Sitka Gear
Cop killings in Dallas
Contributors to this thread:
Fulldraw1972 07-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 08-Jul-16
70lbdraw 08-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 08-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 08-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 08-Jul-16
Shuteye 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
HA/KS 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 08-Jul-16
Woods Walker 08-Jul-16
Woods Walker 08-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 08-Jul-16
gflight 08-Jul-16
Bowfreak 08-Jul-16
Bowbender 08-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 08-Jul-16
Bluetick 08-Jul-16
Mint 08-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 08-Jul-16
Shuteye 08-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 08-Jul-16
jdee 08-Jul-16
idacurt 08-Jul-16
Thumper 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
foxbo 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
70lbdraw 08-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
Jim Moore 08-Jul-16
HDE 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
HDE 08-Jul-16
MT in MO 08-Jul-16
Chief Z 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
bad karma 08-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 08-Jul-16
Bowfreak 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 08-Jul-16
jdee 08-Jul-16
mgerard 08-Jul-16
70lbdraw 08-Jul-16
slade 08-Jul-16
gflight 08-Jul-16
PSEBow 08-Jul-16
gflight 08-Jul-16
Anony Mouse 08-Jul-16
PSEBow 08-Jul-16
From: Fulldraw1972

Fulldraw1972's Link
Atleast 3 cops killed and 7 others wounded at protest.

From: Fulldraw1972

Fulldraw1972's Link

From: 70lbdraw
Have we had enough yet??? How long before we go back to the old West type justice?!? This is bulls**t!

2 snipers, one down...F me!


'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo

From: Fulldraw1972
Both shooters are in custody now.

From: Shuteye
And as normal Fox and MSNBC reporters keep saying automatic assault rifles used. Four cops dead now.

From: slade
Have read 11 officers shot, 4 dead.

Earlier in the day: The clueless race baiting "Barack Obama Trashes Cops as Racists in Statement on Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile"

From the Racist Muslim loving community agitator in the white house.

“All Americans should be deeply troubled by the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. We’ve seen such tragedies far too many times, and our hearts go out to the families and communities who’ve suffered such a painful loss.

“Although I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry.

“But regardless of the outcome of such investigations, what’s clear is that these fatal shootings are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve.

“To admit we’ve got a serious problem in no way contradicts our respect and appreciation for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day. It is to say that, as a nation, we can and must do better to institute the best practices that reduce the appearance or reality of racial bias in law enforcement.

“That’s why, two years ago, I set up a Task Force on 21st Century Policing that convened police officers, community leaders, and activists. Together, they came up with detailed recommendations on how to improve community policing. So even as officials continue to look into this week’s tragic shootings, we also need communities to address the underlying fissures that lead to these incidents, and to implement those ideas that can make a difference. That’s how we’ll keep our communities safe. And that’s how we can start restoring confidence that all people in this great nation are equal before the law.

“In the meantime, all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling — feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. Michelle and I share those feelings. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, let’s reflect on what we can do better. Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.”

From: HA/KS
Already being blamed on "open carry."

From: slade
Another race baiting Democrat spouts off.

'Appalled': Minnesota Governor Says Philando Castile Would Be Alive If He Were White.


'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
'Ike' (Phone)'s embedded Photo
Five (5) officers dead, six (6) wounded...Suspect that was held up, died of self inflicted wound...

From: Woods Walker
“Although I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry."

Out of all the repulsive, ludicrous, insulting things President Sh*t Stain has said over the years, this has to be the topper.

His Department Of Justice is a joke and there's NOTHING "professional,thoughtful, thorough, or fair" about them.

From: Woods Walker

From: Jim in Ohio
I also think the shooters were Islamic terrorists. They were not afraid to kill themselves, a women was involved. Has to be terrorists.

From: gflight

gflight's Link
"Among the five suspects now in Dallas Police custody are self described "Islamic Americans" who attended a Nation of Islam mosque in the South Dallas area."

Maybe both??

From: Bowfreak
My first thought was...Congrats Obama. You are getting what you want. You have incited these useful idiots to do your bidding. You have successfully orchestrated your plan to create the most divided America in my lifetime. I know you were fearful that the racism platform would be gone for the left when you were elected but you managed to keep it at the forefront.

It looks like it was fundamentalist Muslims. Not a shock in the least. Either way, Obama continues to wash his hands like Pontius Pilate.

From: Bowbender
Why hasn't the identity of the suspects been released?

From: Jim in Ohio
Because they are Muslim.

