Sitka Gear
How you treat people
Contributors to this thread:
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Chief 419 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Pat C. 28-Jun-16
70lbdraw 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Mint 28-Jun-16
Oakie 28-Jun-16
joshuaf 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
70lbdraw 28-Jun-16
Oakie 28-Jun-16
joshuaf 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Joey Ward 28-Jun-16
Oakie 28-Jun-16
gflight 28-Jun-16
idacurt 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Pat C. 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
sleepyhunter 28-Jun-16
HA/KS 28-Jun-16
Bowfreak 29-Jun-16
joshuaf 29-Jun-16
BowSniper 29-Jun-16
Bowfreak 29-Jun-16
Franzen 29-Jun-16
Bowfreak 29-Jun-16
Franzen 29-Jun-16
Franzen 29-Jun-16
Glunt@work 29-Jun-16
joshuaf 29-Jun-16
joshuaf 29-Jun-16
Franzen 29-Jun-16
Bowfreak 29-Jun-16
Franzen 29-Jun-16
slade 29-Jun-16
Bowfreak 29-Jun-16
slade 29-Jun-16
From: HA/KS
"Christians" are often castigated for not treating people like Jesus would treat them. The criticism is often well warranted. We know that not everyone who claims to be a Christian is, but the judgment of that is up to God, not up to us.

If the way trump supporters treat those of us who do not fall in love with him is any indication of how trump would treat us if he is elected, than I am more sure than ever that he is not fit to be president.

From: Chief 419
Whatever floats your boat. I don't see how anyone with a conscience could vote for Hillary with her proven track record of failure as SOS and accepting money from countries who treat women as slaves. The people who are fed up with the status quo keep voting for the same establishment that created the problems to begin with.

It looks like we're going to cancel each others votes.

From: HA/KS
"I don't see how anyone with a conscience could vote for Hillary" Neither do I!

I also do not see how anyone with a conscience could vote for anyone who praises her and gives her money, and does major business ventures with state-owned companies in oppressive nations.

NOBODY is cancelling my vote - or forcing me to vote for someone I do not believe in just because they are not quite the worst candidate in the race.

I totally understand Henry.

The idea of voting for an obvious psychopath and narcissist like Trump is repugnant and normally I try and do what is right no matter the cost.

However at this juncture, for me and my long term interests, the Fascist ticket with Trump is the best move remaining on the chess board.

From: Pat C.
Id look in the mirror before casting stones. Iv throne my share of stones but so have the trump haters. So I guess this whole thread is a moot point.

From: 70lbdraw
So he's a narccicst...they all are! But I'd rather have a narccicst that recognizes this countrys real problems rather than one that just wants to flood the country with low information Democrat voters.

From: HA/KS
Several have expressed their logical reasons for voting for trump. I have never countered their opinions because they have thought out a logical reason for their vote that matches their conscience. These same people have also not gone snarky on those of us who have reached a different logical conclusion based on our own conscience and logic. I respect that. We may never agree on trump, but that is OK.

I am talking about those who have nothing but nasty, negative, crude, crass, and very totalitarian-sounding responses to anyone who does not toe the trump line. Unfortunately, their tone reminds me of the worst I have seen from trump and it makes me wonder....

For the most part, everything I have posted about trump was his own words. If he is so great, why is posting his own words such a crime?

I have also posted a couple of opinion pieces that I stated up front were from sources I did not consider friendly to trump to show what he will be facing. Again, I was attacked for posting a true statement - he will face a torrent of bad press. Some will be true, some totally false, but all will have an impact.

From: Mint
I don't believe all Trump supporters fit in one category. I know a few of them and their personalities couldn't be any more different.

Now if you say Trump supporters on the CF...

From: Oakie
Matthew 7:1-5

From: joshuaf
"I don't see how anyone with a conscience could vote for Hillary"

I'm sure Henry isn't voting for Hillary, nor am I.

"her proven track record of failure"

Donald Trump has a long, long list of business ventures that have been failures.

"accepting money from countries who treat women as slaves."

Donald Trump does business in countries that treat women like slaves.

"The people who are fed up with the status quo keep voting for the same establishment that created the problems to begin with."

I think you mean Trump voters, because they voted for a guy who is quintessentially status quo.

From: HA/KS
Yes, Oakie, a vastly misunderstood passage that is often misused.

From: 70lbdraw
"Yes, Oakie, a vastly misunderstood passage that is often misused."

Aren't they all?

From: Oakie
Seems easily understandable to me.

From: joshuaf
"Several have expressed their logical reasons for voting for trump."

Henry, there is logic in some of the reasons stated as reasons to vote for Trump. Where the Logic train completely derails is when examining whether Trump actually believes any of those things or if he suddenly found those positions when he decided to run for President as a Republican.

From: HA/KS
josh, since neither you nor me know, that leaves it open to interpretation. Some interpret differently. They may be right. I certainly hope so.

