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Science is in: God is the answer
Contributors to this thread:
sleepyhunter 30-Mar-15
HA/KS 30-Mar-15
Owl 30-Mar-15
itshot 30-Mar-15
itshot 30-Mar-15
Owl 31-Mar-15
LINK 31-Mar-15
LINK 31-Mar-15
LINK 31-Mar-15
hmaxims 19-Apr-15
itshot 19-Apr-15
HA/KS 19-Apr-15
Sixby 20-Apr-15
70lbdraw 20-Apr-15
Sixby 20-Apr-15
70lbdraw 21-Apr-15
Sixby 21-Apr-15
70lbdraw 22-Apr-15
Sixby 22-Apr-15
70lbdraw 23-Apr-15
Sixby 23-Apr-15
From: sleepyhunter
Outstanding !!! I like it.

From: HA/KS
Amazing link, Spike.

From: Owl
Nice article Spike but I could have told you that from first hand experience. ;)

From: itshot
ironically, the preaching from the Godless here comes from a duo who are also on team childless

basically underdeveloped men professing from their self-centered pulpits, zero days experience in the real world that doesn't revolve around them

From: itshot
SirH, yes, good point

"In a perfect world they would have both."

not much to ask, the rewards would be immeasurable

From: Owl
If God does not matter, why is the rise of the human secularist religion accompanied by a spike in broken families?

From: LINK
The decay of the culture is directly tied to the break down of the family. The break down of the family can largely be attributed to liberal policies. Good article. I'll add many statistics are the same inside the church as out, ie: divorce rate. It's not enough to show up on Sunday it has to be a life style before you begin to see a change in statistics. There isn't much benefit in quality of marriage, quality of children and so on with casual Christianity.

I agree with Link that it has to be the life style. That style is much easier to achieve IMO when a family unit is God centered. Poverty does play a role, but in Him all problems can be managed.

Food for the soul is as important as food for the body.

From: LINK
PZ hungry or not I bet the kids with a father have better ethics than the ones that don't. Sure their are always exceptions but that has been proven as the rule. I'm not saying their grades are better but the kids without fathers are more likely to display deviant behaviors.

A little God never hurt anyone that's for sure....

From: LINK
Does minimizing the life of unborn promote family values?

Thanks Spike, you said it perfectly!

Yes, God, capital 'G', not small 'g' is capable. There is a reason 12 steps recognizes this.

But PZ, as a social scientist, the stats overwhelmingly show that kids raised in two parents homes perform better on a wide range of social barometers. Much has been made of the missing fathers in African-American communities and the link to higher rates of violence etc. The only thing about this that is unique is that there are higher rates of fathers gone absent in the African American community than others.

None of us can even begin to understand the wisdom of God. How would we even know that a person dying of any disease is not a prayer answered. Certainly our Faith tells us we will be challenged, we will face adversity. I don't have most of the answers, but one day I will. I hope you join us!

From: hmaxims
Bear with me, my post is pertinent. After a "friendly" divorce 5 years ago, if there is such a thing - I spent most of my time making sure my kids were #1. My ex, was a good mom but terrible wife. The hardest decision I have ever had to make was "leaving them" knowing I could be a better, happier Dad in the long run.

Long story short, I went back to church and it helped me with the process. My youngest (age 11) now asks when he can come to church with me and my oldest (age 15, would rather sleep in) but does ask questions s and take in interest. Last week, he asked my fiance and I what made us "believe in God." Pretty deep atruff and opened some great dialog. I never considered myself a "Bible thumper" but this country and its people sure could use a little more God!

From: itshot

you conveniently missed MFr, not to worry, he'll be back

BTW, welcome to the CF

From: HA/KS
hmax, hopefully by sharing your story you are helping someone else through a difficult time (or even better to avoid a tragedy)

From: Sixby
As a minister and former pastor who has and does council many people about personal relationships and their relationship with God It has been and is my experience that People that have a real relationship with Jesus have a loving relationship with their wives, husbands and children, People that act like PZ is saying that they act. Drug addicts ect are not in a real relationship with Jesus or with other people. They are in a self centered relationship just like most Liberals are and they are their own gods. There is a huge difference between going to church and actually making Jesus the Lord of your life and having a relationship with Him. That real relationship reflects in all your relationships with others. Jesus makes the crooked ways straight and when you love Him and He loves you He will direct your way , and your ways.

