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Duck Hunting with a bow
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
Beav 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
Ken 04-Apr-08
Sivart 04-Apr-08
masemaamed 04-Apr-08
Ty 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
CPAhunter 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
OneTrack 04-Apr-08
Beav 04-Apr-08
heartshot 04-Apr-08
Sivart 04-Apr-08
okiebones 10-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Matt 11-Apr-08
Matt 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Beav 11-Apr-08
Nelson 14-Apr-08
Beav 14-Apr-08
Ty 14-Apr-08
Beav 14-Apr-08
Beav 14-Apr-08
Beav 14-Apr-08
Man of Stihl 15-Apr-08
Beav 15-Apr-08
joeinmn 15-Apr-08
huskerbowhunter 15-Apr-08
slow mover 15-Apr-08
Marty 16-Apr-08
Marty 16-Apr-08
non typ 16-Apr-08
spikehorn 16-Apr-08
TNDeerHunter 16-Apr-08
Beav 16-Apr-08
Beav 16-Apr-08
Beav 16-Apr-08
Beav 16-Apr-08
Beav 16-Apr-08
LTG 16-Apr-08
diggiedirt 17-Apr-08
elknuts2 17-Apr-08
Bearcaller101 17-Apr-08
UTsportsman 17-Apr-08
Marty 18-Apr-08
Houska 18-Apr-08
Beav 18-Apr-08
elknuts2 18-Apr-08
Forrest Boone 18-Apr-08
Skeeter 18-Apr-08
4ks 18-Apr-08
masemaamed 18-Apr-08
G-Man 23-Sep-08
Erichardin 23-Sep-08
Rattus58 23-Sep-08
stan420 17-Oct-08
Skeeter 17-Oct-08
Shuteye 18-Oct-08
Brock-ID 19-Oct-08
slow mover 19-Oct-08
Hollywood 20-Oct-08
Pass-thru 27-Oct-08
Bowtech 28-Oct-08
Beav 28-Oct-08
howler 29-Oct-08
Beav 30-Oct-08
Hornseeker 30-Oct-08
aspen bulls 30-Oct-08
duxxngeese 19-Jan-09
sipe 19-Jan-09
The Old Sarge 19-Jan-09
STAN 19-Jan-09
Nates Daddy 12-Feb-09
Nates Daddy 12-Feb-09
RunsUpRiver 25-Oct-09
drayegon 26-Oct-09
RunsUpRiver 04-Nov-09
Beav 22-Dec-09
bowhunter4life 22-Dec-09
aussie 23-Dec-09
Thunderstick 23-Dec-09
heartshot 23-Dec-09
Elkhunter - Home 23-Dec-09
Beav 23-Dec-09
Gold Miner 23-Dec-09
DaleM 27-Dec-09
Darton8 19-Apr-10
Darton8 19-Apr-10
Beav 19-Apr-10
Ackie 20-Apr-10
Beav 20-Apr-10
Arrowflinger84 29-Apr-10
BrowningHog 27-Jan-11
bowfisher 27-Jan-11
From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
One of our favorite late season hunts here in Nebraska is duck hunting. I was wondering if anyone else does much of this. Two seasons ago we arrowed 99 ducks and 8 geese. Here are a few pics.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Here's another.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
Yet another.

From: Ken
What's the technique?

Is this an april fools joke?

I would think in Nebraska that the duck season ended....oh about a week or two before christmas.....this seems a little late in the year.

Also, I would have sworn that archery was not a legal method for taking waterfowl...much less the questions that come to my mind about how many limits of mallards 99 is.....

From the Nebraska Game and Parks commision website..

Legal Methods of Taking SHOTGUN: Only 10 gauge or smaller may be used for game birds. For waterfowl and other migratory game birds, including mourning doves, shotguns must be plugged to limit shell capacity to no more than three shells in the chamber and magazine combined. No plug is required for upland game birds. No plug or gauge restriction exists for cottontail rabbits and squirrels.

RIFLE or PISTOL: Illegal for all game birds.

BOW AND ARROW: Legal for rabbits, squirrels, and upland game birds. Legal for turkey, deer, elk, antelope and bighorn sheep with a special permit.

CROSSBOW: Legal for all game species, except prohibited for waterfowl and other migratory game birds. Special authority required to hunt deer, antelope or turkey.

TRAPPING: Legal for furbearers, cottontail, jackrabbit and squirrel during open season. Legal for unprotected species.

You might want to ask Pat if he'll remove those posts before a Federal Wildlife Agent comes knocking on your door.

.....a Duck is NOT an upland game bird.