From: HA/KS
Oakie, what does this say to you? "By their fruits you will know them."

Apparently we ARE to judge some things.

From: Joey Ward
It's not judge, it's recognize.

From: Oakie
I second Joey.

From: gflight
I think it is fun to remind folks that teased GJ about TBVIEC what an "Obama" Trump really is and they are now exactly the same but won't have the nads to say it as he did.

They have nominated a bankrupt reality star when GJ elected a community organizer.

Hail to the closet

From: idacurt
These threads are pointless,what was your intended outcome when you started it?

"If the way trump supporters treat those of us who do not fall in love with him...."

What reality do you live in? Be honest and admit this thread had no purpose other than to poke the hornets nest,no good will ever come out of these Trump hate threads that have been going on day after day. Trump or any other candidate is flawed,WE GET IT! Now you get over it and vote for Hillary.

From: HA/KS
The purpose of this thread is to point out that acting like an authoritarian or leftist is no way to win people over to trump.

If that does not apply to you, then you have no worry.

If you have not accused those who fail to fall in love with trump of being hilary supporters, then why get upset?

If you have not called people who state that they will not support trump vile names and posted vile graphics, then ignore the thread.

Judging harshly? Each person can judge for themselves whether their actions are appropriate.

From: Pat C.
Well I tell you what yall can say what you want go and vote for anybody you want but if you don't vote for Trump your voting for Hellary. Every vote that goes to a third party puts hellary up one more vote. So go ahead but when the witch is president don't bitch because you helped put her there. You got nobody to blame but yourselves.

From: HA/KS
"Self control" "But if the 'pant suit' persuades you, then go ahead and support her."

me (above) "Several have expressed their logical reasons for voting for trump. I have never countered their opinions because they have thought out a logical reason for their vote that matches their conscience. These same people have also not gone snarky on those of us who have reached a different logical conclusion based on our own conscience and logic. I respect that. We may never agree on trump, but that is OK."

Solo "When have any of you self-professed 'fruit judgers' applied any of these godly traits to your judgment in your writings here of Trump OR toward those of us who will cast their votes for him?

I've never seen it from any of you anti-"Trumpettes" yet.

You're just a pack of suicidal voters who feed upon deception...."

From: HA/KS
"It's the end result that counts."

That is very true. Some think the end is the next paycheck, hunting season, or election. I know it is much more permanent than that.

From: sleepyhunter
Either vote Clinton or Trump. Or don't vote.

From: HA/KS
If you care to check, ANY time I have referenced sinners, I have noted that it includes everyone, particularly me.

From: Bowfreak
Sorry....but I have little regard for anyone that is NOT happy with the Obama administration and then does anything other than vote for Trump. You may not like him but to think he is not a better option, even if only slightly, than Hillary is absurd. Voting for Gary Johnson might as well be voting for Gary Coleman. It is literally a waste of your time and effort to even go to the polls.

From: joshuaf
"he is definitely the lesser of two evils"

Spike, I don't think we have any real evidence to stipulate that this is true, and an "R" after his name on the ballots doesn't count since he spent so many years acting like a "D".

From: BowSniper
Voting is as much outcome based as conscience based. Vote your conscience and achieve an even worse outcome? Just doesn't seem smart to me.

There is going to be a new President and one of the first things that person will do is fill a vacant SCOTUS seat. A consequence lasting far longer than the Presidential title.

We know what Hillary will do, and her number one issue is restricting gun rights. And allowing continue illegal immigration... AND bringing in more immigrants from Syria. No matter how much you dislike and distrust Trump.. the KNOWN immediate and lasting danger that Hillary represents appears far worse.

From: Bowfreak
Sometimes I wonder how intelligent people can act so unintelligent.


I will bet you any amount of money you would like that the POTUS will be either the Democrat or the Republican that is on the ticket. Guess will be like that in every future POTUS election in my lifetime.

The primaries are over. At this point you can do nothing but take your ball and go home. There are 2 people that can win the election....just like always one is a Democrat and the other is a Republican. You can stand on principle all you like but it will do just as good at this point as going out and screaming to the sky.

Trump was not my candidate but I will suck it up and pull the lever for him. It is the ONLY option unless you are leftist.

From: Franzen
"It is the ONLY option unless you are leftist." An absolutely false assumption...

So yeah, I agree... "Sometimes I wonder how intelligent people can act so unintelligent."

From: Bowfreak
Bottom line....If enough people (like you guys) take the same sanctimonious stance as the Republican establishment and don't vote for Trump, Hillary will be POTUS. They only way that doesn't happen is if she is not on the ticket, then it will be her replacement.

I keep reading about the ills of the "eGOP" yet those very same people crying foul are in lock step with them.

Also...the offer stands for anyone that would like to take that bet.

From: Franzen
Nor can you fix douchebaggery JTV. Sad in your case.

