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There is already a March for Life
Contributors to this thread:
HA/KS 28-Feb-18
Owl 28-Feb-18
TGbow 01-Mar-18
TGbow 01-Mar-18
shade mt 01-Mar-18
shade mt 01-Mar-18
sportoutfitter 01-Mar-18
bad karma 01-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 01-Mar-18
Owl 01-Mar-18
scentman 01-Mar-18
tonyo6302 01-Mar-18
TGbow 01-Mar-18
scentman 01-Mar-18
Owl 01-Mar-18
HA/KS 01-Mar-18
jjs 01-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 01-Mar-18
jjs 01-Mar-18
TGbow 01-Mar-18
Owl 01-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 01-Mar-18
TGbow 01-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 01-Mar-18
scentman 01-Mar-18
Sixby 02-Mar-18
scentman 03-Mar-18
Atheist 03-Mar-18
TGbow 03-Mar-18
HA/KS 03-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 03-Mar-18
TGbow 03-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 03-Mar-18
TGbow 03-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 03-Mar-18
Atheist 03-Mar-18
TGbow 03-Mar-18
Sixby 03-Mar-18
TGbow 03-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 03-Mar-18
ben yehuda 03-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 03-Mar-18
HA/KS 04-Mar-18
shade mt 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
Annony Mouse 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
Annony Mouse 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
HA/KS 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
HA/KS 04-Mar-18
Annony Mouse 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
BIG BEAR 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
Annony Mouse 04-Mar-18
TGbow 04-Mar-18
HA/KS 04-Mar-18
scentman 06-Mar-18
HA/KS 06-Mar-18
scentman 06-Mar-18
From: HA/KS

HA/KS's Link
There is already a march that promotes actions that would actually save the lives of millions of kids.

The Florida kids just need to get on board instead of allowing leftists of all persuasions to use them for their evil purposes.

From: Owl
The unborn aren't really people HA. They would require time, oxygen, food and water to have a future. Not like humans at all.

From: TGbow
I know for a fact they are people, ever held a 5 month term baby? I have, 9 yrs ago.

From: TGbow
Liberals are hypocrites...they say they are for the kids but they are ok with the abortion mills.

We've killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.

From: shade mt
Owl..Unborn aren't people? I'm going to do my best to be nice. Bet your glad your mother didn't think you weren't a person either. Amazing how you got to live but its ok for another unborn not to? selfish?...yea.

I have 5 children.

I can flat guarantee first yes they do need oxygen , food ect..their mother supplies it. They also hear their mother, sense her presence, go where she goes. When mine were still in the womb they knew my wife, heard me and their older siblings outside the womb ect...they were a part of our family before they were born.

If you were to walk up to me and tell me my kids were not people, or didn't have right to life before they were born....I may very likely knock you on your butt.....and I am being nice.

From: shade mt
I will tell you...If someone would have tried to take my children from the womb before they were born....I would have fought to my death to save them.....that feeling never changed, And they are adults now....

Wake up America...its getting weird.

I’m almost positive Owl meant that sarcastically Shade. I nearly flipped when I first read it also. Then I thought about who posted it. I’ve read too many of Owls posts to think he meant that literally. At least I hope I’m right.

From: bad karma
I'll guarantee Owl was being sarcastic.

Don't just talk the talk... walk the walk....... Adopt some kids.

From: Owl
"time, oxygen, food and water" - these are the essential elements we deny babies when we abort. Formation is the basis upon which pro-abortion folks build their arguments. (Not so) curiously, these are also the exact elements we deny people when we commit murder. There is no difference. The DNA is the same - never changes from conception to grave. It's not like we are conferred qualitative inherent difference emerging from the womb. Further, the concept of full formation is never actually achieved. Not when we are making 4 million new blood cells every few seconds we live.

In my world, debates are settled on logic and it is completely illogical to suggest murdering infants is ok because they are "not fully formed" or not human.

From: scentman
Abortion is THE most horrific act in the world today... do you honestly believe our Creator is OK with that? Little innocents tore apart and either dumped in a trash bin or sold body parts... you talk about Hitler, America is no different... look in the mirror and tell yourself its not murder. In today's society all that really matters is money and power, human life to some means nothing.

From: tonyo6302
"ever held a 5 month term baby?"

.. .. ..

. ... ..

Last February, I had a granddaughter born at 20 weeks. She lived for a couple of hours. One more week old, and I would have been holding her today.

Still can't talk about it much.

From: TGbow
tonyo, sorry for your loss.

I can relate. It's a very hard thing to go through.

From: scentman
so sorry to hear that tonyo... you are in my thoughts and prayers. scentman

From: Owl

Very sorry to hear the news. There are no words.

From: HA/KS
"Don't just talk the talk... walk the walk....... Adopt some kids."

Not so easy to do if you are a Christian, straight, or a gun owner the system is stacked against you.

