Moultrie Mobile
Can You Be Radicalized?
Contributors to this thread:
sundowner 07-Dec-15
Rocky 07-Dec-15
sundowner 07-Dec-15
HA/KS 07-Dec-15
tonyo6302 07-Dec-15
TD 07-Dec-15
itshot 07-Dec-15
Pat C. 07-Dec-15
Woods Walker 07-Dec-15
Rocky 08-Dec-15
Dave G. 08-Dec-15
sundowner 08-Dec-15
South Farm 08-Dec-15
sundowner 08-Dec-15
BowSniper 08-Dec-15
South Farm 08-Dec-15
From: sundowner
The FBI is trying to determine which of the San Bernardino killers radicalized the other, or if other people did the radicalization.

This got me thinking.....could I be radicalized?. Or indoctrinated to the point that I might do things I may not do normally at the behest of a "radicalizer"?

For me the answer is no. That could not happen to me. Not now.

Perhaps younger people are more vulnerable to radicalization, I don't know. Could you be manipulated to that extent?

From: Rocky
I would say that members that reside here on the CF have been radicalized...

....just say Donald Trump and watch jihad at work.;-))

The Rock

I believe these people have had the seeds of these despicable acts in their psyche for years. All it takes is one look at the insane society that they come from to understand.

From: sundowner
That's what I think, SA. The evil is already there.

one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. They view themselves as heroes.

From: HA/KS
How many shrinks does it take to change a light bulb?

Only one, but the bulb has to want to change.

From: tonyo6302
"one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."


Freedom fighters attack Military targets, not innocent civilian targets.

From: TD
There's a couple girls in my sordid past I'd done some pretty radical things for....

When you're in the rut you're usually much easier to kill. Applies to males of every species IMO....

From: itshot

apparently all one needs to be radicalized in the religion of pieces is to be devout,"fervently devout" (according to the news makers anyhow)

it's a Matty-esque attempt at portraying all religions equally and suggesting that all devout believers are maniacal killers, regardless of doctrine

it is BS, leftist lunacy

From: Pat C.
Anyone can be radicalized, there are professionals that can brain wash you to do anything. If you think that it couldn't happen to me well pray to God it don't happen.

From: Woods Walker
They're muslims. The more devout they are the closer they are to being radicalized.

I've been sayhtig this for years, and it's just as true now as it's ever been....

It's IMPOSSIBLE to be a devout muslim AND a loyal American. They may not all be wacko killers, but they darn sure don't do anything to deter it either.

OOOPS! If I disappear it's because Loretta Lynch read this!

From: Rocky

Would this be considered closing this country to all who would promote and further Sharia Law?

If so explain to the cerebellum crowd (joshauf, KPC etc,) why the doors should be closed to these malcontents hell bent on destroying this nation.

The Rock

From: Dave G.

Dave G. 's Link
"If so explain to the cerebellum crowd (joshauf, KPC etc,) why the doors should be closed to these malcontents hell bent on destroying this nation."

And while your explaining that, maybe you can explain how you're going to deport appellate judges who allow it.

From the link: "The Center first raised an alarm about the penetration of American jurisprudence by one of the most anti-constitutional of such foreign legal codes with its 2011 report, Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases. That study examined a sample of fifty cases and found that in twenty-seven of them, in twenty-three different states, the courts in question allowed the use of shariah, generally to the detriment of women and/or children whose rights under our Constitution were infringed."

Plus you may want to do a little research into "stare decisis".

From: sundowner
Pat C.

"Anyone can be radicalized, there are professionals that can brain wash you to do anything. If you think that it couldn't happen to me well pray to God it don't happen."

No sir, it cannot happen. And will not happen.

From: South Farm
Anybody that says they couldn't be radicalized has never been on a porn site. You CAN be radicalized if you are honest with yourself. If you don't believe me then how do you explain that the most and the top internet sites all are porn sites? Somebody's buying in..

From: sundowner
Well I suppose it depends upon one's definition of the word, which does seem subjective.

If Rahm Emmanuel looked in my Browning safe, he would probably say I am radical.

From: BowSniper
Bigger questions - Would you be willing to call the recent shooting at Planned Parenthood 'terrorism by a religious extremist'? That shooter Robert Dear had been radicalized in the same way, killing to further his Christian religious agenda. Who radicalized him and what is being done to stop them?

From: South Farm
I think he has deeper issues than just Christianity, BowSniper. Not saying nobody's ever killed in the name of Jesus Christ before, but in the planned parenthood case I don't think the guy was playing with a full deck to begin with, but rather just used his religion as a half-assed attempt at a piss-poor defense.

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