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Super Bowl Coin Toss
Contributors to this thread:
Jimbo 01-Feb-18
South Farm 01-Feb-18
Owl 01-Feb-18
Kodiak 01-Feb-18
sleepyhunter 01-Feb-18
Owl 01-Feb-18
Tiger-Eye 01-Feb-18
Kodiak 01-Feb-18
foxbo 01-Feb-18
Rocky 01-Feb-18
Russ Koon 01-Feb-18
Bentstick81 01-Feb-18
tafkas 01-Feb-18
SB 01-Feb-18
From: Jimbo
The NFL will have 15 Medal of Honor recipients participating in the coin toss before the start of the Super Bowl.

From: South Farm
Seems to me the NFL is talking out of both sides of their mouth. Either your for vets and the military or your against kneeling during the Anthem. Which is it?

From: Owl
I don't see it that way. The NFL is clearly standing by the flag, the anthem, etc. They are also doing so in a profound way by allowing the kneelers to express themselves, ungrateful knuckleheads that they are. I know many do not see it as such but compulsory allegiance is vacuous patriotism.

I am for the NFL continuing to slice their own throats. I have a big problem with the league, the owners, most of the head coaches, and I would say a very small percentage of the players and team staff. I totally support their right to disrespect anything they want. I predict football is dead as a viable sport until the fix the CTE thing. They have cancelled most of youth football leagues where I live due to lack of participation.

From: Kodiak
Disagree Owl, it's simply called 'damage control'.

From: sleepyhunter
That's good there will be Medal of Honor recipients there. I'll see the highlights on the news. If I had had to pick my favorite I guess it would be the Eagles.

From: Owl
I'm sure there's an element of that, Kodiak, but, it certainly let's you know which side of the debate they are aligning themselves.

From: Tiger-Eye
if someone kneels I hope a vet goes over and punches them right in the smacks

From: Kodiak
Trying to appease both sides. That never works and never will.

From: foxbo
That'll make us all forget of the kneeling basturds.

From: Rocky
That is the root problem in this country. There is a multitude of discontented sides with their numbers quickly multiplying.

The Rock

From: Russ Koon
I agree with Owl on this. I think his words on this subject are the most efficient expression of the opinion we seem to share......"compulsory allegiance is vacuous patriotism".

I suspect that many of the kneelers will see their value to their team diminished somwhat come contract time or following a mediocre performance season, but that's free enterprise at work. Few owners will likely be as willing to dig deep into their pocketbooks to keep a player who has embarassed and alienated the fan base.There are players waiting in the wings to replace them.

From: Bentstick81
I will watch the Medal of Honor Recipients do the coin toss, then change the channel. I won't miss a thing.

From: tafkas
What we need is a 70 year old black woman to go over and smack the shot out of anyone kneeling. Lets see how fast everyone stands up then.

From: SB
So are they going to "touch" football?

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