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What Cruz Proved Last Night
Contributors to this thread:
NvaGvUp 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
Woods Walker 21-Jul-16
HA/KS 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
Woods Walker 21-Jul-16
Shuteye 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
Woods Walker 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
'Ike' (Phone) 21-Jul-16
ar troy 21-Jul-16
TD 22-Jul-16
Woods Walker 22-Jul-16
joshuaf 23-Jul-16
DaleHajas 23-Jul-16
HA/KS 23-Jul-16
Jim in Ohio 24-Jul-16
HA/KS 24-Jul-16
Fulldraw1972 24-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
Mike in CT 25-Jul-16
HA/KS 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
Glunt@work 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
joshuaf 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
bad karma 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
HA/KS 25-Jul-16
slade 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
slade 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
HA/KS 25-Jul-16
Glunt@work 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
joshuaf 25-Jul-16
TD 25-Jul-16
slade 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
BowSniper 25-Jul-16
ar troy 25-Jul-16
Woods Walker 25-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
TD 26-Jul-16
slade 26-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
slade 26-Jul-16
TD 26-Jul-16
joshuaf 26-Jul-16
joshuaf 26-Jul-16
BowSniper 26-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
BowSniper 26-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
gadan 26-Jul-16
TD 26-Jul-16
slade 26-Jul-16
gadan 26-Jul-16
bad karma 26-Jul-16
ar troy 26-Jul-16
TD 26-Jul-16
gadan 26-Jul-16
fulldraw LT 26-Jul-16
ar troy 27-Jul-16
ar troy 28-Jul-16
ar troy 28-Jul-16
From: NvaGvUp
"This Is What Ted Cruz REALLY Proved Last Night

July 21, 2016 by Leon H. Wolf

Last night, Ted Cruz proved a lot of things about himself and about the things he believed. But the most important thing he proved was about Donald Trump's supporters: he proved that they are more interested in settling perceived grievances with the Republican party than they are in actually winning the White House.

Here's how I know: Mike Pence gave a speech last night. Pence is the party's Vice Presidential nominee. The success of his speech is a big deal to the success of the party's ticket in November. It's important for Pence's speech to make a big splash and a big impression on the population. Much, much more important than whether or not Ted Cruz endorsed him or not.

And yet, if you check social media and in the news, the Trump supporters might as well have not even seen Mike Pence's speech. None of them are talking about it. None of them are the slightest bit interested in what Pence brings to the ticket or his vision for America. On the other hand, they are hopping mad and incessantly bitching about Ted Cruz not endorsing Trump - in spite of the fact that the first words out of Cruz's mouth were congratulating Donald Trump for his victory, and in spite of the fact that he did not say a single negative word about Trump, and additionally in spite of the fact that he encouraged people not to stay home in November.

Let's be clear about something: contrary to what a bunch of ill-informed Trump supporting idiots are saying on Twitter, Cruz's speech - including the absence of an explicit endorsement of Trump - was pre-cleared by both the RNC and Trump. his speech, including the non-endorsement of Trump, was not a surprise to the RNC or Trump in any way.

Even Donald Trump himself admitted this on Twitter, and for once Trump's twitter is not full of crap. I began to hear reports in the afternoon that Cruz told the RNC that he would not endorse Trump, and that the RNC was exerting a lot of pressure on him to change his mind, but that he firmly told them that he would not.

He said he would congratulate Donald Trump, would avoid saying anything negative about Trump, and talk about the principles he stood for. The RNC and Trump both agreed to let him proceed with the speech as is. So the idea that Cruz sprung this on them as some sort of surprise is absolute BS.

Another piece of BS that has been circulated by the RNC to throw dirt on Ted Cruz is that he gave different remarks on stage than the prepared ones he submitted to the RNC for review. Unfortunately, the RNC screwed themselves on this score by sending to media organization prepared copies of Ted Cruz remarks which show that Cruz said exactly what his prepared remarks indicated.

In fact, in response to the news that Cruz was going to make a speech that did not explicitly endorse him, Trump intentionally chose to escalate the situation by leaking the news to friendly delegations and instructing them to boo Cruz to make this a bigger deal that it otherwise would have been.

If Trump's delegates had not booed and caused a ruckus, but instead had remained silent or applauded at Cruz's exhortation to vote for down ticket races, everyone today would be talking about Pence and his speech, and the discussion would be about positive things associated with Trump and Pence and how they are going to move forward after the convention to at least possible victory.

But that is not what Trump's supporters are interested in. They are interested in having a constant object of hatred and scorn, and it's preferred if the target is a Republican. This is the driving force behind their support for Trump, principles be damned. Trump knows it too, which is why he was perfectly happy to let Ted Cruz go on stage, as long as the signal was clearly sent to his supporters that Ted Cruz is supposed to be the new object of hate.

Trump's supporters really and truly don't understand how well he constantly plays them. He treats them exactly like he treats his reality TV audience, and he knows that the successful ingredient to any "reality" TV show is the character who everyone loves to hate.

I really only watched the first season of The Apprentice and for that season it was Omarosa. I assume subsequent seasons of The Apprentice had it but pretty much every reality TV show includes this character on purpose - for Survivor it was Richard Hatch, The Bachelor had Courtney, and so on and so on. "Reality" TV understands that nothing keeps viewers coming back like someone they want to see get "kicked off," preferably in some humiliating fashion.

Trump has played that note to perfection throughout the GOP primary, leading his slobbering mass of followers from one object of hatred to another. You can tell they are buying into it from the way they talk about Trump's opponents, and the way they take glee at Trump's utter destruction of them. The idea of Trump winning is really beside the point for them - they want to see people lose.

There's a reason Trump continues to do this to Republicans even throughout his own convention - it's because he can't put Hillary in that position with the general voting public - which still dislikes him more than it dislikes her. So instead he continues to litigate the GOP primary endlessly, pulling his supporters along and pointing them at objects of Republican hatred and destruction all along the way.

I dunno. I've heard a lot of well-intentioned Republicans like Paul Ryan and Scott Walker make impassioned pleas this week to get on board the Trump Train for the sake of winning against Hillary.

What I can't understand is why these people can't see that winning against Hillary isn't the point of what either Trump or his followers are doing. They're just working out perceived grievances with the GOP, and when they get bored with Ted Cruz, they might well fixate on you next, if that's what Trump tells them to do.