From: Sivart
It's legal, I asked the Game and Parks commission personnally.

I've done the same thing, as long as it's during the regular waterfowl season, archery equipment is legal. This according to the Kearney Game and Parks office.

If it's legal....then I am for it.

From: masemaamed
Sweet pics! Details on how you do it?

From: Ty
Are you decoying them or what? I assume you are shooting them on the ground, maybe not.

From: Beav
First off I was bored and my pics were setting on my desk so I decided to post them. The season ended the middle of January. These pics are from Dec and January. We brush in a double bull and set out a few decoys. We usually wait until 90% of the water is froze up and then find the holes that are still open. We shoot them when they land. We use broadheads on the geese and rubber blunts and G-5 SGH on the ducks. Yes it is legal here in Nebraska.

Do you call?

From: CPAhunter
That's way cool. Quack 'em and whack 'em!

You shall now forever after be known as the "Quackmaster"

From: Beav
We only call when we think we need to. Honestly when I find ducks using an area late season they are limited on water sources so when they get accustomed to using a spot they will use it every day so calling really isn't needed. I usaully hoo fishing line to one decoy to get some ripples in the water. I've tried a mojo but a lot of times they would suck in to the setup but would flare at the last second with it. We set up well before daylight and then usually about sunup they start rolling in. Best part is when you hunt with the bow you don't spook other approaching flocks. We have some video from the last two years that is awesome. When I show it to people they can't believe it. I didn't get the shotgun out once the last two seasons.

that is amazing. I'm pretty happy just to shoot a limit with my shotgun.

From: Beav
One thing we make sure of and that is to brush the blind in as good as you can. Once we increased the amount of brush we piled on the blind the better our success was.

From: OneTrack
Very cool. Looks like a blast. Is a dog retrieving the ducks and geese? I'd imagine most of your shots are passthrus, 'cept for the blunts. Just wondering if a dog is bringing back broadheads. Also, do you lose a lot of arrows to the water? I've paid $3 for a shotgun shell, but $10-15 for an arrow. Ouch. Thanks.

From: Beav
I'm not going to say I haven't lost a few but not as many as a guy might think. Like you said most blunts stay in the duck although you will get a pass through once in a while. The arrows float so the ones that miss usually blow up against the ice. A lot of times we shoot them setting on the ice so they will then usually skip across the ice to the shore. One day my dog retrieved 24 arrows and 16 ducks for us.

From: heartshot
Well as an avid duck hunter, I am impressed. Honestly I like seeing ducks explode at 15 ft with 3 1/2" # 2s. But man.....that is cool and obviously challenging. Thanks for the pics.

From: Sivart
I've done the same thing along a spring fed creek that never freezes, late in the season.

From: okiebones
It's legal.You have to look in the federal regs. generally.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
I found some more pics I thought I would post.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
The picture above shows a banded bird. We have been lucky enough to arrow three banded drakes over the last four years.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo

From: Matt
"It's legal, I asked the Game and Parks commission personnally."

Sad to say, but my experience is that those folks often those folks do not know or understand their own regulations and asking them is not a good way to go about establishing what is and is not legal. I would ask someone in the dept. to point out to you which section in the regs permits it and get it in writing if possible, because based on the state regulations posted above, it does not appear to be legal at the state level.

From: Matt
I found this on Nebraska's web site:


Only shotguns 10 gauge or smaller may be used for game birds. During the Conservation Action, participants may use shotguns capable of holding more than three shells in the chamber and magazine combined. The use of electronic calls is permitted for the Conservation Action. Rifles and crossbows may NOT be used for hunting migratory birds.

It is mute on archery gear, but could be interpreted that only shotguns are legal weapons. The regs are ambiguous and poorly written IMO.

From: Beav
I'll agree that they are poorly written but I made calls at the state and federal level and both said it is legal. In fact I have taken out a state and a federal waterfowl biologist.

i searched the federal site also....it does not mention archery methods as legal and in fact only talks about shotguns....but it doesn't speciciallly pr0hibit archery equipment.

From: Beav
They told me that the reason it was not mentioned in the regs is the fact no one does it. They did say that it doesn't mention it as a prohibited weapon such as a rifle or crossbow. Why would it be illegal? We lost four birds all of the last two years and that was because they got into some thick weeds before we could get them. Four out of 148 is pretty good IMO. I have hunted a lot of ducks with shotguns and wish I had the same recovery rate we do with the bows.

From: Nelson
Im not trying to be mean but you guys need to leave him alone about weather it is legal or not to shoot ducks with a bow. He prolly wouldnt put it up if wasnt legal, its legal here in Nebraska. Ive even seen on 3 occasions duck hunting on the outdoor channel on the north platte river, in NE.

