Sitka Gear
FBI To Recommend Witch Be Indicted
Contributors to this thread:
NvaGvUp 30-May-16
Shuteye 30-May-16
NvaGvUp 30-May-16
Thumper 30-May-16
NvaGvUp 30-May-16
'Ike' (Phone) 30-May-16
kentuckbowhnter 30-May-16
NvaGvUp 30-May-16
PSEBow 30-May-16
NvaGvUp 30-May-16
PSEBow 30-May-16
Mike in CT 30-May-16
NvaGvUp 31-May-16
'Ike' (Phone) 31-May-16
tonyo6302 31-May-16
ar troy 31-May-16
HA/KS 31-May-16
bad karma 31-May-16
Mike B 31-May-16
PSEBow 01-Jun-16
Mike in CT 01-Jun-16
bad karma 01-Jun-16
Woods Walker 01-Jun-16
bad karma 01-Jun-16
tonyo6302 01-Jun-16
bad karma 01-Jun-16
'Ike' (Phone) 01-Jun-16
BowSniper 01-Jun-16
From: NvaGvUp
The Huff Po posted this earlier today, only to pull it once they realized the story does not fit their agenda.

So here you go!

"Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges


The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime. RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.

“The New York Times examined Bill Clinton’s relationship with a Canadian mining financier, Frank Giustra, who has donated millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and sits on its board. Clinton, the story suggests, helped Giustra’s company secure a lucrative uranium-mining deal in Kazakhstan and in return received “a flow of cash” to the Clinton Foundation, including previously undisclosed donations from the company’s chairman totaling $2.35 million.”

Initially, Comey had indicated that the investigation into Hillary’s home brewed email server was to be concluded by October of 2015. However, as more and more evidence in the case has come to light, this initial date kept being pushed back as the criminal investigation has expanded well beyond violating State Department regulations to include questions about espionage, perjury and influence peddling.

Here’s what we do know.

Tens of millions of dollars donated to the Clinton Foundation was funneled to the organization through a Canadian shell company which has made tracing the donors nearly impossible. Less than 10% of donations to the Foundation has actually been released to charitable organizations and $2M that has been traced back to long time Bill Clinton friend Julie McMahon (aka The Energizer).

When the official investigation into Hillary’s email server began, she instructed her IT professional to delete over 30,000 emails and cloud backups of her emails older than 30 days at both Platte River Networks and Datto, Inc. The FBI has subsequently recovered the majority, if not all, of Hillary’s deleted emails and are putting together a strong case against her for attempting to cover up her illegal and illicit activities.

A conviction under RICO comes when the Department of Justice proves that the defendant has engaged in two or more examples of racketeering and that the defendant maintained an interest in, participated in or invested in a criminal enterprise affecting interstate or foreign commerce. There is ample evidence already in the public record that the Clinton Foundation qualifies as a criminal enterprise and there’s no doubt that the FBI is privy to significantly more evidence than has already been made public.

Under RICO, the sections most relevant in this case will be section 1503 (obstruction of justice), section 1510 (obstruction of criminal investigations) and section 1511 (obstruction of State or local law enforcement). As in the case with Richard Nixon after the Watergate Break-in, it’s the cover-up of a crime that will be the Clintons’ downfall.

Furthermore, under provisions of title 18, United States Code: Section 201, the Clinton Foundation can be held accountable for improprieties relating to bribery. The FBI will be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that through the Clinton Foundation, international entities were able to commit bribery in exchange for help in securing business deals, such as the uranium-mining deal in Kazakhstan.

It is a Federal Crime to negligently handle classified information under United States Code (USC) 18 section 1924. It is a Federal Class A Felony under USC 18 section 798.

Hillary certified under oath to a federal judge that she had handed over to the state department all of her emails, which she clearly did not. In spite of her repeated statements to the effect that everything that she did with her home brewed email server as Secretary of State was above-board and approved by the State Department, the Inspector General Report vehemently refutes this claim.

Hillary refused to be interview by the Inspector General’s office in their investigation, claiming that her upcoming FBI interview took precedent but it seems more likely that Hillary is more concerned about committing perjury or admitting to anything that can be used against her in a court of law.

“Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary.

At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

Inspector General Report

Hillary Clinton is guilty of exposing classified documents to foreign governments by placing them illegally on her server, of sending and receiving classified documents and conspiring with her staff to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by avoiding the use of the State Department run servers. Some of the documents were so highly classified the the investigators on the case weren’t even able to examine the material themselves until they got their own clearances raised to the highest levels.

While there is an excellent case to be made that Hillary committed treasonous actions, the strongest case the FBI has is charging both Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as the Clinton Foundation of Racketeering. There’s no wonder why it’s taken this long for the FBI to bring forward a recommendation. The rabbit hole is so deep on this one that it has taking dozens of investigators to determine the full extent of the crimes that have been committed.

Perhaps the most interesting question here is whether or not the FBI’s investigation will be able to directly link The Clinton Foundation with The Hillary Victory Fund.

If this happens, the DNC itself may be in jeopardy of accusations of either being an accomplice or of being complicit in racketeering."

From: Shuteye
I love it.

From: NvaGvUp

If you've read "Clinton Cash," this will be of no surprise at all.

The Clintons have long been a criminal enterprise at the highest level. Hopefully, this will be the end of it.

From: Thumper
Never happens!

From: NvaGvUp

"Loretta Lynch was appointed Attorney General by president Obama in 2010 during his first term"

Lynch was sworn in as AG in April of last year, not in 2010 as your post claims.

When an easily documented fact is that wrong in an article, everything that follows is equally suspect.

Don't tease me damn it, don't tease me!

i will believe it when i see it. the justice department and obama will protect clinton i bet obama has already ordered the ag not to indict.

From: NvaGvUp
"....a law firm that served the Clintons."

I long ago quit reading or believing anything WND claimed because they have little credibility.

This law firm has an enormous number of lawyers. Yet you posted NO evidence that Lynch (whom I despise), was one of the lawyers on the Clinton team.

From: PSEBow
Really? an accidental printing by HuffPo and you run with it?

Hey JTV, with all of the class you exhibit, if she DOESN'T get indicted, will you apologize? I'm guessing no because it fits your profile.

There will be no indictment. Why? In order to be indicted you have to be charged with something first, The alleged crime?

"It is a Federal Crime to negligently handle classified information under United States Code (USC) 18 section 1924. It is a Federal Class A Felony under USC 18 section 798."

EXCEPT>>>>ALL the materials that she allegedly mishandled were retroactively classified after the fact, meaning that she did not break the law.

simply put, if she and Bill haven’t been indicted in the past 25 years, I'd hard earned money on a bet she isn’t going to be indicted now. it isn’t really my job to prove she isn’t going to be indicted, it’s the job of those claiming she is going to be indicted, or she might be, to prove their claim.

I submit that if there were anything to indict her over, it would have happened already. she’s a lawyer, my guess is that, being a lawyer, she’d have a pretty good sense if she was in danger of being indicted, and probably bail out of the campaign for the nomination. that she hasn’t, tells me she isn’t going to be.

From: NvaGvUp

It wasn't an "accidental printing."

It was an article that was posted before the powers that be at the Huff Po saw it and realized it didn't conform to their agenda.

From: PSEBow
If the FBI is going to indict, they'd have to charge her with something first. I believe bad karma can attest to that order of operations. And in doing so, it would be confidential. So how could huffpo get such information? It was accidental. non intentional.

From: Mike in CT

Mike in CT's Link
Excerpt from the link:

"What matters in the world of secrets is the information itself, which may or may not be marked “classified.” Employees at the highest levels of access are expected to apply the highest levels of judgment, based on the standards in Executive Order 13526. The government’s basic nondisclosure agreement makes clear the rule is “marked or unmarked classified information.”

In addition, the use of retroactive classification has been tested and approved by the courts, and employees are regularly held accountable for releasing information that was unclassified when they released it, but classified retroactively."

As I advised in another thread you really need to broaden your sources beyond the ramblings of the far left Paul. You might learn something by accident.

Also, while JTV like everyone should let the wheels of justice run their course kindly refrain from further utterance of the word "class"; it has no place in any sentence authored by a serial poser, a person so lacking in integrity that they've hid behind 32 other aliases (so far).

