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Just Another Politician
Contributors to this thread:
NvaGvUp 15-Sep-15
HA/KS 15-Sep-15
Mike in CT 15-Sep-15
Mike in CT 16-Sep-15
Mike in CT 16-Sep-15
Owl 16-Sep-15
bad karma 16-Sep-15
Sixby 16-Sep-15
Rocky 16-Sep-15
Shuteye 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
Mike in CT 16-Sep-15
Narlyhorn 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
slade 16-Sep-15
'Ike' (Phone) 16-Sep-15
Narlyhorn 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
Mike in CT 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
bad karma 16-Sep-15
NvaGvUp 16-Sep-15
Mike in CT 16-Sep-15
slade 17-Sep-15
bad karma 17-Sep-15
bad karma 17-Sep-15
gadan 17-Sep-15
Coyote 65 17-Sep-15
From: NvaGvUp
Swallow this, Trumpites!

From: HA/KS
There was another famous American who acted a lot like Trump. I wonder why he was never elected president?

“A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for.”

“No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree.”

“You can fool some of the people some of the time -- and that's enough to make a decent living.”

“Never give a sucker an even break.”

“I'm free of all prejudices. I hate all people equally.”

“H***, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against.”

“Marry an outdoors woman. That way, if you have to throw her out into the yard for the night, she can still survive.”

“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with b*****.”

“I never hold a grudge. As soon as I get even with the son-of-a b****, I forget it.”

From: Mike in CT

Would that be a donkephant or a elephonky?

From: Mike in CT
How can you expect me to answer a question about something you're not sure of?

I can count Spike; I'll wait for confirmation that you recognize the difference between a question and a declarative statement.


It could be argued we've had a recent binge of an a$$ trying to look like a lot of things.....

From: Mike in CT

I think in this case it's more a dislike of a perceived slanting of positions, past and/or present as well as a barrage of the same topic to the point of overkill.

I think you're dead-on point however with assigning this phenomenon to the expected passions that a candidate or candidates can arouse, both pro and con.

As the saying goes, sometimes it's all a matter of who's ox is getting gored.

From: Owl
Had a long ride to a pre-con this morning. There was a pretty good segment on Beck today featuring a black fellow who was "all in" for Obama and, then, miraculously, had a Thomas Sowell intervention.

He said Trump was Obama part deux. Exactly the same. I agree.

From: bad karma
Owl, you tool of the EGOP!!!

I agree with you completely.

From: Sixby
Swallow this, Like him or not Trump is a winner and we are so tired of losers. Now is Trump the only winner? I hope not , I would like to believe that Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are winners.

God bless, Steve

From: Rocky
People should dig a little deeper and research Ben Carson and his likeable personality not just scratch the surface. You may be surprised at what you will find if you want to find it.

These are the mistakes that we all make and have made in the past with the Republican Party.

IMO people are being sucked in and not truly understanding what this man is all about. That mild manner and joking personality hides a darker side to Mr. Carson if you listen closely to him.

You may be right and I may be wrong but never believe what you see and only half of what you hear.

The Rock

From: Shuteye
Here is what Sessions has to say.

Trump’s roaring success has been a surprise to the establishment, Sessions’ said. Now, the shocked GOP leaders and lobbyists “ought to be a little more humble in their political prognosticating,” he said. So far, however, “I haven’t had a lot of people [in D.C.] say I was right,” he said.

He also said:Each year, the federal government invites or accepts roughly 2.5 million new immigrants, guest-workers, and illegal migrants to compete for jobs sought by the four million Americans who turn 18. The resulting glut of labor thins Americans’ wages and strains taxpayer’s anti-poverty programs, while also fattening company revenues, profits, Wall Street stock prices, and progressives’ career opportunities.

Populist champion Donald Trump recognizes the issue, Sessions noted. “He met with us and certainly adopted a lot of the suggestions that I’ve been making over the years and all of a sudden he’s surged to the top of the polls.”