Those are some awesome pics Beav, Congrats Mike

From: Beav
Thanks Mike! It seems that a lot of guys would rather bash on a guy than congradulate them.

From: Ty
Nice job brushing in that double bull in the last photo. Are the ducks picky about that?

From: Beav
Very picky!!! I brush it in until I can only see windows.

From: Beav
Woody, if your interested we'll do it. I'll bet them bullheads would cause some major damage. Most shots are 10-30 yards. Most of our hunting is in Dec and Jan.

From: Beav
I'll keep you in mind. We could do a duck, turkey combo. I own some land along the river with a cabin that is loaded with turkeys.

From: Man of Stihl
Be careful what you say on this site, Beav. Some people may have a problem with you shooting turkeys in a cabin.

From: Beav
Did I mention they are wild and come in a brown bottle!! You got me there Man of Stihl!

From: joeinmn
Those are amazing photos. Waterfowl with a bow, that is cool.

Beav That's pretty dang awesome...Has anyone every tried taking birds (upland or waterfowl) with a recurve and fluflu arrows outta the air? My dad used to try and he is a pretty dang good shot, and he probably hit 1 outta every 50..Used to practice with old milk jugs..Its something Ive always wanted to try with upland and my pointing dog, but with waterfowl you could probably flock shot and have a better chance...lol

From: slow mover
Beav, Great off season hunting! The photos are super and my hats off to you for having so much extra fun with your bow!

From: Marty

Marty's embedded Photo
Marty's embedded Photo
Beav, thought I'd jump in and show the picture of you and I with my 1st Drake. Beav was nice enough to offer to get him out of the water for me. This was one of the first times we tried duck hunting with the bows and we didn't take waders or the dog and just hid in the cattails along a pond that still had some ice on one end. Most of the ducks wouldn't land back then with us just hiding in the weeds but we did manage to kill three. Anyway, trying to be a man, I couldn't let Harlin get my duck which was just stuck floating in the middle of the pond, so I stripped down to my undies and started out to get him. About 30 feet in and 10 feet from the duck my legs were numb to the knee and I was laughing that it wasn't even deep. Then the next step I was in over my head and thought I could just swim real quick like and grab the stupid duck, but it was sooooo cold that all I could manage was a fast doggie paddle. Beav said it was one of those PRICELESS moments that he will never forget. Anyway, thanks for the memories and I will also post a picture of the bufflehead that I jump shot on a different pond. Only duck I ever got flying! Later, Kevin

From: Marty

Marty's embedded Photo
Marty's embedded Photo
Oops, here's the mallard pic Beav. Kevin

From: non typ
I always thought you had to shoot them in the air, I never have checked the written laws. May be the ethics taught by my dad,uncles and others. I have often thought of shooting them with my bow while on my deer stand on the edge of the lake but did not think it was legal.

From: spikehorn
That is incredible! Thanks for sharing the pictures and your methods. Might need a waterfowl forum here with you guys!

Do the rubber blunts damage much meat? I've shot a couple critters with them and the bruising was bad.

From: TNDeerHunter
That's awesome man. I duck hunt with a gun and have a hard enough time killin with it. We killed 763 ducks out of our pit this year. But when everything freezes up I might have to break out the double bull and Ross and try smoking some with the stick and string.

From: Beav
The rubber blunts penetrate so you usually just have a hole and can trim it out easily without much waste. A blunt is the best head we have found on marginal hits such as breast hits. A blunt will anchor them even when hit in the breast. Yea Marty I think you may have broke the world record for the doggy paddle that day.

From: Beav
One more thing here in Nebraska the only birds that must be in flight are doves and quail. Not to unethical shooting a duck on the set with a bow if you ask me.

I'm just pissed I never thought of this. I'm already so inspired I'm figuring out where I can find some area to try this. Also going to discuss with my local wildlife enforcement guy before I do it.

From: Beav
Straight Arrow, you will be surprised how good it works if you brush your blind in good. Good idea of talking to your wildlife enforcement guy.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
I think this diver was lost. He was in a creek that was three feet wide and a foot deep.

From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
You never know what might stroll by your blind.

From: LTG

LTG's embedded Photo
LTG's embedded Photo
If you can get permission during a nuisance goose season, expandables work well...

From: diggiedirt
Awesome! my son and I just started waterfowl hunting last year and we are having a tough enough time getting them with scatterguns! Maybe when we get our decoying and calling down a little better! Thanks for sharing!