What PZ described is people that are like out of alignment tires. They wobble and shimmy and beg Jesus when they have a need , which is all the time because they do not lead blessed lives. But when things are looking up and they have a buck or two they buy drugs or alcohol , beat their wives. Throw things at the husband , and cannot afford to buy food for the kids , gas for the car, wake up for work , wash the clothes or dishes and basically live like animals and treat their kids worse than they treat their dogs. Those are God less people. They definitely need God in their lives. God answers prayer , but He does not hear the prayer of the wicked , unless that prayer is a real prayer of repentance.

God bless, Steve

From: 70lbdraw
"They are in a self centered relationship just like most Liberals are and they are their own gods."

Sometimes you sound like YOU think you're God. You sure as hell think you're Gods pet with all the hogwash you spew!!

From: Sixby
70 and what you just wrote really refutes what I said???? Sorry man that all you have accomplished is to shoot the messenger , not the message which you do not address at all. If you so vehemently disagree with what I said then address that if you can. You accomplish nothing calling me personal names ., As to me being God's pet. I like that. I do not think I am God at all. I know God . I have a wonderful relationship with him. Who has known the mind of God? but we now have the mind of Christ. God opens his Word up to me and it is really thrilling. You could have the same if you wanted it. Then someone would do their best to take you down or put you down and you could feel sorry for them Like I feel sorry for you. Not because you despise me but you despise God's Word which I speak. BTW you could do a little Biblical research and find out that what I am saying is true.

God bless, Steve

From: 70lbdraw
Just playing your game Sixby. As a messenger you should refrain from from screaming out the bad news because you make the (prophetic) author sound like a hypocrite of what creation really is. You voice your opinion of disdain for others in the name of God and claim it is not laden with hatred. I'm not perfect and I've done my share of hating and criticizing others. BUT, I have the balls to admit I may be wrong from time to time. I also have the fortitude to look back at the prejudice I have displayed and reconsider my hasty conclusions upon people that are no more perfect than I am. I'm not projecting hatred towards you, but I do disagree with your perspective of something that can be interpreted in more ways than one and a positive OR negative manner.

As I've said before. Don't feel sorry for me. If I end up in hell for following MY OWN heart, that's OK. BUT, if I end in hell for following YOUR heart, that is truly a hell I couldn't accept.

From: Sixby
The heart of man is wicked and sinful . Its why we must be Born Again. Read and Study John 3. Stop following your heart,. It has been influenced by your background and everything in that b ackground is about you. Its exactly what you are wrongfully accusing me of. When you point the finger at me you have three pointing back at you. I do not live for me. I live for Jesus. I live for Jesus because I know him and that only because of his mercy and grace. Not because of who I was but because of who He is. Oh and its obvious that you are speaking from hate. But hey. I can handle that. I expect it. The truth of God's word offends you. You want to change it and live by some interpretation you come up with or some squishy preacher comes up with instead of applying it and humbling yourself to God. Not to me but to God. Again this is between God and the individual. That does not mean that He makes special deals with each of us though. He deals with us as individuals but the requirement is ,. Ye must be born again.

God bless, Steve

God bless, steve

From: 70lbdraw
"The heart of man is wicked and sinful . Its why we must be Born Again"

An infant recognizes it's mother at birth because it has grown within her. We don't need to be reborn to her...ever! If the same could be said about God we would recognize him at birth and suffer no wickedness or sin throughout our growing years. We would not allow our fellow man to teach us wicked ways.

So, why be reborn? Shouldn't we be originally born to recognize our ultimate creator? No human knows anything about God until they are taught of him by another human. The only reason you know him is because you were taught of him by another human. You do not have instinctual knowledge of him as a natural occurring phenomenon.

Any man that claims to TRULY know the mind of God is a liar and a shyster, for most men don't even know their OWN minds!

"Oh and its obvious that you are speaking from hate. But hey. I can handle that. I expect it."

Of course you expect's what you've been taught by other humans that think they are chosen to lead the lowly peasants to the promised land. That expectation stems from your fear of the unknown. You're afraid of your own mortality, therefore you are only comforted by convincing other people they should be afraid of theirs as well.

If people like you spent more time telling the common man (Those below your self-proclaimed "upper status") how good he is rather than how f**ked up he is, you might actually get a few more followers. But you aren't taught that way. I can handle THAT. I expect THAT.

From: Sixby
The conversation and my address has been to the subject 70. You are attempting to and have made it a personal attack. Its a waste of my time to answer you because you are not in any way going to do anything but attack me personally. If you knew God at all you would not feel that need to justify yourself by doing this. Its really sad because in the end your rebellion against God and His word only harms you. I am not the one that said you must be born again. That was Jesus who said that. So you are not attacking what I said, you are taking offense with what Jesus said, Your argument is not with me . It is with God Himself. 70.