From: NvaGvUp
"I still believe that is true and that this thread is more evidence of it."


How about going back and counting all the threads Spike's started about how much he hates the 'eGOP.'

HINT: That's pretty much every thread he starts.

Then compare that number to the number of 'anti-Trump' threads started by all the rest of us combined.


From: Mike in CT

Well, I am painting the ceiling in our 3-season porch and I do need something to do while the first coat of paint dries.......

From: Narlyhorn
NGU. "Then compare that number to the number of 'anti-Trump' threads started by all the rest of us combined.

I think that logic is flawed. That would be expected since the eGOP has a much longer history than Trump. Don'tcha think?

From: NvaGvUp

True, but the same result would seen either way.

Mike, I'll make it easy on you. Just do the tally starting the day The Blowhard officially announced his candidacy.

That should save you from going back over the past several years and counting a few hundred posts from Spike.

From: slade
Go back to last summer and count the only dupes vote threads. :)

Why do you guys worry so much about 'the Donald'? I don't get it...If it's meant to be, he'll still be around come November of NEXT year...If not, he won't make it much past the first primary's...

From: Narlyhorn
"True, but the same result would seen either way."

I understand what you're saying but the results won't be the same. Your original premise skews the results much more in favor of your desired result.

Trump is merely capitalizing on populist sentiment, imo. The reality is, he is doing a better job of playing into that sentiment than the other candidates so far. The more his strategy is disdained by the pundits of beltway status quo, the more his populism and pushback against the beltway crowd will grow, imo.

The truth is, I don't see much changing in the beltway regardless of who is elected. Until the entrenchment of a privileged political class is usurped, by term limits or a populist movement to reject that same political class, I expect monkey business as usual.

From: NvaGvUp

"and, quite possibly, anybody else who threatens the game plan of the eGOP to install yet another proregressive into the whitehouse, even if they have to bump off a bunch of actual conservatives to do it!

Do you have any clue what a LIE and what utter BULLBLEEP that is?

Not only have I never supported your much-hated 'eGOP,' I was donating money to Ted Cruz's Senate PRIMARY campaign against David Dewhurst, the consummate Texas eGOP candidate, long before you ever even heard of Ted Cruz. I've donated to him three times again just this year.

Can you say the same? Or are you just all, 'Big Hat, No Cattle?'

I also donated to several TEA PARTY candidates in the last two election cycles who were challenging 'eGOP' candidates.

Did you? I'd wager not!

From: Mike in CT

I think you've created the ultimate false dichotomy; because Kyle has been outspoken in his criticism of Donald Trump you have equated that with a burning desire to support the "eGOP".

It is my opinion that you have it exactly 180 degrees backward; it is Kyle's strong desire to see a strong conservative secure the nomination that drives his pointing to Donald Trump's lacking those qualities.

I think the truth is much simpler than the case you are trying mightly to build out of phantoms.

From: NvaGvUp

"It is my opinion that you have it exactly 180 degrees backward; it is Kyle's strong desire to see a strong conservative secure the nomination that drives his pointing to Donald Trump's lacking those qualities. "


Trump's keeping strong conservatives from getting the spotlight and while his message may be spot on at times, his bluster and bravado tarnishes any candidate with a GOP tag as a fool and a clown with the millions of voters who do not spend the time most CF'ers do looking at the issues and who understand what the FF intended when they wrote and ratified The Constitution.

Spike has tunnel vision and is clearly unable to understand that people who want the goal he wants may not see every tiny thing as he does. Or, even if they do see it his way, may have a different opinion as to how to reach that goal.

From: NvaGvUp

"you absolutely cannot and will not ever be able to go right by only turning left 80 degrees instead of 90 degrees"

I was an Instructor Navigator Flight Examiner for a hand-picked squadron in SAC when I was in the USAF, which is a very highly qualified position for a top priority unit. So trust me on this:

An 80 degree turn to the right is a pretty significant turn to the right.