From: elknuts2
Beav, that's simply awesome! I didn't bother to open this thread originally, as I figured some goober was asking about shooting them out of the air, and how many arrows you'd lose. The way you guys do it is very cool. I'm highly impressed. Where I duck hunt, it seldom freezes at all, almost never enough to do it the way you guys do. I'd lose a heck of a lot of arrows shooting up into the sky, so I'll stick with my Beretta shotgun.

Keep it up, and don't let the naysayers drag you down.

I have been planning a hunt for waterfowl with a bow, our state regs state we can use standard fletch from a boat to take waterfowl on the water, or flu flu for arial shots makes since to me I will going this year with my boat.

From: UTsportsman
diggiedirt, you are doing it wrong, shoot them on the water, "sport" apparently has nothing to do with "sporting".

you'll see a law on it soon...and those of us who hunt on the wing and make special trips for thirty years to places where we can hunt pheasant and waterfowl on the wing with our trad gear will be told we can't anymore.

shooting on the wing is viewed as sporting, whacking them on the water will look unethical only because it is not sporting, and the public gets those two confused...if it was sporting so many of you wouldn't have IMMEDIATELY went to Nebraska parks and looked to see if it was legal...doesn't sound legal? yep it is, just not sporting...

don't get sporting confused with ethical.

From: Marty
UTsportsman, you have me confused. While I will agree that wing shooting birds with trad gear is probably more sporting than sitting in a blind in sub freezing weather waiting on birds that we have scouted for days or weeks, I beg to differ that it isn't sporting. On the same holes that we will sit all morning and maybe get three or four birds apiece, at best, we would be done shooting them on the fly with shotguns in an hour. We got past the need to fill our limits and wanted to try something more SPORTING to us. I would never say that doing it with a shotgun isn't sporting, just not that hard for us to fill our limits. I don't believe that anyone was checking the regs to see if it was legal to shoot them sitting, just if it was legal with archery gear. I wish that I could afford to make special trips for thirty years to do any kind of hunting, you are lucky there! While I will wish you the best in your hunts, I would hope that you could also do the same for your fellow bowhunters! Take care, Kevin

From: Houska
How could shooting a duck on the water with a bow be unsporting? UTsportsman I think you are getting a bow and a gun confused. One goes boom, the other, twang. I have been a waterfowl hunter for 20 plus years and never have shot (with a shotgun) a duck or goose once his feet hit the water, even if he did get up and fly.

I would have no problems sleeping at night after shooting a duck on the water with a bow.

Two different weapons, two different sporting chances

Good hunting Houska

From: Beav
UTsportsman, perhaps the success photos gave the wrong perception. I posted our most successful hunts over the last four years. Through trial and error we have increased our success but to say what we are doing is not "sporting" then obviously you have never tried this. Many days we have set in the blind in below zero temps all day and not shot a thing. Maybe I'm sick in the head but those days were still enjoyable since we were out doing what we love "bowhunting". You say this is not sporting. Do you think it is more sporting to take a mallard out of the air with some 3" number 4's than to arrow one sitting on the ice at 20 yards? I've did both plenty of times and in my mind there's no comparison. Like Marty said the reason we originally experimented with archery gear was the fact that we were often limited out in a very short time with shotguns and were looking for something a liitle more challenging and also found a way to extend our bowhunting season. The reason we contacted the Nebraska Game and Parks was the fact it didn't specify in the regs, nothing more nothing less. Good Bowhunting to all. By the way is anyone interested in buying a shotgun. :)

From: elknuts2
UTsportsman, I perceive guys like you to be a big part of sportsmen's problem, not a part of any solution at all. You're one of thoese elitists who has to criticise other bowhunters because they don't do it the way YOU think is best. Following your logic (flawed logic) it would then be unethical to shoot a wild turkey, since those are shot on the ground. You would probably also argue that it is unethical to shoot a standing deer, since it would be more 'sporting' to shoot one while it is walking.

If you have something constructive or supporting to say, by all means do it. If all you can do is complain about someone bowhunting with gear that isn't traditional, and taking shots where they have a higher liklihood of making a quick, clean kill than you do, please refrain from saying anything. The rest of us who aren't so elite would appreciate it.

Bows are legal for waterfowl in Florida

From: Skeeter
AWESOME! I spend many hours on a river each year in pursuit of ducks, and have always wanted to try with my bow. I looked at the regs for colorado and as far as I can tell it's legal. Thanks for sharing, it looks like you've got it down for hunting them that way!

From: 4ks
I think its pretty darn cool

From: masemaamed
I love the pics and see no problem with shooting ducks on the water with a bow.

