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Iran Deal:Will March Israel To Oven Door
Contributors to this thread:
Woods Walker 27-Jul-15
spike78 27-Jul-15
Salagi 27-Jul-15
Woods Walker 27-Jul-15
sundowner 27-Jul-15
sleepyhunter 27-Jul-15
Salagi 27-Jul-15
Bluetick 27-Jul-15
HA/KS 27-Jul-15
Jim Moore 28-Jul-15
TD 28-Jul-15
Shuteye 28-Jul-15
Woods Walker 28-Jul-15
kentuckbowhnter 28-Jul-15
From: Woods Walker

Woods Walker's Link
...so says Mike Huckabee.

Again, another TRUMP influence.

From: spike78
Bad choice of words but Israel should be happy they have some people who have their back.

From: Salagi
WW - Not sure you can give Trump much credit for this one. The Huckster has always been pretty outspoken on things like this. He has always been an Israeli backer, and very outspoken on Christian principles. He was a pretty good governor at least until he lost weight and then he got pretty cranky. ;) I voted for him as governor, but he did some things towards the end that drove me out of his camp (i.e. he became more of a politician and said one thing but did another). With that said, he is still more honest than most politicians.

From: Woods Walker
I didn't mean Huck's sentiments or beliefs on the topic, I know that. What I meant was him being that outspoken and with that particular choice of words...which I don't disagree with.

Trump has raised the bar.

From: sundowner
Huckabee's choice of words did not offend me, and probably not the Jewish people either. Obama is not a friend of Isreal, and this deal with Iran proves it.

When the details of the Iran nuclear deal are out in the open, more people will see it Huckabee's way, I suspect.

From: sleepyhunter
I don't believe it will be that easy to destroy Israel. They have the firepower to destroy Iran's Nuclear plants. They also don't need USA approval to do so.

From: Salagi
His words didn't offend me, I think he had a good analogy. I'm not one of those who idolizes Israel and believes we must support them in every way. However I have a great deal of admiration and respect for them and believe they've been more of a friend to us than many others. Honestly, I don't think they will really need our help.

From: Bluetick
He spoke the truth. What's offensive is the administration's lies.

From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
Cruz speaks up for Huckabee at link.

From: Jim Moore
The thing with B-Ho and Iran/Israel is this: Israel needs us as the big brother to step in and kick the bullies ass, not to pat the bully on the head and placate.

Israel is surrounded, very literally, by its enemies. If the USA wants any leverage in the ME, then they need to back Israel. Once you start backing the bully on the playground, then the rest of the kids will hate you.

Sophist analogy, but B-Ho is the coward with the lunch money.

From: TD
Leftist ideology is that it's not "fair" for Israel to have more power than others in the region. If one has the bomb so must all others.

They feel if they were all on equal footing then those poor Palestinians and Islamist and all Israels enemies would bargain with them on an equal footing. A "fair" outcome is inevitable.

About half the leftists fail to recognize (willfully ignore really) these people have sworn blood oaths to push the Israel into the sea. Wipe them off the map and out of the history books. In their little fairytale world it is all just bluster and rhetoric. They aren't "really" serious.... those rascals.... it's just their culture... have to respect a culture you know... it's in the handbook...

The other half truthfully feel Israel simply deserves to die for their "sins".

Such is the world view in liberal/leftist land.

BTW.... and this is the really fun part....

They hold the same views of the US.....

From: Shuteye
Didn't Obama make, or is trying to make, some kind of deal with Iran that if they are attacked the USA will protect them?

From: Woods Walker
How would we know? The sh*t stain in the White House never tells the truth about anything anyway.

so when iran gets the bomb does anyone not believe they are going to give it to hezbolla and then they set it off in tel aviv?

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