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I wonder who is next?
Contributors to this thread:
Woods Walker 29-Nov-17
sleepyhunter 29-Nov-17
NvaGvUp 29-Nov-17
Nick Muche 29-Nov-17
Atheist 29-Nov-17
HDE 29-Nov-17
jdee 29-Nov-17
JL 29-Nov-17
Gray Ghost 29-Nov-17
HDE 29-Nov-17
Bowbender 29-Nov-17
Hunting5555 29-Nov-17
Fulldraw1972 29-Nov-17
'Ike' (Phone) 29-Nov-17
Bentstick81 29-Nov-17
Rocky 29-Nov-17
DL 29-Nov-17
HDE 29-Nov-17
TD 29-Nov-17
bad karma 29-Nov-17
Dirk Diggler 29-Nov-17
tonyo6302 29-Nov-17
Gray Ghost 29-Nov-17
Hunting5555 29-Nov-17
Sixby 29-Nov-17
DL 29-Nov-17
Gray Ghost 29-Nov-17
HDE 29-Nov-17
Woods Walker 29-Nov-17
DL 29-Nov-17
Woods Walker 29-Nov-17
sleepyhunter 29-Nov-17
Bentstick81 29-Nov-17
Dirk Diggler 29-Nov-17
Annony Mouse 29-Nov-17
Glunt@work 29-Nov-17
DL 29-Nov-17
Shuteye 29-Nov-17
slade 29-Nov-17
HA/KS 30-Nov-17
BowSniper 30-Nov-17
'Ike' (Phone) 30-Nov-17
Bou'bound 01-Dec-17
Owl 01-Dec-17
Woods Walker 01-Dec-17
Bowfreak 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
HA/KS 01-Dec-17
Woods Walker 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
Amoebus 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
Whitey 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Dirk Diggler 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Grey Ghost 01-Dec-17
gflight 01-Dec-17
Sage Buffalo 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
BowSniper 01-Dec-17
Franzen 01-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 01-Dec-17
Bou'bound 02-Dec-17
Gray Ghost 02-Dec-17
bad karma 02-Dec-17
Glunt@work 02-Dec-17
70lbdraw 02-Dec-17
BowSniper 02-Dec-17
Annony Mouse 04-Dec-17
From: Woods Walker
Did he deny the allegations? Other than someone's words is there any actual proof? I have a problem with someone being fired for this if they deny it and there's no other proof or other circumstances.

This is a slippery slope here folks.

From: sleepyhunter
The best thing to do keep your hands in your pockets, look down say good morning stay away from women best you can if possible. Talk business only.

From: NvaGvUp

What did Trump Tweet?

From: Nick Muche
"What did Trump Tweet?"

"Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.” But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News. Check out Andy Lack’s past!"

From: Atheist
Trump has reduced the Oval Office in stature and honor. Why would he even give an opinion on someone’s sexual accusations when he has his own share of accusers? His choices are bizarre but I guess that’s what you voted for!

you know that they say.....power corrupts absolutely. I can't help but think that coercing women into sex must have been working for all these guys........

From: HDE
No - obama disgraced and embarrassed the office of the chief executive of the nation, not Trump.

From: jdee
Is sexual harassment retroactive ? If it is the king of sexual harassment Bill Clinton should be in a federal pen for life !!!

From: JL
Matty's sexual behavior is old news within the NBC circles.

From: Gray Ghost
"Is sexual harassment retroactive ? If it is the king of sexual harassment Bill Clinton should be in a federal pen for life !!!"

Sexual harassment isn't necessarily a crime. Sexual abuse or assault is. That's why sexual harassment accusations are thrown around so liberally, and they've become a political tool.


From: HDE
Nope, sexual harassment is abuse. Verbal abuse is a real thing...

From: Bowbender

Bowbender's Link
Who's next?

Garrison Keillor. Seems to be a pattern with libs....

From: Hunting5555
HDE, the problem is who gets to define exactly what sexual harassment is! Grant at a certain point there is no doubt, but who gets to define the "grey areas".

Some would say that telling a lady at work that she looks beautiful today would be harassment. While most would say it was merely a compliment. Should someone get fired over such a benign comment?

So who gets to define it..........

From: Fulldraw1972
“Seems to be a pattern with libs....”

We can’t expect anything different from them when they idolize the Clintons. One is flat scary and the other led by example.