From: G-Man
This is amazing! My brother loves to duck hunt with a shotgun. He just got into bowhunting. He has got to see this!!!

From: Erichardin
Pretty cool really. I wish I did last year after deer season wound down, I always get in a funk, not this year though.

From: Rattus58

Where is it said that anything legal is either un-sporting or unethical? Sporting you ask? Hunting with a bow is unsporting if you shoot it on the ground? Give me a break will you.

I don't want to turn this grand thread into a pissing match about ethics, but ethics is personal. I think it's marvelous that these guys have had the gumption and the tenacity to go hunting with their bows for waterfoul or pheasant.

A bird in the air can be lost. Here in Hawaii you cannot use blunts, which I did on a turkey by accident one time, and it plowed that bird something fierce. I hit a flushed turkey at no more than 10 feet with my recurve and an MA-3 right through the body... set it's wings and the dang thing glided downhill for over a quarter of a mile... a blunt would have dropped in mid flight(but illegal)and shooting it on the ground would have more than likely kept it there... (recovery).

But back to sportsmanship... sportsmanship is action and activity amongst hunters, not the hunted. Sporting would be whether the activity with the game hunted is considered a challenge or not, and then it comes down as to what is "legal".

Sporting is also a personal thing or agreement amongst hunters. Some might call it ethical, but that is not the right term. Ethical has more to do with legality than sportsmanship. For example, is it ethical to hunt geese with calls and decoys? Why?

There are those who could look at that as being un-sportsman like, since you "fool" the birds to coming into ranges that they get "slaughtered". But almost every gun hunter says of course it's sporting, we're shooting them on the wing. Personally I don't see much of a distinction with a landing bird, but it is not my call. It is the call of the hunter.

Shooting a bird over a dog versus spot and stalk? Is stalking a pheasant with your bow and shooting it on the ground ANY less sporting than shooting it with the aid of a dog as soon as it rises?

These guys are on a tough hunt, hunting birds with a bow and sportsmanship, sporting, and ethics ALL have to do with bringing home the game... 4/143.... AWESOME!

Much Aloha... Tom

From: stan420
What you guys are doing here is nothing short of impressive. Hell, impressive is even an understament IMO. Sporting/ Schmorting. You guys are rocking, having a blast and accomplishing something that 99% of us bowhunters would never even attempt. My hats off to you guys. Keep up the fun, comraderey and what seems to be a pricelss enjoyment of one of the greatest (and tastiest I might add) God given resources known to man. Godspeed!

From: Skeeter

Skeeter's embedded Photo
Skeeter's embedded Photo
Awesome pics. It's a lot of fun! I am going to school in wyoming, and so I found some prarie river to hunt. I stalked to the edge of the river bank and harvested this hen pintail as she was swimming down stream. Used a judo point and it was one of the quickest kills I have expierienced, what a rush! Good eating too.

From: Shuteye
I don't have any pictures but I have killed quite a few ducks with a recurve bow. In my area I would slowly sneak up the edge of small streams that go through the woods. When acorns are falling the mallards and wood ducks flock to these areas. Most of my shots were at ducks swimming up and down the little streams. After a heavy rain the streams would overflow into the oak bottoms and ducks would come in like crazy. I never used a call or blind, just sneak along the bank or stand behind a big oak tree until a duck swam by. You would be amazed at how many acorns a little wood duck can stuff into it's little body. I haven't done it in years but it used to be a regular thing.

From: Brock-ID
Beav, Congrats on the waterfowl, I have tried on several occasions to take ducks with my bow and only have taken one duck. I was jumping ditches and missed the duck I was trying for and got the one next to it... It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I enjoyed the photos and keep doing what your doing. My opinion is what you are doing is sporting and I consider it ethical. Keep the pics coming...

From: slow mover
Beav, I'am a duck hunter and I think you guys are great! I may try geese soon! Keep at it!

From: Hollywood
Duck hunting with a bow is legal in CA, however we have to shoot Flu-flus for "on-the-wing" shots. I often wanted to try archery over dec's in college, but I never did.

Glad to see you guys whacking 'em.

From: Pass-thru
2) Bow and Arrows or Crossbows. Only arrows or crossbows bolts with flu- flu fletching may be used except that conventionally fletched arrows may be used to take waterfowl sitting on the water from scullboats or similar watercraft. Archers hunting during any archery season may not possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting.

Hollywood, THis is what I pulled off of the California DFG website inregards to hunting waterfowl with a bow and arrow. I pulled off a honker hunt last weekend with a buddy and killed 5. It was way more fun that doing it with a shotgun and was a blast.

