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This SCOTUS Needs to Retire/Go Away
Contributors to this thread:
Annony Mouse 01-Apr-18
memengako 02-Apr-18
HDE 02-Apr-18
Yendor 02-Apr-18
gflight 02-Apr-18
Shuteye 02-Apr-18
Annony Mouse 02-Apr-18
Jim Moore 02-Apr-18
From: Annony Mouse
It seems that this fossil cannot adhere to her oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of this country:

Watch Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Denounce U.S. Constitution

Foxes are guarding the henhouse. Watch Ruth Bader Ginsburg — who is one of nine entrusted with the sacred duty of guarding the U.S. Constitution against infringement — denounce the Constitution in favor of vastly inferior documents:

Note that her first preference is for the constitution of South Africa — a country that is currently disintegrating into dysfunctional tyranny, whereas the USA is still flying high 229 years after the U.S. Constitution came into force.

Her former colleague John Paul Stevens does not think much of the U.S. Constitution either. He recently took to the pages of the execrable New York Times to call for abolishing the Second Amendment, which the Founders understood to be so crucial as to come second only after freedom of speech and religion.

No wicked schemes of terrorists or greedy ambitions of foreign rivals could ever threaten America as profoundly as allowing progressives on the Supreme Court.

Time for this old nag to be put out to pasture.

From: memengako
They're old and most likely have one foot on death's door. They're reciting their act of contrition for past opinionated sins pronounced from the bench. THEY'RE JUST INSURING THEY GO TO HEAVEN.

From: HDE
Sounds like outright treason to me...

From: Yendor
She can be impeached, but our lilly livered congress won't do a thing. I just hope that Trump can make another SCOTUS placement.

From: gflight
I don't wish death on anyone but would love to see her retire before Trump is voted out......

From: Shuteye
Handguns own the statistic for most gun kills. They won't announce they will go after them until later.

From: Annony Mouse

Annony Mouse's Link
The sagely wise Latina needs to go, too.

From: Jim Moore
That old bitch will hold on till the socialists take over.

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