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Trump v Hillary: here's the scoop
Contributors to this thread:
joshuaf 06-Jul-16
sundowner 06-Jul-16
mgerard 06-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 06-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 06-Jul-16
Mike B 06-Jul-16
HDE 06-Jul-16
HA/KS 06-Jul-16
HA/KS 06-Jul-16
Shuteye 06-Jul-16
gadan 06-Jul-16
idacurt 06-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 06-Jul-16
joshuaf 06-Jul-16
mgerard 06-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 06-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 06-Jul-16
Shuteye 06-Jul-16
NvaGvUp 06-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 07-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 07-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 11-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 12-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 12-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 12-Jul-16
Bentstick81 12-Jul-16
slade 12-Jul-16
BowSniper 13-Jul-16
BowSniper 13-Jul-16
slade 13-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 13-Jul-16
slade 13-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 13-Jul-16
BowSniper 13-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 13-Jul-16
Stumpkiller 16-Jul-16
Woods Walker 16-Jul-16
From: joshuaf
Good grief. Trump Cult really is a Cult.

From: sundowner
I pray to the God of Jehu that you are right, Buckiller.

If not, our Constitution and our sovereignty are very shortly destined for the ash heap of history.

Real journalism died in 2007.

The Rule of Law died yesterday.

From: mgerard
Our country has survived the corruption and rhetoric from both sides throughout our history and will survive this election and the outcomes to follow. Find peace and lead from there.

From: Anony Mouse
We've never faced an imperial Presidency who had no opposition to his dictates and was allowed to walk over the Constitutional balances by a submissive party who feared the media more than their voters.

Hillary has stated that she will continue the Obama legacy and do it on steroids and shred the Bill of Rights one way or another. She will have the opportunity to do so by appointing more than one "living document" proregressive judges who will create law from the bench.

There is not one iota of evidence that the Republicans (should they hold control over House and Senate)would act in a different manner than they have, submitting to Obama and the media at every turn. The GoP leadership has already indicated support for policies that the voters who elected them adamantly do not support.

Yesterday, we saw that not only judges can create law, but also appointed government officials by inserting the concept of "unintentional intent" to a list of federal crimes.

Yesterday demonstrated that there is a two tier legal system...one for the special elected and connected elites...and one for the little people. Hillary has had her ego reinforced that she is above the law.

Some here have opined that Trump is a democrat. Does it really matter if he is? After all, we have seen that with few exceptions, many so called Republicans hold to the same goals and values as their Democrat counterparts.

I have mentioned this on numerous threads: the only signs of resistance that has been seen from the leadership of the Republican Party has been directed towards Trump. Might not it be possible that should Trump be elected, that we might see some sort of return to a balance of power and separation as outlined in the Constitution?

Trust him or not, Trump actually has taken positions that the people of this country do support--illegal immigration, ISLAMIC terrorism and support for the 2A. Yes, he may change...but there is a chance that he will not...something a little more positive than actually knowing what Hillary has in store for us.

One other thought that has never been discussed: Trump's huge ego. After 8 years of Obamafication and failure in so many areas, the exposure of Hillary's corruption...would it be reasonable that Trump would not want to go down in history as a bigger failure than Obama? He might actually try to deliver on his promise of "Making America Great Again". We have seen positives in position papers on the 2A and a list of potential SCOTUS nominations.

One thing is certain...we only have two choices this coming election. A vote for other than Hillary or Trump for "purity's sake" will only make one feel good, but have no effect on our future. Yeah...you can then brag about not voting for ****, but you will still live under what comes thereafter.

There can be little argument that there is a certain future that will rot our Founding Father's vision and put us on the path that only another revolution will return us to that path under 4-8 years of Hillary. There will be no effective opposition and based upon Obama's reign, one can expect her to extend his expansion of powers.

Trump, OTOH, does give some room for hope. While he has said and positioned himself on the popular side of issues, the two things I mentioned (GoP spine and an ego's fear of failure)do make voting for Trump less objectionable than voting for Hillary (or "wasting" a vote for personal satisfaction).

Sorry for going so long, but then there is this:

Don't know if any read "Maggie's Farm" blog, but she has been a long time supporter of "other than Trump"

You can’t avoid the truth, sad as it may be: Trump is the only revolution we’ve got.

”When in the course of human events…” Well, we’ve reached that course.

Hillary Clinton is corrupt and corrupting of everyone she touches. President Obama has engaged in outrageous executive conduct so often as to be numbing. Those in powerful positions throughout this administration behave like lawless thugs and keep getting away with it. The courts have been packed with judges who find excuses to not enforce the laws or who create ones out of ideology contrary to intent. The major media shamelessly look away or cover up for the lawless and abusers, and seek every opportunity – or blow out of proportion every trivial thing – to damn opponents of the regime. Much of the Republicans in office lack the guts or integrity to fight back, outside of mewing noises.

Where does that leave us now?

The Tea Party movement occurred at a point in time between elections, and succeeded in electing many who promised to be better. Some have been. Many have been useless or become tools. Now, it is election time, and the demonstration we require is at the ballot box.

Donald Trump is far from the perfect leader. But, then it takes someone with gumption and determination who will not be intimidated to take on the rot that permeates our government and self-appointed ruling class. And, Trump is the only revolution we have available.

Anyone deserves the end of our once-renowned Republic who stays home or turns coat or otherwise fails to stand up for recovering an America with basic laws and justice, an America which is not beholden to those who would exploit the government for self-aggrandizement or profits, an America with justice for all which does not favor the wealthy or powerful sycophants of state power.

Donald Trump is not George Washington. But he’s the only revolution we have, and very probably our last chance. I have faith in the American people who will bring us back from tottering over the brink of ruination to make it work when Trump is elected.