The time for focusing on beating Hillary has passed. That ship sailed when the party didn't feel like defeating Trump was an important enough reason to unite behind Cruz (or someone else, I would have taken any of the other candidates, personally). Trump himself isn't going to focus on it, and neither will his supporters. So why are you begging conservatives to join in the destruction of their own party?"

From: ar troy
Complete agreement until the last line. I don't think conservatives have a party anymore. The reaction to Cruz standing on his principles proves this. So proud he walked what I've said many times. If your principles are negotiable, you have none.

From: Woods Walker
Maybe his principles aren't negotiable but his word certainly is.

From: HA/KS
" I don't think conservatives have a party anymore."

I am reminded of the Reagan line "I didn't leave the Democratic party, they left me."

I have never donated a dime to the party, but have mostly voted for their candidates. I do feel as though they have abandoned what they have stood for in the past and those who still believe morals are important.

From: ar troy

Still on the pledge that spray tan reneged on? If it is that important, you might want to think about the fact that you will be voting for a guy AFTER he broke that promise. He reneged on it in March.

From: Woods Walker
Rationalize it any way you like, but the man broke his word. I really thought he was better than that.

From: Shuteye
Fox News interviewed Cruz supporters to day and they said that they were embarrassed by Cruz and would not vote for him again.

From: ar troy

Yep. Changed my registration after Romney. Republicans are getting steadily further and further away. I think I resent them more because they keep the conservative rhetoric in their platform and propaganda, when it is obvious that most not only don't believe it, but see it as a bigger enemy than socialism.

From: ar troy
"Rationalize it any way you like, but the man broke his word. I really thought he was better than that."

I'll have a double of that standard.

From: Woods Walker
LOL! You sound like Hillary..."But other SOS's have done the same thing!"

This is about Ted Cruz and what HE promised he'd do. He didn't. End of story.

From: ar troy
You're right WW. I will not vote for Cruz for president. Not this cycle anyway.

What gets me and it's not just Cruz, they hammered the Trumpster on 'pledging' and 'signing' a letter to back who ever was the eventual nominee...

Like Tom Sullivan mentioned today, typical politician to back out on their word...Which to me, is what makes him look bad!

Troy, there won't be another cycle for Cruz...

From: ar troy
Ike, that may be, and that's ok. Each side is giving their guy a pass, and that is understandable. What isn't understandable is the big problem everyone seems to suddenly have with Cruz for doing precisely what Trump has done throughout his life, and certainly throughout the primary.

From: TD
Cruz stated a long time ago the deal was broken by Trump and his sleazy actions.

Incredibly trump supporters have voluntary amnesia that Trump made the same pledge.... and rescinded it long before Cruz rescinded his.

But in trump world.... that's all OK.... He's trump..... must... look .. the... other.... way....

From: Woods Walker

S C O T U S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go back and think about what I just wrote, then unwad your undies, man up and deal with the sh*t hand we have to play.

From: joshuaf
"MOST importantly, MOST IMPORTANTLY, how do we avoid ending up right here again in four years?

I have advocated refusing to encourage evil, any evil, by not voting for it, ever. And we have to start somewhere. And it will never be easy. There will always be very good reasons to give in but do we ever really know the damage that does and how much better it gets when we just say NO?"

I've been advocating that since the mid 90's, but it's a hard lesson for people to learn.

From: DaleHajas
I thought about Sanders caving on his own principles to prop up the sacred cow. And how he was treated by the R's specifically making fun of him for caving. So Ted sticks to his principles and doesnt cave and now the same folks are treating him like they do Bernie. I thought his speech was great. To me its awfully hypocritical to trash sanders for caving and Ted for NOT caving. Ted earned my respect. Trump will get my vote, which may end up not being as important.

From: HA/KS
Well stated Dale. As for how you are voting - I am glad that you feel free to vote your conscience.

From: Jim in Ohio
On facebook it is saying that Cruz will speak at the Democratic convention.

From: HA/KS
Also on Facebook, I read that hilary and obama were both born 9 months after aliens landed in NM.

From: Fulldraw1972
Henry now that explains why they hate Americans. There half alien. Lol

Great opinion piece in the WSJ. Critical of Cruz's action at the convention. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that when Trump was attacking all of the other candidates on a personal level, Cruz was still praising Trump. Cruz was allowing these tactics because they were effective at reducing the herd.

Only when Trump trained his guns on Cruz and his family did Ted become upset. So, a strong Christian looks the other way when it is someone else being sacrificed, but cries out when it becomes his turn.

The article put into words for me why so many of us think he has been an opportunist sleaze ball all along. Says all of the right conservative things, but not principled enough to do something that you would think a Christian would be called to do.

And there will be those who will still believe in him because a Bible passage will explain all of this in their minds.

From: BowSniper
Spike - you really don't see why the Cruz speech has so many people outraged? He didn't just say "vote your conscience" as an innocent patriotic gesture.... and typical of so many Cruz statements he sasy one thing and claims it means something else.

The shady Cruz movement was to steal the nomination (after losing the delegate totals to Trump) by stacking the delegate selections with pro-Cruz supporters. They would then try to control the rules committee and find a way to subvert the nomination process. And the maneuver they tried was to modify the rules so that all of the citizen votes would not be binding on delegates, so that these Cruz-stacked delegates could "vote their conscience". That Cruz line was a total shout out to the NeverTrump movement. And to do that at the nomination convention on center stage is the ultimate back stab. Which is why Cruz has the reputation he does in the Senate. Not because he has a super conservative voting record... but because he is a slimy self-aggrandizing skunk with a conservative voting record.

From: ar troy
"he is a slimy self-aggrandizing skunk"

Trump supporters say the darndest things. The double standards come at you faster than light.

From: BowSniper
The difference is that Cruz guys still deny it. I would agree that Trump is also slimy, and loathsome in many ways.

But Trump didn't go to the Cruz nomination and back stab him to undercut the party and potentially throw the elction... while pretending to deny that very thing. Cruz actually did it.

Trump is in your face crude and sophomoric. Cruz is a phony even about being phony.

From: ar troy
"But Trump didn't go to the Cruz nomination and back stab him to undercut the party and potentially throw the elction"

Like I said.