Bill Clinton started it....And the dominos continue to fall!

From: Bentstick81
atheist. You are a FRAUD. You are talking about Stature and Honor. Goes to show how fraud you really are, Mr. Fake Registration.

From: Rocky
...but Clinton was a man of stature and honor. That is the difference or should I say the benchmark to which all presidents are "measured". ;-) Liberals are some seriously deranged individuals. Gelding comes to mind.

The Rock

The Rock

From: DL
There has been talk of Lauer being overly friendly to women for years. Trump opened a big question about the nbc’s ceo Andrew Lack and his past. Uh Oh, more heads to roll. Don’t forget the Kennedy Clan.

From: HDE
Hunting - normally the one who gets to define it is the one filing the complaint. Impossible to dismiss or decide emotion for someone...

From: TD
Who'da thought this one little plug was the one to pull to start draining the swamp...... it's gone from a trickle to a flushing noise in just a few months.....

Plenty of men in power play that game, left and right, many that are neither. But the left.... the sanctimonious hypocrisy on display is much more entertaining..... much more satisfying to watch them spin in on fire.... trailing smoke......

But beyond that.... yes, care must be taken these cases are not just opportunists or the easily offended. All are individual cases.... no matter if the person is really scum or not. From all I have read so far.... it's been pretty clear cut, not simple "misunderstandings". We shall see how things, um, spin out.......

From: bad karma
Garrison Keillor, of Prairie Home Companion fame, is now out of work, as a result of this newfound concern.

From: Dirk Diggler
I got 10 to 1 odds the next is a lefty. That crowd would be better off just hanging out with street walkers.

From: tonyo6302
OK, my scenario is, first, I am not a supervisor, and have no control over anyone.

.. ..

.. ..

Second, whenever I notice at work, that a female has lost a lot of weight, I cannot help myself. I usually say, "Gosh, you have lost a ton of weight."

Nine times out of ten, the female I have just spoken to, will jump up from behind her desk, hug me, and plant a big ole kiss on my cheek.

I hug her back, but do not kiss her back.

Just how vulnerable and I to a harrassment claim? I am serious here. I never even gave it a thought until now.

Seriously, how vulnerable am I ?

From: Gray Ghost
Your screwed, Tonyo. Might as well pack your bags, now. ;-)

I once asked a co-worker when her baby was due. Problem was, she wasn't pregnant. Oops!!


From: Hunting5555
HDE, I agree with you it is, and that is the problem. Some people would be offended by saying "HI". These people need to be told to sit down, shut up, get real and do their job.....

This is a real thing that happened to me over 10 years ago.

I was a supervisor of an accounting department that was all women. My boss was a woman but she was gone this day. We had a young lady show up for work with a top that was sooooo low cut that it left very little to the imagination. You knew exactly what she had......... It was causing a real brew haha in the office with everyone talking about it. And truthfully, it was not appropriate for a business office. There is low cut, then there is "check these babies out!"

As her supervisor, I had to call her in to tell her that it wasn't appropriate attire for the office. Needless to say, I had another management lady set in with me to tell her. She didn't take it well at all, but she didn't file a complaint of any type!!!

I'd hate to think I had to do that same thing today! I'd have to send her to HR to have them handle it and then something would be put in her file. And it wasn't anything that needed reported to her file, just told not to wear it again....

I'm just glad I now work in an office all by my lonesome!!!!!!

From: Sixby
Sounds like Lauer had a button under his desk that locked the door and the women could not get out of his office. That sounds a lot like unlawful imprisonment or kidnapping to me even if he did not rape them. More coming out on this .

God bless, Steve

From: DL
Tony you are safe unless you piss one of them off. Then nothing will save you. It’s also a one street. Try and say women have acted inappropriate towards a man. Most likely you will hear you should be flattered or why did you lead her on. My wife and I were just discussing this. She was in a office doing work and a maile man brought the mail to one of the other women in the front office. She over heard him telling her that was sexual harassment to be at work dressed the way she was and left. And Yes, she and another gal there dressed horribly. It was an office at a truck repair facility and they dressed like hookers. At one shop I worked at we did work on a woman’s car that was a guard at Folsom Prison. She had a boob job and then wore uniforms that were probably two size too small. Buttons were ready to pop of her shirt and this woman was a prison guard at a male prison. Should have been fired

From: Gray Ghost
How did our society become so asexual? Are burkas next?

