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Trump Will Not Go Quietly
Contributors to this thread:
'Ike' (Phone) 15-Dec-17
Thumper 15-Dec-17
Atheist 15-Dec-17
HA/KS 15-Dec-17
HA/KS 15-Dec-17
Bentstick81 15-Dec-17
Woods Walker 15-Dec-17
TSI 15-Dec-17
Bowfreak 15-Dec-17
Shuteye 15-Dec-17
tonyo6302 15-Dec-17
Sixby 15-Dec-17
Mike the Carpenter 15-Dec-17
Shuteye 15-Dec-17
Atheist 15-Dec-17
Bentstick81 15-Dec-17
Stalker 15-Dec-17
Annony Mouse 15-Dec-17
Annony Mouse 16-Dec-17
Annony Mouse 16-Dec-17

'Ike' (Phone)'s Link
Pretty good read by Buchanan...

WASHINGTON – On Aug. 9, 1974, Richard Nixon bowed to the inevitability of impeachment and conviction by a Democratic Senate and resigned.

The prospect of such an end for Donald Trump has this city drooling. Yet, comparing Russiagate and Watergate, history is not likely to repeat itself.


From: Thumper
Hell will most likey freeze over first but its time for some of the Democrats to help Trump drain the swamp, surely they all can't be pelosi stupid.

From: Atheist
Trump is the swamp. He regularly courts lobbyists. His business is in full swing violating emoluments. He brags about bringing manufacturing back to the US but his products are made overseas as well as his daughters. He claims to be transparent but won’t release his taxes, he claims to be for the working class and throws them cents on the dollar while promoting huge conglomerates and Wall Street. He’s clearly obstructed justice and claims no connections w Russia but look at the indictments and the investigation. Face it, you got sold a bill of goods that’s rotten and stinking. At some point you’ll recognize it.

From: HA/KS
"surely they all can't be pelosi stupid." They keep electing her to the house and as their leader in the house, so yes they can all be that stupid.

From: HA/KS
obama and hilary using the government to attack the trump campaign makes the Watergate burglary look like J-walking in comparison. If we actually had a viable press, 75% of the high-ranking members of the obama administration would already be in prison.

From: Bentstick81
atheist. You are a FRAUD. The only thing that is rotten and stinking, is you. You can't even be honest, about yourself. PHONY!

From: Woods Walker
X2 Henry. And the sad fact that they're NOT is in-your-face evidence that our rule of law is dying. And if they get away with it then this is only the tip of the iceberg. Imagine weaponized government agencies persecuting American people for political reasons by politicians who are above the very laws they create, as well as SELECTIVELY enforcing those same laws as is already being done with illegal aliens.

From: TSI
The optics are that this is a Democrats scandal involving willing fbi,state dept,and DOJ employees that conspired to first stop the candidate with a fake Russia scandal that became an out of control coverup investigation when the insurance policy failed!The optics clearly involves Obama prior to his leaving office.Anyone that can not see the real corruption is blinded by partisan hate and history will reflect this at some point.

From: Bowfreak
I love how we get the "Trump will not go away silently" stuff even from our side. This infers that he did something wrong and will be impeached. He has done nothing and will not be impeached. Forget about it. You can't even get a majority in the house and no way you get 2/3 in the Senate. He hasn't done anything to warrant impeachment but even if he did, they don't have the votes.

From: Shuteye
Putin says, in the newspaper, he can't understand why the media and liberals keep trashing Trump. The economy is booming and things look better than when Obama was in office.

From: tonyo6302

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A very dear friend of mine went through a nasty divorce. He wasn't even living with his soon to be ex, but she called the Law several times, made up stuff, and he was arrested 4 times. ( all charges eventually dismissed )

Anyway, on his fourth trip to the Onslow County Pokey, he asked the Deputy, "You know she is lying, don't ya."

What the Deputy replied to him shook me to the core, and I have never forgotten it. He said, "Mr. Sminthyjonsey, do you think that you are the first person to spend time in jail because someone lied?"