Because it is so much better that Trump did exactly that all the way through the primaries. Lyin' Ted, Cheatin' Ted, Ugly Wife Ted, JFK Assasin Dad Ted, etc.

It is getting pretty comical, really. You folks need to start worrying about Hillary, and all those democrats and independents you expect to get you over the hump. Your guy pissed away many of the conservatives in order to get the nomination. Deal with it.

From: BowSniper
The difference you fail to see AR, is that Trump stood man to man, fought, and won the nomination beating Cruz by every measure. Ugly and embarassing at times, sure. I have no problem admitting that. Trump is often a train wreck!

But you simply can't admit that Cruz lies (plenty), cheats (ask Ben Carson), his wife is ugly (compared to any of the Mrs Trumps), and was his dad in a photo with Oswald or not? (plus the other ridiculous 7th mountain stuff). All one sided nonsense where Trump is bad, and Cruz is the annointed one that can do no wrong. Ha!

This final attempt by the Cruz camp to stack the delegate pool with pro-Cruz loyalists and steal the nomination in a coup was foolish, and the Cruz speech was phony icing on that phony cake.

To this day you still think losing some devout Cruz-a-holics is the ultimate revenge, but ignore the reprocussions of letting Hillary win AND alienating the far greater Majority who would forever deny Cruz the Presidency in the future.

Well done. The most despised man in the Senate just demonstrated to millions of people why he alone holds that title.

From: ar troy
I bet you've never even asked yourself how Ted Cruz could possibly be the most despised in the senate that includes Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, Pat Leahy, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer, have you?

Ugly and embarrassing? You trying to get the press secretary job?

"But you simply can't admit that Cruz lies (plenty),"

Which has yet to be documented, to the best of my knowledge.

"cheats (ask Ben Carson),"

Well, we know this one isn't true. If it were, is cheating on a competing politician anything like cheating on your wife? Your guy has admitted to boning another man's wife, and cheating on his own with Marla Maples, but hey they are only vows to God. Much like principles, they aren't important.

"his wife is ugly (compared to any of the Mrs Trumps),"

And you've just proven that ugly is all the way to the bone.

"ignore the reprocussions of letting Hillary win"

Didn't you ignore those very repercussions when you advocated for Trump to win the nomination? Trump guys and double standards, I'll tell ya. Peas and carrots.

From: BowSniper
Ted Cruz correctly remains the most despised in the senate, because even among those dirt bags you listed, some sizeable group of their peers likes them. As human beings, political differences aside. Even Scalia genuinely liked Ginsberg! Cruz, on the other hand is liked by no one in any camp.

Unless you mean 7th mountain bible canp, where they teach people the earth is only 6000 years old. Ha!

Twist and turn, AR... Dodge and deflect. I know Trump is far from perfect. It doesn't bother me compared to the alternatives. I am more amused that you and the other disciples can't possibly admit even one flaw in the blessed Ted Cruz. Ever. An illness in itself, amd one far worse than the more obvious and admitted flaws with trump. Its become the biggest running joke here... like the old Happy Days TV show where Fonzie could never admit he was wrrrrrrooooonnnn.....

From: ar troy
You're wrong again BowSniper. Are you going for some kind of record? Keep it up and you'll make joshuaf look like a piker.

There are a bunch of former Cruz supporters around here, I challenge you to find a single current or former supporter who claimed he was perfect. Maybe it looks like someone is twisting and turning when you are squirming around making up lies about people to deflect the truth?

I don't recall the Bible making a claim about the age of the earth. Perhaps you could direct me to it? Otherwise, what we are really dealing with there is man's interpretation of God's word, aren't we? How silly would it be to base our religion on man's interpretation of God's creation around us, right? Right?

I'm with Bowsniper on this one for sure. GOP is better off without Cruz and his kind for sure.

From: Mike in CT

Mike in CT's Link

Well Ted Cruz has at least two friends in the Senate and quite a bit more than that in the HOR.

FYI, regurgitating innuendo does not transform it into fact, not even on the 999th attempt.

Thanks also for bringing some real intellectual depth to the table in comparing physical looks of candidates wives; I'm certain exit polls list that at the top of the "why did you vote for Candidate A" question.

Oh well, by all means continue beating the heck out of Troy's knuckles with your chin.....

It's pretty telling that Cruz can't even beat a psychopathic, narcissist, nut job like Trump....

Goes to show you how universally disliked Cruz's positions are.....

From: HA/KS
The truth is that a high portion of the hatred of Cruz comes from a hatred of God, or the moral principles associated with the Christian faith because Cruz had the audacity to openly admit his faith and support for Christian principles. (I am NOT saying that God wanted everyone to vote for Cruz!!)

A very small part of the political support for Cruz had anything to do his faith, but that is not how his detractors look at it - though they often will not admit it to themselves.

The mere fact that Cruz (or anyone else) claims to be Christian would definitely not of itself qualify him to be a good president.

Neither Cruz nor his supporters (with I am sure some exceptions like for any candidate) claimed anything like a perfect person or life. That is a straw man his detractors raised so they could use his own stated principles to destroy him.

Why is Cruz still so vehemently attacked by trump and his supporters? Because they know that trump pales in comparison in many ways. If they would just let Cruz go and state the case for their candidate, they might be able to show that Cruz also pales in many ways when compared to trump.

They cannot do it for the same reason that totalitarian regimes cannot leave Christianity alone. They know (but will not admit) the power and righteousness of God, and rebel against it (as has trump in the past).

All of us do that in one way or another, but people who desire power have to come to their own way of dealing with the One to whom all honor and glory ultimately belong. It has to make them quite uncomfortable at times.

So, the tactic often taken is this:

1. Cruz is even worse than trump (which is debatable, but irrelevant since he is no longer running).

2. hilary is even worse than trump (which on the surface is less debatable).

3. Unless you vote for trump, you are voting for hilary.

Interestingly, the biggest arguments leftists are using to convince people to vote for hilary?

1. She isn't as bad as trump.

2. Unless you vote for hilary you are voting for trump.

I think you are right Henry. the truth of it, plain and simple, is that by far and away most people just don't want a bible thumper in the white house or really any office.

From: ar troy
"the truth of it, plain and simple, is that by far and away most people just don't want a bible thumper in the white house or really any office."

Good news! God escapes the scapegoating!