From: Bluetick

Bluetick's Link
These attacks are patently part of a grander scheme to accomplish two things: destabilize and disarm America. Obama has been deliberately 'walking' illegals into this country, and even as the blood dries on the streets of Dallas, he's calling for two things: more 'refugees', and disarmament. Oh yeah, and don't you hillbillies dare to even look crossways at the muslims.

From: Mint
The Police Chief just said that the suspect that died said "He was upset with the police shooting" " he hated white people" "He wanted to shoot white police officers"

From: Jim in Ohio
I think they are covering it up.

From: Shuteye
One reporter said they sent in a robot that killed one shooter. The robot carried an explosive device in and blew up the shooter.

From: Jim in Ohio
One news report said the robot hit an IED which exploded and killed the terrorist. The robot didn't carry the explosive device. Who knows?

From: jdee
Even more reason to carry !! You have terrorist walking around wanting to kill you plus crazy black, white haters wanting to do the same because they can. If my mother voted for H Clinton I would never talk to her again. Trump is right ....we need to make America great again.. no matter what it takes !! Never in a million years would I have thought I would see this country so wrecked, but then again look what has been running it for the last 7 1/2 years...Obama and liberal's are the enemy !!

From: idacurt

idacurt's embedded Photo
idacurt's embedded Photo

From: Thumper
The Dallas Police shootings are clearly on obama's blood stained hands. This is the type of leadership we get when a community organizer is elected, a sorry piece of shit. This is the sugar coated version.

I am as angry as the rest of you but remember to send some prayers and good thoughts for the deceased, wounded and their families.

From: slade
Police: Dallas Shooting Suspect Micah Johnson “Wanted To Kill White People”

From: slade

From: slade
4 Cops Dead, 7 Cops Wounded and they're dancing in front of police officers mocking them

From: slade

slade's Link
Twitter Takes No Action As Calls For Cop-Killing Sweep Platform

There has been a deluge of anti-cop threats on Twitter, many of which calling for the mass murder of police officers. Hatred towards police is nothing we haven’t seen on the timelines of Twitter before, but the past three days have brought an onslaught of highly violent calls to action. A search query for phrases such as “kill pigs” “kill police” and such pulls back thousands of posts. Many of these are blatant threats to all police, regardless of their relevance to past incidents.

The threats and incitement to violence seen below were all posted before the massacre of police officers in Dallas, Texas. At the time of publication, all the tweets captured below remain on Twitter, and can be found via the site’s search function. In addition to screenshots, all tweets have also been archived.

From: slade
Good point HfW...

Donald J. Trump ? @realDonaldTrump Prayers and condolences to all of the families who are so thoroughly devastated by the horrors we are all watching take place in our country.

From: foxbo

If you listen to these lyrics, you'll understand what we're up against. There may be 23 pairs of chromosomes, but something is missing...

From: slade
Is Barack Obama Responsible For The Dallas Anti-Cop Terror Attack? BY: BEN SHAPIRO JULY 8, 2016

On Thursday, President Obama reacted to the cell-phone-captured footage of the police killings of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile by suggesting that such killings were “not isolated incidents.” Instead, he said, “They are symptomatic of challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve.”

In effect, Obama said – just as he’s been saying for years – that what he believes are extrajudicial murders of black men by police officers are the result of systemic racism, reflected in disproportionate arrest and imprisonment statistics.

Then, on Thursday night, anti-white racist snipers began firing on white police officers in Dallas. When the smoke had cleared, five officers were dead and another seven were wounded, some grievously.

This raises an obvious question: what sort of responsibility does President Obama bear for the massacre?

This isn’t the first time such questions have been raised about leftist anti-cop rhetoric. After the death of Eric Garner in New York City in 2014, New York Mayor Bill De Blasio echoed Obama’s message: “We are dealing with centuries of racism that brought us to his day.” Obama promptly called De Blasio to thank him. De Blasio bragged that he had met Obama at the White House, and said that he had told his son, who is black, “about the dangers he may face” from police. Days later, two police officers in New York City were murdered in cold blood by a black criminal who pledged to put “wings on pigs” on social media. The NYPD turned their backs on De Blasio when he attended the funeral for one of the officers.

Yet the media today – and President Obama himself – blame lack of gun control for Dallas, or claim that motives are unclear. They certainly distance the Black Lives Matter movement from the shootings, even as the Democratic National Committee released a statement essentially lumping together BLM with the anti-cop terrorist attack: “while most protesters have made their voices heard peacefully, tonight’s shooting of officers in Dallas is unacceptable and a reminder that the time to address these tensions and find common ground is long overdue.”

So, what is the relationship between anti-cop rhetoric and the racist murder of cops?