BTW, there are many people waiting for a baby of any race, creed, or color but they are being killed or kept as welfare pawns instead of being adopted.

Several local churches have started a plan to make more homes available for fostering in this area.

From: jjs
First abortion I was in on was in the USN Hospital Corpsmen when I was 20 yrs old, the base CO brought his 16 yr old daughter in about 0200 for abortion and at that time for her term was using a suction machine (super sucker). I was responsible for setting up and disposing and cleaning up along with monitoring the person while procedure was being applied. In the end it was not a pleasant experience nor was delivering still borns. Was it life that was being ended, yes it was and did it effect me, yes it did. Witness some good moments while detailed in Labor/Delivery and some real sad cases in seeing deform babies, but the miracle of life is awesome to witness and killing it for convenience is immoral. That was my last duty before ETS out and left the biggest impact on me more than dealing with the wounded from Nam.

Why do you have to adopt a baby ?? I'll give you the phone number to Orchards Children's Services if you'd like..... They have lots of kids waiting for homes.......

From: jjs
Big Bear, my wife and I adopted a baby Down Syndrome girl 23.5 yrs ago. Just got back from a western bow hunt and pick the phone up and our family life was changed after that, have a caller id ever since. lol

From: TGbow
Adoption is a great thing but it has nothing to do with the fact that we murder children everyday.

From: Owl
Big Bear has a point because many folks advocate abortion to lesson the burden on social services of varying inceptions - both public and private.

The church also has culpability in the proliferation of abortion, too, because it is a source of shame that motivates women to terminate to hide a pregnancy. That's not doctrinal, though; that is a result of Christians behaviorally conforming to world (secular humanism).

It has everything to do with it TG...... If you are an advocate to end abortion then you must be an advocate for adoption.....

Good for you jjs !!!!!

From: TGbow
People that do not adopt are not responsible for abortions.

I agree, adoption is a good thing.

It's easy to sit back and say have an unwanted baby instead of an abortion....... it's much more difficult to say you will raise that unwanted baby. I was adopted. I am not totally against all abortions.

From: scentman
Nothing is easy when it comes to this conversation, specially when we are discussing an act that is legal yet deemed immoral... I myself have been in foster care when family could have easily taken care of me...so i guess i just feel a kinship to an innocent that is just something that gets in someones way...after all its their right to do as they want with their body not considering the life they created... its called selfishness and it runs rampant in this culture.

From: Sixby
Simply rebrand abortion as womans right to murder babies/ Why stop Jezabel? Could it be that she cursed Israel? This actually goes further than abortion and is so evil it is almost unspeakable except to inform people. It is nothing less than human sacrifice as practiced by Israel and is why God sent Nebuchadnezzar to sack Jerusalem and take Israel captive. They were burning their children in the arms of Molech and had taken on the sins of Caanan and false gods. No different today and the same culture still exists. Planned parenthood selling murdered baby parts ect and states like Oregon passing laws using tax dollars to perform full term abortions for anyone asking , even illegal aliens and then putting those baby parts on ships to go to who knows where and for how many dollars./ It doesn't get more wicked than that yet that is happening right here and right now in real time and no one is stopping it. This nation will reject this, repent of it or will be destroyed by God himself.

God bless,Steve

From: scentman
Sixby, don't talk like that... the stock market was down this week, get your priorities straight... pray for those little ones.

From: Atheist
Unless you’ve been in the situation decided between a doctor and patient, reserve judgement. Imagine someone telling you that you shouldn’t have a medical procedure because they find it offensive. Like it or not, It’s the law, and banning abortion will only create back alley abortions that lack proper medical care.

From: TGbow
Atheist, it was legal to own a human being in this country before 1865. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right. A woman does have a right to her own body but the baby is a person of it's own with it's own DNA. Just from a scientific standpoint the baby is it's own person.

What Steve pointed out is the fact that God will not turn a blind eye to this atrocity. Whether we believe in God or not doesn't change the truth.

Natural law within everyone tells us certain things are wrong, but some people push aside that instinct and do the opposite and sometimes become hardened in the process.

Most of the people that push for gun control have no problem with abortion.

Just because a group of men on the supreme court in 1973 declared it legal don't chnage the fact that it's wrong.

Reminds me of the argument back in the 1800s...some would say I dont like slavery but a person should have the right to own slaves...pitiful argument.

From: HA/KS
BB, we help support a local home for unwed mothers. It has been open for many years, but over the last 20, only 2 have given up the baby.

That's a good thing Henry,, But there are somewhere between 420,000 and 600,000 kids in the United States in foster care.... awaiting adoption... So don't tell me about waiting lists to get a baby. You can preach morality and abstinence and family values until you're blue in the face...... but that's not going to change anything and give those kids a permanent home.

From: TGbow
The fact that children are waiting for adoption does not change the fact that abortion is murder.

