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Contributors to this thread:
slade 23-Feb-18
Atheist 23-Feb-18
Scar Finga 23-Feb-18
'Ike' (Phone) 23-Feb-18
Bentstick81 23-Feb-18
Atheist 23-Feb-18
jdee 23-Feb-18
Bentstick81 23-Feb-18
lawdy 23-Feb-18
jjs 23-Feb-18
Beendare 23-Feb-18
Woods Walker 23-Feb-18
HDE 23-Feb-18
PECO 24-Feb-18
PECO 24-Feb-18
foxbo 24-Feb-18
Rocky 24-Feb-18
Atheist 24-Feb-18
foxbo 24-Feb-18
DL 24-Feb-18
lawdy 24-Feb-18
Woods Walker 24-Feb-18
DL 24-Feb-18
Sixby 24-Feb-18
scentman 25-Feb-18
Woods Walker 25-Feb-18
Atheist 25-Feb-18
Bentstick81 25-Feb-18
Woods Walker 25-Feb-18
Woods Walker 25-Feb-18
Thumper 25-Feb-18
Bentstick81 25-Feb-18
foxbo 25-Feb-18
Woods Walker 26-Feb-18
gflight 26-Feb-18
DL 26-Feb-18
From: slade
Obama and his brown-shirts-Organizing for America are ready to help, you know"" Never Let a Tragedy go to Waste"' FORward

From: Atheist
He’s consistently supported kids. It’s nice to have a leader who commends kids speaking up rather than attacking them as actors, snowflakes etc. Too bad we no longer have a president that these kids can look up to. We have a billionaire more worried about tweets and helping his friends than running a country. The only thing sad is our current president.

From: Scar Finga
HEY... GFY! U know what that means?

‘If I had a son’ comes to mind...

From: Bentstick81
atheist. Only kids obama supported was ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, (DACA). obama couldn't care less for America's kids. He is about as PHONY as you are.

From: Atheist
So many snowflakes triggered by a real President unlike the fraud we have now.

From: jdee
Just like a carpetbagger....Obama.

From: Bentstick81
Ya atheist, you little wuss. You and the "ILLEGALS loving obama" are just a like. He hated America, just as much as you do.

From: lawdy
I voted for Obama the first time because I really thought he would unite this country. Racism bothers me as I witnessed it as a kid. I found out he was a phoney and a divider. My wife, who saw the KKK in action as a kid in Louisiana voted for him too, and like me , soon realized that we voted for a true racist and phoney. A good talker, but nothing is there but greed, deceit, and a huge ego. Trump has a huge ego, a big mouth, but I think his heart is in the right place. At least, I hope so, because, this country has been a tinderbox for quite a while. I am afraid that Trump will be removed or just say I quit, and the Constitution will be trashed. We will be ripe for a dictatorship. Lose the second amendment, and the 1st will be history. Hopefully, everyone of us that took that oath the day we enlisted or were drafted will remember the part to uphold and defend the Constitution.

From: jjs
Atheist you have to be against the 2nd amendment which is to prevent tyranny, even I would pick up my weapon to defend your beliefs even tho I am completely against what Obama and inc did and represented. Anyone that supported Bill Ayres , Rev Wright and the left wing radicals have no respect for personal freedom except communism. Do a favor and go read about Woodrow Wilson (the first progressive) and come back and explain how great that era was for the common man. How can I explain to someone that couldn't understand it anyway, just wasting space on this one.

From: Beendare
He has their backs? Typical liberal Dem BS.

What did he do in 8 years as president to stop school shootings? 8 YEARS!!!! NOTHING......and you have their backs...HA, what kind of idiot still gladly swallows that cow dung?

From: Woods Walker
"He’s consistently supported kids."

Oh really Abe? Like the children who survived a late term abortion who that son of a bitch wanted to let die? Tell me Abe, or whoever the **** you pretend to be today, how else could he have "supported" these kids, having them skinned alive for research?

From: HDE
obama is a traitor to this country and should be treated as such.

From: PECO
I wish obummer would go to one of the 51-56 states and reside. Worst excuse for a President ever, the "apology" Prez.

From: PECO
I wish obummer would go to one of the 51-56 states and reside. Worst excuse for a President ever, the "apology" Prez.

From: foxbo
I can't stand the bastard. I really hate the "C" suckers who supported him, as they are worst than him. Liberals need to be death with. Maybe we need to tell them that true rewards are two miles off shore and that they need to swim there.

From: Rocky
Children with their vast knowledge of experience of the world and its workings must be being listened to closely because the adults, also gold card members, do not seems to have a clue either.