Thank God I'm past the days of being young, dumb, and full of...well...you know. I pity young males, today.


From: HDE
Hunting, by having another [woman] in there with you was smart - very smart.

From: Woods Walker
"Trump has reduced the Oval Office in stature and honor. "

Huh???? Trump??? You conveniently forgot about Bill Clinton's oval office blue dress soiling sessions and Obama's 8 solid years of lying outright to us. But then again you ARE a Democrat, which right there proves you have no memory, sense of honesty/truth, or concept of integrity.

From: DL
JFK had an open door policy to women. Of course he was a democrat and the news media never mentioned a thing.

From: Woods Walker
As a man I will notice women until the day I die. Fortunately my parents taught me manners and to be a gentleman so I keep my mouth shut and my hands at my side. What you eyes see does NOT have to be conveyed into words or worse, actions. Just enjoy the view!!!

From: sleepyhunter
""Just how vulnerable and I to a harrassment claim? I am serious here. I never even gave it a thought until now.""

I believe it's fine to be cordial and polite. I'd shy away from being personal. Commenting about a woman's weight could turn into a problem, even if you meant to be complimentary. I've known several men over the years get pulled into the front office for saying too much to the ladies on company time.

From: Bentstick81
Wow KPC. I just about spit stuff all over my screen, on that one. LOL!

From: Dirk Diggler
“How did our society become so asexual? Are burkas next? Thank God I'm past the days of being young, dumb, and full of...well...you know. I pity young males, today.”

With all these accusations flying now days. It’s no wonder there are so many transgender people.

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link

From: Glunt@work
"Gosh, you have lost a ton of weight."

"Are you saying you think I weighed 2000 pounds more before I started Weight Watchers?"

"No, no, no just saying you look great"

"You are judging me on my looks?!"

"No, no, no just happy for you"

"Happy for me? Was something wrong when I weighed more?"

"No, no...ummm, ok yes. You were fat and cranky and now you are smiling and easy on the eyes."

"Did you honestly just say that?"

"Yep, if you are calling HR I might as well make it worth it."

From: DL
Your spot on Glunt. There is no way out except saying your transgender or some other confused gender. If you say your a straight male you are toast.

From: Shuteye
I was manager and had up to 200 people reporting to me. Plenty of women in the group. Most of the women were absolutely great and we go along fine. I picked one young woman that just carried mail to the offices. She used to come in my office lunch time because I would let her use my computer. In a short time she was an absolute genius on SAP that we were bringing on line. I promoted her and gave her a raise that was way above policy. It had to be sent to corporate headquarters for approval and it was approved. The vast majority of the other women greatly appreciated what I did and told me so. I think that is why they got along with me so well. BTW, the young lady ended up working with corporate headquarters and that did me a lot of good. I bet today that would not happen.

From: slade
-Lauer sent a gift of a dildo to a female staffer with a note explaining how he would like to use it on her.

Great find Mouse

From: HA/KS
What did NBC know, and when did they know it?

I have to say that Lauer's arrogance is stunning. How could anyone think that's ok? Maybe he was going on the theory that if you send out enough "gifts" sooner or later you'll connect. Meanwhile all the chicks are telling everyone one they know what an f'ing creep he is.

From: BowSniper
The auto door lock would be to keep anyone from unexpectedly walking in while he has his pants down. Not to keep anyone from leaving. Locks just don't work that way, even mag locks have a release button on exit side.

Did you read the most recent revelation that Lauer banged a girl until she passed out over his desk, and then had to call a nurse? A married lady. Sheeesh. They are both damaged goods.

Matt is a freak!

From: Bou'bound
Before long this is going to migrate from the mainstream into the hunting celebrity arena and there will be icons of the sport who's empires come crashing down around them. It is only a matter of time. It will be a sad day for hunting when the claims come out about inappropriate actions at hunting camp or in the cutting room of a TV show.

Families will be fractured and careers destroyed.

From: Owl
I hope this forest fire burns long enough to change the culture a bit. Naive, I know. However, our society needs to learn lessons about vesting esteem and power to those whom have not proven worthy, which is to say most everyone outside of the sphere of direct personal experience. And, yes, I would like to say the sanctimonious secular humanists openly bear the jagged mantle of moral relativism and idolatry.

