obama's policies have produced nationwide.

Early in the Obama administration, when public anger over ObamaCare was rising at town hall meetings, Jim Messina, a top White House adviser at the time, reportedly offered Democrats this advice:

"If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard."

Obama himself said during his first presidential run that "if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

The problem is that Republicans too often pull their punches or just run away from the fight. It's unfortunate and unnecessary. When the GOP resolutely defends free-market principles as Walker has done, it wins. When they're defensive and apologetic, they lose."

From: 70lbdraw
Uh-oh...What will liberal America do when we have a president with the balls to defend himself and his country? Oh yeah, I forgot...they'll try to recall him!! LOL!

If Walker should get elected I'm going to move back to Wisconsin just to watch those whiner liberals squirm!!!

From: gflight
The next POTUS....

From: HA/KS
I like it! One thing he has going for him is that he has been through the fire. They have looked hard to try to find anything to use against him and so far failed.

They will next try to convince people that he is not conservative enough in an attempt to get those voters to stay home. Many will fall for it.

From: sundowner
He is definitely conservative enough.

Hope you are right gflight.

From: Shuteye
Fat head is after him because he will destroy to wonderful unions.

From: NvaGvUp
Their mode of attack now is to call him a flip-flopper because the 'no degree' thing didn't work.

I think at this point he's the favorite. If he gets the nomination, who should be his VP candidate?

If the former First Bitch is the Dem candidate, a good strategic move would be to have a woman with him on the ticket. That would neutralize the war on women crappola.

The two most likely women would be NM Governor Susana Martinez, who won re-election handily in a blue state and who would appeal to Hispanics. Carly Fiorina, despite some of you who have misgivings, has shown to be willing to go on the attack against Shrillary, which would be much harder for a man to do.

From: sundowner
Walker/Fiorina sounds good to me. They could win.

Wouldn't a real Conservative ticket be exciting? A ticket you could feel good about working for and sending money to?! Candidates who could articulate the Conservative viewpoint similar to the way Reagan did, with truth and optimism and patriotism?

It has been a looooong time!

From: NvaGvUp
Imagine a GOP candidate who you didn't have to hold your nose to vote for, but one who could get you enthusiastic to vote for.

We haven't had one of those since 1984!

From: Woods Walker
I like Walker...a lot. He not only talks the talk he walks the walk and he's PROVEN it as Gov of Wisconsin.

From: NvaGvUp
Walker is not going to be able to be perceived by right-leaning Dems and independents as 'a scary radical right-winger.'

The only people who will find him scary are those on the left who are scared to death he'll clobber Hillary.

From: Mint
Martinez will be a much better pick then Carly. Martinez middle class success story will resonate with the middle class especially her declaration when she realized she was a Republican and not a Democrat.

From: gadan
I like Walker more and more. He was poised when he was challenged by media and is a proven leader. He disarms his opponents similar to how Reagan did.

From: gflight
You know Spike I am really seeing no one on CF who disagrees with Walker. That is why I said "The next POTUS". Talk about solidifying the Base.

Maybe I won't have to bang my head against the wall and throw my vote away...;^)

From: NvaGvUp

The recent polling numbers show the conservative GOP contenders with a combined 74% of the vote. Bush, Christie and Kasich, the 'EGOP' possibles, share the other 26%.

Those are very encouraging numbers. As some of the conservative candidates start dropping by the wayside, their voters will simply switch to one of the still-standing conservatives and if Walker continues to look very electable, he'll probably pick up the bulk of them.

No way will those votes go to Jeb or Christie.

From: NvaGvUp

NvaGvUp's embedded Photo
NvaGvUp's embedded Photo

From: gflight
That is more good news....

From: NvaGvUp
Given what amazing across-the-board appeal Walker has even here on the CF, it's hard to believe he won't have a similar appeal with independents and 'Reagan Democrats.'

From: Owl
Walker is not my first choice but neither is he remanded to a default mere anti-Dem alternative. An over-all improvement. Vastly so.

From: NvaGvUp

Walker's not my first choice either. Cruz is and if could personally name the next POTUS, he'd be the guy. Only I can't do that.

I think Walker will appeal to a much broader demographic than Cruz will and will be much harder to demonize as well. And while there are a couple of things Walker could improve on policy-wise, I'd rather have 90% of what I want come January, 2016 than 100% of something I absolutely don't want.