To tell someone they shouldnt talk about how bad abortion is because they haven't adopted a child is rediculous.

Talk about what to do with the unwanted children too....

From: TGbow
What you saying BB is not relevant to the fact that abortion is murder.

Adoption is a great thing but it's not relevant to the fact that abortion is murder.

Great. I'm just looking for a solution when the number of kids waiting for a home in the U.S. goes from a half a million to millions..........

From: Atheist
Amazing: “don’t have that abortion!!! It’s murder!!! Then when momma needs food, medicine and shelter and a public education for that baby “stop mooching and gaming the system!!” “It’s your responsibility not ours!”

The baby becomes uneducated and begins a life of crime out of desperation. “Jail that kid!” “He doesn’t deserve to live among us!!” Amazing.

From: TGbow
So, it's ok to murder children because of what happens to other children. BB said he was adopted, sounds to me like he has done well with his life and I'm glad. Lots of people turn out bad that were not adopted, believe me I know.

I agree we should be pro life from conception to death.

But imagine a woman rescues a drowning child from a pool..is that woman responsible for taking care of that child because she wanted the child to live?

I have done things in my life to be honest...as bad as a woman having an abortion. I am the cheif of sinners but I desire to live a Christian life though I fail more than I care to think about.

I think all children are precious...inside and outside the womb. When we buried my son 9 yrs ago we had plans to adopt but due to things I don't care to talk about we didn't.

Our nation is in a sad state. All life is sacred.

From: Sixby
I'm glad many of you appreciate that God owns those babies and un adopted children. They are all precious in his sight and God bless you all for caring. As I stated, God will destroy this nation if we do not reject murder and abortion of his children. Put yourself in his place and consider how you would feel is someone was murdering your children and even selling their little bodies. I tell you for a fact that God is extremely angry with this nation and has given us a chance to repent and turn from our wickedness. I thank him continually for that and pray for those that he has given us and the opportunity to get it right. I believe , hope and pray that many who support a womans right to choose will see just how wrong a womans right to murder is and stop supporting it and those that practice it.

God bless, Steve

From: TGbow
Steve, you speak the truth. Whatever the economy does or anything else, for that matter, wont matter as long as we allow this atrocity. We should have learned from slavery not to dehumanize any segment of people.

Yes I was one of the lucky ones..... adopted.

I'm not against all abortions and I'm not against assisted suicide..... both moral and legal questions....

The over whelming majority of abortions are for convenience sake alone. That is wrong and immoral. One could, perhaps, make a philosophical argument that abortion is morally permissible when the mother's life is at risk (an argument from self defense). Cases of rape and incest are deeply sad and grievous for the women involved, but killing a baby is not the solution.

However, being pro-life should be about more than simply being anti-abortion. I imagine that is what BB is getting at. Adoption may not be realistically possible for everyone. But it should be far more common. Plus, there are many ways to support children in the Child Welfare Systems across the US. Volunteer to be an advocate for children, volunteer time to serve at foster agencies, being a foster parents, maintaining certification as an emergency placement shelter home, etc.

I completely agree that suggesting a person doesn't care about children because they don't agree with the welfare state is a false premise. Just because someone has never adopted does not mean they have no right to speak out against abortion.

Nonetheless, as a nation we can do more as individuals (and churches as groups of individuals) to care for the unwanted, abused, and marginalized children among us. We don't have to leave it up to the state.

I agree wholeheartedly Ben....

From: HA/KS
Babies are NOT aborted because there is nobody wanting to adopt them.

Children who are in foster care are generally there because the parents did not take care of them.

I bet virtually none of them were given up by the birth mother then ended up in foster care because of what the adoptive parent did.

I personally know people who are trying to adopt - and are willing to take older children, even multiple siblings. They run a gauntlet for multiple years and then end up being denied the children for one reason or another.

As stated above, being Christian, straight, or a gun owner makes it almost impossible to adopt.

Bear, I respect you, but think you are way off on this one.

Give every child a day in court. If the mother can convince a court that the child has done something to deserve the death penalty, then kill the child. Otherwise, allow it to be born.

From: shade mt
I know when I held my children, and now my grandchildren, I cannot imagine doing anything to harm them, not now, not in the womb. The very thought of it makes me shudder. Everyday I pass by them and see their pictures on the top of the piano, and on our refrigerator and hanging on our walls ect.... When my oldest daughter was small I made a wooden plaque and put her fingerprint on the bottom below this poem. It hangs on our wall. She now is grown with a daughter of her own. That is the way GOD intends family to be. Satan and the devil tear down the family structure and destroy the sanctity of it, so ask yourself? who's side your on?

Sometimes you get discouraged Because I am so small, And always leave my fingerprints On furniture and walls. But everyday I am growing, -I'll be grown up someday, And all these tiny handprints Will simply fade away. So here's a final handprint Just so you can recall, Exactly how my fingers looked When I was very small. I love you!