From: Woods Walker
Actions have consequences. So ACT accordingly.

From: Bowfreak
"Did you read the most recent revelation that Lauer banged a girl until she passed out over his desk, and then had to call a nurse? A married lady. Sheeesh. They are both damaged goods."

How in the world is this even possible????

From: Gray Ghost
Until we specifically define what is sexual harassment, and make it a crime, it will remain a tool for the weak and disgruntled to use against others.

Take the whore that past out on Lauers desk, for example. Was it consensual or forced sex? I'm reading she was separated from her husband at the time, and she willingly unclothed herself at Matt's request. I've known several women who have spread their legs to advance their careers. Should that be a crime, too?

What a mess.....


From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
A good read on how all of this is impacting and will impact justice.

From: Woods Walker
We have justice in this country? Could'a fooled me.

From: Gray Ghost
My point is, Kevin, none of us know what truly happened in that room, yet it's automatically assumed the women was a victim. Why?

Yes, it's disgusting behavior, and should never happen in the workplace. But, none of us know what the true intent of either party was at the time. Was the women's behavior equally wrong? We just don't know.


From: Amoebus
Bow - "Did you read the most recent revelation that Lauer banged a girl until she passed out over his desk, and then had to call a nurse? A married lady. Sheeesh. They are both damaged goods." How in the world is this even possible????"

Fainting is usually a blood pressure issue. Not hard to see how sex can mess up the blood flow to the normal parts of the body (in this case, lack of blood to the brain caused at least 2 distinct reactions...).

From: Gray Ghost

No, I don't have daughters. But if I did, they would certainly know that no job is worth being sexually violated by a superior. Nor would they keep quiet at the time, only to play the victim card years afterwards.

Are you claiming women never use sex to advance their careers? I doubt you're that naive. I was wrong to assume this women is a "whore", but I think it's equally wrong to assume she was a victim. It goes both ways.


From: Whitey
The underlying theme is bigger , that everyone is a victim in the US nothing is anyone’s fault or responsibility. Hillary lost the election because of the Russians, NFL players act, dress and speak like gang bangers and but are victims because they should be treated like everyone else. White people are privileged if they are successful. Women are victims because they wear tops with thier boobs hanging out and short skirts with no underwear and a man looked at them too long.

From: BowSniper
The woman in this particular case was said to have opened her blouse at Lauer's request. To me that means she willingly accepted his overtures. And being married at the time, to me that makes her a slut, too.

If Lauer grabbed her without asking, if she had said no, if she had done nothing at all frozen in fear, I would have supported her story here. But at this point no. She undressed herself, she was on board. What if just to be safe, Lauer asked her to sign a note giving written consent? STILL not good enough in this current atmosphere, because she would say he was the boss and she felt forced to sign. When there is no possible way to defend yourself from guilt by any positive proactive action, the system has collapsed and we are all screwed.

Who hasn't dated someone at work at some point in their life? Heck, I've even had a girl blackout on rare occasions too. And technically we worked together (bartender and waitress back in the college days). It was just normal kids dating. Not the same as OJ and Nicole for God's sake!

From: Dirk Diggler
I retired from fishing in the company pond. To much drama for one man to handle.

From: BowSniper
"Retired" sounds like "used to do it but not any more".

From: Gray Ghost
"Heck, I've even had a girl blackout on rare occasions too."

Yep, me too, and in those cases it meant we both had just had a great time.

Please don't get me wrong. I'm not defending Lauer. But, I'm also not blindly accepting the word of women who blow the whistle years after the alleged incidents.


From: BowSniper
A guy banging a cheating wife who appears to have consented and undressed herself.... is simply not the same as putting a gun to her head.

If no consent can ever be consent enough, I call foul on the whole system. If I were Lauer's attorney on this one, I would seek records for every other dalliance she had... how many other times she cheated (not every one is going to be her boss - and I am guessing there are more).

From: Gray Ghost
"Is "choosing" to say "no" and risking a bullet to the head really any different than "choosing" to say "no" and risking a bullet to one's livelihood?"

Umm, yes, it's completely different. Did you really ask that?


From: BowSniper
Not only DID he ask it... he will rephrase and ask the same thing a dozen more times until he can convince himself he is right.

From: Grey Ghost
So you equate the threat of being murdered to the threat of being fired from a job?