Similarly, with the right people, media, and Judges in place, there is no doubt in my mind Trump can be impeached and Convicted for no crimes committed.

From: Sixby
The Democrat Party is destroyed/ It simply no longer exists/ There are still Democrats but there is no party. Anyone that would join it or support it would have to as crazy as those that claim it now. They are not going down. They are at this moment laying face down in a 6 inch mud hole. Exposed as Janet Jackson at the Superbowl. Anyone with a mind knows this. They have no agenda and cannot co-opt Trumps success.

The Republican Party is right on their tails and better get it together or this Republic , in order to remain a two party system will have to have a constitutional convention and form two new constitutionally sound parties. The Socialist agenda cannot be allowed to continue to grow and the corruption and capitulation in the present Republican Party cannot be allowed to proceed further. Drain the swamp and all kinds of critter are coming to the surface.

God bless, Steve

“Putin says, in the newspaper, he can't understand why the media and liberals keep trashing Trump. The economy is booming and things look better than when Obama was in office.” .

Kinda just answered Putin’s question in his own statement.

From: Shuteye
Putin and Trump talked on the phone today so I suppose the liberals will have to change their diapers.

From: Atheist
Trump has not made public everything they spoke about. But he is the trans parent president, right? Why hasn't he done anything about enforcing sanctions? When did Russia stop being our adversary?

The fact that he cares so deeply, about whether Putin approves of him is chilling and sad at the same time.

From: Bentstick81
atheist. You are a FRAUD.

From: Stalker
" When did Russia stop being our adversary?"

During the Obama administration when SOS Clinton gave Russia a pretty little red button! Or maybe when Obama said he would have much more flexibility with them after the following election! ;)

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
Another Democrat version of "pay-to-play" ;o)

From: Annony Mouse
This should be a very hard one for any Representative to vote "NO" a negative vote in today's political environment of accusation will certainly be used when it comes to re-election.

House Bill Would Name Those Who Have Used Taxpayer Funds to Settle Sex Harassment Claims

( — Legislation introduced by Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) last month would require the Congressional Office of Compliance to submit to Congress the names of those members who have used taxpayer funds to settle sexual harassment claims, require the members to reimburse the U.S. Treasury, and void non-disclosure agreements so victims can tell their stories.

The “Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act,” introduced by DeSantis on Nov. 30, currently has 88 co-sponsors.

“What does it say about the sincerity of Congress in combatting harassment when members and staff can have taxpayers cover for their misconduct while keeping it all secret?,” DeSantis said in a statement. “This legislation will protect taxpayers by making congressional settlement data public, barring tax dollars from being used to bail out congressional misconduct and requiring reimbursement of the treasury by members and staff who have had taxpayer-financed settlements paid on their behalf. The bill will also allow victims to speak publicly about harassment suffered irrespective of any non-disclosure agreements.”

Drain the swamp!

From: Annony Mouse
Hundreds of EPA Employees Have Quit Under Trump

"Over 700 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency have quit or taken early retirement during the Trump administration so far, bringing the agency close to employment levels not seen since Reagan..."

"...Career bureaucrats taking voluntary buyouts is helping Pruitt and the Trump administration meet their goal of cutting the EPA workforce by 25 percent..."

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has fired 4 senior officials at the Dept. of the Interior for “inappropriate behavior”

[…] “I am speaking today to make it clear that the culture of harassment and intimidation, which this administration has inherited, has come to an end,” Zinke said.

Allegations of widespread harassment circulated for months toward the end of the Obama administration. Inspector General reports detailed unresolved harassment cases at Grand Canyon National Park and De Soto National Memorial.

Former NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis took over the agency in 2009 after he was tapped for the position by former President Barack Obama.

“By almost any measure, Jon Jarvis is the worst Park Service Director within living memory,” Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Executive Director Jeff Ruch told Grand Canyon News after Jarvis resigned. “In a misguided quest for ‘relevancy,’ Jarvis repeatedly sold out the very values and resources at the core of the Park Service mission.” MORE

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