From: Bowtech

Bowtech's embedded Photo
Bowtech's embedded Photo
I just want to let ya’ll know that I finally did it. I took a duck with my bow!

I decided to take this afternoon off and try for a duck with my bow and then go set up my bear stand. I arranged to give it a try with a farmer who had a beaver pond where I knew ducks to loaf during mid day. I went across the river and eased down along the edge of a cut cornfield. I started getting close to the pond when I heard wings beat. You know the sound, the one where there is a duck sitting on a log in the sunshine lounging and they give the wings a few fast beats and stretch out then go back to preening. When I heard that I started working my way slowly down along the edge to close the distance a little. I find a beaver run and slip down into it as I slowly work my way along. I start coming out to an open pocket on the near end of the beaver pond and I hear the wings flap again. They are close, just around the corner… I slow down even more as I don’t want to create any wakes since I’m up to my waist in water. There are a couple downed logs in the water and I pull out the rangefinder and take a reading. I can’t believe it, it says 40 yards. I wouldn’t have guessed it was near that far. I guess looking across open water is a bit deceiving. Just then I see a hen mallard swim out along the edge of the log. She gives me the once over but I don’t move a muscle and I keep my face down and the bow in front of me. She turns and glides back around the corner. I slide my feet along the bottom and move left and forward barely breathing. There is a nice drake mallard sitting further along the log preening himself, what a sight! The sun is shining off that solid green head and he has no idea in the world that I’m there. I sloooowly pull the rangefinder again and take a reading on him…36 yards. He sure doesn’t look 36 yards but I have learned long ago to trust the rangefinder over my own estimations. Now I know what most of you are thinking right now. Using the rangefinder directly on the animal will disqualify him for the P+Y record books, I know, I know, but I wanted to make sure since this was my first attempt at waterfowl, lol. I figure this is about as close as I’m going to get since I’ve run out of beaver run and my next step will put me out in the open so I snap the release on and ease the string back to anchor. The G5 SG Heads that I use are 125 grains whereas my broadheads are 90 grains and I know that they shoot about 6” low at 40 yards. Being 36 yards I figure the 40 yard pin right on his back should be right so that’s where I place the pins as I swing them on. I take an extra second to make sure of the bubble level on my sights and squeeze ‘er off. I don’t see it but I hear the “Whack” of a solid hit. The drake is off the log flapping in the water when the pocket erupts with mallards going everywhere. I figure there must be about 40 or more in that little pocket. They don’t know what’s going on and many fly right over me; I may have been able to get another one if I threw the bow, lol I take off my pouch and wade across to claim my prize. The arrow hit him in the near wing butt, doing major damage, and exited just to the back of his off side leg. I figure that this rivals taking my first deer! What a thrill!

From: Beav
Congrats Bowtech on a nice drake. I remember how excited I was to finally take my first duck which was also a drake mallard.

From: howler
You know I don't like it when waterfowl is bowhunted, my reasoning is there is always someone who shoots a duck or goode and the arrow don't hit any vitals but appears to be sticking clear thru the center of the animale. then the duck or goose takes up residence in a city pond or someplace where everyone sees it and then it puts bowhunters in a bad light. Just one more thing we have to deal with that we shouldn't have to. jsut my 2 cents

From: Beav
Howler I couldn't disagree more! My buddies and I have shot over 250 ducks and geese with the bow and we have never had one fly away with the arrow. Most of those waterfowl walking around with an arrow through them are ones shot by some idiot with field points. If a guy uses the right equipment the wound rate is next to zero which is a hell of lot better than I can say for steel shot.

I have been to several city parks and seen geese with hurt wings from shotgunners. I've also seen deer before with an arrow in them does that mean we should quit bowhunting deer. We use rubber blunts and G5 SGH on ducks and big expandables on geese. With those combos the only place you will see one of the ducks I shoot is in the frying pan.

From: Hornseeker
Well...I am planning to spend some time trying for them "in the air" this winter. I have a ditch near my house that the ducks drop into like sacks of taters...they dont even circle most the time, just come flying up and DROP... The ditch will get 100-500 ducks an evening in it..all right there at about 1/2 hour before dark. it doesnt freeze...

I plan to mount some snuffers up with some flu flus... i'd basically only be shooting at ducks that were "set" and dang near on top of me...im thinking sort of gillie suit type deal... if I'm still...they wont see me till I draw...which is only a 3/4 second deal before I release..

If it doens't work... maybe I"ll try a blind and ground sluice them...but as of now...I really want to try in the air!!!

Beav.... Awesome Pics!


