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20 Liberal Calls For Violence
Contributors to this thread:
NvaGvUp 15-Jun-17
HDE 15-Jun-17
sleepyhunter 15-Jun-17
Two Feathers 15-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 15-Jun-17
Thumper 15-Jun-17
Brotsky 15-Jun-17
TD 15-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 15-Jun-17
Rocky 15-Jun-17
Anony Mouse 15-Jun-17
Mad dog 15-Jun-17
Mad dog 15-Jun-17
HDE 15-Jun-17
Owl 16-Jun-17
Mad dog 16-Jun-17
Woods Walker 16-Jun-17
Gray Ghost 16-Jun-17
Gray Ghost 16-Jun-17
Mad dog 16-Jun-17
Mad dog 16-Jun-17
Gray Ghost 16-Jun-17
slade 16-Jun-17
DL 16-Jun-17
Rocky 16-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 16-Jun-17
DL 16-Jun-17
Mad dog 16-Jun-17
sleepyhunter 16-Jun-17
TD 16-Jun-17
Woods Walker 16-Jun-17
itshot 16-Jun-17
Resist 17-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 17-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 17-Jun-17
sleepyhunter 17-Jun-17
Mike in CT 17-Jun-17
NvaGvUp 17-Jun-17
itshot 17-Jun-17
Woods Walker 17-Jun-17
Anony Mouse 17-Jun-17
Anony Mouse 17-Jun-17
From: NvaGvUp
For Sunny, and the rest of the clueless libs here, courtesy of TownHall:

"20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes

John Hawkins, Jun 15, 2017

After Republican Rep. Steve Scalise was shot yesterday, many liberals on twitter CELEBRATED and said things like,

“The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.”

“That’s a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA”

“If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?”

“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.”

Is it any wonder? The most prominent liberals in America regularly accuse conservatives of being racist, sexist, Nazis, fascists who want children to die and are killing the planet and ruining the environment all because of their hate of the poor and minorities. Liberals today aim a nastier stream of propaganda at Republicans than America did at the Nazis; so is it any wonder that some people take the next logical step and become violent?

Meanwhile, you have plays, rap videos and prominent liberals glorifying the murder of the President, liberals applauding unrepentant terrorists like Bill Ayers, all while cops at left-wing universities stand back and allow violent students to riot, threaten and disrupt conservative speakers. We’re moving fast towards a point where clashes between armed gangs of thugs on both sides will leave people dead because liberals believe conservatives aren’t human beings and thus, don’t deserve the same protection under the law.

I’m not going to blame Bernie Sanders for the shooter who supported him or say that liberals and Democrats should be held personally responsible for it. The only person responsible for what the shooter did was the shooter. However, this sort of political violence is doomed to grow ever more common and bloodier unless liberal Democrats start changing the sort of rhetoric they engage in on a regular basis. Rhetoric like this…

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

2) “F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

3) “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” — Bill Maher

4) “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

5) “F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.

6) “Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? Because it seem[s] to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream… giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) “..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

9) “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) “But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

11) “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

12) “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

13) “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14) “Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editor Alan Pyke

16) “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” — Mike Malloy

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!” — Dan Savage

19) “Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story

20)” Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I’m outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this won’t change anything." -- Madonna"

From: HDE
Deranged with a psychological condition. Those are the people where special "gun control" measures should be taken.

From: sleepyhunter
Bring it. I'm certain if any violence breaks out, all the celebrity mouthpieces will be safely in hiding.

From: Two Feathers
"THIS is what liberalism brings. " Yes, it does!

From: NvaGvUp

Paul Zeidan and Freeglee are two separate people. Other than that, your post is spot on.

From: Thumper
These death threats and such the LWL are calling for are felony hate crimes. Every one of them need to be arrested, convicted, and sent to prison.

From: Brotsky
All this and I still don't need a safe place. :)

From: TD
I'd have to guess one is the tickler..... the other a student ticklee......