It will not get you to your precise destination, but it get you light-years closer to your desired destination than would turning left, not turning at all, or turning 10 -20 degrees right.

If you demand perfect results in your politics, Spike, you'll forever be disappointed. No politician, and certainly no group of politicians, no matter how philosophically pure they may be by your own standards, will ever agree on everything you want. Which is what you are demanding.

From: bad karma
Oh, Nva, you left out one important part. A politician that is 98% of what he wants is part of the eGOP.....and just taking us a little more slowly off the cliff.

From: NvaGvUp

Sadly, so sadly, you're 100% correct!

From: Mike in CT
Geez, sorry to have it all so backward.

Not all Spike, just your fixation on placing Kyle in the eGOP universe.

Does this mean I am not a Trumpite and you will stop attacking me for calling it as I see it?

Well it's hard to completely answer that question since we've never come to a consensus on exactly what a "Trumpite" is (kind of like we've never seen a roll call of the eGOP, come to think of it.....).

From a purely personal perspective I questioned all the praise-heaping on the Donald but I think I've been fair and consistent in crediting you for following your conscience.

I just thought that anyone who is truly interested in having genuine conservatives in major offices will never vote for any proregressive!

Absolutely, in the primaries and in a perfect world, the general election too. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world and if my choices are Barack Obama or Mitt Romney I'll heed the physician's adage to "first do no harm". It'll taste like crap going down but the alternative is much worse.

Show me any successes voting for eGOP proregressives that negates my thinking.

What's hard to see are what hasn't happened; how much of the progressive (Obama) agenda didn't get out of committee and to the floor for a vote. Or, how much squeaked through one house only to die on the vine in the other.

And please don't bring up Loretta Lynch's confirmation; under the criteria as defined in the Constitution she was qualified. It would have been just as partisan and baseless to deny her confirmation as it was for Democrats to deny Robert Bork a seat on the USSC. Two wrongs never make a right.

As bad karma has consistently said, elections have consequences. If you're not happy with the status quo do everything in your power to change it.

The only way I see to get the GOP to come around is to deny them of ANY support whatsoever EVERY time they digress.

I am all ears if you can show me a better plan.

Witholding your vote or closing off your wallet is a passive stance; inevitably, absent a sea of like-minded people it is a grain of sand in the Sahara desert.

Active dissent on the other hand will effect the change you want in a much shorter timespan (assuming enough active involvement to be concise) with a much better ROI.

Start at the local level and get good, solid Conservatives in your state houses. Grow a solid, bumper crop to advance to the federal level.

Like a house Spike, build from the foundation up.

From: slade

""Witholding your vote or closing off your wallet is a passive stance; inevitably, absent a sea of like-minded people it is a grain of sand in the Sahara desert.

Active dissent on the other hand will effect the change you want in a much shorter timespan (assuming enough active involvement to be concise) with a much better ROI.

Start at the local level and get good, solid Conservatives in your state houses. Grow a solid, bumper crop to advance to the federal level.

Like a house Spike, build from the foundation up.""

From: bad karma
WRONG! The term eGOP moves so much you can't define it. I've asked for the list several times, and you can't even name the folks. You're evading the question again today.

From: bad karma
No, you're definition is, and I quote, "The term eGOP (establishment government opposition party) is so self explanatory that it is not neccesary to define it."

That was one post above your last one.

Please at least try to be consistent with each post in the same thread. Every time you give a "hahaha..." I know you're trying to BS folks.

From: gadan

"Further, I have heard it all before and you have yet to show me when and where the usual strategy of accepting the eGOP candidate out of fear of the Demons alternative has gotten us to the conservative policies that we all agree are neccesary. Show me the success!"

First, not once has anyone cheered poor choices by Republicans. And we all acknowledge there have been a handful of whoppers! But you can't ignore the wins either.

Second, can you name a success garnered by a group handing one's country over to the opposition?

From: Coyote 65
I may be wrong, probably am but I think GOP stands for "Grand Old Party".


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