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Travel ban going to SCOTUS
Contributors to this thread:
Mad dog 25-May-17
MikeV 25-May-17
Bentstick81 25-May-17
dm/wolfskin 26-May-17
Gray Ghost 26-May-17
bad karma 26-May-17
kentuckbowhnter 26-May-17
bigswivle 26-May-17
Bentstick81 26-May-17
bigswivle 26-May-17
foxbo 29-May-17
NvaGvUp 29-May-17
BowSniper 29-May-17
HDE 29-May-17
Anony Mouse 04-Jun-17
HA/KS 04-Jun-17
Kathi 04-Jun-17
Anony Mouse 05-Jun-17
Woods Walker 05-Jun-17
Anony Mouse 05-Jun-17
From: Mad dog
Glad we got Gorsuch in there. Mad Dog

From: MikeV
HA!, and when the SCOTUS rules that its dead, what then? Oh right. You'll react the same way that you did when Roberts voted FOR Obamacare. 3 times. HA! History does indeed repeat itself.

From: Bentstick81
Well, if it does clear, the Dems will be rioting, and robbing all the stores. Free Christmas presents, early. Like the stores have something to do with it. But, thats the Democrat way, LAWLESSNESS

From: dm/wolfskin
Dem-o- craps are loooosers!

From: Gray Ghost
It's been shot down in 2 appeals courts in 2 different circuits. The latest was an en-blanc decision involving 13 judges in one of the most conservative circuits.

The final tally was 10-3.

I'll be surprised if the SCOTUS chooses to see the case.


From: bad karma
You need four justices for certiorari. I think that at least four will want this issue before them.

I predict the court will uphold the presidents authority to determine who can enter the country.

From: bigswivle
"The President should have the Authority!! Vladimir Trump should NOT!!"

Boy was that creative

From: Bentstick81
FREEloader, the democrat moron. The dems way is lawlessness. Once again, if it does clear, the dems will be robbing every store, torching cop cars, and the BLM will be yelling racism, even though it has nothing to do with race. That is the Dems way of coping with getting their a$$ cleaned, this election.

From: bigswivle
"Go Change your name again!! That would be Creative!"

Been on bowsite for ten years lib. Name is still the same.

From: foxbo
freeglee, why do you take the time to post on this site? Why don't you find a site that caters to your logic which is "F ed" up? Obamie was a POS and so was his mammy.

From: NvaGvUp
"Creative?? No, it is Fact!! "

Actually, it is NOT fact.

What's 'fact' is that two of the most powerful DEMS in Congress, Sen. Diane Feinstein and Congressman James Clyburn, both flaming liberals and both of whom are deeply involved in investigating this claim, have reluctantly admitted there is NO evidence of the Russians interfering in the election.


For six MONTHS the Dems and the MSM have been investigating this BS with every thing they have. And what have they come up with?

Zip! Zilch! Nada! Nothing!

And No, neither Trump, nor anyone in his administration is "under investigation for treason." Not even by the 'resist' clowns.

Must suck to be as stupid as you are.

From: BowSniper
I would think SCOTUS takes the case, and the Administration prevails.

From: HDE
"Except he was under investigation for treason! Nor was his administration."

That's because, well, why waste the effort...

From: Anony Mouse
Should Ginsburg recuse herself?

How can Ginsburg participate in Travel Order case after her *campaign* statements about Trump?

From the article:

"...This case, unlike other more mundane cases involving Trump policies that may come before the court, clearly places Donald Trump’s words, personality and credibility in issue.

One of the Justices already has expressed a view on Trump’s credibility. In July 2016, Justice Ruth Bader Ginbsburg was quoted in a CNN interview deriding Trump as “a faker”:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s well-known candor was on display in her chambers late Monday, when she declined to retreat from her earlier criticism of Donald Trump and even elaborated on it.

“He is a faker,” she said of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, going point by point, as if presenting a legal brief. “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. … How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns? The press seems to be very gentle with him on that.” …. “At first I thought it was funny,” she said of Trump’s early candidacy. “To think that there’s a possibility that he could be president … ” Her voice trailed off gloomily. “I think he has gotten so much free publicity,” she added, drawing a contrast between what she believes is tougher media treatment of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and returning to an overriding complaint: “Every other presidential candidate has turned over tax returns.”

That July 2016 CNN lashing of Trump was not a one-off. Justice Ginsburg made two other negative public statements about Trump during the campaign (via Politifact):

Interview July 7, 2016 with Associated Press

Asked what if Trump won the presidency, Ginsburg said: “I don’t want to think about that possibility, but if it should be, then everything is up for grabs.”