First off, let’s point out the obvious double standard from the left: when a white racist, Dylann Storm Roof, shot up a Charleston black church, the left immediately blamed a widespread culture of racism, and insisted that states across the country tear down Confederate war memorials and stop sponsoring the Confederate flag at state capitols. When non-black cops shoot black suspects, the left insists – without a shred of evidence – that such killings are endemic among police officers, and that the entire system is racist. When anti-Donald Trump protesters riot against Trump supporters, the left blame Trump’s rhetoric. When a nutcase shoots up an area near a Planned Parenthood, the left blames the pro-life movement. When another nutcase shoots Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, the left blames Sarah Palin’s Congressional targets map. But when obvious anti-white racists murder white cops, the left suggests that gun control is the issue; when obvious Islamic terrorists murder gay people in a nightclub in Orlando, the problem is white Christians who don’t support same-sex marriage and Republicans who defend gun rights.

In other words, for the left, rhetoric can only connect with murder when it’s rhetoric they don’t like. If they do like the rhetoric -- or at least if they want to defend the people responsible for the rhetoric -- then the actual motivation for murder will be [omitted].

But now let’s tackle the real question: when is rhetoric responsible for violence? Rhetoric is responsible for violence when it calls for violence. Radical Islam calls for jihad. Protesters chanting “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” calls for violence against cops.

Barack Obama didn’t call for violence against cops. That said, he did do three things that are particularly despicable:

He denied that murder charges require evidence; He denied that charges of racism denied evidence; He ignored the actual cause of anti-cop violence.

Obama didn’t cause the Orlando shooting attack, but his failure to label it Islamic jihadism surely stopped America from fighting it properly. Obama didn’t cause the Dallas shootings, but his attempts to turn the conversation toward gun control or police brutality are just another way to avoid a real conversation about anti-white racism.

So no, of course Obama isn’t responsible for the Dallas shootings. But he’s surely responsible for cultivating a racially polarized culture, ignoring the real causes of anti-cop violence, and leaving cops out in the cold to fend for themselves.

From: 70lbdraw
I wish the police would just stand down completely. If only for a day or two. Put on civilian clothes and take a break from the beat. Let's see who wins the battle between good people that are fed up, and bad people that are wanting to do things their way!

Have you ever seen the movie 'The Purge'?

From: Fulldraw1972
The thing about the movie "The Purge" is murder is legal during the Purge. Do we really want that in america?

From: slade

slade's Link
Officer killed in Dallas shootings had survived 3 tours in Iraq.

From: Jim Moore
Whoever voted for that filthy piece of shit in the WH ought to be ashamed for the divisiveness that administration has brought to this country. At some point "whitey" is going to be down to the last nerve. It's getting closer.

From: HDE
You CANNOT suspend the Constitutiion just because of martial law.

Martial law just gives the military policing powers among the citizenry. What the above cartoon depicts is outright tyranny and treason...

There are still three branches of government even under martial law.

From: slade
BRISTOL, Tenn. (AP) — Authorities in Tennessee say a man who opened fire on a highway in Tennessee targeted police officers and others because he was troubled by incidents involving black people and law enforcement officers.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect revealed he was troubled by incidents across the U.S. The TBI says the suspect is black; the shooting victims are all white.

Investigators say Scott killed one person and wounded three others, including a police officer. Scott had two guns early Thursday morning when he shot at a motel in Bristol, Tennessee, and then shot indiscriminately at several passing cars. When he was confronted by police, he fired at the three officers who responded.

The suspect was shot by the officers and is being treated at a hospital. He has not yet been charged.

From: slade
ROSWELL, Ga. (AP) — Police in a metro Atlanta city say someone opened fire on an officer from a passing vehicle and was apprehended after a short pursuit.

Roswell police say the officer was on routine patrol when he was shot at shortly before 1 a.m. Friday.

Police said in a statement early Friday that the officer tried to stop the vehicle, and a short pursuit ended with the suspect crashing. The suspect was taken into custody.

Police said there were no reported injuries, and that no bullets struck the officer or his patrol car.

Police did not immediately provide any information about the suspect or any charges.

The shooting comes amid rising tension over police shootings and a Thursday night sniper attack that killed five officers during a protest in Dallas.

From: Fulldraw1972
Spike I hear you loud and clear as well as agree with you.

From: slade

slade's Link
Loretta Lynch Calls For Gun Control, Says Support Police, But Calls Anger At Police ‘Justified’, Protesters Shouldn’t Be Blamed…

From: HDE
Barack Hussein Obama has caused this hatred among the American people. The past three presidents have not polorized race, gender, and religion as much as he has.

He needs to go away after his term is up and hillary rodham clinton cannot take office.