Any man that claims to TRULY know the mind of God is a liar and a shyster, for most men don't even know their OWN minds!

Again, You are having an argument with the Word of God and not with me. I am not going to change the Word to make you feel good so it is fruitless of me to attempt to. Scripture says Who has known the mind of God? (referring to a scripture in the old testemant) Answer: But we (who is we?) now have the mind of Christ? (Christ is God manifest in the flesh) As to you continually alluding to me as one who thinks himself above everyone else./ That is absolutely false. I am nothing without Christ. The relationship I enjoy with Him is not because I am better than anyone or above anyone. It is because of his grace and forgivness. I did not even have the faith to believe. I did seek Him and call upon Him but I believe He even brought that about. He gave me the faith to believe. I didn't deserve it and didn't get it by any good thing I had ever done. I deserve to go to Hell. I won't because of Jesus and that is the absolute truth. I am no better than you or anyone here. Period. I do not consider myself to be. The only reason I answer any of this stuff is just in case someone that is hungry for a relationship with God will actually be hungry for truth instead of the garbage most of Christianity is feeding. This is life and death for me.

God bless, Steve

From: 70lbdraw
"I deserve to go to Hell. I won't because of Jesus and that is the absolute truth."

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro!

"So you are not attacking what I said, you are taking offense with what Jesus said, Your argument is not with me . It is with God Himself. 70."

"The only reason I answer any of this stuff is just in case someone that is hungry for a relationship with God will actually be hungry for truth instead of the garbage most of Christianity is feeding."

Everyone interprets Gods word differently. God has never suggested that I should hate, abhor, shun, etc. anyone! He has not said these things to me. YOU have said you were taught these things by God. What he says to you is none of my concern, therefore I suggest you keep your interpretation of truth and/or garbage to yourself.

I was not taught to hate in the name of the lord. I have nothing to hide nor will I pander to your psychological shell game in an effort to give you comfort as you face your own life challenges.

You preach peace and forgiveness in the name of Christianity, but you spread subliminal hatred to your young and weak minded followers by telling them that God hates certain members of his creation.

And once again, certain Christians like yourself cannot understand why the world is so F'ed up. They just don't want to admit that they are loosing their choke hold on society.

From: Sixby
Did I say God taught me to shun, hate and abhor anyone? I have to admit I cannot stand Sodomites. I do hate being around them but I do not shun them . I don't recollect saying God taught me to. I don't hate them. I just don't like being around them. I remember the first time I saw two queers kissing each other on the lips. I honestly got sick to my stomach and almost threw up. Really.

You say you have nothing to hide , However every time there is a thread that has any thing to do with Christianity. There ya are attacking it and those posting. It makes me think you might have been raised by someone that was very domineering and religious.

I'm not playing any kind of game here 70. Just trying my best to answer your attacks and hopefully mollify your anger a bit. Oh and God did not create deviants and queers., They do that all by themselves or with another Sodomite. They are a product of wickedness not a creation of God.

When you call Christians weak minded you set your self as superior. I can see that tude in your lying about what I have said. Subliminal hatred would be way above my weak mind . I would not even know where to start with subliminal. Like do you play it backwards and it says hate Sodomites if you play it a certain speed. I am pretty clear and direct in what I say. I said God hates Sodomy and that those that practice it and encourage it will incur His wrath., He does not need my help in destroying them. They actually do a pretty good job of that theselves.

Do yourself a favor and read these verses.

Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

I wonder if that could be STDs and AIDS ect?

God bless, Steve

I agree that the Bible does tell us it is a sin when man lays with anyone other than a woman.

I worked with an openly, but discretely gay female teacher. She was married 25 years to an Air Force officer and had 2 kids. I asked if we could have an open conversation, and we did. I asked for her to help explain why or what happened that led her to the gay life style. She asked me when I knew for sure I liked girls and became aroused by them. I said I had a crush in 5th grade and fell in love with my 7th grade teacher. She said she always had those types of feelings for females, from the start. She tried to fight it, raised her family in the Church and wanted to be "normal". She was never happy though and felt every time like sex with her husband was rape. She is a kind and caring person and I could feel the pain her internal conflict caused her.

I know some will probably say that she was being tempted, that the devil was at work. And maybe so. All I know is that I am glad that I was born heterosexual. Life has been much easier for me than it has for her. I also have come to realize that I do not possess the wisdom of Solomon and hope that God will forgive all of us that have sinned if we repent. I pray I will be allowed into His Kingdom one day, and look forward to understanding issues like this that good and decent people had to face.

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