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Stronger Together
Contributors to this thread:
Anony Mouse 16-Sep-16
Anony Mouse 17-Sep-16
Salagi 17-Sep-16
HA/KS 19-Sep-16
Anony Mouse 25-Sep-16
From: Anony Mouse

Anony Mouse's Link
Not sure if my version is view-able, so provided source link. To provide sure fire entertainment, I have provided links and guarantee that a sojourn to the links will provide much entertainment and laughter. Heck, even if my graphic works...go to the links before Amazon takes down the reviews.

(Edit/update: my image did not work...some weird insect from ??? Just check out the links)

The tee-shirt:

Amazon Reviews

Product causes uncontrollable coughing and fainting spells Review product Here

"1.0 out of 5 starsIt's a trap! By Jesse on September 15, 2016 Size: Male LargeFit Type: MenColor: Navy A friend of mine bought this shirt. I use the term "friend" loosely because, well, he bought this shirt. Anyways, he wore the shirt and all was good. The moment he tried to take it off, Hillary appeared with one of her S.S. goons and he shot my friend twice in the back of the head. His death ended up being ruled suicide and Hillary told me (while coughing up what sounded like the 2nd half of her last lung) "if you say a word, you're next".

I've since moved out of the country and I'm currently living in hiding off the grid. That's why I'm able to warn you of the dangers of this shirt and anything involving Hillary Clinton for that matter.

Well, gotta so I can answer the door. Weird...the pizza guy has never showed up 15 minutes early before. "

Make sure you read the comments on the IOTWReport link, too.

The book:

Stronger Together

"What a horrible book. I got brain damage after 4 pages and lost my shoe."

Click link and read the reviews...

Factoid: Of the less than 3000 books sold the first week, a large order was placed by PSE's school of indoctrination.

From: Anony Mouse
The fun continues...



• Pre-ordered an autographed copy but had to return it after this week’s announcement as I was worried it was contaminated with pneumonia bacteria.

•I bought this thinking it would be a how-to book. I wanted “How to set up your own Foundation for fun and profit.”

•First off, I would like to thank Hillary for printing this all in blue ink because the color blue helps prevent my seizures. [ Reviewer was assassinated by Hillary Rodham Clinton ]

•I gave this book a five star review because I don't want to end up having committed suicide.

•Literally became ill after reading, started blacking out and woke up in a private hospital where the nurse had beautiful red curly hair and huge buck teeth. Someone came in the room that looked alomost exactly like me and said, “I got this, just keep reading, you’ll get it”, then they left and are presumably living my life while I’m stuck in this crappy private high-rise hosptial room!

•I was going to read this book…..I really was. But just as I got started, I found myself under sniper fire, passed out, and fell and hit my head. After that I got double vision and had to wear glasses that were so damn thick I couldn’t even see to read. Then I had an allergic reaction to something and started coughing so hard I spit out what looked like a couple of lizard’s eyeballs, my limbs locked up, and I passed out and fell down again, waking up only to find out I had been diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days earlier. Somehow I managed to power through it all.

•Was disappointed to see Hillary Clinton didn’t go into full detail about how she had Vince Foster murdered. Other than that, a pile of crap.

•I keep finding it face down on the floor…Why does it keep falling out of the bookcase?

• …it is is a cure for insomnia. I would highly recommend the cheaper and more pleasant alternative of buying a sleep-aid at your local pharmacy.

•For the most part, this book was really useful. I just didn’t care for the cover. Have you ever tried wiping your behind with a book cover?

•The papers were too thick and stiff against my anus. If you’re looking for toilet paper I suggest you look elsewhere. However, the book DOES make a good splash guard in my urinal.

•Stronger together is the classic tale of a maniacal family who creates a charity foundation that only contributes %6.7 to actual charities. Instead it is used to funnel money from oppresive countries against women, like Saudi Arabia, as the women becomes an icon for womens rights in America. Also taught me that even though I may spend my whole career in public service, I can still become a millionaire.

I especially like the part where she gets a US ambassador killed due to negligence of confidential info, and then runs for president.