The Rock

From: Atheist
The kids of Parkland aren’t fooling around. Emma Gonzalez now has more twitter followers than the NRA. All within days. These kids were born into the internet and will use social media to create a tsunami of change. Better yet (or worse for most of you here). They will all be eligible to vote in 2020. In fact they’ve already started a registration drive for 17 year olds online state by state. There’s no stopping a tidal wave of pissed off teens.

From: foxbo
twitter followers don't contribute money, you fool. NRA members are a solid organization who put their money where their mouths are.

Maybe theses kids should stop and take a good look at their own police department who had four standing outside of the school listening to rifle fire as they cowardly cringed behind a stone wall. You should understand them as pussies like yourself.

You and your kind are what's wrong with this Country. Idiot MFers.

From: DL
What will happen once the camera crews pull out? Life will get back to the way it was. They are teenagers they will be detracted with life just like every other school. Graduation is looming. Speaches will be given, kids will be off on vacations. Some will concentrate on going into the workforce and have 40 hour a week jobs. Obla Dee Obla Da, life goes on.

From: lawdy
Atheist, they're kids. They live off their parents, pay high insurance rates because they drive like idiots, love drama, and hell, half of them need mummy to get them up in the morning. Teach a classroom of average kids and tell me what world changers they are. I don't believe you teach a full class load from A level down to Special Needs. I taught 5 classes of 25-30 kids apiece. There are some great ones but they are still kids. Until society changes nothing will change. We will run from solution to solution because we as a nation are not willing to address broken families, loss of morality, mental illness, and responsibility for our own actions. We care more for money than kids safety. Banks have guards. Prepare yourself for more killings because, even if you ban AK's you can't stop crazy when you take the easy way out. Take every gun from law-abiding citizens and the crazies will still kill. Get used to it atheist. In my career I taught 6 kids out of several thousand who murdered. 3 used hammers and axes, one used a knife, one used a bow, and one used a rifle. All came from broken, screwed up families and with one, drugs were involved. It's worse now. Yeah, a bunch of teeny boppers twittering are going to straighten this out. Right.

From: Woods Walker
Wait until they realize that law enforcement left them high and dry.

From: DL

DL's Link

From: Sixby
Does anyone here believe that these kids are astute enough to realize that the left left them in their time of desperation? When will they , and the blacks and the Dreamers realize that the only help and the only ones that really care about them are on the right? Will they ever get it?

God bless, Steve

From: scentman
In his own words dishonest abe admits he is testing you for his social experiment... just ignore the troll guys and everyones blood pressure will return to normal... dont be duped by such a shallow minded individual. No more trolls!

From: Woods Walker
"So many snowflakes triggered by a real President unlike the fraud we have now."

You mean like the Paul Zeiden who's also Abe Froman? Yes, you would certainly know about frauds! The fraud lecturing us about frauds....too funny! You lie SO much Paulabe that you DON'T KNOW THAT YOU'RE LYING! Reality is no longer in your frame of reference.

Atheist: You answer to Paul Zeiden but you list your name as Abe Froman. Which one are you and why do you continue to lie? Do you not know the difference anymore?

From: Atheist
So funny to see grown men afraid of a bunch of smart high school kids. I’m enjoying this immensely. Sadly Some NRA memebers are sending death threats to those kids that survived that Parkland HS shooting. But hey that’s trumps America now.

From: Bentstick81
Prove the death threats, atheist. Lets see them.

From: Woods Walker
Atheist: You answer to Paul Zeiden but you list your name as Abe Froman. Which one are you and why do you continue to lie? Do you not know the difference anymore?

How long are you going to avoid answer my question this time?

From: Woods Walker
Still waiting Paulabe. Stop being a chickensh*t. Maybe you can get a job as a police officer in Broward County Florida. We want an answer.

From: Thumper
"He’s consistently supported kids. It’s nice to have a leader who commends kids speaking up rather than attacking them as actors, snowflakes etc"

obama has consistently exploited kids, you know all about the Bill Ayers doctrine. If in fact you're not really Bill Ayers.

From: Bentstick81
atheist, a democrat. Are you LYING to us again??? Can't come up with proof of what you claim? SHOCKING.8^)))

From: foxbo
Atheist and the liberal mind set are the greatest threat to this nation. His kind even thinks we made progress under obamy. They are mentally challenged and don't have a clue. It's like they are possessed by the devil, or an extraterrestrial. If we were smart, we would find a way to eliminate them now. I can't tolerate a liberal.

From: Woods Walker
Atheist: You answer to Paul Zeiden but you list your name as Abe Froman. Which one are you and why do you continue to lie?

From: gflight
If you're not a Democrap at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a Repuglican at forty you have no brain. If you are not for Liberty you don't have critical thinking/reasoning skills.....

From: DL
“Smart high school kids” Now there’s a humerous quote.

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