From: Glunt@work
Why would a conservative be afraid of a "bible thumper" if they have shown they are a constitutionalist? The big religious issues are:

Gay marriage - Cruz says the States should decide for themselves.

Abortion - Cruz is pro-life like most conservatives, religious or not.

What other issues would a bible thumping President be in danger of getting wrong? "Under God" in the pledge? A Christmas tree on government property? Stuff like that is small potatoes. If he or she governs as a constitutional conservative, they can go home and worship the lamp shade for all I care.

"If he or she governs as a constitutional conservative, they can go home and worship the lamp shade for all I care."

I could not agree more....It think the problem is that Cruz had a habit of telling people about his lamp shade. Most people don't want to hear about it.

From: BowSniper
This idea that any hatred for Cruz is associated with a hatred for God, is utter nonsense. That is a connection you have imagined to exploit for your own gain. The Christian victim card. Puuhleeease! Perhaps you mean Cruz's particular strand of Christian extremism is disliked, and since Cruz wears that like his own shroud of turin, he is both mocked and despised for the arrogance of it all. The 7th Mountain anointing only goes so far, ya know!

Where did Cruz choose to make his big announcement about running for the Presidency??? Liberty University. Known for its teaching that the earth is 6000 years old. Where does this come from in the bible? Nowhere probably. You'd have to ask the kooks who actually believe it like Josh and Cruz. But if you ask Cruz himself, prepare for such an non-answer runaround of political misdirection, as to get no real answer at all.

Which goes back to one of the principle reasons that Mr Principles truly is the most disliked human in the entire Senate.

From: joshuaf
"This idea that any hatred for Cruz is associated with a hatred for God, is utter nonsense"

Funny, then, that almost every time you make a big criticism of Cruz, you bring God into it. Just like you've done, again, in this post.

Sometimes I get the impression that you receive some perverse pleasure out of being such an out and proud bigot.

From: ar troy
"It think the problem is that Cruz had a habit of telling people about his lamp shade. Most people don't want to hear about it."

I bet the people who believe in lamp shades were really pleased with it. I also bet if you were being honest about your agreement with that statement, it wouldn't bother you, or any of the other 80 something percent of people who identify as religious. I can't put my finger on it SA, but every time you talk about religion, I get this image in my head of you, and a Christmas turkey.

From: bad karma
One can go to Liberty University, and even announce one's candidacy there, without believing the earth is 6000 years old. One can also go to Graceland without believing that Elvis is still alive.

Thinking otherwise without proof is just listening to the voices in your head.

From: BowSniper
Josh - my own dislike for Cruz does NOT explain away the many millions (vast majority) who dislike him so much that they nominated a boor like Trump instead. And again, a love of God does not have any direct relationship to disliking Cruz because of his own fanatical interpretation of God. It's that exact kind of attitude claiming Cruz and his followers know the right interpretation of God and everyone else is wrong... that even though the evangelical vote went to Trump it wasn't really true because "those" evangelicals didnt go to church enough... that makes you and Cruz so widely disliked.

AR - There are many religions, and many degrees of worship. It's only when one group decides the "correct" practice for the others that it resembles the Taliban. And extreme religious beliefs are not good for anyone. Ask the Jim Jones or David Koresh followers.

BK - that was a feeble attempt to mislead the witness counselor, allow me to fix it for you... going to Liberty University AND believing a fairytale that the earth is only 6000 years old is the same as going to Graceland AND believing Elvis is still alive. There are kooks at both locations. And the subset of those who still believe Cruz is honorable after that speech (the subject of this thread) fall into that category.

From: HA/KS
"extreme religious beliefs are not good for anyone"

Like the ones of our founders and the majority of our society until my lifetime?

From: slade
Ly'n Teds a liar ?, well who would've believed, clearly not the "Never Trump" always "Cruz Sycophants".

"This idea that any hatred for Cruz is associated with a hatred for God, is utter nonsense. That is a connection you have imagined to exploit for your own gain. The Christian victim card."

Most accurate statement here in a long time.

Sniper for president!

From: ar troy
AR - There are many religions, and many degrees of worship. It's only when one group decides the "correct" practice for the others that it resembles the Taliban.

And since Ted Cruz is the subject of this whole wing ding, if you can show one single example of this, directly and demonstrably attributable to Ted Cruz, I will declare you the knower of all things, put a Trump sign in my yard, and pull the lever for Trump in November. All you have to do if you can't find anything is admit this whole tangent is utter BS.

From: BowSniper
HA - that is incredibly pompous, even for you, to imply that the extreme Cruz religious beliefs are the same as that of the founding fathers. George Washington just jumped off the 7th Mountain. Wow! The same as the majority of American society? Yet with a small fraction of that support. Math debunks extremist religion yet again. Perhaps you have another ancient proverb to post here that better makes your point?

From: slade

slade's Link
Ted Cruz 'not a Christian' after refusing to endorse Trump

Tensions have been further inflamed within the Republican Party after Ted Cruz pointedly refused to endorse his former rival for the nomination, Donald Trump.

Loyalists to the New York billionaire have not only accused Cruz of betraying his party but also his Christian faith.

Ted Cruz gave a speech at the Republican convention and made a point of not endorsing Donald Trump Rev. Darrell Scott, a pastor from Cleveland Heights had given a rousing speech in support of Trump at the Republican convention just hours before. He called Cruz a "liar" and suggested that his decision not to honour his pledge isn't Christian.

He told Fox News: "Not only did Ted Cruz — John Kasich did the same thing. But listen: These are the Christians [air quotes] of the convention. Part of their platform was: 'I am a Christian. I am a conservative Christian.' You turned out to be a liar. You're a conservative liar."

Similar sentiments were voiced elsewhere and on social media, picking up on Trump campaign phrase of labelling the senator "Lyin' Ted".

"I can't believe he didn't endorse him, because he claims to be a Christian, and maybe Donald Trump was right," Cecilia Cdebaca, a New Mexico delegate, told The Post's Philip Rucker.

"Maybe he is 'Lyin' Ted.' Maybe he picks the Bible up and maybe he puts it down and then he lies, because any Christian would forgive, because the Bible says you know them by their fruits. Tonight, Ted Cruz has no fruits. Tonight, he was not a Christian man."

@Thatsalrighty @PhyllisHart16 Ted Cruz is as far from being a Christian as Hillary.