From: NvaGvUp
For sure, they're both unprincipled, amoral a-holes who don't have the character to post on the two threads about yesterday's shooting

From: Rocky
Conservatives and Republicans will be complaining about this uprising from the libs even as the dirt is being thrown upon their graves. They just do not realize the real and not imagined threat on the streets of America against every conservative man, woman and child, your, YOUR family. Do you believe this is just a fanatical fad that is going to disappear on its own? These animals who call themselves liberals are domestic terrorists who must be met head on. Oh, I see. Town Hall meetings and reasonable dialogue will bring us together. At the end of the day we are ALL the same, Americans. Correct? Yes and my dog don't bite. Had better forget about ISIS when your deadly threat may very well live next door as your fellow American, unbeknownst to you at your barbecue. The dead can't receive text messages you know or in the least will not reply to them.

The Rock

From: Anony Mouse

From: Mad dog
Great points guys. Tell your family to be on guard and ready to throw down at all times. Mad Dog

From: Mad dog
The cowardly hyenas have tasted blood and are emboldened..Mad Dog

From: HDE
^^^^ they are all bark and no bite - no pun intended ;^)

From: Owl
Look at the history of collectivism; emotion and force are it's rudimentary defining characteristics. It is anathema to logic, nature and God and will always rely on compulsion by threat of violence. Or, put more bluntly, any political doctrine that requires martial force to exist will accordingly be awash in blood. Individual shooting incidents or genocide are only factors of scale.

From: Mad dog
Just heard some audio from Bernie on radio from a while back: "We want them to be scared when they walk out of their townhall meetings!" It that's not a threat of physical, you're intellectually dishonest and a phony. Mad Dog

From: Woods Walker
Mad Dog: Do you have a link for that?

From: Gray Ghost
Political and religious extremism is the disease. It afflicts both sides of the isle.


From: Gray Ghost

Gray Ghost's Link
Violent Extremists in the United States

"White supremacists, anti-government extremists, radical Islamist extremists, and other ideologically inspired domestic violent extremists have been active in the United States for decades. Examples of attacks include the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by radical Islamists, in which 6 persons were killed; and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building by anti-government far right individuals, in which 168 lives were lost. The September 11, 2001, attacks account for the largest number of fatalities in the United States in a single or closely- related attack resulting from violent extremism in recent decades. While the September 11, 2001, attacks were perpetrated by foreign violent extremists, from September 12, 2001 through December 31, 2016, attacks by domestic or “homegrown” violent extremists in the United States resulted in 225 fatalities, according to the ECDB. Of these, 106 were killed by far right violent extremists in 62 separate incidents, and 119 were victims of radical Islamist violent extremists in 23 separate incidents."


From: Mad dog
Sorry Woods. I was flipping through NYC am stations. I believe it was on Imus 770am around 715. Mad Dog

From: Mad dog
That's Right JTV. GG, like all desperate libs attempts, albeit poorly, to spread the blame around when it is HIS side that are attacking Trump Supporters, White College kids via BLM and now trying to ASSASSINATE congressional Republicans. Don't you even TRY to make an apples to apples comparision, Matt. Mad Dog

From: Gray Ghost
And Mad Dog, like all good right-wing radicals, attempts to paint anyone who isn't in lockstep with his opinions as a liberal. And as usual, he can kiss my a$$.

You see, Mad Dog, one of the benefits of being an independent is you can be equally critical of extremist behavior on both sides. You don't have to cherry pick examples that fit the narrative of either side.

I find any extremist violence deplorable. I've also been around long enough to know it's not unique to either side. To suggest otherwise is just being ignorant to facts.


From: slade
So now being an Independent is defined as one who goes out of his way to bash republican's as a closet democrat.

From: DL
News Flash Snowflakes!!! Who owns most of the guns?? An old saying is true today as it ever was. "Don't Start Something You Can't Finish".

From: Rocky
GG, Are you claiming to be independent? At this critical juncture in politics if that be anyone's position they are but a spectator content to watch the battle from the sidelines like the hyenas that await their turn at the carcass. These people are Swendenese. Never a part of the battle, weak but speaks the loudest in quiet comfort. If so, these people can kiss my ass and will benefit NIL in the victor's dance of pomp and ceremony...and WE will be dancing. You are either here or there. Time has fallen through the glass to be in between in your safe haven of political BS and America has become the prize. You ARE the problem laying salve over a recurring wound.