Interview July 8, 2016 with New York Times

“I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.

Referring to something she thought her late husband, tax lawyer Martin Ginsburg, would have said, she said: “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Justice Ginsburg came under heavy criticism from a wide spectrum of commentators, since it is unusual for a Supreme Court Justice to express views on a political candidate and campaign. Even the Editorial Board of the NY Times agreed that Justice Ginsburg’s comments were inappropriate, Donald Trump Is Right About Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg needs to drop the political punditry and the name-calling.

Three times in the past week, Justice Ginsburg has publicly discussed her view of the presidential race, in the sharpest terms….

There is no legal requirement that Supreme Court justices refrain from commenting on a presidential campaign. But Justice Ginsburg’s comments show why their tradition has been to keep silent.

In this election cycle in particular, the potential of a new president to affect the balance of the court has taken on great importance, with the vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. As Justice Ginsburg pointed out, other justices are nearing an age when retirement would not be surprising. That makes it vital that the court remain outside the presidential process. And just imagine if this were 2000 and the resolution of the election depended on a Supreme Court decision. Could anyone now argue with a straight face that Justice Ginsburg’s only guide would be the law?

The Washington Post editorial board also was critical of Justice Ginsburg’s comments, Justice Ginsburg’s inappropriate comments on Donald Trump:

However valid her comments may have been, though, and however in keeping with her known political bent, they were still much, much better left unsaid by a member of the Supreme Court. There’s a good reason the Code of Conduct for United States Judges flatly states that a “judge should not .?.?. publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office.” Politicization, real or perceived, undermines public faith in the impartiality of the courts. No doubt this restriction requires judges, and justices, to muzzle themselves and, to a certain extent, to pretend they either do or do not think various things that they obviously do or do not believe. As the saying goes, however, “hypocrisy is the compliment vice pays to virtue.” As journalists, we generally favor more openness and disclosure from public figures rather than less. Yet Justice Ginsburg’s off-the-cuff remarks about the campaign fall into that limited category of candor that we can’t admire, because it’s inconsistent with her function in our democratic system….

Justice Ginsburg didn’t quite apologize, but did say she regretted the comments:

“On reflection, my recent remarks in response to press inquiries were ill-advised and I regret making them,” Ginsburg said in a statement. “Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office. In the future I will be more circumspect.”

Later Thursday in an interview with NPR, Ginsburg described her remarks as “incautious.”

“I said something I should not have said,” she remarked. When NPR’s Nina Totenberg asked her “if she just goofed,” Ginsburg responded: “I would say yes to your question, and that’s why I gave the statement. I did something I should not have done. It’s over and done with and I don’t want to discuss it anymore.”

Justice Ginsburg’s negative comments about Trump, though less direct, continued after inauguration. On February 24, 2017, the Washington Post reported:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a noted critic of President Trump, suggested that she doesn’t believe the country is in good hands but said she is hopeful about the future.

“We’re not experiencing the best of times,” Ginsburg said Thursday on BBC’s “Newsnight,” though she did not comment directly about the president.

In a case in which Trump’s campaign comments are front and center, how can Ginsburg hear a case in which she has complained publicly about Trump and Trump’s campaign?

This is not a situation where a Justice merely is presumed to have political leanings (don’t they all?), or is affiliated with one political party more than another. Justice Ginsburg has publicly questioned Trump’s credibility, and that credibility is an issue in the case as it presents itself in the 4th Circuit decision from which review is sought.

Justice Ginsburg cannot be removed from the case. The judicial code cited by the Washington Post editorial doesn’t apply to Supreme Court Justices. She would have to recuse herself voluntarily.

I don’t expect Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself. But her *campaign* comments about Trump’s campaign look even worse in hindsight."

From: HA/KS
ginsburg should have retired to Russia when she was 16

From: Kathi
Jack "Should Ginsburg recuse herself? How can Ginsburg participate in Travel Order case after her *campaign* statements about Trump?"

I wonder how Ginsburg could stay awake long enough to hear the case.

From: Anony Mouse

I can see it: Ginsburg is nudged by another justice, comes awake and raises her hand, "Present!"

From: Woods Walker
You mean like how Obama voted when he was an Illinois State Senator?

Although one of the times he did stand up and actually vote "YES" was when he was the ONLY member of the Illinois Democrat delegation to do so when it was for a bill that would make it ILLEGAL for a doctor to administer life saving procedures to a baby that had survived a late term abortion. No empathy, just keep hacking away at that child.

Hell has a VERY special place waiting for Barack Obama.

From: Anony Mouse

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