— LOCK HER UP (@baaron2871) July 21, 2016 Cruz claims he is a huge Christian. I am a Christian. I know that it is big in christianity is to forgive your enemies.Cruz proved he is not

— Sharyl Jolley (@sharylanne) July 21, 2016 Doesn't sound like a Conservative, Christian man of principle who signed a loyalty pledge to me-> Defiant #Cruz https://t.co/X7fydTXRnl

— #NeverHillary (@MeganSmiles) July 21, 2016 Ted Cruz was one of the most "Christian" candidates in the line-up, ironically ends up being the most spiteful and selfish person on stage.

— Lori Hendry (@Lrihendry) July 21, 2016

From: BowSniper
AR - you just claimed above that Cruz never lies, never cheats, denied his wife if ugly compared to Melania, and completely dodged the question about Oswald and his dad in a photo.

Amd now you want to pretend that there is something you would ever believe that diminishes your love of Ted Cuz to put a Trump sign in your yard?!?!?

From: HA/KS
Washington was a very religious man. Since I have not studied either his or Cruz's specific religious beliefs, I cannot compare them.

Washington's General Orders of Saturday, May 16, 1776 called for a day of rest and chapel attendance with "their respective chaplains" the following day.

Washington quotes:

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible."

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained”

"Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do---then do it with all your strength."

“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” "It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors."

"If to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterwards defend our work? Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair. The rest is in the hands of God."

"No people can be bound to acknowledge the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency"

“I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them.”

"I earnestly pray that the Omnipotent Being who has not deserted the cause of America in the hour of its extremist hazard, will never yield so fair a heritage of freedom a prey to "Anarchy" or "Despotism"."


part of the criticisms I read about the Cruz campaign about mid-way through was that he focused on social issues and waited too long to turn to economic matters. I agreed with that assessment.

One episode that bothered me was his relaying the entire family was brought together to pray about what he should do, and then after that he decided to proceed forward with his candidacy for president. It was not his praying that bothered me. I think all folks of Faith seek the guidance of a higher authority when making major decisions. (non-caps used so as not to associate this practice with one faith or ideology.)

What bothered me was his telling us about it. It left me with the impression that in his mind the Holy Spirit communicated this was the path he should be on. I felt Cruz was almost saying this was God's will, he was ordained to do this. Now maybe he was, but keeping that to himself might have been a better idea. I thought then he was playing to the evangelicals because he seemed to lack humility about this event, IMO.

It does seem that folks will ignore all evidence that suggests their beliefs are wrongly placed, that includes both cruz and trump IMO.

I want a person of Christian Faith to occupy the Oval Office because my own bias tells me the nation is more likely to get directions that align more with what most of the FF believed, and has worked for us reasonably well, IMO mostly superbly. Those decisions would originate from a caring heart.

But, the particulars of his religious practices ought to be private, and if shared, only rarely. I agree with sniper and that I do not want an extremist of any kind in the White House. Give to God what is His and give to government what is theirs seems clearly that religion and secular government practices should be separated.

From: Glunt@work
I was a Cruz supporter and I probably pay an above average amount of attention to politics. I really dont know much about his religion. Obviously he presents as a devout Christian and he attends a Baptist church, but my support was based on his positions on issues and the stances he has taken. I dont see where Christianity butts heads with the Constitution, so I never really gave a hoot about his religious beliefs.

From: ar troy

I just asked you to prove your inference. If you can't, just say so. Believe me, it won't shatter the earth when you have to admit you're full of crap. We're really pretty used to it.

You can no more prove your claim about Cruz than you can your claims about me in your last post. It's ok. We've come to expect it from Trump supporters.

From: joshuaf
"it wasn't really true because "those" evangelicals didnt go to church enough"

It just proves that those whose faith and Christianity is enough of a priority to them to attend Church weekly, also seemed to have better judgement and were more easily able to discern the kind of poor character that the real Donald Trump has in abundance.

From: TD
Then once again, back to religion.... but that wasn't the reason, really, honest... cross my heart....

Or maybe this one:

"most disliked human in the entire Senate."

Yes, they too must hate his hair cut.....

The same song over and over for years.... we hate the washinton insiders, they're all in on it together and when we elect conservatives to office they don't vote conservative.... they don't make a stand and do the right thing.... yada, yada, yada...

Then when there IS one staring you in the face, standing up for the rule of law, constitutional law and conservatism, standing on principle and standards.... and, well, he's bad because...... um, he doesn't get along with the other congressmen, they don't like him..... what??? seriously???

So blinded with koolaid they couldn't see the hypocrisy in all that back when it mattered.... and obviously still can't.

Having no or "flexible" standards (same as none) actually makes it a piece of cake to have double or triple ones..... Ask the liberal/leftists. It works for them and how they came to Clinton. Rationalizing, Moral Relativism, etc. is a way of life with them. But I thought it was an ideological one... now I've seen it's a human condition... A painful lesson, but one now taken to heart.

Cruz is out. He didn't take your oath to Trump. Neither did I. His swearing his allegiance to Trump would not have garnered hardly a single vote for Trump. But somehow Trumpies and the eGOP are apoplectic he didn't. Too bad. You couldn't see a principled conservative when you had one right in front of you fighting what you CLAIM you hated. I seriously doubt you would understand why he didn't sell out and take the oath when so many others did.

Your mission now is not to continue finding non-secuitors to bash Cruz, no matter how good it makes you feel. Your mission is to expound on the idea that Trump may actually be a decent president and not the middle finger to the rest of us we were told was his purpose. Not being Hillary is not the greatest strong point. If that is all ya have..... you're sitting on a 4 legged stool that only has three left....

From: slade
It's no coincidence 99% of the Never-Trumps posts and threads are from the always fooled Ly'n Ted Sycophants"

From: ar troy

I can get behind some of that, but any reqest, requirement, or expectation that a Christian candidate should avoid mentioning their faith, what that faith means to them and what it has meant in their life is ridiculous, and a form of political correctness.

An ideal candidate, and in my opinion an ideal Christian, will lead their life in a way that makes observers want to know more about what they believe, and who they believe in. For many Christians, being a Christian is such a large part of their identity, an honest discussion or interview will give the appearance of that faith being an all consuming endeavor, especially to those who don't share that faith. The very mention of God, a faith in Him, and devotion to Christian principles, sets some people off. It happens right here.