The book is sure to give more than a few laughs.

Also note that the book can lead to coughing fits, spontaneous fainting, and may cause you to develop a pathological lying condition.

•I’ll wait for the Hillary Clinton episode of “I Almost Got Away With It” on the ID Channel.

•Found the book in the trash. Read a few pages and threw it back.

•I tried to read it, but it appears all the pages in my copy were deleted. I was so surprised my head wouldn’t stop bobbing and I passed out and lost my shoe

•Does anyone know if they’re planning to release a non-fiction version of this?

•I read her book while under sniper fire. Luckily I was able to destroy it with a hammer before the authorities got it.


Note: there are almost 700 reviews of the book and most are 1 star reviews. Some are Hillaryous. A few of the 5 star reviews make not that they gave the review a high rating for "personal safety". This has to be one of the most entertaining things I have read in ages.

From: Salagi
I told my wife about this, she immediately went to her Amazon account to check it out. 78% 1 star rating, 14% 5 star (or close to those numbers).

She began reading the 5 star reviews. It is worth your time to read them, they are hilarious, (Hilary-errors?). Even the one or 2 "honest" 5 stars were funny just for the libtard spin, but the others giving their reasons for a top rating had me rolling.

From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
I went to Amazon to see for myself. MOST of the following reviews are from the small percent that are not 1 star.

"I too was disappointed in the book, which I hoped was about body odor. The cover photo seemed to assure me of that. Yet the text offered next to nothing. Those of us with that particular problem are a voting block yet to be discovered."

"I bought it line my bird cage with, but didn't want to get my Parakeet sick with Hillary's pneumonia germs."

"This could be the first "book" in history to have more reviews on amazon the actual sales bwwwwaaaahAAHA lol"

"Top positive review" "Nothing new here. The book is full of lies, just like Hillary. I'm leaving a five star review so I don't get straight up murdered." (this may be the funniest of all - the TOP positive review according to Amazon)

"This is the best propoganda ever written. The lies here are among the greatest ever told. The fact is they are almost convincing enough to fool one person! Maybe that one person may actually vote for Hillary. I on the other hand am voting Jill Stein. I of course gave this book five stars because of the fact I don't want to die of natural causes and of course the book was excellent toilet paper as well."

"After reading this book, I'm not sure I can go on. My life seems so mundane and ordinary.

Was I named after a famous mounatain climber who crested the tallest mountain in the world six years after I was born? No. (I was, however, named after an uncle who did 15 years hard labor at one fo the finest penal institutions in the United States).

Did I ever land at an airport, say O'Hare or JFK, under sniper fire? No. (I did, however, have something go whizzing over my head while playing frisbee golf recently. Scared the crap out of me!).

Did I ever lose $6 billion dollars in less than 4 years? No. ( I did, however, lose everything I owned while mastering day trading. Well, mastering is a little strong. While losing my shirt day trading).

Did I ever single handidly bring the Middle East to it's knees. No. (But I did stay a Holiday Inn Express!).

I probably should give the book more stars, but at this point I feel so inadequate, what difference would it make, anyway."

"what is with the Seig Heil salute on the cover?? i wanted to like this book, and like many other reviewer I needed to be able to say something positive about this stinking heap of nonsense in order to protect myself and my family from those all too common unfortunate and fatal accidents/suicides that seem to befall her detractors- but could find no words,none. Buy the book if you want, it's you life"

"I admit I did not read this book, but that's OK because Timmy and Hillary did not write this book."

"when i tried to read this book i was sad trees died to make it but the i thought why at this point does it matter"

"I like that Hillary amended the book to show that she wasn't stumbling to the van but dodging sniper fire. God Bless America and Hillary Clinton!!!"

"A beautifully written insightful book showing the riches to rags story of America! A fairy tale ending that not even Marx could have foreseen! After Bengazi, and her masterful work with the FBI and Justice Department no one thought she could do it again! Don't miss out on this Clinton masterpiece!"

"If this ever requires a second run of printing, do us all a favor and choose a softer paper and have the pages perforated for our convenience."