Now go crawl back under the sewage with the rest of the vermin.

You're dismissed Paul.

From: NvaGvUp

The 'gotcha' wasn't aimed at you. It was aimed at the author of the article you posted.

Believes she truly is above the law...Hope they take her out at the knees!

From: tonyo6302

JTV is a trained Marine Sniper.

Just so ya know.

"Never pick a fight with a stranger."

- Mark Twain

From: ar troy

ar troy's embedded Photo
ar troy's embedded Photo
"JTV is a trained Marine Sniper."

A couple of other pearls of wisdom; never fight a man nicknamed "champ", or anyone with cauliflower ears.

From: HA/KS
None of this happens without obama's blessing. He likely has someone ready to step in for the nomination - someone without a negative rating over 60% like both of the current front-runners.

From: bad karma

bad karma's embedded Photo
bad karma's embedded Photo
PZEant, you're now enshrined in the Epic Fail Hall of Shame.

Please shame yourself elsewhere. This is a site for real people who love bowhunting, not fake chitbirds.

From: Mike B
BK: Epic fail, indeed. That's gonna leave a

From: PSEBow

PSEBow's embedded Photo
PSEBow's embedded Photo
Lots of these on here lately!

From: Mike in CT
Hiding behind 32 aliases leaves you in a poor position to weigh in on anyone's manhood Paul......

From: bad karma
Lovely, a self portrait of alias no. 32.

From: Woods Walker
You're a sick, sick, man/woman/? there Syb.

From: bad karma

bad karma's Link
Here is a good article on the extent of Hillary's criminal culpability, dovetailing on the originating article. Good reading for the adults in the room, which absolutely does not include Pseblow.

The latest spin from Hillarycamp, all false, is that she didn't know of the server problems. That's almost instantly provable as demonstrably false.

From: tonyo6302
Another thing that the lefty's don't get, is that unintentional release or unintentional poor safeguarding of Classified Info, is still punishable under the law.

I have a TSEC Clearance, and get retrained twice a year about such things.

From: bad karma
Different crimes have different legal standards for mens rea, or intent. For example, speeding is a strict liability offense. If you're exceeding the speed limits, it does not matter if it was intentional or not. Trespassing is another one in many jurisdictions.

Certain other offenses require a higher level of intent such as willingly, or knowingly.

Release of classified information is essentially negligence, conscious disregard of a substantial risk. Or, placing the information at risk, without release.

Since Platte River wasn't even qualified to handle such information, Hillary has serious problems since the first thing one would have to do to run information on a private server is make sure the company was qualified to handle such information. If you'll recall, there was an issue when Hillary's lawyer, David Kendall, had possession of some emails. And since Kendall didn't have the proper clearance, that was a problem.

Classified information, some of which is born that way, is essentially radioactive. It's not to be touched, or moved without special precautions. And everyone that works with it is taught that.


'Ike' (Phone)'s Link
Come on baby!!!

The recently released State Department inspector general report, which found Hillary Clinton broke government rules with her personal email use, increases "the likelihood and pressure" for the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges, an intelligence source familiar with the FBI investigation told Fox News.

From: BowSniper

BowSniper's Link
I don't buy the whole premise of the original post. Its cobbled together in a disjointed manner that does not reflect the efficiency of the FBI or the secrecy thus far of the investigation. More of a WND wish list throwing all of their theories into one bag.

I could see the FBI getting her on violations of storing/securing classified materials, and perhaps intentionally destroying government files she should have turned over.

This claim that all of the emails were classified after the fact is false. It may apply to some, but not all. Especially not the apx 22 emails containing Top Secret information. It is rumored that some contained high level satellite intelligence, and the true capabilities of our spy satellites is one of the most closely guarded secrets in the nation. If she has spy satellite photos in an email, and this ever fell into foreign hands (via Guccifer or Russian hacks) just because the old bag wanted to play with a blackberry.... then the FBI will take her down.

*personally - I think Hillary had her aides attempt to scrub the classification headings off these documents and forward to her in a deliberate effort to get around the official policies. Not sure if Huma and the others would take the fall for Hillary (she can pardon them if becoming President).

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