I never saw Cruz flogging anyone with his religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with drawing a distinction between himself and other candidates who may or may not have God in their heart. If he was out there thumping the Bible the way it is portrayed, slade wouldn't have to go find his ignorant memes and BowSniper wouldn't have to crawfish or attempt to distract from claims he makes, would they?

From: BowSniper
AR - Its not about proving the inference, its in your decision to interpret any fact as being insufficient to forever maintain your predetermined conclusion. Case in point - my claims about you in my last point. Just scroll up. I said Cruz lies, you said it has yet to be documented. So are you claiming he never lies? Did you not dodge the question about a photo with Oswald and his dad? Because that is what I said above. The truth is a couple mouse turns away, but instead you play childish word games. Exactly the same word games Cruz plays, to keep the charade going. Who do you think you are kidding??

Josh - so sanctimonious. As if it was a given that those who attended church more regularly had better judgement. The counterpoint would be that those who attended church more often missed other important education such as math and science, and are thus ill equipped to make any deductive judgement at all. Look at you... you were home schooled, went to church more than average, but to this day can't grasp the age of the earth by a million percent. And a devout Cruz disciple. Wow.

From: ar troy

Are you serious? I don't know if Ted Cruz lies or not, and neither do you. Unless you have some proof of an outright lie Cruz has told, then you may in fact be the liar in this equation. I do know that I made no such claims that you said I did, so are you a liar?

Is there anyone on earth who can definitively say who is in the picture with Oswald? If anyone can, why don't they? If they can't why would you surmise that I can? I can lie and say yep, it's Cruz's dad, or yep, it's actually my dad. Unless there is some end game and you and you alone know the answer, you are just blowing smoke and slinging mud to see what sticks. It's an inane question that is not worthy of the thought it takes to ask, or answer. Except to a Trump supporter.

You sure are wasting a lot of time before putting me in my place on your Cruz claim. Surely it is going to be easier to find the facts you need than admit you're full of crap. Come on BowSniper, how hard can it be to prove Cruz is out determining for others the correct form of worship? It's not worth an extra vote for Trump to go and flip to that portion of the internet that proves this latest lie?

From: Woods Walker
Don't know if he lies? He made a promise and then broke it.

From: ar troy
Just wondering WW, if Cruz lies like you and others claim, wouldn't it have been easier to just say you'll keep the pledge, and then vote for someone else? Do you really think Cruz should have upheld the pledge after Trump said he wouldn't? If you call someone your friend, but he ends up screwing your wife, are you a liar because he is no longer your friend?

I have learned more this election cycle than any before. We really don't deserve any better than we're getting politically. Really.

From: TD
"We really don't deserve any better than we're getting politically. Really."

It was hard for me to accept as I held the right to higher standards than the left, who would twist the truth to fit and rationalize almost any action. All it had to be was "for the cause". A standard I try to apply to both the left and right equally, and consistently found the left short....

The sad painful fact is it seems many on the right find no ethical issues in doing the same twisting and rationalizing. Yes. I fear we are going to get exactly what we deserve.....which is exactly what we stand for...

From: slade
So Cruz'a principle's and honesty are based on the actions of someone else, my does Trump have such power over Ly'n Ted.

From: ar troy
"my Trump"

Seek help slade.

From: slade

From: TD
Actually... I know this is a tough concept... but this is the point of the whole Manafort manufactured blow up about what was in reality a pretty solid pro American speech (which they ALL had copies of long before hand.....) what should have been let stand alone from the moment it happened. well, if there were such a thing left standing such as "decorum". But that was blown up long ago by both trump and his supporters.

Cruz's actions were demonstrably dependent on his principles. Consistent with them, I would have expected no less. Unlike... others... he has a long HISTORY of standing up for his principals, having done so his entire career, from filibusters on the senate floor to calling out congressional speaker(s) in public. And have nothing to do with those who....to put it kindly.... assume otherwise.... despite their baseless assumptions. Or fabrications.

The disappointment would have been if he sold out after such a consistent career to.... those less than deserving of respect and support....

So... now that is FAR under the bridge and nothing left to do but in some eyes, vindictive actions and motives.... I would suggest trying to come up with some valid reasons how Trump, if elected... would be any kind of successful president, with a detailed plan to accomplish that. Seemingly few Trump supporters have noticed despite last weeks coronation.... he IS the actual candidate.... Now it's make the world understand he is their savior time.... not why Cruz is a disloyal heretic... there is not a single vote to gain in that now. Not one.

From: joshuaf
"You couldn't see a principled conservative when you had one right in front of you fighting what you CLAIM you hated."


From: joshuaf
Troy, you're wasting your time arguing religion with BowSniper. He is the most determined anti-Christian bigot on this site. He's not interested in an honest conversation about it, just takes ever opportunity to bash Bible-believing Christians.


Your response to me had some valid points. For clarity, I do not expect Cuz, or anyone else, to never talk about their religion. Just not in their official capacity.

As for lying, sniper is correct IMO that you will not admit facts when they are presented to you. He was vocal about saying trump was a good guy, he liked him etc. At his suspension speech he then came out and said he was going to tell us what he honestly thought about trump. This flat out is his admission of having lied before.

In regards to one's faith and belief system, I know a lot of people who go to church regularly but do not lead by example. I, as well as some others here, can surely be rightfully accused of that. I referenced it before, when cruz benefitted from trump's personal attacks on others he remained silent. He attacked trump when he was no longer going to win and it appears to many of us that this tactic is solely about helping trump lose to set cruz up for the next cycle. He is an opportunist that in my view does not hold himself to the standard he has allowed to become known about him, again allowing it so as to win over the evangelical vote.

From: BowSniper
AR – everything Cruz pro/con has already been laid out here ad nauseum.  You can choose to accept it or choose to deny.  But recognize that it’s a personal choice.  Like believing angels moved a boulder to let Jesus get out of a cave (or whatever).  No documentable fact, just a story line and a choice to believe.

Since its already been covered, I’ll recap where I stand since you seem to think that is important (though never doing the same yourself).  On the Cruz lies – I think he lied about his claim to natural born citizenship.  He is constitutional enough to KNOW there is no precedent and that it takes a new Supreme Court ruling to settle this legally.  Any claim short of that is disingenuous to the point of outright lie.  And he would know he held dual citizenships and should have not waited until a few years ago to deal with it, if he is such the devoted all-American politician aspiring to be President. 