From: MT in MO
Just heard on the radio here in the western part of St. Louis county that there was an officer shot 3 times during a traffic stop in the suburb of Ballwin late this morning/early afternoon. Ballwin is mostly middle class residential and they haven't had a police shooting in many many other details available...

From: Chief Z
Some of the most ignorant things I've ever read are in these replies. It's people like you that are causing the divide in this nation.

From: slade
St. Louis County Police report the shooting suspect is in custody, and a weapon has been recovered. Ballwin resident Danny Luster tells KMOX he saw the man get taken down by police after running through his neighborhood.

From: bad karma
Chief Z?

From: Anony Mouse
Second cousin twice removed from Fauxahantis.

From: Bowfreak
Chief Z,

I have only read one ignorant post on this thread....

People like us causing the divide?

Look no further than your hero Barry. I'm STILL waiting for him to call a press conference after a cop kills a black criminal and ask his minions to exercise restraint and that most cops are good cops. You know....just like he does after every fundamentalist Muslim finishes their rampage on infidels. We always hear his spill that "this is not Islam...blah blah blah."

From: slade
Cops: Tennessee shooter targeted white victims, similar to Dallas ambush.

Where's the 'poof' button?!?

From: jdee
lol... Chief Z would want everyone to just lay down...the liberal way. You can see what the liberal way has done to America. For the last 71/2 years it has been wide open , just let the dogs run wild. Hell I grew up in the 70's and never saw this much hate.... Get a rope.

At least we have one more US military trained ISIS fighter dead .

From: mgerard
I haven't read or heard any verified reports that the shooter was either Muslim or ISIS trained. Can someone verify that?

From: 70lbdraw
Chief Z, if this thread is a problem for you, you're welcome to GTF out of here!!

From: slade
Black Lives Matter Activist Thanks Dallas Cop-Killer on Twitter

I Will Not Comply! ?@LOLatWhiteFear @ProducerKen @BreitbartNews thank you Micah!!

From: gflight
Obama started this the day he said "The police acted stupidly"....

From: PSEBow
because police never act stupidly? you're smarter than that gflight.

The shooter is a former Army soldier, did time in Afghanistan and stated clearly that he was sick of cops shooting black men.

From: gflight
Obama is a race baiter who has divided this Country for votes. This is his legacy.....he should own it

From: Anony Mouse
slade was referring to:

You Probably Didn’t Hear About The FIRST Domestic Terrorist Attack Yesterday

Posted at 3:54 pm on July 8, 2016 by Bob Owens

A black man opened fire on white passers-by yesterday in Bristol (Tennessee) before he was subsequently shot and taken into custody by responding police.

Authorities in Tennessee say a man who opened fire on a highway in Tennessee targeted police officers and others because he was troubled by incidents involving black people and law enforcement officers.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect revealed he was troubled by incidents across the U.S.

The TBI says the suspect is black; the shooting victims are all white.

Investigators say L___ K___S___* killed one person and wounded three others, including a police officer.

S___ had two guns early Thursday morning when he shot at a motel in Bristol, Tennessee, and then shot indiscriminately at several passing cars.

When he was confronted by police, he fired at the three officers who responded.

The suspect was shot by the officers and is being treated at a hospital.

WJHL notes that the domestic terrorist was armed with a semi-automatic rifle and handgun and a large quantity of ammunition. Fortunately he was not very well trained, or the casualty count may have been much higher than one dead and three wounded.

Like the terrorist attack in Dallas, this attack clearly meets the federal definition of domestic terrorism.

18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines “international terrorism” and “domestic terrorism” for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled “Terrorism”:

“International terrorism” means activities with the following three characteristics:

Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law; Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.*

“Domestic terrorism” means activities with the following three characteristics:

Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law; Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

18 U.S.C. § 2332b defines the term “federal crime of terrorism” as an offense that:

Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and Is a violation of one of several listed statutes, including § 930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon); and § 1114 (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S.).

* FISA defines “international terrorism” in a nearly identical way, replacing “primarily” outside the U.S. with “totally” outside the U.S. 50 U.S.C. § 1801(c).

These attacks on members of a specific race with the goal of intimidating a civilian population, and clearly hoping to influence law enforcement by intimidation, clearly meet the definition of terrorism, and those involved in these attacks and any similarfollow-on attacks should be charged with domestic terrorism and treated as terrorists under federal law.

*Bearing Arms does not publish the names of mass or spree killers.

From: PSEBow

Newt Gingrich, who is now advising Trump and being vetted as a possible Republican vice-presidential nominee, said that whites in America can’t fathom “being black in America.”

How many heads are exploding? There goes his VP possibility

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