Get out and work for local candidates and for Trump. Otherwise, be part of the ruination. It's that simple and brutal a truth.

A simple brutal truth...reality, my friends. Posted by Bruce Kesler at 19:00 | Comments (19) | Trackbacks (0)

Jehu is most likely going to be disappointed this time around....but who knows, maybe Trump will be able to win in 2020.

From: Anony Mouse
From: Mike B

Mike B's embedded Photo
Mike B's embedded Photo

From: HDE
Very good post Anony Mouse!

From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
West's take on it

From: HA/KS
"You don't lose races when you own all the horses!!" Charlie Daniels

From: Shuteye
MSNBC is happy. Two white police officers, in Baton Rouge, shot a black man. Now they don't have to keep talking about Clinton. The democrats will probably send people to start rioting and burning to get the news people something to cover.

From: gadan
Great post Jack!

Joshua needs to read and understand what's at stake.

From: idacurt
Good post Jack!

"Our country has survived the corruption and rhetoric from both sides throughout our history and will survive this election and the outcomes to follow. Find peace and lead from there."

I'm sorry, but we're not going to survive 3/4 SCOTUS picks...Not as Hunters and Gun Owners...Just don't see it!

Even if they hold the House and Senate, the Repub's will be even more impotent than they are with OBaby...

From: joshuaf
"Trump actually has taken positions that the people of this country do support"

In real life, not in a campaign for elective office, the positions Trump actually has taken are positions that some people of this country do support. But those people are Hillary voters.

Which positions of Trump's are the real ones, and which are the lies? And are you sure?

From: mgerard
Hopefully we work toward common sense compromise and stop running around screaming with our hair on fire. Win or lose, happy or sad, seeking the extremes doesn't contribute to balance and prosperity. Unfortunately, that is our political system right now! Time and healthy debate, especially between the candidates, will make choices in November more meaningful.

From: Anony Mouse

From: Anony Mouse

Anony Mouse's Link
The party of submission will present kabuki theater to appease the base...

"Republican leaders say that FBI Director James Comey will be asked to testify about emailgate tomorrow.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be asked about her “chance meeting” with Bill Clinton.

Let’s see how important the precious down ballot vote is. We’re going to see the house GOP, ostensibly filled with our heroes, question James Comey about how he could stand at a podium and detail all the “egregious carelessness” committed by Hillary Clinton, actions that have landed others in jail, and conclude that there isn’t a right-minded prosecutor out there that would be willing to bring charges.

We’re going to see our principled stalwarts pepper the attorney general about the ridiculousness of a claim that a private meeting with Bill Clinton on a tarmac was simply small talk about golf and grandkids.

Why am I not excited?

Because I’m sick of kabuki theater. The right will put on their show, their stern faces, their tough talk rebuke, and nothing at all will come of it."

From: Shuteye
This whole thing reminds me of the Ides of March. Et Tu Brute.

From: NvaGvUp

NvaGvUp's embedded Photo
NvaGvUp's embedded Photo

From: Anony Mouse

From: Fulldraw1972
I seen that on FB last weekend. It's freaking hilarious.

From: Anony Mouse

"Our country has survived the corruption and rhetoric from both sides throughout our history and will survive this election and the outcomes to follow."

I agree with Mr. mgerard...but it's going to get ugly.

From: Jim in Ohio
All you guys don't forget, Hellary will allow millions of illegals and Muslims in, give them the right to vote, and they will destroy our jobs, end our safety and vote Democrat. The Republican, conservative whatever party will be destroyed forever. THAT IS THE WORST THING.

From: Fulldraw1972
Jim, that is the exact reason why I can't understand why conservatives would either not vote at all or vote for Hillary.

From: Jim in Ohio
Right Fulldraw, me either. Hellary's election would mean the end of this country as we know it.

From: Bentstick81
You are exactly right, Jim.

From: slade

From: BowSniper
If the Dems keep bringing in refugees and allow illegals the right to vote, the pendulum will swing so far left that it cannot be reversed. The Dems are now importing voters to become an unstoppable majority, who will forever vote for more and more entitlements that the minority of actual workers will have to fund.

Its obvious. And many will let it happen just to spite Trump

From: BowSniper
If the Dems keep bringing in refugees and allow illegals the right to vote, the pendulum will swing so far left that it cannot be reversed. The Dems are now importing voters to become an unstoppable majority, who will forever vote for more and more entitlements that the minority of actual workers will have to fund.

Its obvious. And many will let it happen just to spite Trump

From: slade
""They scared you into voting for just who they wanted you to vote for""

Who is they?

From: Jim in Ohio
Trump is something different. We have NO OTHER CHOICE!

From: slade
""They scared you into voting for just who they wanted you to vote for""

Who is they?

From: Jim in Ohio

Jim in Ohio's Link

Check this link out and you will see why it is so important to vote against democrats.

From: BowSniper
Spike - the R didn"t win last two times and you wound up with Obama for 8 years and the national debt DOUBLED. Freedom was lost. We are near the edge of race war and cops are getting assassinated in the streets. That is what your silent minority protest has delivered. And if you keep it up, you get Hillary. No other outcome. And she attacks gun rights AND turns the Supreme Court to majority left liberal. Can you see any good that comes from that? Do tell....

Trump IS the "something different" this time around. Republicans hate him, Dems hate him, conservatives hate him, Josh hates him... but most importantly the ESTABLISHMENT career politicians hate him.

The more they hate him, the more I want him to win. They are afraid that he is actually going to do something to stop the back and forth partisan D and R games and I think we need to see an outsider try. Even as repulsive and obnoxious as he may seem at times...

From: Jim in Ohio

From: Stumpkiller

From: Woods Walker
Rhody:You get it. Scary, huh?

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