This whole story about the great Carson scam of Iowa is shameful bordering on outright lies.  Ask Carson if Cruz lied. What do you think HE will say?  Not sure who in the Cruz campaign pulled this stunt, and we will never know… but it’s the same with Clinton and Obama scandals, where it appears to have come from the top.  Either way, the Cruz denials were half-truths and wordsmithing games that CNN didn’t buy for a minute.  Call it a lie or not. It showed Cruz’s true colors were no different than in this recent Convention speech trying to undermine Trump for his own spotlight and political gain.

Cheating was obvious in this nomination process, where as soon as Cruz knew he couldn’t win with honest voting, he started to scam delegates through backroom maneuvering (good ‘ol career anti-establishment politicking, right?).  Trying to steal the nomination through a delegate maneuver instead of through actual people voting is cheating by any honest measure.  And pushing that maneuver to the very end and a power grab on the rules committee.  How honorable and constitutionally conservative is that?!?

The biblical theocracy stuff started with his very announcement to run.  Picking Liberty University to announce, a choice made to set the whole tone of this campaign… a place that teaches complete nonsense like the fake pseudo-science of young earth theory!   Sure, we may never know the exact age of the earth.  But in all likelihood the earth is billions of years old.  But go ahead, allow for any conceivable measure of error in scientific judgement… no rational human can ever conclude that the earth is any less than a hundred million years old.  To accept anything less is such a mental deficiency as to be moronic.  Where do you stand on this AR?  Hmmmm? For anyone that thinks the earth might be thousands of years old, let me be clear – your judgement is horribly impaired.  So much so, that it would be place any future statement into reasonable doubt.  Look at Josh, and his erroneous thinking and false predictions and conclusions throughout this and the previous Huckabee and Santorum campaigns!

In addition to this, Cruz based his whole campaign on an evangelical turnout in Iowa (and then in the south) to take his campaign to victory.  Remember Cruz calling out “onward Christian soldiers”?  Onward to do what?  Soldiers to fight whom?  He tipped his hand the same way as Ginsberg did showing she was in the bag for democrats in her court rulings.  The Cruz evangelical play is nothing more than the BLM movement, but leveraging religion instead of color.  HIS religion, not freedom of religion!  Was he promising prayer in school?  Teaching creationism instead of evolution as science?  What exactly was he promising as the reward to these Christian soldiers?  Try to get a straight answer out of Cruz on something as clear as his beliefs on evolution or young earth.  He simply can’t/won’t say anything clearly.  And since I think we all know he is a bright guy, we know he is working hard NOT to say what he really means. 

Just look at the extreme religious agenda of his father (did the father not influence the son?) who thinks his Teddy was the anointed one chosen by God for this role.  Ted’s wife Heidi and her strange comment about Ted showing the world the face of God.  Ted himself with bizarre aspirations for world domination in that video he made!  Its all a version of religious extremism, and the only difference between onward Christian soldiers and the Taliban is the book they are carrying when they begin their religious crusade.

Believe what you want.  The American people took the full measure of Ted Cruz, and came to the same conclusion as his fellow Senators who work with him every day.  Thanks, but no thanks

From: ar troy
"This flat out is his admission of having lied before."


Have you ever changed your opinion of someone after being around them for a while? Yeah, me too. Does that make anything we said or thought about someone before our opinion changed lies, and us liars? Come on.

I know this is about all you guys have, but when your candidate is Donald Trump, expect complaints about lies, deceit, lack of scruples, an just all around being a monumental jerk, to fall of deaf ears. Your guy is the poster boy for all those things.

From: ar troy

All that, and not a single bit of evidence for your claim? I'm thinking you're full of crap. A second comparison to the Taliban confirms it.

From: BowSniper
AR - the people in the Taliban think they are doing great things in the name of their God. They see nothing wrong in their actions. The are the uber conservatives of their religion. You just don't/can't see the comparison because your own turban is too tight.

From: ar troy
Shockingly, willfully ignorant BowSniper. Even your supporters here should recognize it.

The fact that you are here, and feel free to spout your stupidity, make false claims, and tell lies kinda belies the fact that there is any comparison to the Taliban, doesn't it? If there were any similarities whatsoever, you would have been beheaded long ago, wouldn't you?

You are obviously too stupid to be angry at, so I will just pity you, and pray for you. You deserve both.

I note you would like to ratchet up the rhetoric. I'm still quite aware, as is everyone else here, that you have yet to back up a single thing you claim, most notably that Cruz wants to determine for anyone the correct way to worship. It appears we've determined that you're so full of crap that every time you open your mouth, some comes out.

From: gadan
I just don't understand how people can get so turned around. The dead horse analogy is pertinent here. Let's get our perspectives in line where they can make a difference. The Trump/Cruz debate has sailed.

We have two choices in November. One is clearly better than the other on abortion, gun rights, spending, and immigration.

One way you vote will harm conservatism far more than supporting Trump.

Remember that Trump doesn't make law, he only signs law into being law.

From: TD
Or maybe he isn't you know... stoning people to death, little things like that....

Moral relativism is a leftist tactic to twist facts and reality. i.e. comparing the death of a rat to the death of a human on equal terms. The comparison between the Taliban and western Christianity is as ridiculous as comparing modern western Christianity to that centuries ago. i.e. private moral judgements and private beliefs..... are not beatings, torture and imprisonment for not believing the same.

To claim any similarity is purposely ignoring that one isn't effecting another's personal rights in any way with their beliefs.... the other obliterates them with extreme prejudice.

but some will still argue.... it's all relative.....

"Remember that Trump doesn't make law, he only signs law into being law." Actually he thinks judges sign them into law..... but lets not get ahead of ourselves...if elected I'm sure he will have plenty of time to figure out how the United States works.....

From: slade
Cruz Christianity 101: One Five One Eight, One Five One Nine, Six Four Five, Twelve Thirty Four Thirty Five, Seven Twenty One Twenty Two Twenty Three, One Three Nine Twenty Three Twenty Four...

From: gadan

Simple questions...

Do you know Hillary will elect bad judges?

Do you know Trump could elect good judges if he does as he said?

From: bad karma
Appoint judges, Dan...appoint.