From: NvaGvUp
More good stuff from the likely next POTUS.

From Breitbart:


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says President Barack Obama’s Attorney General nominee, Loretta Lynch, is unfit to be the nation’s top lawyer because of her support for executive amnesty and other positions she’s taken, the governor’s spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski tells Breitbart News.

“Given Loretta Lynch’s failure to commit to protect Americans from the president’s lawless executive overreach, that even he said nearly two dozen times, she is not fit to serve as the nation’s Attorney General,” Kukowski said in an email.

Walker is in New Hampshire, the first in the nation primary state, on Friday, meeting with — among others — former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA)—who narrowly lost to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) in the general election last year.

While Walker doesn’t have a vote in the U.S. Senate, his public opposition to Lynch’s nomination could have massive implications as the vote heads to the Senate floor next week. Even the four Republicans who have stated they intend to support Lynch—Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Susan Collins (R-ME)—might not want to oppose Walker’s position, along with the position of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), the 2008 GOP presidential nominee.

Walker is polling at or near the top of most early presidential polls after an explosive entrance onto the national political stage in January with a speech to the Iowa Freedom Summit hosted by Rep. Steve King (R-IA) and Citizens United in Des Moines. He’s been hiring up key staff and touring early presidential states while quickly getting more involved in national political battles, and is emerging—along with Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX)—as one of the credible Republican alternatives to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in the GOP presidential primaries for 2016.

Bush has not taken a position on Lynch’s nomination at this time, and a spokesman for him told Breitbart News he’d check with the governor on the matter but hasn’t gotten back before publication of this story.

Both Cruz and Paul are very publicly opposed to Lynch as the successor to Eric Holder as Obama’s attorney general.

“For several months now, I have called on the Senate majority leader to halt confirmations of every nominee executive and judicial, other than vital national security positions, unless or until the president rescinds his unconstitutional amnesty,” Cruz told Politico in an interview recently. “We have an opportunity in front of us right now with Loretta Lynch — a nominee for attorney general — who has fully embraced and flat-out promised to implement the unconstitutional amnesty.”

Paul has publicly said he’s opposed to Lynch too, first coming out against her in an interview on Greta Van Susteren’s program on Fox News. “Oh, she’s going down,” Paul said in his U.S. Senate office earlier in the day while this reporter was present when his staff was briefing him for that interview."

From: NvaGvUp
Until McCain weighed in on the 'Nay' side earlier this morning and before Walker weighed in a bit later, the vote was projected to be a 50-50 tie, meaning Joey McMensa would break the tie.

But McCain is very tight with Flake and Graham and they may well not to want to cross both him and now Walker.

Hopefully the opposition of these two guys will turn at least one vote and we won't end up with yet another AG who thinks the POTUS has infinite powers.

From: NvaGvUp

No, it wouldn't. At least not completely.

Presidents set policy, have veto power, nominate judges and appoint hundreds of bureaucrats. The POTUS is also CINC and has the bully pulpit.

It makes a difference!

From: NvaGvUp
Rubio is not EGOP

From: NvaGvUp
The ACU ratings for 2014 are not on their website yet, but through 2013y They give Rubio a 98.67% Lifetime rating. Cruz scores 100).

Not exactly 'EGOP' numbers, Spike.

From: NvaGvUp
OK. I get it. EVERYONE except you is RINO. ;^)

From: HA/KS
"Why, everybody in Mandrake Falls is pixilated - except us."

From: NvaGvUp
Really, Spike?

Were Bachman, Perry and Cain RINO's? Those were who I supported in 2012 until they all fell by the wayside.

From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
According to Rush, Walker owns New Hampshire.

"Meanwhile, on the Republican side: Have you seen what happened in New Hampshire over the weekend? There's this guy, he's the governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker. He went into New Hampshire and basically owned it. I wonder why this is happening wherever this guy goes. Iowa, now New Hampshire, wherever he goes, he's drawing enthused, rabid, huge, large crowds, and he is giving those crowds what they want. I wonder how this is happening. "

From: gflight
"I wonder why this is happening wherever this guy goes."

I thought Limbought was this great all seeing pundit. He acts like Walker is brand new and doesn't understand why the people like him.

That is the problem with the elitists who tell others what to think. Totally out of touch with reality....

From: HA/KS
gflight, Rush was being facetious! Get off YOUR high horse and learn how people really think.

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