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Speaking Of Climate Change.......
Contributors to this thread:
Woods Walker 06-May-15
LINK 06-May-15
Shuteye 06-May-15
Woods Walker 06-May-15
sundowner 06-May-15
The Old Sarge 06-May-15
Woods Walker 06-May-15
Shuteye 06-May-15
sundowner 06-May-15
Two Feathers 06-May-15
Owl 06-May-15
SteveCOontheroad 06-May-15
sureshot 06-May-15
From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's Link
Former UN head Kofi Annan thinks that we need to start eating bugs for our protein because of climate change.

Between him, Cheryl (Two Sheets) Crowe, and Algore, we'll be freezing in the dark with a dirty butt picking bugs out of our teeth.

From: LINK
Liberals don't think WE should live like that. They think that you and me should live like that.

From: Shuteye
I'm ahead of the game. One time in Texas I had some french fried grass hoppers and chocolate covered ants. Not bad. Also had rattle snake and gator meat too. Some people eat night crawlers but I use them to catch cat fish, more bang for your buck.

From: Woods Walker
I've had rattlesnake. Tastes like chicken....REALLY!

From: sundowner
While there are fast cars and slow possums I won't be dining on snakes or bugs.

I have never purposely eaten an insect but the ones I have eaten by accident have never really bothered me that much.

I live near a bait shop that has a sign listing the prices for all the worms, bugs, and leeches and such you can buy there.....and at the very bottom is says....."If this was Japan we would be a grocery store."

I've eaten a host of different bugs over the years. Most are quite tasty if prepared properly. I still would not give up my beef, mutton, venison, pork, chicken, etc. just to eat bugs though.

From: Woods Walker
Yeah...well...some people eat raw fish too. Not me. If God wanted me to be a seagull He'd have made me one.

Until I'm starving to death I reserve the right to remain fussy!

From: Shuteye
Sundowner, Leroy Troy has a song, "five pounds of possum in my headlights tonight." Biscuits and gravy, everything's gonna be all right cause I got five pounds of possum in my headlights tonight.

From: sundowner
I've heard that one, Shuteye. Like it! Not possum.....the song! :-)

From: Two Feathers
Why is it muslims don't like pork?

From: Owl
LINK x 2

Something fundamentally wrong with anyone who doesn't' like bacon.

From: sureshot
If you eat bugs. .....you don't need guns.

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