I've never had a job that that was worth losing my self-respect for. YMMV.


From: gflight
Ask a Drill Sgt sometime what privates will do. The current court of public opinion is out of control. Women gaining even more leverage. Hell hath no fury....

From: Sage Buffalo
You guys haven't read the stories. He deserved what he got.

BTW If you have never been a C-level or an executive let me tell you that you can NOT have any relations with a woman if you are single from your organization without HR knowing. If you do you can be fired. If you are married and cheat on your spouse with a subordinate you will be fired in many Fortune 500 companies.

This is not about flirting or saying someone looks nice. This is about appearance and using your position to coerce.

From: BowSniper
.....as I said.....

From: Gray Ghost
"No, I equate two types of perceived desperation."

For a women's perspective, I asked my wife if she, or anyone she knows, would allow a boss to sexually violate her for the sake of keeping her job. She looked at me like I was crazy.

Sorry, but the "perceived desperation" defense doesn't fly, Kevin. That's perhaps the most absurd thing I've ever seen you post. If a women doesn't perceive being sexually abused worse than being fired, she's got bigger problems than a sick boss.


From: Gray Ghost
"I have no way of knowing what I would be capable of doing if it meant preventing something that I thought was bad enough...and if you are honest, neither do you."

That's where you are wrong, Kevin. There is no situation in which I'd "perceive" getting fired from a job is worse than than getting sexually abused. Like I said, no job is worth losing my self-respect for, ever.


From: Gray Ghost

First you claimed the threat of taking a bullet to the head was the same as the threat of getting fired. Then you claimed that was just a metaphor, and what you meant is "perceived desperation" is the issue (whatever that means). Now, you're concocting some hypothetical situation that might justify being sexually abused over getting fired, while acknowledging you've never been in that situation and don't really know how you'd react. You've moved the goal post so many times, I don't know which end of the field to kick towards.

I do know how I would react, and I've stated so.

As for the "special place in hell", do you know for fact that the women in question was forced to make that choice? If so, do share your evidence. Is it possible she knew of ML's sick sexual behavior, and she went to his office intent on inciting it?


From: BowSniper
..... and exactly as I said KPC... sometimes your endless parsing of words and minutea really ruins any meaningful dialogue. It no longer becomes about the issue, but instead about some pretentious display of personal righteousness based on increasingly ridiculous and outrageous claims. But carry on. You know nothing else. Sheeesh.

From: Franzen
"...sometimes your endless parsing of words and minutea really ruins any meaningful dialogue. It no longer becomes about the issue, but instead about some pretentious display of personal righteousness based on increasingly ridiculous and outrageous claims. But carry on. You know nothing else. Sheeesh."

Ha. You don't see a pattern here do ya? Ever notice that whenever the guy gets called out he just keeps on posting and posting until the other person finds something better to do?

From: Gray Ghost
Oh, good grief, Kevin. You won't concede a point. I get it.

I'm not going to debate the meaning of your metaphor. You've made it clear that you assume the accuser was the victim in this case, without proof. Is that an example of the "critical thinking" that you preach about?

I've had the shoe on the other foot. I had an attractive "underling", as you would call her, try to solicit advances from me for personal career gains. I was flattered, and I could have handled it better, but I didn't do anything I'm ashamed of. When it became clear her tactics weren't going to work, I suddenly became the accused.

Sadly, men and women both use sex for selfish intents.


From: Bou'bound
where do you guys find the time?

From: Gray Ghost
Yawn. That still does nothing to prove the accuser was a victim in this case.

But, hey, she's had 16 years to piece together her story....it must be true.


From: bad karma
Having defended sexual assault cases, a significant percentage of them were false. And many were demonstrably false, not just cases that resulted in acquittals. Matt is right here.

From: Glunt@work
If we are boiling this down to basic instincts to judge the behavior of Matt and this woman, Matt might win. Nature is often not a gentle courtship.

We aren't animals of course. What matters is what really happened. That will be hard to ever know for sure. Matt got fired, that is not a surprise or out of line for anyone who is having sex at work unless you work at the Mustang Ranch. What we may never know is how we would judge the situation if we were a fly on the wall.

I have seen women and men do crazy things when they are desperate. Desperate to keep a job, desperate to get money, desperate to get revenge, desperate to win affection, desperate to get ahead, etc.