From: Franzen
I'm really sick and tired of A) so many folks here lumping people together who don't share any ideals other than their dislike for one candidate and B) people insulting the intelligence of those who are ACTUALLY intelligent because they don't fall in line and adore a certain candidate.

From: Glunt@work
What should a conservative do? Hillary isn't an option, Trump isnt a conservative but whether he governs as left or right is a complete unknown. Voting for a 3rd party or not voting helps Hillary. Voting Trump sends a message (again) that we will take whatever dish is served to us since its better than the other dish of dog poo.

Its silly to accuse conservatives of being pro Hillary or pro GOP status quo when they obviously are not and are wrestling with having to cast their vote for someone who doesn't represent their beliefs...again.

We may never have a conservative, Constitution loving President again. We for sure won't if we accept something different over and over. The country will suffer if Hillary is elected. The country may be lost if we don't get back to the formula that allowed it to become great.

Looking at the next 4 - 8 years, voting for Trump is probably the better choice. For the next 50 years, its not as clear. Voting, and withholding votes, is powerful in two ways. It helps a candidate get elected and it sends a message to the parties regarding future candidates.

There is an argument to be made that we may need to get worse before we can start to get better. I get that Trump lifts a giant middle finger to the status quo and I love that their little party was crashed. Unfortunately, it needed to be crashed by a conservative but we didn't have an electable one in the race.

The general campaign is just starting. A lot of information, surprises, alliances, debates and world events can change things between now and voting day. All I am sure of now is that I won't vote for Hillary. The SCOTUS is a giant issue. One spot is in play for sure. Whats unknown is if any will pass or step down in the next 4 years, or if Hillary wins, will she get a second term which greatly ups the odds of more appointments.

Not voting Trump absolutely helps Hillary. Thats a simple fact. Whats not so simple is pulling the lever for someone you don't want to be President, over, and over, and over again.

From: joshuaf
""It is the ONLY option unless you are leftist." An absolutely false assumption..."

He knows that and he doesn't believe it for one second, just trying to rile people like you and me up. Telling us more about himself than anything else.

"I keep reading about the ills of the "eGOP" yet those very same people crying foul are in lock step with them."

If some in the Republican Establishment happen to be against Trump, then good for them. Because I and others are also against Trump doesn't mean we have any connection to the Republican Establishment. And I don't know if you're being intentionally dishonest about it or if you're simply ill-informed, but there's a LOT more of the GOP Establishment that has "fallen in line" behind Trump than those who haven't. Just fyi.

From: joshuaf
"We for sure won't if we accept something different over and over."

I've been making this argument since probably the Dole election. Everybody says, after the "more electable" GOP Candidate (fill in the blank, Dole/McCain/Romney/Trump) gets his hat handed to him by the Democrat, that they'll never do this again, won't be tricked again into voting for someone other than a true Constitutional Conservative. And every 4 years, they forget and do it all over again. Total Deja Vu.

From: Franzen
Petulant child.

From: Bowfreak
"He knows that and he doesn't believe it for one second, just trying to rile people like you and me up. Telling us more about himself than anything else."

I absolutely do believe it. You only have 2 viable options. Obviously you are a man of principle and plan to push Hillary over the line.

"If some in the Republican Establishment happen to be against Trump, then good for them. Because I and others are also against Trump doesn't mean we have any connection to the Republican Establishment."

You just so happen to have the very same response....I see that as a connection.


With the Democrat voter drive known as illegal immigration, it has pretty much sealed the deal that Democrats won't lose again if they win this one.

From: Franzen
Okay, so you back down from no one... NO ONE!!... I don't know what bearing that has on the conversation? Do you want a cookie or something? In fact, you and a few others came on this thread and made Henry's point for him, yet don't seem smart enough to realize it.

From: slade
""it sends a message to the parties regarding future candidates.""


What exactly is this "message" and who are you sending this "message" to?...

""Unfortunately, it needed to be crashed by a conservative but we didn't have an electable one in the race.""

How are you going to get an "electable conservative" in the race and what are the qualifications for being a "electable conservative." ?

From: Bowfreak
Hey Spike....go back in history and tell me the last time it didn't happen. It will be a Republican or Democrat. Millard Fillmore is not walking through that door. Some strange event may keep it from being Hillary or Trump but it isn't going to be one of the never Trump's "principled" candidates. NEVER in my lifetime or yours. It is a 2 party system, who by the way BOTH suck, and it ain't changing.

How do we fix it? You can't for this cycle but you vote out every non conservative you can in the PRIMARY. The conservative(s) lost, now unless you want to lose MORE ground you have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Trust me....I have held my nose to vote more than the average guy....I voted for Bevin in the primary but I sure as heck wasn't voting for Dolf Lundgren Grimes in the general. As horrible as McConnell is he's still at least a registered Republican who might on a slim chance vote against liberals....pretty much no Democrat will.

From: slade
They stand with Mitch...

McConnell lauded Clinton as “intelligent and capable” while casting Trump as not yet credible.

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