"This is easily the greatest book ever written! I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me. I’m going to buy a couple cases so that this book can be in every pew at my church! It’s almost holy in what it contains! The book lays out a vision for our country and all its people. It’s a blueprint for building a nation that flows with milk and honey. Hillary is our deliverer!

(OK, Brazile. I wrote what you told me to write. Will you now release my child unharmed?)"

"This terrific novelty book is the Pet Rock of the new millennium!"

"I'm waiting for the audio book version to be released, donate $500k to Clinton Foundation so I can Pay-to-Play."

"Truly the Mein Kamf for a new generation. ...."

"I have a new found appreciation for the women who was heaved unceremoniously like a sack of potatoes into the back of her van and who then remerged hours later, her Cyberdyne Systems microprocessor fully rebooted, to continue her run for our nation's highest office: Commander and Thief."

"This is the sleeper hit of the 2016 election season. I liked it so much I bought 400,000 cases of it at full retail price.

Putting Tim Kaine on the jacket photo doing the German salute is very subtle in its messaging as well.

A tour de force.

--Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs"

From: Anony Mouse


But result is 5-star ratings with scathingly negative comments

If you can’t even win when the rules are changed in your favor, things must be REALLY bad.

That’s how it looks for Hillary Clinton’s new 2016 campaign book, “Stronger Together,” co-authored with running mate Tim Kaine.

WND reported just days ago when the book was being savaged on with negative reviews, with 81 percent one-star ratings and an average of only 1.7.

Clinton supporters lashed out at “trolls” they said were criticizing the book only because they oppose the Democrat’s presidential candidacy.

WND previously reported there were more than 1,200 reviews, and the number grew to than 2,000.

But Thursday afternoon, there were only 255, with many of the most critical reviews removed by Amazon, whose CEO, Jeff Bezos, owns the Washington Post, which created an army of 20 reporters and researchers to investigate the life of Donald Trump.

Victory for the Clinton book, however, remains out of grasp, with the negative, one-star responses, outnumbering positive, five-star responses nearly 2-1.

The one-star ratings Thursday were 62 percent, to 35 percent for five-star ratings.

And reviewers many times simply punched the five-star button then made harshly critical condemnations of the book and Hillary Clinton.

From suz702, who posted a five-star ranking: “I didn’t buy this book or read this book, but I have read the reviews, and enjoyed hours of entertaining, fun filled reading, expressing the TRUTH, about a crooked, lying, corrupt, terminally ill Presidential candidate, who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders, and who is about the steal the Presidency with the use of election fraud. 10 Stars to the authors of these reviews. Proof that not only are shoppers of superior intelligence, but thye call it like they see it…. Amazon shows this as a verified purchase, when I didn’t buy the book … how fun!”

Another five-star reviewer, ian alexander, said “the book confirms the hrc is a racist. every matter in her mind is about racies (sic). but reality is she does not care about the black people. just look at the ever increasing trend of black population that are relying on welfare since the obama rule. the fundermental (sic) cause of this result is the fact that lefties of the country favor the riches by allowing outsourcing jobs to other countries. black people should wake up, stop supporting dnc and hrc, who is effectively a puppet of the elite class. the book is simply a propaganda.”

Amazon said there were 91 positive reviews Thursday, to 166 critical.

Just two days earlier, out of 1,244 reviews, 81 percent were one-star and 16 percent five-star. The book plunged from No. 840 earlier this week to No. 1,538 on Thursday. It was No. 5 in the subcategory “Books-Politics & Social Sciences-Politics & Government-Elections & Political Process-Leadership.”


Article notes how Bezos has funded an army of reporters to "get the goods on Trump" and dismissed any interest in Hillary's apparent criminal acts ("That's old news...not important.")

In spite of Amazon's cleansing of the negative (and hillarious) reviews of Clinton's book--the reviews keep coming:

"The one-star reviews for the Clinton book also continued. Just Thursday afternoon, Jimsdun wrote: “Well I’m disappointed. This doesn’t tell me how to create a faux charitable foundation and then use it for money laundering.”"

Worth reading the entire piece...more great reviews.

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