If we toss out being impartial and waiting for facts we aren't doing anyone any good. I've been in the workforce for a long time. I have seen bosses (male and female) use their position to get in bed with subordinates. I have also seen subordinates (male and female) use sex to influence the boss's decisions.

From: 70lbdraw
I find it ironic how liberal women scream about being equal to men, yet they refuse to protect themselves from the men they claim to be equal to. Anything to draw attention to their victimhood is the order of the day...regardless of their own personal morals.

From: BowSniper
In this one case at least it wasn't a matter of fighting back, or even freezing. What a terribly inaccurate and self-serving example! A married woman unbuttoned her own shirt and whipped out her cans when asked. Probably not the first time she ever did that either... just the most famous.

From: Annony Mouse
Obama mentor and founder of the modern Democrat proregressive left...!!!

Bill Ayers and gang rape

The current sex crimes dragnet sweeping across the country, pulling in celebrities, media millionaires, and politicians, has yet to reel in a high-profile professor from the hallowed halls of academia

Will Bill Ayers be the first?

In a 2006 Frontpagemag article entitled "Remembering a Sixties Terrorist," a woman named Donna Ron recounted what she described as "the defining event of my life."

As a sophomore at the University of Michigan in 1965, Ron was caught up in the antiwar movement when she met and dated Ayers. Two months after meeting Ayers, Ron alleges that he locked her in his apartment and told her she couldn't leave until she had sex with his roommate and his brother.

From FrontPageMag (warning graphic language):

Bill Ayers' apartment was around the corner and a half a block away from the sorority house… Sometimes I would stop by... What I do recall is that when I was getting ready to leave Ayers told me I couldn't go until I slept with his roommate and his brother.

At first I thought Ayers was joking. I got up; and went to the door. He moved quickly to block me at the doorway. He locked the door and put the chain on it. I went to the couch and sat down and told him that I had no intention of having sex with his roommate and his brother or him. He said that I had no choice but to do as he said if I wanted to get out of there. He claimed that I wouldn't sleep with his married roommate because he was black – that I was a bigot.

I felt trapped. I had to get out of the situation I was in and because he was so effective a guilt-tripper, I also felt I had to prove to him that I wasn't a bigot. I got up from the couch and walked over to the black roommate's bed and put myself on it and he [f-----] me. I went totally out of my body. I floated beside myself on the outside and above the bed looking at this black stranger [f---] me angrily while I hated myself.

After that I had to go lie down on Bill Ayer's bed for his brother to [s----] me. Rick Ayers was a decent person, unlike his brother, and couldn't go through with it He started and stopped and let me go. I also thought I had to let Bill [s----] me but at that point he unbolted the door and I left.

I remember going back to the sorority house and talking to my best girlfriend and telling her what had happened. But there were no words yet to describe it. There was no term "date rape" yet in our political vocabulary...

I was a mess and felt it was my fault for letting it happen. I was ashamed. Back home at the end of the semester, I got my parents to send me to a psychiatrist.

In 2008, Ron repeated the details of her ordeal to WND, adding, "I was terrified. People underestimate terrorism by psychological intimidation. I felt like I was being held prisoner."

It's been almost ten years since Ron alleged that Ayers set up a gang-rape in his apartment. At the time, her story was confined to a few alternative conservative websites (ironic, considering that Ron was an Obama supporter and committed socialist).

Today, not only are women with similar narratives being heard, but the men they accuse are being held accountable.

The avalanche of accusations in recent weeks, beginning with Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, suggests that Ron's horrific encounter with Ayers could resurface. To date, Ayers's only response to Ron's accusation came in 2001. After discovering that the terrorist had gone on to fame and fortune at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ron emailed him about what happened at his apartment in 1965. Ayers said he "did not remember her."

Ron, who has resided in Israel for many years, may not be aware that the tide has turned here in the U.S., but the timing couldn't be more perfect to subject the terrorist to the same scrutiny as other outed alleged sexual predators. As a co-founder of the Weather Underground, Ayers boasted about the group's willingness to engage in all kinds of deviant sex. His admission makes Donna's story even more credible. Not only that, but her narrative and Ayers's sordid history suggest the real possibility that there may be more of Ayers's victims out there. Now the question is, after aggressively targeting other millionaire males, many of whom have lost their jobs, when will the mainstream media go after Bill Ayers?

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