From: aspen bulls
On a double bull video they were hunting geese in Minnesota I believe? But it looked like a blast so last season I tried it one day simply stalking them but had a limited amount of time and only took two long shots (wasn't sure if they would mind me being close??). Missed both but it was loads of fun!!

wow...in the air. Now that's some shooting. Do you shoot a compound or a stick?

From: duxxngeese

duxxngeese's embedded Photo
duxxngeese's embedded Photo
Hey guys here in illinois it is legal to hunt waterfowl with bows also. I will post a picture of my latest kill. Double Bull blinds are the best.I wish I had a good duck hole.Has anyone else used the gullotine gobler on geese. I practice with my block target as a stop with a old poly foam pillow as the stopper and put a surveyors flag in the ground with pipe insulation on it and WOW when it cuts the insulation into 2 pice it is a good feeling. After I feel good then it is time for the gander to loose its head. Just like the videos from Double Bull on turkeys. When you see the red ice the next week after a gullotine hunt it makes you think what happened here? As Teddy Rosevelt once said "I may not be a good shot, but I do shoot alot. So I take alot of amo with me when I do go."

From: sipe
Beav...this is friggin awesome. Love those pics. Forget the haters...just hunt

I hunted ducks with my bow for more seasons than I can remember. Not for the last few seasons, though. Someone bought the land, covered the creek and built a storage lot over it.

From: STAN
In the end we are all just looking for the "RUSH". Whether it was that first six point you shot when you were 9 years old that means more to you than the 170 inch booner you shot in illinois. You may now think that you would never shoot a immature deer again but you would now understand why someone else did. Maybe we need to give this guy the same credit, it might not be what some would do but we as hunters should understand and congradulate him on a hunt well done. I think you show alot of imagination and should get a pat on the back by all hunters, and these haters should look in the mirror and realize they may be starting to sound like those who appose hunting all together. Whether gun, bow or whatever, if it is legal, if it gives you a rush and you feel like a true ethical, sporting hunter, you really are! We are all at different stages of experience as hunters and should be appreciative to those who go the extra mile to make it a challenge and lead the way...FRED BEAR!!!!!

From: Nates Daddy
I just found this thread and was highly entertained...I've done the same thing the past few years on a pond at my father's farm. Never taken one out of the air (I'e never even tried a flu-flu), but the ducks at this pond will come in and after settling in will often hang out either on the shoreline or will be stationary enough paddling to try a shot. Most of my shots have been between 25-40 yards. I'll argue with anyone that questions the "sporting-ness" of trying to make a solid shot on a greenhead at 40 yards! It is really challenging and makes for a fun morning.

Early on, I lost a couple birds that had pass-thru's from standard broadheads that were able to fly away before giving up the ghost, and that upset me so much that I almost quit the archery attack. Took me a lot of trial-and-error to find what Beav apparently figured out early...the G5 SGH heads are AWESOME on ducks. I've also wanted to give one of the long blade turkey heads a try...I bet the Bullheads would be sweet for a head shot and not cause as much damage to the meat.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents. Good to see some others are having as much fun as I am...

From: Nates Daddy
I just found this thread and was highly entertained...I've done the same thing the past few years on a pond at my father's farm. Never taken one out of the air (I'e never even tried a flu-flu), but the ducks at this pond will come in and after settling in will often hang out either on the shoreline or will be stationary enough paddling to try a shot. Most of my shots have been between 25-40 yards. I'll argue with anyone that questions the "sporting-ness" of trying to make a solid shot on a greenhead at 40 yards! It is really challenging and makes for a fun morning.

Early on, I lost a couple birds that had pass-thru's from standard broadheads that were able to fly away before giving up the ghost, and that upset me so much that I almost quit the archery attack. Took me a lot of trial-and-error to find what Beav apparently figured out early...the G5 SGH heads are AWESOME on ducks. I've also wanted to give one of the long blade turkey heads a try...I bet the Bullheads would be sweet for a head shot and not cause as much damage to the meat.

Anyway, there's my 2 cents. Good to see some others are having as much fun as I am...

From: RunsUpRiver
I've been trying to find good info on Bowhunting Waterfowl, and so far, this thread has been the most helpful. Good stuff!

I am wondering if anyone knows the legal definition of a Flu- Flu arrow. I cannot find a definition on the California DFG website.

Are there any arrow stopping or drag requirements?

Do the feathers need to be a certain height?

I'm in California, so any info that can help me better understand the regs is appreciated! This is all there really is available, and it doesnt answer many questions!