The list of judges Trump floated was a good one. It remains to be seen whether he follows through, because there are hundreds of federal judges that will need to be appointed over a presidential term as well as the likely Supreme Court vacancies.

From: ar troy
"Appoint judges, Dan...appoint."

Upon the advice and consent of the Senate. But much like the 2A fear mongering that is rampant here, the republicans will cower and capitulate rather than stand for the principles that made this country great, shirking their responsibilities to prevent activist judges from assaulting the Constitution.

Starting to think it comes naturally though, what with all the republicans here who are apparently ready to turn in their weapons and throw up their hands the moment enough activist judges decide that they in fact do not have inalienable rights from God, that their rights come from the government, and are SUBJECT to be taken from them if enough judges so decide.

From: TD
Hit clear entries twice now. had fact after fact listed as to what and why. Or why adding "if he did as he said" would even be necessary.

In the interest of not beating the horse any longer, I get the point. But IMO people are going all in on trying to draw an inside straight.... that list of his, he had no clue as to any of the people on it, because he didn't make it. He didn't make it so in his mind he has no allegiance to it. And my bet is it's already in the trash. That list was just a bone to toss people who questioned his commitment to conservative ideals. Just something to shut people up, no more. He has no ideals, conservative or otherwise.

Lets just say Trump would choose someone based on what benefited Trump personally, not ideology left or right. Who that would be is a total crap shoot.

To choose a conservative would be the equivalent to drawing an inside straight..... odds are poor.... but you are correct in that they are a bit better than with Clinton. Good luck.

From: gadan
BK, Yes, appoint....thanks for the correction.

AR, The Senate Republicans will do what they will no matter whose in office.

TD, Thanks for the intellectual honesty. For me, I wouldn't bet either way. I have no idea how Trump will ultimately go but he sure leans much further right on some important issues for me relative to the Hildabeast but reason tells me to vote for those things I CAN likely get for the sake of my children and country.

From: fulldraw LT
To paraphrase, after congratulating Trump, Cruz said basically; Go to the polls. Vote your conscience. Cast your vote for the candidate you feel will best protect your freedoms and the Constitution.

For all you Trumpbots who are saying Cruz dissed the Donald, I guess that must mean that you in good conscience don't believe that Trump is the candidate who can best protect your freedoms and the Constitution.

'Splain that please.

- Vic

From above exchange with troy:

"This flat out is his admission of having lied before." HfW,

Have you ever changed your opinion of someone after being around them for a while? Yeah, me too. Does that make anything we said or thought about someone before our opinion changed lies, and us liars? Come on.

Troy, yes I have changed my opinion. But I see this as not a change in opinion but a lack of integrity. Such a devout and informed Christian such as Ted should have known all along that what Trump was doing towards others was not right, and he had an obligation to say so. No, he knew it was wrong all along but waited until it was political expedient to make something of it. Trump is just possibly the more morally corrupt, and by far possibly, but Cruz was always going to be under a closer microscope for not following what he preached because he made his faith a cornerstone of his candidacy.

And FTR, trump is not my guy. Unlike many republicans today, I, as unaffiliated for more than 25 years, still support free trade and think we must be involved in global geo-political matters for our safety and security.

From: ar troy
"But I see this as not a change in opinion but a lack of integrity. Such a devout and informed Christian such as Ted should have known all along that what Trump was doing towards others was not right, and he had an obligation to say so."

Couple of things come to mind. First, the entire early primary season was spent waiting on the day Trump would implode, one of his ignorant comments or his liberal democrat past would actually stick to him, or he would simply call it quits, because he had better things to do. So for quite a while, Trump was viewed by literally almost everyone as an entertaining non-factor. Cruz was much more focused on the candidates everyone considered legitimate, scuffling for conservative support with Rubio, Carson, Paul, Huckabee, and Fiorina.

Second, it seems odd to lay that expectation on Cruz, when so many of the Trump supporters here and elsewhere flatly refuse to entertain any objective criticism of Trump, his past, his ignorance of the Constitution, and his support for positions and candidates which are completely at odds with everything conservatives have for generations stood for.

"Second, it seems odd to lay that expectation on Cruz, when so many of the Trump supporters here and elsewhere flatly refuse to entertain any objective criticism of Trump, his past, his ignorance of the Constitution, and his support for positions and candidates which are completely at odds with everything conservatives have for generations stood for."


This is my frustration with the CF and the personal attacks that go on constantly. You just judged me for what "many of the Trump supporters" say or do. The post directly above yours tells you Trump is not my guy. I have stated here I have a problem with a man marrying 3 times to always younger women. I was criticized for that. I also stated on several occasions I will not vote for him, mostly because he will win KS without me. I have stated his stance on Social Security is a joke and shows he does not know squat.

Admit it, you were biased here because of what others say, not what I said. Both men, like the rest of us are fallible. My bias is that I do hold folks to a higher degree of accountability that push their Faith front and center.

And I think you know you are making excuses. Trump's attacks on McCain and others were over the top. Cruz proved himself IMO and many others to be nothing more than an opportunist who used Trump to help eliminate the herd. This is what many of his colleagues feel as well, from what I have read. This is part of the reason he is despised.

From: ar troy

I didn't judge you at all, I simply made the case that it is not Cruz's responsibility to go after Trump at every opportunity, and so expecting him to do so is not right or fair.

"My bias is that I do hold folks to a higher degree of accountability that push their Faith front and center."

That would be a bias against the faith, not the faithful HfW. If there is nothing wrong with a particular action or inaction for the non-religious, or reserved religious, then there is nothing wrong with the religious or faithful doing the same. Otherwise, you are simply holding a man's faith against him. You accuse someone of being a hypocrite, but the truth is, it is you who has different standards for the same action.


Having a family member when young experience something inappropriate from one of the "faithful" explains my bias, and IMO justifies it. I was at least open about it.

We will disagree on your conclusion. If Cruz had a problem with Trump's behavior directed towards him, he should of had a problem with it all along. It was not that cruz failed to speak, it was at that time he was complimenting Trump. Please see the WSJ editorial that has actual quotes from cruz at that time. That is the difference, he not only failed to say something, he gave more credence to trump, and as the WSJ has concluded, he helped trump win by not helping to stop him early on.

Thanks for a civil discussion!

From: ar troy
LOL. It is possible around here, people just have to decide to make it so.

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