The Rock

From: NvaGvUp
I'd like to see Sybil post a list of twenty conservative elected officials, celebrities or talk show hosts who have advocated killing Dem leaders, punching them in the face or burning down the White House.

And don't even get me started about all of the Dem officials who have called for taking to the streets, rioting, looting and physically assaulting conservatives. Hell, in places like Portland and Berkley, the local officials are giving the rioters free reign!

From: DL

DL's embedded Photo
DL's embedded Photo
My safe place

From: Mad dog
Ha ha...great one guys. Mad Dog

From: sleepyhunter
"" the right has painted liberals as wussy's, soft, effeminate and now they're psycho murderer's?""

IMO, both of those descriptions fall under the definition of a coward.

From: TD
Yes, correct, pretty much wussy psychos..... with a few that snap and become cowardly murderers.

From: Woods Walker
Sybil (Patridiot): In you all's case it's more like, "So which one of us is it?"

You probably lost track by now. You need your own human resources department.

Tickle much?

From: itshot
"So which is it,?" liberalism is a mental disorder, it manifests in many ways...from hysterical antifa trannies to sausage headed snipers to high school teachers at briarcliff manor

unhinged, all

From: Resist
Then again, there's these little facts:

From: NvaGvUp
Hey, 'Resist'

The entire reason for the 2A is so the citizens can protect themselves and the country from tyranny. It has nothing to do with duck hunting!

The entire reason for the American Revolution was to free ourselves from a tyrannical government.

From: NvaGvUp
For the truly stupid here (Are you listening, 'resist?'):

Liberals believe the people should be subservient to the government.

Conservatives believe the government should be subservient to the people.

From: sleepyhunter
""For the truly stupid here (Are you listening, 'resist?'):""

LOL. Well done NVA.

From: Mike in CT
"Then again, there's these little facts:"

Enjoy this one folks; an epic moment in CF history where we get a completely truthful post from Desist, er Resist....

He/she/it provides a list of facts at he/she/it's disposal and the list is.........


Time to buy lottery tickets folks, this kind of honesty only happens once in a million years.....

From: NvaGvUp

He had a meme there which he later deleted.

It was a essentially a list of pro-2/A quotes from Republicans. He wanted us to believe it proved conservatives were also calling for killing people.

What it ACTUALLY was, which he's clearly too stupid and uninformed to know, was a list of quotes from Republicans to remind folks of the REAL reason for the Second Amendment.

I swear, you can't make up that degree of stupid.

From: itshot
pwally z is back in RI, hangn at the beach club, playin on his smott phone....

so sly, so smooth

From: Woods Walker
......tryin' to get his pickle tickled......

From: Anony Mouse
LEFTIST VIOLENCE: 33 Attacks Against Conservatives in the Last Year Alone (note: link contains internal links)

By Dave Brooks and Benjamin Decatur

A wave of liberal rage has marked the last 11 months since the rise and subsequent election of President Donald Trump.

Antifa protestors clad in black masks shut down college campuses, destroy property and indiscriminately attack those they disagree with, whether women or the elderly. Meanwhile, CNN fires Kathy Griffin for taking photos with a bloody replica of the president’s decapitated head.

Amid this backdrop, The Huffington Post publishes an article calling for the execution of Trump and “everyone assisting his agenda.”

Then, shots ring out as a man gorged on media hysteria attempts to slaughter Republican congressmen while they practice for a charity baseball game.

The aggression since Trump’s nomination is difficult to enumerate, but nevertheless, The Daily Caller News Foundation pored over media reports to compile a close but non-exhaustive list of violent acts against conservatives in months following the Republican National Convention.

In creating the list, TheDCNF reviewed numerous articles detailing attacks and violent threats against conservatives and Trump supporters. While there are examples of anonymous threats, TheDCNF chose to include only those that resulted in the cancelling of events and two to members of Congress deemed credible. Some instances of violence between rival protestors were not included as it was difficult to ascertain who initiated the event.

Events Over Time:

July 2016:

-A Hillary Clinton supporter lights a flag on fire and attacks a Trump supporter in Pittsburgh.