2) Bow and Arrows or Crossbows. Only arrows or crossbows bolts with flu- flu fletching may be used except that conventionally fletched arrows may be used to take waterfowl sitting on the water from scullboats or similar watercraft. Archers hunting during any archery season may not possess a firearm while in the field engaged in archery hunting.

Trying to figure out what this means. Can I not shoot sitting ducks while I am on land? How about if I am on land and the ducks are on water?

Can I use a FLU- FLU to shoot ducks sitting on land?

Do I have to be floating on the water, or can the scull boat be beached while I shoot?



From: drayegon
Dean My wife and I shoot both in OR and CA. She has a Job in CA and we have a house there. I am retired an still have a house in OR that My Godson stays in and I still live there as well. CA wont let me own my guns they are violating my civil rights and my Rights under the US Constitution. My Wife and I both own older Browning Citori's and can not use steel shot in them so we both use our bows to hunt Ducks. We both use Flu Flu arrows so that we do not cause a dangerous situation for other hunters. I use some old old fiberglass arrows I had around. I capped them with old 308 brass cases instead of the rubber tips. I do use long circle wrapped feathers to keep them from flying very far. They will still go up at least 70 yards or so. If you can lead a duck or goose with a shotgun you can do it with a bow. For practice get a bunch of small balloons fill with Helium. Tape a couple of straight pins to the brass casing. They will float pretty fast and high. the wind makes them go crazy. We love duck and Goose. With mushrooms and Rice and biscuits and gravy. Lots of Celery and onions inside the duck and bacon across the ducks breast cook at 375 Till the Temp is 170F

73 dray

From: RunsUpRiver
Dray- You found that there was enough knock with the .308 casings to bring down a duck?

I've done the helium ballons on a string, dancing in the wind and such for target practice.

I'm still researching FLU FLUs. Hopefully I can find a FLU FLU that will work good for both Turkey and Waterfowl from my bird bow. Best to get used to just one arrow style. Turkeys we can use any arrow type, Waterfowl, just flu flu's.


From: Beav

Beav's embedded Photo
Beav's embedded Photo
My son has been begging me to take him out after some ducks. Conditions were finally perfect so I took him out last weekend along with a buddy who had had never killed one. We had a pretty good morning. My son managed to kill four and his last one was 26 yards.

congratulations nice pics beav, and ( HAPPY HOLIDAYS) TO EVERY ONE

From: aussie
top photos guys. All that white stuff scares me. I hunt in a land of desert and drought and lots of sand and 40 degrees Centigrade. paul

From: Thunderstick
I've taken grouse, turkey and pheasant with a bow. Now this has really gotten me thinking about how I'm going to do this next year. One of the many reasons I enjoy bowsite. Lots a good and new info. Thanks Beav

From: heartshot
Beav, That is awesome. Do you shoot them on the ice?

The only issue with this is I like to explode the duck with a full choke #3 at 6 yards. I think I would miss that......

Bows are legal in Alabama for waterfowl as well.

From: Beav
Heartshot we usually shoot them on the ice or in the water although we have killed a few in flight over the years.

From: Gold Miner
Awesome! Sounds like a great time. Great practice as well.

From: DaleM
Still about 2 weeks left in the goose season in northern Illinois. I got to give this a try.

From: Darton8

From: Darton8
I do'nt see Flu-Flu's in any of the picture up top I see large feathers and blazer zanes.

From: Beav
Mostly shot on the ground although we have taken a few out of the air.

From: Ackie
Pretty cool! We hunt mainly geese but were able to put a few ducks to sleep. My buddy and I shot 28 geese last season! so fun to sit in aground blind and shoot as many arrows ar fast as you can. Our record was 7 in one evening. One had a collar and a band.

From: Beav
Awesome job Ackie. I have a buddy that arrowed 38 geese last year. They are much esier to get multiple shots at than ducks. He shot several out of the their pit blind. He would let one land in the decoys and just let him settle in and a few mintues later would slide the lid back draw his bow and come up and WHACK! He shot his limit of three birds several times.

Awesome pictures and hunts Beav! I too have asked about hunting waterfowl here in Indiana with archery equipment. Same deal, Its A-OK! I have not done it yet but I look foward to it. Looks like the way to go.

From: BrowningHog
Hey everyone Very new to the site and very new to Bowhunting after reading this im glad I got my bow and cant wait to try it out on something that moves haha. I just wanted to know of anyone that hunts around florida. Im in the tampa area and am in need of hunting spots in around the area. I have 2 year old so I dont always have the time to drive 6-8 hours to hunt for the weekend. Please let me know of any spots you would recommend and any tips I would be very greatful.

From: bowfisher


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