Being Christian... straight or a gun owner makes it almost impossible to adopt. That's pure poppycock. Want me to take you by the hand into Orchards Children's Services ? You would have no problem adopting a child.

If there's a half a million children in foster care right now then there's a half a million mothers out there that gave those kids up. When we mandate that they can not have an abortion the cold hard reality is that the numbers of unwanted kids will swell...... wether they are given up at birth or as toddlers.

Moral question........ if a sperm enters an egg..... and it is aborted minutes after that happens...... is that murder ??

What effect do you think it will have on our country when prostitutes and heroin addicts and the half a million other women that already gave up their kids....... when they are no longer allowed to have abortions ??

Moral question........ Are you against assisted suicide of a loved one who is suffering severely...... ??

From: Annony Mouse
Big Bear...a biologist, you are not. ;o)

And you probably haven't seen a whole lot of young ladies that are caught up in prostitution and human trafficking and heroin.

From: Annony Mouse
Agree...but your initial statement is just so wrong from the biological aspects of reproduction. No offense intended.


From: HA/KS
BB, just found out that three teen sisters who have been in foster care for three years and people we know hoped to adopt were just sent back to their parents.

Kids are crying because they remember what that was like.

Your abortion philosophy sounds like keeping guns away from everyone to prevent the ones who will use them to kill.

I did not write the Bible, but accept that the One who did is always right.

How do you feel about assisted suicide ??

From: TGbow
If the individual themselves choose to end their life, if there is a terminal diagnosis, that is one thing. But, I would never be for the state having the power to decide that.

So it is OK to choose to end your own life ?? And to have another person assist you in doing so ??

From: TGbow
An unborn child has no say so in the situation. I don't think anyone should end their life. Guess I didn't do a good job of making my belief clear, I'm not that good at expalining myself sometimes.

In situations where there is a terminal situation, someone may choose to pull the plug, that's what I originally meant.

A child in the womb has no choice. So, to me, there is a difference.

But, we all have a freewill to believe what we want...whether we believe truth or not, we have a free will. I will just leave it at that. Abortion is murder of an inmocent human being, if you disagree. That's your choice, though it be wrong.

Ok... As any mouse pointed out.... I'm no biologist..... Is the morning after pill murder ??

You initially said if an individual themselves choose to end their life that is one thing.... That's a lot different than pulling the plug on someone who is unconscious and terminal.

From: TGbow
You are right BB, I did a bad job of wording my position.

From: HA/KS
I do not believe that God gave man the right to decide when to die.

From: Annony Mouse
BB...after an egg is fertilized, it must implant itself into the uterus to grow and develop into a fetus. The morning after prevents implantation. Also, not all fertilized eggs do implant and are passed unnoticed from the body.

That fertilized eggs, when implanted, can also be sloughed off the uterine wall for natural reasons at any time in development. After development in which the growing ball of cells becomes recognizable as a growing fetus, it still may be expelled--spontaneous abortion. Spontaneous abortion is natures method of preventing a lot of births due to chromosomal, biochemical and other abnormalities. Of course, sometimes mother nature does make a mistake and terminate a potentially healthy baby. The process of a growing fetus is very complex...not only due to its genetic make up, but also the condition and health of the mother.

This is just another problem of poor education and simplistic views when it comes to abortion...both pro-life and abortion is a right. Scientifically it has been determined what the various stages of fetal growth show with respect to life. Abortions are being performed when the fetus not only can feel pain, but has control over muscles, reacts to external stimuli...and our every improving medical technology allows younger and younger babies to survive prior to a full term birth.

Thank you doctor. My beliefs stand pat. I am not against all abortions. I am not against assisted suicide.

Thou shalt not kill is not absolute..... (Some people who think it is cannot get into my profession).....

From: TGbow
The word kill in the bible as translated means murder.

Killing someone in self defense is not the same in a biblical definition as murder.

A law enforcement officer that has to shoot someone in the line of duty is not a sin as far as the bible goes, or even killing in warfare.

Well some believe their religion does not allow them to kill under any circumstances....

From: TGbow
True BB

From: Annony Mouse
Well some believe their religion does allow them to kill under any circumstances.... this, too.

From: TGbow
Thats why I try to use the bible as my guide. It's the only real truth..whether we accept it or not.

I must confess I fall short.

From: HA/KS
The Bible is perfect. People who claim to or try to follow it are not.

From: scentman
"The Bible is perfect. People who claim to or try to follow it are not." We are saved by God's grace not man's works... if you want to take anything from the Bible this is God's message through Christ our Lord who died for all our sins and rose again to be with the Father.

From: HA/KS
" We are saved by God's grace not man's works." The essential truth of the Bible as it pertains to man and his relationship with God and good deeds.

From: scentman

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