-Protesters jumped on cars, stole hats, fought with and threw eggs at Trump supporters outside a Trump rally in downtown San Jose. Trump supporters sued San Jose over the violence.

August 2016:

-Anti-Trump protesters attacked pushed, spit on and verbally harassed attendees forced to walk a “gauntlet” as they left a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis, Minn., and beat an elderly man. Protesters also attacked Trump’s motorcade.

–A Tennessee man was assaulted at a garage sale for being a Trump supporter.

-A Trump supporter in New Jersey was attacked with a crowbar on the street.

September 2016:

-Protesters in El Cajon, Calif., chased and beat up a Trump supporter.

October 2016:

-A GOP office in North Carolina was firebombed and spray painted with “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else.”

November 2016:

-A high school student was attacked after she wrote that she supported Trump on social media. The perpetrator ripped her glasses off and punched her in the face.

-The president of Cornell University’s College Republicans was assaulted the night after Trump won the election.

-Students protesting Trump punched and kicked a Maryland high school student wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

-A high school student was arrested in Florida after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.

-A group of black men in Chicago attacked a white man while raging against Trump.

-Maryland high school students punched a student who was demonstrating in support of Trump, and then kicked him repeatedly while he was on the ground.

-“You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,” a California high school student yelled at a Trump supporter, before viciously beating the girl.

-An anti-bullying ambassador was arrested for shoving a 74-year-old man to the ground in a fight outside Trump tower where people upset over his win had gathered. The woman tied to Black Lives Matter caused the man to hit his head on the sidewalk.

-A Texas elementary school student was beaten by his classmates for voting for Trump in a mock election.

-Two men punched and kicked a Connecticut man who was standing with an American flag and a Trump sign.

December 2016:

-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

January 2017:

-A Trump supporter was knocked unconscious after airport protesters repeatedly beat him on the head.

-A Trump supporter was attacked after putting out a fire started by anti-Trump protesters.

-When Trump protesters encountered a driver with a pro-Trump flag on his car, they surrounded the vehicle, ripped off and began burning the flag, and pounded the car. They also punctured on the tires.

February 2017:

-California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock had to be escorted to his car after a town hall because of angry protesters. The tires of at least four vehicles were slashed.

-Protestors knocked a 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher unconscious during a protest outside the representative’s office.

-Milo Yiannopoulos speech at the University of California-Berkeley was cancelled after rioters set the campus on fire and threw rocks through windows. Milo tweeted that one of his supporters wearing a Trump hat was thrown to the ground and kicked.

March 2017:

-Masked protesters at Middlebury College rushed AEI scholar and political scientist Charles Murray and professor Allison Stranger, pushing and shoving Murray and grabbing Stranger by her hair and twisting her neck as they were leaving a campus building. Stranger suffered a concussion. Protesters then surrounded the car they got into, rocking it back and forth and jumping on the hood.

April 2017:

-A parade in Portland, Ore.,was canceled after threats of violence were made against a Republican organization.

-Fears of violent protests shut down Ann Coulter’s UC Berkeley speech. Campus police had gathered intel on protesters who were planning to commit violence.

May 2017:

– Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, his family and his dog were targeted by a series of repeated death threats deemed credible by authorities.

-FBI agents arrested a person for threatening to shoot Republican Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.

-Police in Tennessee charged a woman for allegedly trying to run Republican Rep. David Kustoff off the road.

-Police in North Dakota ejected a man after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall.

-A former professor was arrested after police said they identified him on video beating Trump supporters with a U-shaped bike lock, leaving three people with “significant injuries.”

June 2017:

-James Hodgkinson opened fire on a congressional GOP baseball practice, injuring five, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

-Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email threat that read, “One down, 216 to go,” shortly after the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice.

-A man driving a white Malibu reportedly fired several shots at a man driving a truck displaying a “Make America Great Again” flag in Indiana.

Read more at Daily Caller.

From: Anony Mouse
From the Zeidan/Freeglue Production Studios comes The Liberal Prepper Guide to antifa warfare (starring Resistance):

  • Sitka Gear